RS :: Volume #4 北冥钓鲲

#868: «Refined appearance Curse»!

Chapter 867 and «Refined appearance Curse»! 第867章、《风神诅咒》! Came, wants to walk cannot get away, Li Muyang was also simply ready for any sacrifice. 来就来了,想走也走不了,李牧羊索性也就豁出去了。 I am Li Muyang, is divine land only Dragon race, was that once Dragon race one that you pursued ------ No, ambassador of this Dragon King. How can you give Sir? 我就是李牧羊,就是神州唯一的龙族,就是那个曾经将你们驱逐出去的龙族一员------不,这一世龙王的形象代言人。你们能把大爷给怎么着吧? After Li Muyang shouted those words, thought instantaneously one were proud, the mood rushed, who went to me not to enter the hell to enter being bold in sacrifice appearance of hell to the person generously. 李牧羊喊出那句话之后,瞬间觉得自己豪情万丈,心情澎湃不已,给人一幅慷慨赴死我不入地狱谁入地狱的勇于牺牲模样。 At this moment, his chest high very gets up, the look becomes firm and resolute, expression also fearless life and death. 此时此刻,他的胸膛高高的挺起,眼神变得坚毅,表情也无惧生死。 In his heart has a naive and pure idea: In front of the group demon, oneself cannot fall absolutely the Human race power and prestige. 他的心中只有一个天真而又纯粹的想法:群魔面前,自己绝对不能坠了人族威风。 I represented for Human race and Dragon race! 我为人族龙族代言! But, has not deferred to the plot development that oneself anticipate finally. 可是,结果并没有按照自己所期待的剧情发展。 Under the priest stage, all demon clan three looks at Li Muyang that confuses a face to compel ignorant, the green saliva tick-tock tick-tock is dropping ----- What this was Human race saying? It looks like very delicious appearance. 祭司台下,所有的魔族三眼迷惑一脸懵逼的看着李牧羊,绿色的口水滴答滴答的滴落着-----这个人族在说些什么?看起来很好吃的样子。 They cannot understand that words that Li Muyang shouted a moment ago. 它们听不懂李牧羊刚才所喊出来的那番话。 Naturally, black star sacrificial offering gentle breeze clever sacrificial offering also very mean-spirited, they have not complied with the request of Li Muyang that words translation that he shouted a moment ago to their clansman hear. 当然,黑星祭祀和风贼祭祀也非常的小气,它们并没有答应李牧羊的请求将他刚才喊出来的那一番话翻译给自己的族人听。 Quick, Li Muyang has discovered issue location. 很快的,李牧羊就发现了问题所在 He turns around to look to the black star sacrificial offering gentle breeze clever sacrificial offering, said: Troubles two to help translator, I want to exchange with your demon clan ------ You looked appearance that their also very much anticipates.” 他转身看向黑星祭祀和风贼祭祀,说道:“麻烦俩位帮忙翻译一下,我想和你们魔族交流一下------你看他们也一幅很期待的样子。” Li Muyang, do you think seriously like this meaningful?” The wind clever sacrificial offering looks at Li Muyang, sound tranquil saying: Abyss clansman has consumed several thousand years of time, finally breaks again ties, steps into China , Turkey ---- You think that can cancel their going on a punitive expedition against thoughts in a few words?” 李牧羊,你当真以为这样有意义吗?”风贼祭祀看着李牧羊,声音平静的说道:“深渊族人耗费了数万年时光,终于再一次打破结界,重新踏入中土----难道你以为三言两语就可以打消他们的征伐念头吗?” I want to tell them, their efforts will not have the result, the demon clan must defeat.” “我只是想要告诉它们,它们的努力不会有结果,魔族必败。” You think that they will understand the words that you spoke? They will be only crazier, is hot tempered, bloodthirsty ----- Several words cannot change the Human race destiny. Also including your destiny.” “那你以为他们会听懂你说的话吗?他们只会更加疯狂,更加暴躁,也更加的嗜血-----几句话改变不了人族的命运。也包括你的命运。” The wind clever sacrificial offering has not been willing to give up Li Muyang obviously, makes noise to urge once more: You are Dragon race, is not Human race. You should with us stand ----- If we have won, you are under one person, above ten thousand people.” 风贼祭祀显然还不愿意放弃李牧羊,再次出声劝道:“你是龙族,并非人族。你应该和我们站在一起-----倘若我们赢了,你将是一人之下,万人之上。” If you did lose?” “倘若你们输了呢?” „Before Human race, how to treat your, later so will still treat you ----- Do they give your injury to be few?” 