RS :: Volume #4 北冥钓鲲

#866: Thorough devil's lair!

Chapter 865 and thorough devil's lair! 第865章、深入魔窟! Language of flowers plain. 花语平原。 If spends Xie Yu, listening to name to know this is how beautiful and rich fertile soil. 如花解语,听名字便可知这是多么美丽富饶的一块沃土。 The hundred flowers fire, hundred beasts fight, namely danger numerous, is full of vitality. 百花齐发,百兽争锋,即危险重重,又生机勃勃。 Because the language of flowers plain is situated in various country borders, engagement Nujiang, adjoins to Red Sea, moreover inside the beast of prey is also great, the poisonous snake is densely covered, therefore was not developed by Human race, most of the time is only the open land that leaves unused, stands erect a scenery before Great Wall defense line. 因为花语平原地处诸国边境,衔接怒江,毗邻红海,而且里面又猛兽巨多,毒蛇密布,所以一直不被人族所开发利用,大多数时候只是一处闲置下来的荒地,是屹立于长城防线前的一道风景。 When Li Muyang first steps into the language of flowers plain, then in the wonderful flowered unusual animals by this plain was attracted. Killer who although at that time he and fatty Gongshu Yuan was dispatched by Cui pursuing with dog same distress, but, unknowingly present scenery winning over eyeground. 李牧羊初次踏进花语平原时,便被这平原里面的奇花异兽所吸引。虽然那个时候他和胖子公输垣被崔氏派遣的杀手给追得跟狗一样的狼狈,但是,还是不经意间将眼前的风景给收揽眼底。 In the past huge Cui who cannot be shaken collapsed loudly, the clan adult male died dies, exile of exile, entire Cui also remaining several men. But this is called the language of flowers plain actually vegetation of divine land first show withers, hundred beasts all perish, all day long the black fog winds around, imitates, if deathtrap. 当年庞大的不可撼动的崔氏轰然倒塌,家族男丁死得死,流放的流放,整个崔氏也剩下不了几个男人了。而这被称为神州第一秀的花语平原却草木枯萎,百兽皆亡,终日黑雾缭绕,仿若死地。 The thing is the person not! 物是人非! The thing is the person not! 物是人非! Just like Qiandu and Li Sinian two female are worried like that Li Muyang at this time truly places oneself in this language of flowers plain. 正如千度李思念两女所担心的那般,李牧羊此时确实置身在这花语平原之中。 He appears in the shape of human form, collects the aura of whole body, ambushes on a small hillside. 他以人形的形态出现,敛去全身的气息,潜伏在一处小小的山坡上面。 In his not far away, two Three-eyed Demon are swallowing the corpses of some animals. 在他不远处,正有两只三眼恶魔在吞噬一些动物的尸体。 They do not eat the meat, the animal that but was killed by poison by the gas cloud that picks to place in the noses to attract, then that animal then turned into the backbone. 他们并不吃肉,只是将那被毒雾毒死的动物捡起来放在鼻间一吸,然后那只动物便变成了骨干。 High-grade Three-eyed Demon can direct long-distance range buy in the myriad things vitality, needs to be intimate with one only then to achieve feed like this low grade Three-eyed Demon with the animal effect. 高等级的三眼恶魔可以直接远距离吸纳万物生机,像这种低等级的三眼恶魔还需要与动物亲近一番方可达成‘进食’效果。 The entire language of flowers plain black fog fills the air, is similar to the night, the naked eye of average person is hard to regard the thing radically. 整个花语平原黑雾弥漫,如同极夜,普通人的肉眼根本就难以视物。 This adverse circumstance is actually these Three-eyed Demon paradises, they stay too for a long time in the place of abyss, initially enter the divine land not to adapt. 这种恶劣环境却是这些三眼恶魔的乐土,他们在深渊之地呆得太久,初入神州还不适应。 Does not adapt to here sunlight to be dazzling, does not adapt to here air to be fresh, does not adapt to here bright all ------ 不适应这里的阳光刺眼,不适应这里的空气新鲜,不适应这里鲜活的一切------ Every day if not attract two toxins, feels the whole body not to the vigor. 每日要是不吸两口毒,感觉全身都不得劲儿。 Therefore, the abyss devils of these invasion divine lands then take the language of flowers plain as the foothold, then releases the massive abyss toxic gas, transforms into to make them this place feel the comfortable satisfied place. 于是,这些侵入神州的深渊恶魔们便以花语平原为据点,然后释放出大量的深渊毒气,将此地改造成为更能够让他们觉得舒适惬意的地方。 Sees those images and scenes, Li Muyang cannot help but at heart is whispering: Such being the case, what do you use that big effort to break the border to rush to the divine land to make? Well stays in own hometown is not being good? Friends and neighbors is the acquaintances, has any matter everybody also to take care of ----- 看到此情此景,李牧羊不由得在心里嘀咕:既然如此,你们费那么大的劲儿打破疆界跑到神州来做什么?