RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1433: Starts the energy of war

If indeed, wants to establish diplomatic relations with the dark elf kingdom, and achieves resists the De Los Empire union, something cannot escape in any event. 的确,要是想要和暗精灵王国建交,并且达成对抗德洛斯帝国的同盟,有些事情是无论如何都逃不开的。 The military power of duchy, it can be said that well-known weak ( ruo ). Even if the small-scale conflict, the impossible upfront and empire resist. No, should say that now all countries in Arad mainland, impossible encounters in the frontal battlefield and empire. 公国的军事力量,可以说是众所周知的鶸(ruo)。哪怕是小型的冲突,都不可能正面和帝国进行对抗。不,应该说现在阿拉德大陆上的所有国家,都不可能在正面战场上和帝国交锋。 Knight group that the empire establishes, is so powerful. Otherwise the empire is impossible is so unscrupulous, runs amuck. 帝国所建立的骑士团,就是有这么强大。要不然帝国也不可能这么肆无忌惮,胡作非为。 If said that most is hostile to the country of empire, then lives in Bantu people of old age snowy mountain absolutely. But dark elf kingdom, is the tight post below of Bantu people. Therefore the dark elf kingdom in all countries, only has the spy who places in the empire is most. 若说最敌视帝国的国家,那么绝对是居住在晚年雪山的班图族。而暗精灵王国,则是紧紧贴在班图族的下面。所以暗精灵王国在所有国家中,唯有在帝国安插的间谍是最多的。 Places so many spies, what consideration was anything is naturally needless to say. May collect many information even, the actual positive/direct combat capability is not good, that still wastes the time. Therefore, the living specimen sutures the Magic lifeform, appeared. 安插那么多间谍,考虑的是什么自然不用多说。可就算收集再多的情报,实际的正面战斗能力不行,那也是白费功夫。因此,活体缝合魔法生物,就这么出现了。 Is depending upon the corpses of death Spirit Technique as well as various lifeform of dead Spirit Technique gentleman sutures, creation, is born is looks like Titan, song Syria, Atlas this type abnormally, nausea the monster of powerful. 依靠着死灵术士的死灵术以及各种生物的尸体进行缝合,创造,所诞生的就是像泰坦、歌利亚、阿特拉斯这种畸形、恶心又强力的怪物。 If this monster put in the frontal battlefield, the deterrent force and might that will bring absolutely are incomparably huge. What is more important, who said that does not permit the dark elf kingdom not the dead souls monster above this. 如果这种怪物被投放在了正面战场上,那将带来的威慑力和威力绝对是无比巨大的。更重要的是,谁也说不准暗精灵王国没有在这之上的死灵怪物。 The protection lava hole, the shadow labyrinth and these lifeform weapons of dark Heicheng entrance, defend defense of dark Heicheng at most, is in the research is born, but the defective product, regard the thing of scrap use. 守护熔岩穴、暗影迷宫和暗黑城入口的这些生物兵器,顶多算是防卫暗黑城的守备,是研究中诞生而出的残次品,当成废品利用的东西。 Dark elf kingdom true trump card, inevitably also hidden well. After all is not the fool, who will be used to regard the defense tool with nuclear bomb type of strategic weapons. 暗精灵王国真正的王牌,必然还隐藏的好好的。毕竟都不是傻子,谁会拿核弹这种战略武器用来当成守城工具啊。 Did not say other, who plays the DNF players still to remember the underground city in space and time crack map: The source of plague. 不说别的,玩过DNF的玩家们谁还记得时空裂缝地图中的地下城:瘟疫之源。 Because Held is controlling Ellis, threw Noy Peyrat Reggie body, thus erupted the extremely tragic plague. Because on Reggie's body also remains the plague strength, therefore was born Reggie's illusory image. 因为赫尔德操控着艾丽丝,将狄瑞吉尸体丢到了诺伊佩拉,从而爆发了惨绝人寰的瘟疫。而因为狄瑞吉的尸体上还残留着瘟疫的力量,所以诞生了很多狄瑞吉的幻影。 To solve these Reggie's illusory images, the dark elf kingdom used a trump card: Skeleton knight. 而为了解决这些狄瑞吉的幻影,暗精灵王国使用了一张王牌:骷髅骑士。 Is this trump card, is relying on one's effort, selects the illusory image that cut to kill 13 Reggie only. Even if this merely is the residual strength that the apostle corpse of dying sent out, but was not casual can handle. 就是这张王牌,凭借着一己之力,单挑斩杀了十三只狄瑞吉的幻影。哪怕这仅仅是死去的使徒尸体所散发出的残留力量,但也不是随便就能搞定的啊。 