人族以前是怎么对待你的,以后仍然会如此对待你-----他们给予你们的伤害还少吗?” No.” Li Muyang shakes the head firmly: If you lost, will again sneak Nujiang, returns the abyss. There is Human race place that is hard to survive, good that very you can still live ---- “不。”李牧羊坚定摇头:“倘若你们输了,就会再一次潜入怒江,退回深渊。那里是人族难以生存的地方,你们仍然可以生活的很好----” I actually must remain, remains facing Human race that these get angry. Remains facing my family member friend ----- What is most important, if I join you now, the humiliation and did hatred that then, Dragon race these for several thousand years shoulder in vain waste? They will say you to look, Dragon race and abyss devil is one group, they are the unprincipled people, same wants to invade our divine lands with the abyss devil ------ “我却要留下来,留下来面对那些发怒的人族。留下来面对我的亲人朋友-----最重要的是,倘若我现在加入你们,那么,龙族这数万年来背负的屈辱、仇恨是不是就白白浪费了?他们会说你看,龙族和深渊恶魔是一伙的,他们就是坏人,和深渊恶魔一样想要入侵我们的神州------” They will say that we should hate him, we should slaughter him, we should ----- Exterminates the clan them. If so, these spoke for me, argued for me that gave me the life, to me the person who loved and warms ----- Their this is at heart sad?” “他们会说我们就应该仇恨他,我们就应该屠杀他,我们就应该-----将他们灭族。如果是这样的话,那些替我说话,替我辩解,给我生命,给我爱和温暖的人-----他们的心里该多么难过啊?” Li Muyang, you should consider for Dragon race that considered for oneself ---- If our abyss clan defeats, they do hold up the butcher knife to you again?” 李牧羊,你应该替龙族考虑,替自己考虑----倘若我们深渊族战败,他们再一次对你举起屠刀呢?” This possibility has, I innumerable have also fantasized ----- However, I must consider for Dragon race that considered for me. Also because of this, I must stand in your opposites firmly. I think that several thousand years ago that Dragon King keeps in tears my body, for has such one day ----- When the devil stages a comeback, I will also make with his same choice.” “这个可能性不是没有,我也无数次的幻想过-----但是,我要替龙族考虑,替我自己考虑。也正是因为这样,我才更加要坚定的站在你们的对立面。我想,数万年前的那位龙王将一颗眼泪留在我的身体里面,为的就是有这么一天吧-----当恶魔卷土重来,我也会做出和他一样的选择。” Li Muyang watches the black star sacrificial offering gentle breeze clever sacrificial offering, said: You do not need to urge again, I do not want to explain anything again ----- My words said that should we enter the subject?” 李牧羊看着黑星祭祀和风贼祭祀,说道:“你们也无需再劝,我也不想再解释什么-----我的话说完了,我们是不是应该进入正题了?” Enters the subject?” The wind clever sacrificial offering watched a dark eyes star sacrificial offering, asking of unemotionally. “进入正题?”风贼祭祀看了一眼黑星祭祀,面无表情的问道。 Now is not you, if wants the means to keep me?” Li Muyang some indefinite asking. Will the abyss clan think one have the opportunity to strive, therefore this everybody will peace is precious will meet to have no meeting of minds next time discussed again? “现在不是你们要想办法将我留下来吗?”李牧羊有些不确定的问道。会不会深渊族觉得自己还有机会争取一下,所以这一次大家以和为贵下次见面谈不拢再谈? Naturally.” When the wind very spoke, a cool breeze takes away as many things as possible toward the position that Li Muyang stood suddenly. “当然。”风贼说话之时,一股凉风突然间朝着李牧羊所站的位置席卷而去。 The body of Li Muyang tightens instantaneously, fine hair stands upside down. 李牧羊的身体瞬间绷紧,汗毛倒立。 He cannot give a thought to the hideaway aura again, long sleeve flings, that violent wind filled with dust wrapping. 他再顾不上隐藏气息,长袖一甩,将那股黑风给包裹进去。 Then, long sleeve inside sends out the thunderclap the rupturing sound, on the Li Muyang clothes is also exploded the innumerable holes. 然后,长袖里面发出霹雳啪啦的爆裂声音,李牧羊的衣服上面也被炸出无数个孔洞。 He puts on luckily is Divine Palace immortal thing Iridescent Clouds Clothes, if the ordinary clothing, feared that was that violent wind filled with dust not only the clothes tearing pulpy, the body is also exploded crushes. 