RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1537: Artificial ghost hand

Kirito recently had the comparison worry matter. 桐人最近有件比较烦恼的事情。 No, the accurate words, should be Kirito and Leafa this brother and sister, recently compared with worry. 不,准确的来说的话,应该是桐人莉法这兄妹两人,最近比较烦恼。 It is not other reasons, but is Laney, Fiona and Ryder with looking at their looks, is less right. 不是其他的原因,而是雷尼、菲欧娜和莱德拿看他们两人的眼神,越来越不对劲。 To come is also, from the capital to the border city that the iron wolf knight group is stationed , the distance altogether takes ten days. But these ten in days, their brother and sister have the big harvest. Others, can only envy in that dry/does. 想来也是,从首都到铁狼骑士团驻扎的边境城市,路程总共需要十来天。而这十来天中,就他们兄妹两人有着较大的收获。其他人,只能在那干羡慕。 This makes other three people look at their vision, how possibly right getting up. 这让其他三人看他们的目光,怎么可能对劲的起来。 Leafa fortunately, after all is a female student, how with takes for Ryder of Laney and Fiona and male student female student cannot she. But Kirito, did not have such good treatment. 莉法还好点,毕竟是女生,同为女生的雷尼和菲欧娜以及男生的莱德拿不会怎么着她。可桐人,就没有这么好的待遇了。 But the issue lies in Kirito he does not have the means. 可问题在于桐人他也没有办法啊。 He and Leafa wants to share the experience that learns with others, but this is inappropriate. 他和莉法是想和其他人分享学到的经验,可这不合适啊。 Several knights of that accompaniment, wait for you to lower the head to them. If oneself share these knowledge, didn't offend these knights? 那陪同的几名骑士,就等着你们给他们低头呢。要是自己把这些知识分享出去,不就得罪了这些骑士了吗? Does not share, in these three will of the people is not comfortable. 可不分享,这三人心里又不怎么舒服。 Moreover, in the final analysis this is not his mistake. In starting, he also has to remind. He said that we maintained the relations with other knights as far as possible. He said like this. 而且,说到底这也不是他的错啊。在开始的时候,他也不是没有提醒过。他说了啊,‘我们尽量和其他骑士搞好关系吧’。他这样说了。 Finally your cannot have a long face, another two gather round the regimental commander to transfer all day long. Whom can this blame? Also can blame to his head. 结果你们一个拉不下脸,另外两个成天围着团长转。这能怪谁?还能怪到他的头上吗。 It is not excellent sometimes, indeed is unable to ponder with sane. Moreover they also understand, Kirito has reminded, but they have not listened. Therefore no one or complained anything to Kirito and Leafa complaint. 不过人在有些时候,的确无法用理智去进行思考。而且他们也明白,桐人已经提醒过了,只是他们没听。所以没有人对桐人莉法抱怨或者埋怨什么。 But oneself when accepting guidance, these three people of that small looks, indeed keep his some from being relieved. 但自己在接受教导时,这三人那小眼神,的确让他有些无法安下心来。 In discussed after Leafa one next, two people decide to help their. After all later raised the head the partner who does not see to lower the head to see, does not need to let have the barrier because of this minor matter. 所以在和莉法商量了一下后,两人决定还是帮他们一把。毕竟以后是抬头不见低头见的伙伴,没必要因为这点小事而让彼此之间产生隔阂。 Therefore, two people then when a time eating meal, from one side attempted to inquire under. Several knights after looking at each other one, to Kirito two people affirmative answers. 于是,两人便在一次吃饭的时候,从侧面尝试着询问了下。几名骑士在对视了一眼后,给桐人两人肯定的答复。 Other three people, they , to study, you can share. These things, roll this , after the knight in any case will learn , there is nothing to conceal.” “其他三个人啊,他们要是想学的话,你们可以分享。反正这些东西,到骑士团本部后都会学到,没什么好隐瞒的。” This reply, making the Kirigaya brother and sister relax. They are also thinking, if these knight big brothers are not glad, should be what to do good. 