But the dark elf kingdom depends on skeleton knight dead souls lifeform merely, got rid of 13 strengths is not completely weak in thinks the Reggie illusory image of powerhouse. 可暗精灵王国仅仅靠着骷髅骑士这一只死灵生物,就干掉了十三只实力完全不弱于一觉强者的狄瑞吉幻影。 Therefore , Upper House wants to start the war to the human country, definitely has own energy. If the dark elf kingdom unites as one, the assassin spy who the queen subordinates assassinates, the frontal battlefield depends on the dead souls lifeform weapon in Upper House hand. 所以说,元老院想要对人类国家发起战争,肯定是有自己的底气的。要是暗精灵王国团结一致,女王直属的刺客间谍进行暗杀,正面战场靠着元老院手中的死灵生物兵器。 Perhaps that time dark elf kingdom, was one does not lose in the strong country of empire absolutely. 恐怕那时的暗精灵王国,绝对是一个不输于帝国的强大国家。 But the matter genuine and fake between countries, only if really erupts into the war, who can be clear how many cards in hand a country did hide? 但国家之间的事情真真假假,除非真的爆发起战争,谁又能清楚一个国家到底隐藏了多少底牌? The dark elf kingdom has the card in hand, don't other countries have? 暗精灵王国有着底牌,难道其他国家就没有吗? But senior statesmen, but also really thought that other countries do not have. They from the heart look down upon the human country, thinks, even if the human country has the secret weapon of hidden, absolutely is not the opponent of their dark elf. 可元老们,还真的觉得其他国家没有。他们发自内心的瞧不起人类国家,认为哪怕人类国家有着隐藏的秘密武器,也绝对不是他们暗精灵的对手。 Regarding the self-confidence that without foundation this group of old stick-in-the-mud hold, the young people who Queen sends it can be said that is really sincerely convinced. Perhaps, Queen makes Xie Ming and the others explore the dark elf kingdom, but also has to remind such meaning of senior statesmen. 对于这群老顽固抱有的这种毫无根据的自信,梅娅女王一派的年轻人真的可以说是心服口服。或许,梅娅女王让谢铭等人自己探索到暗精灵王国当中,还有着提醒元老们的这么一层意思。 Outside world is very big, the powerhouse does not count all, do not feel self-important. 外面的世界很大,强者数不尽数,不要太骄傲自大了。 The politicos, were the old multi-layer steamed bread. You think her on third, perhaps she on fifth. You think her on fifth, perhaps others in basement. 从政者,都是老千层饼了。你以为她在第三层,或许她在第五层。你以为她在第五层,或许人家在地下室。 It is not oneself, who can be clear that in her action and judgment, has several meanings to the large room. 不是本人,谁又能清楚她的行动和判断里面,到底包含着几层意思。 Naturally, what idea no matter Queen has, the matter that Xie Ming and the others need to handle will not come under any influence. 当然,不管梅娅女王有着什么样的想法,谢铭等人需要做的事情是不会受到任何影响的。 Enters dark Heicheng, later goes to Noy Peyrat, thoroughly eliminates Death Dragon Sparazzi of seal in dark elf tomb. Then as far as possible, making between both countries exchange, forms the union. 进入暗黑城,随后前往诺伊佩拉,彻底消灭封印在暗精灵墓地中的邪龙斯皮兹。然后尽可能,让两国之间交流,结成同盟。 So long as the development flows to the advance following this, what idea then others have, what goal wants to achieve while convenient, what relations also has with them? 只要事情的发展是顺着这个流向前进,那么别人到底有什么想法,想要顺便达成什么目的,和他们又有什么关系呢? These three lifeform weapons are very indeed strong, coordinate are the incomparable nauseas. 这三个生物兵器的确很强,配合起来更是无比的恶心。 The blood that on song Syria flows out, will be born to swallow spirit and Yarde flame. 歌利亚身上流出的鲜血,会诞生吞灵者和亚德炎。 Titan's attack is very serious, very easily shaking flies by the complementary waves that it will attack. With swallowing spirit same will scatter Magic that Xie Ming and the others in addition holds, moreover just like golden giant Platani, is basically maintaining entire journey Tyrant body. 泰坦的攻击无比沉重,很容易会被它攻击的余波给震飞。和吞灵者一样会驱散谢铭等人身上加持的魔法,而且和黄金巨人普拉塔尼一样,基本上保持着全程霸体。 After Atlas with the body injury aggravates to the certain extent, the attack and speed suddenly will rise dramatically. Moreover, it will also use Skill of similar street tyrant: Unescapable net. By the words of this standing net to wrap/sets, is unable to work loose in a short time. 