幸好他穿得是神宫仙物彩云衣,若是普通的衣衫,怕是那股黑风不仅仅将衣服给撕扯得稀烂,就连身体也被炸得粉碎了。 The wind clever sacrificial offering, takes the wind as to kill, does not have shade, the cloud does not have the trace, truly makes people virtually impossible to guard against. 风贼祭祀,以风为杀器,来无影,云无踪,确实让人防不胜防。 Strikes to be defeated, the personal appearance of wind clever sacrificial offering was vanishing same place. 一击落败,风贼祭祀的身形已经在原地消失。 It changed to violent wind filled with dust, goes toward the body winding of Li Muyang. 它化作了一阵黑风,朝着李牧羊的身体缠绕而去。 A Li Muyang fist rumbles, that violent wind filled with dust avoids flexible, then wraps to go toward Li Muyang at a quicker speed. 李牧羊一拳轰出,那股黑风灵活躲避,然后以更快的速度朝着李牧羊包裹而去。 It looks like in the non- insider, Li Muyang is one group of strange violent wind filled with dust fights together. 在不知情者看来,李牧羊是和一团诡异的黑风战斗在一起。 However, regarding these Three-eyed Demon, they knows that was their wind clever sacrificial offering gets rid. 但是,对于那些三眼恶魔来说,他们知道那是他们的风贼祭祀出手了。 «Refined appearance Curse», this is the wind clever sacrificial offering from that clouds main road that in the wind of non- trace senses. 《风神诅咒》,这是风贼祭祀从那来云无踪的风中感悟到的大道。 He is the wind, his gentle breeze fuses into a body. 他便是风,他和风融合成为一体。 ------ “呜啦啦------” Kills that Human race ----- “打死那个人族-----” Wind clever sacrificial offering refuels ------- “风贼祭祀加油-------” -------- -------- Although Li Muyang does not understand what is heard these Three-eyed Demon in yelling anything, but is brandishing the fist stimulated facial expression by them, probably is such a meaning. 虽然李牧羊听不明白那些三眼恶魔在叫喊些什么,但是以他们挥舞着拳头亢奋的神情来看,大概就是这么个意思。 The black star sacrificial offering sees wind clever sacrificial offering and Li Muyang dogfight in the same place, a short time has not decided the victory and defeat the sign, the look shuts, the person stands is freezing, in the body actually flutters one group of dozens shadows, changes to several black star sacrificial offerings to go toward Li Muyang surrounding. 黑星祭祀看到风贼祭祀和李牧羊缠斗在一起,一时半会儿没有分出胜负的迹象,眼神微闭,人站在原地不动,身体里面却飘出一团数十条黑影,化作十几个黑星祭祀朝着李牧羊包围而去。 «Normalizing **»! 《归一**》! The people like Xinghai, change to innumerable stars to fight for oneself. Each shadow is a star, but these stars can also keep duplicates, splits. 人如星海,化作无数繁星替自己战斗。每一条黑影就是一颗星星,而那些星星还可以不停的去复制,去分裂。 In everywhere, is the stars. 漫天之内,皆是星辰。 Finally in the end, is promoted the god. 最终九九归一,晋级成神。 -------- -------- -------- -------- Sees only the body of Cui Xiaoxin to raise high, looks like an only beautiful, but graceful small English daisy. 只见崔小心的身体高高扬起,就像是一朵唯美而曼妙的小雏菊。 The speed of that floret whereabouts is fast and fierce, looks like the meteor that falls from Starry Sky. She delimits a beautiful trace in the upper air, then layer on layer pounds above carriage compartment that in that black iron has built. 那朵小花下落的速度却又快又猛,就像是一颗从星空之上掉落的流星。她在高空划出一道美丽的痕迹,然后重重地砸在了那黑铁打造的马车车厢之上。 ------ 咔嚓------ The carriage compartment was pounded is split up, four rounds tumblings, depend on binding the rumor howl to go. 马车车厢被砸得四分五裂,四轮翻滚,挟裹风声呼啸而去。 But compartment inside person actually disappears does not see the signs, looks like collapses by pressure such as the discus common compartment to get up general to the convolution by that. 而车厢里面的人却消失不见踪迹,就像是被那压塌如铁饼一般的车厢给卷折起来一般。 The after body of Cui Xiaoxin destroys the carriage compartment, again bounces, float in midair. 崔小心的身体砸毁马车车厢之后,再一次弹跳而起,悬浮在半空之中。 Her long hair hangs loose, was swayed by cold wind, flap flap flies upwards. Both eyes blood red, is not fierce, instead has a tenderer more and beautiful aesthetic sense. 