RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1438: The evil god intimidated cultivates

„!!!!” “!!!!” Behind hears checks the words that the shadow makes a determined effort suddenly, the Woo pupil shrinks, instantaneous and he spread out, returned side own companion, was given Bess's treatment. 听到后面刹影突然发狠的话语,诺羽瞳孔一缩,瞬间和他拉开了距离,退回到了自己的同伴身边,接受欧贝斯的治疗。 But Xie Ming, then kept off in the face of three people, vision tranquil looks to check the shadow. 谢铭和蕾莎琳,则是挡在了三人面前,目光平静的看着刹影。 Because of this time, checks shadow aura is really somewhat dangerous. The strength of that deep and dark ghosts and gods, has reached the awakening boundary degree impressively. But checks the shadow, from awakening or having many distances. 因为此时,刹影身上的气息着实是有些危险。那种深沉又黑暗的鬼神之力,赫然已经达到了觉醒境界的程度。但刹影本身,距离觉醒还是有着不少距离的。 Reason ..... 原因..... Only can be the demon mark on his arm......” “只能是他手臂上的魔纹了吗......” Looks at that to bloom the scary ray, and turns toward unceasingly checks the demon mark that the shadow whole body spreads, Xie Ming narrowed the eye slightly. 看着那绽放出骇人光芒,且不断向着刹影全身扩散的魔纹,谢铭微微眯了眯眼睛。 Speaking of the shadow labyrinth, Xie Ming naturally cannot forget to defend in checkpoint final that injury terrifying Boss. All have experienced the DNF players, checking the shadow gave a very kind name. 提起暗影迷宫,谢铭自然不会忘记守在关卡最后的那个伤害恐怖的Boss。所有经历过的DNF玩家们,都给刹影起了一个非常亲切的名字。 A blade elder brother. 一刀哥。 Reason very simple, because often checks the shadow only to need one move to bite the spirit ghost to cut, or comes a ghost to flash, can perform the hemorrhage strip disappearance magic, making the picture of your screen grow dark directly. 原因非常的简单,因为往往刹影只需要一招噬灵鬼斩,或者来一记鬼影闪,就能表演出血条消失魔术,让你屏幕的画面直接变黑。 Like a Castle in the Sky war, G.S.D makes many players like on Ashura being same. Checks high injury that a shadow blade elder brother displays, similarly also made many players sprout to found the idea of account number a ghost sobbed. 就如同天空之城一战中,G.S.D让不少玩家喜欢上阿修罗一样。刹影这个一刀哥表现出的高伤害,同样也让不少玩家萌生出了创建一个鬼泣的账号的想法。 Then after the foundation, the players will discover pleasantly surprised, oneself could not become a blade elder brother. 然后创建之后,玩家们就会惊喜的发现,自己成为不了一刀哥。 Without a doubt, checks shadow is powerful, even under it can be said that awakens does not have the rival. Then, why will he defeat by Woo? Was the Woo strength has actually achieved the awakening boundary? 毫无疑问,刹影的实力非常强,甚至可以说是觉醒之下没有敌手。那么,他为什么会被诺羽打败?是诺羽的实力其实已经达到觉醒境界了吗? Naturally is impossible. 当然不可能。 Is because Woo looked for right the accepting a challenge way, has not let check the shadow to open completely his has ghost. 仅仅是因为诺羽找对了应战方式,没有让刹影将他的所有鬼阵全部开启来而已。 If six ghost were opened completely, then Xie Ming believes Woo even if again, is not useful. Because has the ghost of ghost addition to sob, can make the ghost sob truly. But does not have a ghost ghost to sob, is the ghost makes him sob. 要是六个鬼阵全部被开启,那么哪怕谢铭再相信诺羽,也没有什么用。因为有着鬼阵加成的鬼泣,才能真正的让鬼哭泣。而没有鬼阵的鬼泣,则是鬼让他哭泣。 Let alone, checks the shadow fight style at all is not the upfront fight, but under ghost opening, conducts strikes to kill. Since he was been personal by Woo, after being forced to make the empty effect of ghost step, actually the result basic has been doomed. 更何况,刹影的战斗风格根本不是什么正面战斗,而是在鬼阵的开启之下,进行一击必杀。自从他被诺羽贴身,被迫打出鬼影步的虚化效果后,其实结局就基本已经注定了。 Properly speaking, Woo was defeated checked the shadow, then the matter should arrive at this to end is. But now looks like, probably is not simple. 按理来说,诺羽打败了刹影,那么事情就应该到此结束了才是。可现在看来,好像并没有那么简单啊。 