阿特拉斯随着身上伤势加重到一定程度后,攻击和速度会骤然暴增。而且,它还会使用类似街霸的技能:天罗地网。被这张网给套中的话,短时间内根本无法挣脱开。 If a person hits their three, will be very indeed strenuous. The point is that Xie Ming they have five people. 要是一个人打它们三个,的确会挺吃力。可问题是,谢铭他们有五个人。 Will be born to swallow spirit and Yarde flame song Syria, is responsible for by Xie Ming. These mixed fish, regarding present Xie Ming basically is a matter of fist. 会诞生吞灵者和亚德炎的歌利亚,由谢铭负责。那些杂鱼,对于现在的谢铭来说基本上都是一拳的事情。 The attack is serious, will scatter the Magic in addition to hold, but lacks agile Titan, is under the charge to. The sword sect who after all the controlling swordsman awakens to become, is based on the sword technique of fast agile and high injury. Strength is very in addition strong, therefore hits to accomplish a task with ease. 攻击沉重,会驱散魔法加持但缺乏敏捷的泰坦,则由蕾莎琳负责。毕竟驭剑士觉醒成为的剑宗,就是以快速敏捷且高伤害的剑术为本。再加上蕾莎琳本身实力就很强,所以打起来游刃有余。 Final Atlas, is combined to solve by Woo and Bess and Seria these three people. Because Magic of other two monsters scatter the effect, with their three nature somewhat is really bad. 最后的阿特拉斯,由诺羽、欧贝斯和赛丽亚这三人组合解决。因为其他两个怪物的魔法驱散效果,和她们三个的相性着实有些差。 Moreover as the speed acting in team, wears Woo of buddhist windproof coat, can dodge the casting a net attack of Atlas with ease, even if the monster enters to the violent walks the condition, she can also relaxed following. 而且作为队伍中的速度担当,身着梵风衣的诺羽,可以轻松闪躲阿特拉斯的撒网攻击,哪怕怪物进入到暴走状态,她也能轻松的跟上。 Generally speaking, the monster in lava hole, although the unusual nausea is hard to deal with, but the strength is not powerful. So long as looked for the corresponding fight method, was actually not difficult to pass. 总体来说,熔岩穴里的怪物虽然非常的恶心难缠,但实力并不算非常强大。只要找准了相应的战斗方法,其实并不难通过。 After passing through the investigation extremely sauna of this everywhere rock stuff chest, the emergying cavern, then leads to the entrance of shadow labyrinth. Different with the burning hot dry lava hole, the shadow labyrinth is becomes finally same as the normal cavern, very gloomy moist. 在穿过了这遍地岩浆池的究极桑拿房之后,新出现的洞穴,便是通往暗影迷宫的入口。和炎热干燥的熔岩穴不同,暗影迷宫总算是变得和正常洞窟一样,十分的阴暗潮湿。 Such environment, lets demon soldier/weapon Faith who Shillock changes into, had some unusual forms. The calling out in grief cavern to the trauma that she brings, is really serious. Even if changes into the weapon be at the deep sleep condition, the body will have the overact to similar environment. 这样的环境,让希洛克化为的魔兵阿波菲斯,都出现了一些异状。悲鸣洞穴给她带来的心理阴影,实在是过于严重。哪怕化为武器处于沉睡状态,身体都会对类似的环境产生过激反应。 Therefore, Xie Ming then put in Faith the space cloth sack, exchanged new Equipment that found from the song Syria's body. 因此,谢铭便将阿波菲斯放到了空间布袋中,换上了从歌利亚的尸体里找到的新装备 Song Syria's gathering strength gauntlet/glove. 歌利亚的聚力拳套。 Raises while convenient, from the corpses of these three monsters, Bess and Seria all found same glove Equipment. The song Syria's gauntlet/glove will transform the attack as the hot attribute attack, Titan gauntlet/glove will produce when the attack scatters the effect, the gauntlet/glove of Atlas increases the attack speed. 顺便一提,从这三只怪物的尸体中,欧贝斯和赛丽亚全都找到了相同的手套装备。歌利亚的拳套会把攻击转化为火属性攻击,泰坦拳套会在攻击时产生驱散效果,阿特拉斯的拳套则是增加攻击速度。 But the qualities of three gloves, achieved the divine tool rank. After associating to these monsters again is the dark elves make, places here, that really can only a few words describe. 而三副手套的品质,全部都达到了神器级别。再联想到这些怪物都是暗精灵们制造后安置在这里的,那就真的只能一句话来形容了。 Dark elf, is really filthy rich.” “暗精灵,真是财大气粗。” Please remember this book first round domain name:. Cell phone version reading website: 请记住本书首发域名:。手机版阅读网址:
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