好好的在自己家乡呆着不好吗?左邻右舍的都是熟人,有什么事情大家也可以彼此之间有个照应----- Has eaten a tiger, an antelope, that two Three-eyed Demon still did not think full. 吃掉了一头老虎,一只羚羊,那两个三眼恶魔仍然不觉得饱。 Is smells to smell any smell likely, Three-eyed Demon saw in the Li Muyang location direction. Because the long-lived in the darkness, its below two eyes had already abandoned, in the third eye forehead roves toward here actually, each revolutions one time, has the red bloody water to tumble, looks like fierce fearful. 像是嗅闻到什么气味,一个三眼恶魔朝着李牧羊所在的方向看到了过来。因为长久生存在黑暗之中,它的下面两只眼睛早就已经废弃,倒是眉心中间的第三只眼朝着这边转来转去的,每转一次,都有红色血水翻滚,看起来狰狞可怕。 Li Muyang in great surprise, thought one received the whole body to cultivate is, does not dare to be assigned away from the capital Dragon Qi ----- 李牧羊大惊,心想自己已经收起了全身修为,更是不敢外放一丝龙气----- Three-eyed Demon to Dragon race is sensitive, if makes them know that has Dragon race to rush in this language of flowers plain, feared that is Wan Moqi, oneself wanted is very difficult. 三眼恶魔龙族最是敏感,若是让他们知道有龙族闯进这花语平原,怕是万魔齐至,自己想要走出去就很困难了。 As for Human race ----- First did not say Human race to own prejudice, many people have the courage to step into this time language of flowers plain are an unknown. 至于人族-----先不说人族对自己的成见,就是有多少人有勇气踏入此时的花语平原都是一个未知数。 Therefore, Li Muyang this line investigates the demon clan actual situation, the fiendish person whereabouts, does not have the direct conflict with Three-eyed Demon as far as possible. 所以,李牧羊此行只是探查魔族虚实,魔王下落,尽量不与三眼恶魔发生直接冲突。 At least he such decides. 至少他心里是这么决定的。 But, language of flowers plain was too greatly was too big, on chapter of Li Muyang and fatty walked several talents to find the Starry Sky institute, he wants in the situation, in not exposing the whereabouts found the demon clan big camp, was really not an easy matter. 可是,花语平原实在是太大太大了,上一回李牧羊和胖子走了十几天才找到星空学院,他想在不暴露行迹的情况下找到魔族大营,着实不是一桩容易的事情。 That only Three-eyed Demon clan hid the place that looked at several after Li Muyang, unexpectedly the saliva tick-tock the stride toward here walks. 那只三眼魔族朝着李牧羊躲藏的地方看了几眼之后,竟然口水滴答的大步朝着这边走来。 The Li Muyang look instantaneously becomes swift and fierce, makes a fist single-handed, prepares to come while it to strike to unprepared kill. 李牧羊的眼神瞬间变得凌厉起来,单手握拳,准备趁其不备来个一击必杀。 In any event, cannot allow these two fellows of being an eyesore to enter the language of flowers plain the news to transmit. 无论如何,都不能让这两个碍眼的家伙将自己进入花语平原的消息传送出去。 Mumbling --- Another Three-eyed Demon in behind does not know that was saying anything. That is the demon clan terminology, even if Li Muyang and demon clan has had many social dealings, even is also constantly together after a period of time, was still hard to explain their likely is not the language of language. “叽里咕噜哦---”另外一只三眼恶魔在背后不知道说着什么。那是魔族用语,即便李牧羊和魔族打过不少交道,甚至还朝夕相处过一段时间,仍然难以破解它们的这种不像是语言的语言。 After all, what that evil moon/month sacrificial offering uses is the Human race language ---- The old person in divine land said that learns the divine land words, goes all over the world to be invariable. 毕竟,那个邪月祭祀用的是人族语言----神州的老人说,学好神州话,走遍天下都不变。 Wants the immigrant, the language is the difficulty that must first tackle. 想要移民,语言是第一个要攻克的难关。 That is moving toward Li Muyang Three-eyed Demon to stop, looked at one toward the small hillside that Li Muyang hides, has turned then around, walks toward jungle deep place with that Three-eyed Demon. 那名正走向李牧羊三眼恶魔停顿下来,朝着李牧羊躲藏的小山坡看了一眼,然后又转过身去,和那个三眼恶魔朝着密林的更深处走去。 The Li Muyang mood is slightly loose, this time has not alerted the enemy luckily. Thought that it seems like oneself is only the activity is insufficient in the language of flowers plain surrounding, must dive toward the place of deep place with these two demon beasts. 李牧羊心情稍松,幸好这次没有打草惊蛇。心想,看来自己只是活动在花语平原外围还不够,必须跟着这两个魔兽朝着更深处的地方潜去。 Naturally, is the intimate region of language of flowers plain, is the toxic gas is deeper, place that the high level demon clan gathers. 当然,越是花语平原的腹心地带,也越是毒气深厚,高阶魔族聚集的地方。 Li Muyang turns very quiet, displays the movement follows in that two Three-eyed Demon to walk toward inside. 