这个回答,让桐谷兄妹松了口气。他们还想着,要是这几名骑士大哥不乐意的话,该怎么办才好呢。 In fact, must ask words that they are really glad, that is not definitely glad. 事实上,要问他们真的乐意不乐意的话,那肯定是不乐意的。 Rookies who one skill has not put on airs, two after regimental commander that admits defeat, fool who wants to keep resuming things given up. Does not make them eat a lesson, they also really think that the knight group is what ivory tower. 一个屁本事没有还摆架子的菜鸟,两个在团长那吃瘪后,想吃回头草的笨蛋。不让他们吃点教训,他们还真以为骑士团是什么象牙塔呢。 Do not forget, in their top of the heads is also pressing a Barn. 可不要忘了,他们的头顶上还压着一个巴恩呢。 Barn already and several people have said that with just do not have the rookies of training battalion to lower oneself to the same level. If they want to study, teaches. 巴恩早就和几个人说过,不要和刚出训练营的菜鸟一般见识。他们要是想学的话,就多教点。 Has these words to press on the head, even if not feeling well they also to suppress at heart again. 有这句话压在脑袋上,哪怕心里再不爽他们也得憋着。 Originally their ideas, other three person aware has the advantage to apologize to apologize. Such a, the advantage they have, the matter that the regimental commander explains they also did, satisfies both sides. 本来他们的想法,其他三个人自己自觉的带着好处来道歉赔罪。这么一来,好处他们也有,团长交待的事情他们也做了,两全其美。 But Kirito and Leafa such a asked that advantage surely did not have 桐人莉法这么一问,那好处肯定是没了 However, they are not do not know, in these five people four people are the civilian backgrounds. On that in little fellow family/home that has the ghost hand is a Baron, the body could a little thing. 不过也罢,他们又不是不知道,这五个人中四个人都是平民背景。就那个拥有鬼手的小家伙家里是男爵,身上或许能有点东西。 But ..... perhaps on him brings the thing, can buy in the knight group. After all, the iron wolf knight rolls the good and evil is also the knight group that the emperor subordinates. Moreover takes on, is outside the national investigation fight. 但.....说不定他身上带着的东西,在骑士团内部就能买到。毕竟,铁狼骑士团好歹也算是皇帝直属的骑士团。而且担当的,还是国家境外的调查战斗。 Therefore in the commodity division, the iron wolf knight rolls the proportion of accounting for is quite many. Ryder of Baron background takes, speaks the truth really is also nothing. 所以在物资划分上,铁狼骑士团所占的比例还是相当多的。男爵背景的莱德拿,讲道理还真算不了什么。 Originally is not anything at the worst. 况且,本来也不算什么大不了的事情。 The almost 30-year-old person, just had/left the little fellows of training battalion to lower oneself to the same level to do with several more than ten years old. This must be known by own assistant regimental commander, holds joint exercises that long spear/gun on the bed that oneself hit to lie down absolutely several days. 都快30岁的人了,和几个十几岁刚出训练营的小家伙一般见识干什么。这要让自家的副团长知道,绝对会操起那杆长枪把自己打的在床上躺个好几天。 Do not suspect, their assistant regimental commanders are so ruthless. 不要怀疑,他们的副团长就是有这么狠。 Kirito and Leafa naturally do not think, in this simple matter, in fact unexpectedly such complex. But generally speaking, the result is good. 桐人莉法自然是不会想到,这简简单单的事情里面,实际上居然会这么的复杂。但总体来说,结果是好的。 Therefore in the following time, the team of training increased three people. 所以在接下来的时间里,训练的队伍又增添了三人。 Laney several people also know, oneself have lagged behind were too many. Therefore in the following time, they are also clenching teeth to refuel. This bustling atmosphere, enables to become the knights of slippery customer to say after a sigh. 雷尼几人也知道,自己已经拉下了太多。所以在接下来的时间中,他们也咬着牙加油着。这种热火朝天的氛围,不禁让已经成为老油条的骑士们感叹道。 