她的长发披散,被冷风吹拂,猎猎飞扬。双眼血红,却并不狰狞,反而有一种更加娇艳的美感。 Her line of sight stares at the ground that carriage compartment is collapsing, looks like the eagle of space was waiting for one covet for a long time food. 她的视线盯着那马车车厢倒塌的地面,就像是天上的雄鹰在等待自己觊觎已久的食物。 Bang ----- 砰----- A lawn by high jacking, a whole body from the thick patch of grass is fled by the old person who the black robe covered. 一块草地被高高的顶起,一个全身被黑袍笼罩的老人从草丛之中窜了出来。 He lifts to contaminate the dust hat, has revealed the portrait of resolute fresh and elegant that face. 他掀开沾染上尘土的帽子,露出了刚毅清逸的那张脸的真容。 Lu Xingkong! 陆行空 He then resounds through entire West Wind Empire powerful minister Lu Xingkong! 他便是响彻整个西风帝国的权臣陆行空 The name of betrayal confiscated family's property to exterminate the clan, westerly wind legend that although afterward rehabiliation person actually died ------ 一个以背叛之名被抄家灭族,后来虽然平反人却已经死掉的西风传奇------ He is also living! 他还活着! At this time, his standing erect midair, stands in the Cui Xiaoxin front. 此时,他就屹立半空,站在崔小心的面前。 Grandpa Lu, does not see for a long time, careful a little thinks you.” Cui Xiaoxin smiles to have a nightmare like the flower, gently beautiful beautiful. “陆爷爷,好久不见,小心真是有点想你呢。”崔小心笑魇如花,柔美妖艳。 Who are you?” Lu Xingkong stares at the face of Cui Xiaoxin to shout to clear the way fierce: You are not Cui Xiaoxin, Cui Xiaoxin ----- Is so cruel and merciless without you.” “你到底是谁?”陆行空盯着崔小心的面孔厉声喝道:“你不是崔小心,崔小心-----没有你这么心狠手辣。” „, To achieve oneself to right **, achieves to subversion of West Wind Empire, does not hesitate to thrust to fall entire clan nearly degenerates into is buried along with the dead ----- Such person was actually saying that others are cruel and merciless? Was careful that to Grandpa Lu also is really admiring utmost.” “啧啧啧,为了达到自己对权利的**,达到对西风帝国的颠覆,不惜将整个家族推入陷地差点儿沦为陪葬-----这样的人竟然在说别人心狠手辣?小心对陆爷爷还真是钦佩之至呢。” Cui Xiaoxin ----- The Lu Xingkong look like the hawk, is thinking deeply about the real status of front woman at heart. This obviously is not Cui Xiaoxin, because Cui Xiaoxin such cultivating has not been, does not have such strength. Her look folded oneself wolf armed forces iron health/guard to see that a moment ago continually his cultivated for the boundary approximately. 崔小心-----”陆行空眼神如鹰,心里在思索着面前女人的真实身份。这显然不是崔小心,因为崔小心没有这样的修为,也没有这样的实力。刚才她一个眼神连折自己狼军铁卫就能够看出他的大致修为境界。 Moreover, before Tiandu, Lu Xingkong and Cui Xiaoxin also had several human relations, even in that more than half a year time that Li Muyang vanished, she has not given a thought to the clan opposition repeatedly to go to Lu Family to see. 而且,以前在天都之时,陆行空崔小心也有过几次交际,甚至在李牧羊消失的那大半年时间里,她还不顾家族反对屡次去陆家看望。 That is a very good very good girl ----- This person is not absolutely ordinary at present. 那是一个很好很好的女孩子-----绝对不似眼前这人一般。 But, she is Cui Xiaoxin. Has the Cui Xiaoxin appearance, the Cui Xiaoxin makings, all she who Cui Xiaoxin knows knows ----- 可是,她又偏偏是崔小心。有着崔小心的容貌,崔小心的气质,崔小心所知晓的一切她都知道----- You are the demon clan!” The Lu Xingkong hissing said. His both eyes vigilant and cut-throat is staring at Cui Xiaoxin, said: You are the demon clan, you seized the body of Cui Xiaoxin ------- “你是魔族!”陆行空嘶声说道。他双眼警惕又凶狠的盯着崔小心,说道:“你是魔族,你夺了崔小心的身体-------” Grandpa Lu ---- Really mental perception such as torch. The common people all said Song Gudu are Eye of Starry Sky, was the westerly wind most intelligent old person. Careful does not believe that thought carefully, Song Gudu and Grandpa Lu compare are really far from. Eye of Starry Sky the name, really somewhat enjoyed a better reputation than one deserves.” “陆爷爷----果然慧眼如炬呢。