Naturally without is so simple, rather, even if Xie Ming already as far as possible speculated the dark elf kingdom, but he has not thought as before, Upper House of dark elf kingdom, is harbors how strongly must kill the heart to their group. 当然没有那么简单,不如说,哪怕谢铭已经尽可能的对暗精灵王国进行推测,但他依旧没有想到,暗精灵王国的元老院,对他们这一行人是怀有多么强的必杀之心。 Initially, checked the shadow one person alone to intrude to dark Heicheng this matter, can say that makes the Upper House face countenance that was responsible for dark Heicheng defending completely lose. Even if will defend the team leader to behead to grasp to work as the living specimen material of lifeform weapon, even if checks the shadow to pledge allegiance to Upper House, becomes in their hands the loyal and devoted watchdogy, they find it not enough as before. 当初,刹影孤身闯入到暗黑城这件事,可以说让负责暗黑城守备的元老院颜面尽失。哪怕将守备队长砍头抓去当生物兵器的活体素材,哪怕刹影归顺元老院,成为了他们手中忠心耿耿的看门犬,他们依旧觉得不够。 However they for the retaliatory behavior that to save the face conducts, gets the handle by the person who the queen sends, making the entire dark elf kingdom raise to their disadvantageous atmospheres. 但是他们为了挽回颜面而进行的报复性的行为,已经被女王一派的人抓住把柄,让整个暗精灵王国掀起了对他们不利的风气。 After all is also, defends the team leader to protect dark Heicheng, made into the severe wound. But with heart and soul fulfills duty like this full power, was actually cut the head, even the corpse was taken the dead Spirit Technique material. Even if selfish, heart gloomy dark elves, feels fearful about the actions of Upper House. 毕竟也是,守备队长为了守护暗黑城,被打成重伤。可这样全心全力尽职,却被砍下脑袋,连尸体都被做为死灵术素材。哪怕是自私自利,心底阴暗的暗精灵们,也对元老院的所作所为而感到心寒。 Therefore at that time they also can only give up, bear the innermost feelings continue to conduct the idea of retaliation. But therefore, Upper House this group of old stick-in-the-mud at heart, hates human. 所以当时他们也只能作罢,忍住内心继续进行报复的想法。可因此,元老院这群老顽固的心里,更加憎恨起人类 Now, they knew that one batch of human want to go into dark Heicheng. Moreover, the back seemingly also has the meaning of queen. Right now, the new hatreds on top of old welled up completely. 现在,他们得知又有一批人类想要闯入暗黑城。而且,背后貌似还有着女王的意思。这下子,新仇旧恨就全部涌上来了。 The reminder why has been honest is checking hunting soul who shadow clerk can depart from the norm hand/subordinate to check the shadow? Because even if he, caused in the mouth from then transmitting orders, felt Upper House to this crowd of human must kill the heart. 一直老老实实在刹影手下干事的狩魂者为什么会一反常态的提醒刹影?因为哪怕是他,都从当时的传令使口中,感觉到了元老院对这群人类的必杀之心。 If not complete the task of Upper House, perhaps they really must unable to eat to capture. The worst situation, may end up with that very much defends the team leader same fate. 要是不完成元老院的任务,恐怕他们真的要吃不了兜着走。最差的情况,很有可能会落得和那个守备队长同一个下场。 No one wants dead, even if betrays the soul the checking shadow, similarly does not want dead. So long as because is also living, he can continue to grow stronger. Stiffens, can work loose the contract, the retrieval free degree. 谁都不想死,哪怕是出卖自己灵魂的刹影,同样也不想死。因为只要还活着,他就能继续变强。变强到,可以挣脱契约,重获自由的程度。 In the unjust days of shadow labyrinth, only then trains, as well as studies diligently own strength that he can do every day. Naturally, he studies diligently deeply, how is by oneself the strength of Magic obtains from dark elf here( demon mark), achieves the biggest effect. 在暗影迷宫的这段不见天日的日子里,他每天能够做的就只有训练,以及钻研自己的力量。理所当然,他钻研最深的,就是如何让自己从暗精灵这里得到的魔法之力(魔纹),发挥出最大的效果。 The ghosts sob this professional principle, then regards the vessel of strength of carrying/sustaining ghosts and gods own soul. Ghost hand of liberation, is connects the channel of ghost Divine Power quantity and soul. But the issue is, checked the shadow to sign the contract, betrayed the soul to the dark elf. 