Young energetic .... “年轻就是有活力啊....” ----- ----- Several days of pass by, before arriving in the knight roll the headquarters, Kirito has promoted 15 levels. In other words, his physical quality, has achieved request that transfers the duty. 十几天的时间就这么过去,在抵达骑士团本营之前,桐人已经升级到了15级。也就是说,他的身体素质,已经达到了转职的要求了。 But he impossible in the player with DNF to be naturally same, completes an revolutions duty task, can switch through the duty to be successful, grasped one pile of Skill. 可他自然不可能和DNF中的玩家一样,去完成一个转职任务,就能直接转职成功,掌握了一堆技能 In the Arad mainland, wants to transfer the duty is the sword soul, must grasp two extremely essential Skill. 在阿拉德大陆,想要转职为剑魂,就必须要掌握两个极为关键的技能 The weapon controls, as well as broken extremely pointed weapons. 武器节制,以及破极兵刃。 Yes, only needs to grasp these two Skill, then calculates that you transferred the duty to be successful. Other what light armor are skilled, vigorous shadow and light sword to grasp, the light sword to be skilled in the weapon deep meaning, that cannot. 是的,只需要掌握这两个技能,那么便算你转职成功了。其他的什么轻甲精通、疾影手、光剑掌握、光剑精通和武器奥义,那都不是必须的。 Cites a clearest example, you look at the western mist that cotton garment, the Agan left that long gown, probably puts on light A appearance? 举个最明显的例子,你看西岚那一身布衣,阿甘左那长袍,像是穿着轻甲的样子吗? Familiarity that against has, has not looked like in DNF to be limited. Puts on you to like putting on, felt suits own against has on the line. 防具的精通,并没有像DNF里被局限。穿你喜欢穿的,觉得适合自己的防具就行。 Vigorous shadow, is the ability of fast switching weapon the sword soul is in sole possession. Through use different weapons, thus creates the attacks of different effect. This Skill, is the weapon deep meaning the mutual tie-in sale. 疾影手,是剑魂独有的快速切换武器的能力。通过使用不同的武器,从而造成不同效果的攻击。这个技能,是和武器奥义所相互搭配的。 Only had to know the deep meaning of weapon, can the free basis condition switch over, use all kinds of weapons to oppose the enemy. 唯有知晓了武器的奥义,才能自如的根据状况切换,使用各种各样的武器对敌。 Do you make Kirito achieve this in 15 levels? Noisy. 你让桐人在15级做到这个?闹呢。 Let alone Kirito, Barn, the western mist, Buwanga and Agan left these four big sword Saints, did not have the means to achieve. 别说桐人了,巴恩、西岚、布万加和阿甘左这四大剑圣,都没有办法做到。 Xie Ming because of the addition of sabreplay big grandmaster, can achieve actually. The point is that he uses the long blade to achieve the matter that the blunt instrument, heavy sword and short-sword can achieve, why also to use that effort. 谢铭因为刀术大宗师的加成,倒是可以做到。可问题是,他用长刀就可以做到钝器、重剑、短剑能做到的事情,干嘛还费那个劲。 At the DNF relay duty is the sword soul, means transfers the duty and obtains the sword soul Title. But actual in the Arad mainland, transferring the duty is the sword soul, with obtaining named sword soul Title, is the completely different meanings. 在DNF中转职为剑魂,是意味着转职和获得剑魂的称号。而实际在阿拉德大陆,转职为剑魂,和获得名为‘剑魂’的称号,是完全不同的意思。 The sword soul, comprehended the deep meaning of weapon, reached the limit in respective weapon domain Rieda, has the qualifications to be said. 剑魂,是领悟了武器的奥义,在各自的武器领域里达到了极限,才有资格被这么称呼。 katana west the mist, blunt instrument Buwanga, great sword Agan of left, the Barn of short-sword, four people then studied the limit in the respective weapon domain, therefore they can be called the sword soul. 太刀之西岚、钝器之布万加、巨剑之阿甘左,短剑之巴恩,四人便是在各自的武器领域专研到了极限,所以他们才能被称为剑魂。 