世人皆言宋孤独星空之眼,是西风最智慧的老人。小心可不这么认为,小心觉得,宋孤独和陆爷爷相比实在是相差甚远。‘星空之眼’之名,实在是有些名过其实了。” What do you want to make?” “你到底想要做什么?” I want the westerly wind to be chaotic.” The Cui Xiaoxin sinking sound said. “我要西风乱起来。”崔小心沉声说道。 Therefore can kill me?” “所以就要杀我?” Ironically.” Saying that a Cui Xiaoxin face teased: Is because Grandpa Lu steals the country power, therefore sends the westerly wind chaos. Has not actually thought that because of Grandpa Lu, the westerly wind is not at this moment chaotic ----- I must take the trouble to massacre Grandpa Lu.” “说来讽刺。”崔小心一脸戏谑的说道:“原本是因为陆爷爷窃取国权,所以才致西风大乱。却没想到,因为陆爷爷,西风此时此刻却又不乱了-----我又得费心杀掉陆爷爷。” So that's how it is.” Lu Xingkong hesitates slightly, then understood Cui Xiaoxin scruples. Your wish makes the West Wind Empire army destroy mutually, because has my existence, although the West Wind Empire army cannot call a sheet iron board, at least majority of grasps in Lu's hand ----- Therefore, you want to massacre me, thus helps certain people win the military authority, is not?” “原来如此。”陆行空稍一沉吟,便明白了‘崔小心’的顾忌。“你想要让西风帝国的军队互相攻歼,可是因为有我的存在,西风帝国的军队虽然不能称之为铁板一板,至少大部分都掌握在陆某之手-----所以,你想要杀掉我,从而帮助某些人夺走军权,是也不是?” Good.” “不错。” That person, but Favor King?” “那人可是惠王?” Grandpa Lu the wisdom sea, any matter cannot hide the truth from you.” “陆爷爷智慧似海,什么事情都瞒不住你。” Is a companion with the demon clan, cooperates with the alien race, this person does not match to be the king, with bastard not different.” Lu Xingkong scolded maliciously. “与魔族为伍,与异族合作,此人不配做君王,与畜生无异。”陆行空狠狠骂道。 If Cui Xiaoxin convinced Favor King seriously with its cooperation, is convenient solving oneself, westerly wind army majority of controls in the hand of Favor King ----- Also is the hand of demon clan, is this how terrifying matter? 倘若崔小心当真说服了惠王与其合作,然后再顺手把自己给解决掉,西风军队大部份掌控在惠王之手-----也就是魔族之手,这是多么恐怖的一件事情? The Human race army controls in demon clan, a country so, are other countries all so? 人族大军掌控在魔族手里,一国如此,其它诸国皆是如此呢? Thinks to be afraid. 想想就让人不寒而栗。 If Grandpa Lu wants ------- “如果陆爷爷愿意-------” I do not want.” Lu Xingkong has interrupted the Cui Xiaoxin words straightforwardly, said: Lu selfishness, although is heavy, actually absolutely with the alien race is not the stratagem, does not betray the Human race fellow officer interests. Wants my this short remaining life, oneself begin to take.” “我不愿意。”陆行空直截了当的打断了崔小心的话,说道:“陆某私心虽重,却绝对不与异族为谋,不出卖人族同袍利益。想要我这条老命,就自己动手来拿吧。” Good.” Cui Xiaoxin grinning saying, the red blood in eye is glittering the monster different ray. You are the Li Muyang grandfather, but I ---- Is the Li Muyang initial lover, if you die in my hand, you said ----- Our once more conference to be very interesting?” “好啊。”崔小心笑嘻嘻的说道,眼里的红血闪烁着妖异的光芒。“你是李牧羊的爷爷,而我----是李牧羊最初的恋人,倘若你死在我的手上,你说-----我们再次见面会不会很有趣?” Virulent.” Lu Xingkong clenches teeth saying: He only knows me dead in the hand of demon clan, will not blame absolutely carefully.” “恶毒。”陆行空咬牙说道:“他只知我死在魔族之手,绝对不会责怪小心。” Right? Very much anticipates.” Cui Xiaoxin speech time, long skirt flies to unfold, again flew toward Lu Xingkong. “是吗?还是很期待啊。”崔小心说话的时候,身上的长裙飞展,再一次朝着陆行空飞了过去。 The Lu Xingkong right hand reaches the upper air, above the upper air has the day to dodge thunderously, a white lightning put on the broken clouds night to come, to fall from out of the blue then turned into a lightning long gun|spear in the hand. 陆行空右手伸向高空,高空之上有天闪雷鸣,一条白色闪电穿破云宵破空而来,落在手里便化成了一把闪电长枪。 «Xumi Spear|Gun Secret Art» that tries me to become aware newly.” “试试我新悟出来的《须弥枪诀》。” The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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