鬼泣这一职业的原理,便是把自己的灵魂当成承载鬼神之力的容器。解放的鬼手,则是连通鬼神力量和灵魂的通道。可问题在于,刹影已经签订了契约,将灵魂出卖给了暗精灵。 But so, oneself can use the ghosts and gods even as before normally the strength. But does not know that help/gang dark elf in own soul what hands and feet, causing the appearance to be close to the dark elf more and more. 可就算如此,自己依旧能正常使用鬼神的力量。而不知道那帮暗精灵在自己灵魂上动了什么手脚,导致自己模样越来越接近暗精灵。 But does not know that is this reason, the ghosts and gods that he can summon are getting more and more. 但也不知道是不是这个原因,他能召唤出的鬼神越来越多。 Just came to dark Heicheng time, he can only summon the Kazan, remnant shadow of merely and corrosion general of Limeng blade soul. May pass several years merely, he can summon more powerful ghosts and gods. 刚来暗黑城的时候,他仅仅只能召唤刀魂之卡赞、残影之凯贾和侵蚀之普戾蒙。可仅仅过了数年,他就能召唤出更加强大的鬼神。 The demons and deep flame Caro of frost Sayat, the plague. 冰霜之萨亚、瘟疫之罗刹以及冥炎之卡洛。 Six big ghosts and gods that big god officer Jig inherits, he has been able to summon and control their strengths completely. Then ..... takes these six ghosts and gods as the beginning, can oneself, go to that situation? 大神官吉格所传承下来的六大鬼神,他已经可以全部召唤且控制它们的力量。那么.....以这六个鬼神为起点,自己是不是,能够达到那个地步? Checks the shadow not to know, he himself has usually not been thinking attempts. However now, he actually has to do that. Because, he does not want dead. 刹影并不知道,他自己平时也没想着去尝试。但是现在,他却不得不这么做了。因为,他不想死。 in its dies in Upper House that crowd of old ghost hands, he might as well pour under the strength of ghosts and gods! 于其死在元老院那群老鬼手中,他不如倒在鬼神的力量之下! Buzz!!!!!!” “嗡!!!!!!” With the malicious ghost moan voice, checked the shadow body to present the pale blue shadow, red, green, blue and purple four devil appeared in his front instantaneously. But has on the long blade of gap, twines the flame of black hell. 随着恶鬼呻吟般的声音,刹影的身上出现了淡蓝色的影子,红、绿、蓝、紫四大鬼阵瞬间出现在了他的面前。而有着缺口的长刀上,也缠绕起黑色的地狱之焰。 Six big ghosts and gods get together at this time, then, can what happened? 六大鬼神此时齐聚,那么接下来,要发生什么事情? This gathered the human negative, negative and gloomy heart. Building up human was evil, anger, hate and revenge, arrogant, as one, destruction world all banning exists ..... “这是汇聚了人类负面、消极、阴暗的心。集结了人类邪恶、愤怒、怨恨、复仇、自大、于一体,毁灭世间一切的禁断的存在.....” The quiet green eyes under mask, changed into the incomparable darkness at this time. The huge ghost meteorology does not ask for money to be the same, this piece of region complete package is one of them. Checks the shadow to insert the ground the long blade ruthlessly. The sound like cursing , like eulogizing. 面具下的幽绿色双眼,此时化为了无比的黑暗。庞大的鬼气像是不要钱一样,将这片区域完全包裹在其中。刹影将长刀狠狠插入地面。声音如同在咒诅,也如同在歌颂。 The space starts to vibrate, the ground starts to shiver, the entire shadow labyrinth seems to be ordinary in the fear. Frightened, this will soon arrive at existence in this place. 空间开始震动,地面开始颤抖,整个暗影迷宫仿佛在恐惧一般。恐惧,这即将降临在此地的存在。 Comes out.” “出来吧。” „The seventh ghosts and gods: The evil god intimidated cultivates!!!” “第七鬼神:邪神之怖拉修!!!” Roar!!!!!” “吼!!!!!” Is complying with the wish of manipulator, the terrifying ominous beast broke open the rock layer and ground, opens the fierce great mouth, bit to the Xie Ming five people. This time ground, has become the swamp, cannot move. 顺应着操纵者的意愿,恐怖的凶兽破开了岩层和地面,张大自己狰狞的巨嘴,咬向了谢铭五人。此时的地面,已经成为了沼泽,根本动弹不得。 As if can only, look at this wild and greedy giant beast helplessly, own soul and body, swallowed clean. 似乎只能眼睁睁的,看着这只狂暴又贪婪的巨兽,把自己的灵魂和身体,吞噬的一干二净。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. Cell phone version reading website: 请记住本书首发域名:。手机版阅读网址:
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