Therefore, transfers the duty in the practical significance, chooses the path that the future is going to take. After the decision, then can be called transfers duty. But before has not decided that can only call with occupation. 所以,转职在实际意义上,是选择自己未来将要走下去的道路。在决定之后,便可以被称为转职者。而没决定之前,只能用职业者来称呼。 In the future how because must decide should, therefore everyone before transferring duty, needs seriously to consider. 因为是要决定未来到底该如何,所以每个人在转职前,都需要认真的考虑。 Therefore Barn, called in Kirito own compartment especially. No matter in the future how, this time Kirito is his subordinate. The subordinates arrived at the essential choice point, he must certainly help busily as the regimental commander. 因此巴恩,也特地把桐人叫到了自己的车厢中。不管未来如何,此时的桐人是他的部下。部下到了关键的抉择点,他作为团长肯定是要帮下忙的。 Preliminary knight Kirito, has seen Commander Barn.” “初阶骑士桐人,见过巴恩团长。” Un, sits.” “嗯,起来坐着吧。” Looks to oneself group knight ritual Kirito, Barn hinted a front seat lightly. After Kirito sits down, opens the mouth slowly. 看着对自己行骑士礼的桐人,巴恩淡淡的示意了一下面前的座位。等到桐人坐下后,才慢慢开口。 Believes that your oneself also felt, oneself at present to a choice point.” “相信你自己也感觉到了吧,自己目前到了一个抉择点。” Yes.” “是的。” Kirito nods, has the system, he felt more obvious. The ordinary training, to him is also additional Experience (EXP). For example wields ten blades, is additional 1 Experience (EXP). 桐人点了点头,有着系统,他感觉到的更加明显。平常的训练,对他来说也是加经验值的。比如挥十刀,是加一点经验值 But after the rank enters to 15 levels, regardless of how to train, how on the monster fight with the road, his Experience (EXP) is still entirely still. 可当等级进入到15级后,无论怎么训练,怎么和路上遇到的怪物战斗,他的经验值依然是纹丝不动。 Six months, rose dramatically to transfer the duty from an average person. This speed, before placing, perhaps will be regarded the monster to grasp. However, because in recent years the reform of empire, many talents one after another braves.” “半年时间,从一个普通人飙升到了转职。这种速度,放在之前恐怕会被当成怪物抓起来。不过,近些年来因为帝国的改革,有很多天才接二连三的冒出来。” Therefore, like you situation, although are few, but also has.” “因此,像你这样的情况虽然少,但也不是没有。” Barn's light saying: Believes, regarding the revolutions duty of swordsman, you should also understand.” 巴恩淡淡的说道:“相信,对于剑士的转职,你也应该有所了解了。” Ashura who rejection eyes sensation fluctuates, infects Kazan plague Berserker on own initiative, as well as is expert in the weapon domain sword soul. You understand, should be these three occupations.” “舍弃双眼感知波动的阿修罗,主动感染卡赞瘟疫的狂战士,以及专精武器领域的剑魂。你了解到的,应该是这三个职业。” These three choices, is most people's choice. However the knight as empire, as the member who the iron wolf knight rolls, you have other choices.” “这三个选择,也是大多数人的选择。但是作为帝国的骑士,作为铁狼骑士团的成员,你有着一些其他的选择。” Other .... Choice?” “其他的....选择?” The words that now I am going to speak, are the secret. Without my permission, you cannot tell anybody. Otherwise, I personally process you originally, understood what is heard?” “现在我将要说的话,属于机密。没有我的允许,你不能告诉任何人。否则,我会亲自来处理你,听明白了吗?” Yes!” “是!” Un.” “嗯。” Hears Kirito reply without hesitation, Barn slightly nodded, said later slowly. 听到桐人毫不犹豫的回答,巴恩微微点了点头,随后慢慢说道。 Empire, is always conducting the research to the ghost hand. But in recent years, is the year of studying successfully frequently presents. The biggest achievement, is the appearance of artificial ghost hand.” “帝国一直以来,都在对鬼手进行着研究。而近些年,是研究成功频繁出现的年头。最大的成果,莫过于人工鬼手的出现。” Artificial ghost hand .... “人工鬼手....” Yes.” “是的。” Tucks in own long sleeve, looked under to change into the silver-white ghost hand to Kirito completely, Barn said: I am the natural ghost hand owner. This silver-white color, grasped vigorous shadow, in the ghost Divine Power quantity after to ghost hand conducts the suppression, will appear.” 撩起自己的长袖,给桐人看了下自己已经完全化为银白色的鬼手,巴恩说道:“我是天生的鬼手拥有者。这银白色,是掌握了疾影手,对鬼手中的鬼神力量进行压制后才会出现的。” Normal swordsman grasped vigorous shadow, will not have such situation. However, the has ghost hand and no ghost hand, the difference is very big.” “正常的剑士掌握了疾影手,并不会出现这样的情况。但是,有鬼手和无鬼手,差异还是非常大的。” Ghost hand no doubt gives the person to bring the pain, but also gives the person to bring the strength. The sword soul after is suppressing the ghost hand thoroughly, brings is the activation of sword technique talent. Will let your comprehension to any sword technique Skill, has the extra addition.” “鬼手固然给人带来苦痛,但同样也给人带来力量。剑魂在彻底压制住鬼手之后,所带来的便是剑术天赋的激活。会让你对任何剑术技能的领悟,有着额外的加成。” Because however the appearance of artificial ghost hand, the swordsmen in empire also had many choices.” “而因为人工鬼手的出现,帝国的剑士也有了更多的选择。” „The first choice, then by the artificial ghost hand relation ghosts and gods, transfers the duty to sob for the ghost. The second choice, the ghost fusion in Kazuto labor ghost hand, a body double soul, becomes the present world ghosts and gods of inhuman non- ghost: Sword shadow.” “第一个选择,便是由人工鬼手联系鬼神,转职为鬼泣。第二个选择,和人工鬼手中的鬼融合,一体双魂,成为非人非鬼的现世鬼神:剑影。” „The third choice, through the strength of artificial ghost hand, contacts with the demon person from demon. With the demon person signing contract, obtains the strength of demon person, becomes agreement demon.” “第三个选择,通过人工鬼手的力量,联系到来自魔界的魔人。与魔人签订契约,获得魔人的力量,成为契魔者。” Takes back three fingers that stretch out, Barn tranquilly looks at Kirito. 收回伸出的三根手指,巴恩平静的看着桐人 This is the empire can provide for you, extra three choices. Although these three choices danger, but after the success , can actually have far surpasses other occupations the great powers. After all, the strength always follows the danger.” “这便是帝国能够为你提供的,额外的三种选择。这三种选择虽然危险,但成功后却能拥有远超其他职业的强大力量。毕竟,力量总是会伴随着危险。” „...... Sir Barn, should not have such good matter.” Kirito smiles: If I reject, how Sir Barn will do?” “......巴恩大人,应该没有这么好的事情吧。”桐人笑了笑:“要是我拒绝的话,巴恩大人会怎么做?” What will not do.” “什么也不会做。” Barn's light saying: I said that this is only provides other choices to you. Chose, shoulders the corresponding responsibility. That is all.” 巴恩淡淡的说道:“我说了,这只是给你提供其他的选择。选择了,就承担相应的责任。仅此而已。” That, I want to choose do not transplant the artificial ghost hand. Excuse me, making Sir Barn so take the trouble.” “那么,我想选择不移植人工鬼手。不好意思,让巴恩大人如此费心了。” Determination?” “确定了?” Yes.” “是的。” Good.” Barn is very simple: Then your choice, only had three. Fluctuation, sword technique as well as courage vigor. According to these days I to your observation, the fluctuations and sword technique two paths, should be most suitable your.” “那好。”巴恩十分干脆:“那么你的选择,就只剩下了三条。波动、剑术以及血气。按照这段时间我对你的观察,波动和剑术两条道路,应该是最适合你的。” Sword technique, can see before you, should have the considerable fight experience. These experiences unify your talent, therefore enables you to be able at present the smooth development, but has not come across the setback.” “剑术方面,可以看出你之前应该有相当的战斗经验。这些经验结合你的天赋,所以让你在目前可以平坦的发展而没有遇到挫折。” However fluctuation, you also quite have the talent. Crack wave cuts this Skill, although is the swordsman must grasp, but the induction request to fluctuation is considerably large. Perhaps some people, must sense more than ten years, crack wave that might find itself to correspond cuts the fluctuation.” “而波动方面,你也相当有天赋。裂波斩这个技能虽然是剑士必须掌握的,但对波动的感应要求还是相当大的。有些人,恐怕要感悟个十多年,才有可能找到自己对应的裂波斩波动。” But you and your younger sister, only spent for several days to grasp. Showing in fluctuation your brother and sister, has the excellent talent.” “但你和你的妹妹,只花了数天就掌握了。说明在波动方面你们兄妹,都有着绝佳的天赋。” Therefore perhaps, Ashura's the say/way of fluctuation will be more suitable than you sword technique.” “所以说不定,阿修罗的波动之道会比剑术更加适合你们。” Do not think what both want, this is the matter that the fool can handle. To you, say/way of enough you sword technique studied for a lifetime. Naturally, this did not mean that you cannot learn/study other.” “不要想着什么两个都要,这是傻子才会做的事情。对于你们来说,剑术之道就足够你们去专研一辈子了。当然,这并不是说你们不能去学习别的。” Sometimes meets the bottleneck, other learn/study strengths of attempts, perhaps have the unexpected benefit. When the sword technique will meet the bottleneck in the future time arrives the contact that can attempt one to fluctuate.” “有些时候遇到瓶颈,去尝试的学习一下其他的力量,说不定会有着意外收获。等到将来你们的剑术遇到瓶颈的时候到是可以尝试的接触一下波动。” Or, if will have the opportunity in the future, you can also learn/study to read the air/Qi. This stems from the empty ancestor's special energy, can be compatible to any occupation, and very useful. However, this must watch your chances.” “或者,要是将来有机会,你们也可以去学习念气。这出自于虚祖的特殊能量,对任何职业都能兼容,而且十分有用。不过,这得看你们自己的机缘了。” These words you can say with your younger sister, after all she also soon arrives at chooses the time. You and she said that avoid also I said again.” “这些话你可以和你妹妹说,毕竟她也快要到进行选择的时候了。你和她说了,也省得我再说一遍。” Ok, went out.” “好了,出去吧。” Thanks Sir Barn's instruction, the subordinate asks to be excused.” “谢谢巴恩大人的指导,属下告退。” Again respectful good a knight ritual, Kirito withdrew from the compartment slowly. 再次恭敬的行了一个骑士礼,桐人慢慢的退出了车厢。 .... Gathered the failure.” “....招揽失败了啊。” Mumbled one, Barn's helpless peak under the shoulder. However, he had guessed correctly that the result was so. The artificial ghost hand, regarding these talent low people, is the out-and-out seduction. 嘟囔了一句,巴恩无奈的耸了下肩。不过,他早就猜到结果是如此了。人工鬼手,对于那些天赋较低的人来说,是不折不扣的诱惑。 May to Kirito this talent different report/give Deren, not too many attractions. After all, no one is willing to do the person non- person ghost is not ghost oneself. 可对桐人这种天赋异禀的人来说,并没有太多的吸引力。毕竟,没有人愿意把自己搞得人不人鬼不鬼的。 Even if Barn, if there is choice, he does not want this ghost hand. 哪怕是巴恩自己,倘若是有选择的话,他也不想要这只鬼手。 Another side, Kirito is gathering the vehicle door of compartment Upper Bann after gently, proceeded a section of road, stopped. The next quarter, his complexion becomes incomparably pale, cotton garment instantaneously by perspiration soaking soaking. 另一边,桐人在轻轻合上巴恩所在的车厢的车门后,往前走了一段路,停了下来。下一刻,他的脸色变得无比苍白,身上的布衣瞬间被汗给浸的湿透。 Also thinks, oneself was dying ..... “还以为,自己要死了.....” The squatting down body, sits on the sloppy ground slowly, Kirito looks the hand that oneself tremble, smiles bitterly was saying. 缓缓蹲下身子,一屁股坐在了草地上,桐人看着自己发抖的手,苦笑着说道。 In just, him really felt, the god of death flushed air on his latter nape of the neck. 在刚刚,他真的感受到了,死神在他的后脖颈上吹气。 Luckily, is shocking but not dangerous. 幸好,有惊无险。 ( (
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