李牧羊屏住呼吸,施展身法跟在那两个三眼恶魔的身后朝里面走去。 Because language of flowers Pyongwon-ri covers entirely the toxic gas, therefore the breath to Human race is a fatal matter. Various countries sent the master to enter the language of flowers plain inquiry actual situation, most people again have not walked, even if were few masters who returned to the Great Wall supreme headquarters, many inspirations this inside toxic gas has caused the body not to send, some also mental aberration, imitated, if crazy. 因为花语平原里布满毒气,所以对人族而言呼吸就是一桩致命的事情。各国都派遣了高手进入花语平原打探虚实,大部份人都再也没有走出去,即便是回到长城大本营的极少数高手,也多少吸入了这里面的毒气而导致身体不致,有些还精神失常,仿若疯癫。 Afterward, various countries' imperial family did not give up our masters puts to make the senseless sacrifice toward this inside. 后来,各国皇室自己也舍不得将本国高手往这里面投放做无谓的牺牲了。 This is also the reason that Li Muyang want to search the actual situation. 这也是李牧羊自己想要进来一探虚实的原因。 The Human race allied armies must know in the language of flowers plain many demon clans, their strengths how, that mysterious fearful abyss feudal lord went where, to hide in the demon clan big camp assumes personal command to direct ------ 人族联军必须要知道花语平原里面到底有多少魔族,他们的实力如何,还有那个神秘可怕的深渊领主到底去了什么地方,是否隐藏在魔族大营坐镇指挥------ The anti- demon armed forces command office must obtain these important intelligence to be good. 抗魔军统帅部必须要得到这些重要情报才行。 If knows nothing about own enemy, this weaponry also does hit? 倘若对自己的敌人一无所知,这场仗还怎么打下去? Li Muyang guessed right, more walked, Three-eyed Demon that met toward the jungle deep place are more. Moreover, inside Three-eyed Demon rank and cultivates for also compared with the surrounding wants on many many. Several Li Muyang nearly were discovered the trail by them. 李牧羊猜测的没错,越是朝密林深处走,遇到的三眼恶魔越多。而且,里面的三眼恶魔等级和修为也比外围的要多上许多。好几次李牧羊都差点儿被他们发现踪迹。 Across the forest of this cover, at present is an open canyon. 穿过这片茂密的森林,眼前便是一处开阔的峡谷。 Li Muyang looked at one, has the feeling of creepy feeling. 李牧羊只是看了一眼,就有种头皮发麻的感觉。 In canyon, Three-eyed Demon all over. 峡谷之中,漫山遍野的三眼恶魔 Their huge statures gather, looks like one flock of ugly monsters. Dense and numerous, is not confused and noisy, has almost not made any sound. 它们庞大的身躯聚集在一起,就像是一群丑陋的怪兽。密密麻麻,却并不噪杂,几乎没有发出什么声响。 All Three-eyed Demon are supine head, a face reverent looks that sacrificial offering stage that uses the log and big stone build to become. 所有的三眼恶魔都仰起脑袋,一脸虔诚的看着那用巨木和大石搭建而成的祭祀台。 On the sacrificial offering stage, stands to wear Three-eyed Demon of black robe. 祭祀台上,站着一个身穿黑袍的三眼恶魔 It compares other Three-eyed Demon to be thinner and smaller, capable, has the human form outline. 它比其它的三眼恶魔更加瘦小,精干,有着人形的轮廓。 What is the same with other Three-eyed Demon, he also has three eyes. Stated differently, other Three-eyed Demon ** body, only then he wears the Human race clothes. 和其它的三眼恶魔相同的是,他也有三只眼睛。不同的是,其它的三眼恶魔都**着身体,只有他穿着人族的衣服。 His out of the ordinary makes these Three-eyed Demon not think that any illness, instead is full and the respect to that black robe man as well as ---- Frightened. 他的与众不同让那些三眼恶魔没有觉得任何的不适,反而对那个黑袍男人充满和崇敬以及----恐惧。 His both hands lift up high, palm center has the massive black toxic gas to fill the air, above the black toxic gas with upper air is in one friendly. 他的双手高举,手掌中心有大量的黑色毒气弥漫开来,与高空之上的黑色毒气融合为一体。 Other Three-eyed Demon see that also same both hands lift up high, emit the abyss toxic gas in within the body ---- Also is their strength sources. 其它的三眼恶魔见状,也同样的双手高举,散放出自己体内的深渊毒气----也是它们的力量本源。 The toxic gas more gathers more, then congeals into a black spheroid. 毒气越聚越多,然后凝结成为一个黑色的球体。 Black crystal above midair float, revolving. As more toxic gas pour into, its color turns into, green transparently, is scarlet-red. 黑色的晶体在半空之上悬浮,旋转。随着更多的毒气注入,它的颜色变成透明、青色、然后是赤红。 Red blood moon/month! 红色血月! Moon of abyss clan! 深渊族的月亮! When Three-eyed Demon of Manshan valley saw when that blood red moon is hanging the upper air, finally cannot bear make everything may become vulnerable howling sound. 当满山谷的三眼恶魔看到那血红色的月亮悬挂高空时,终于忍不住发出地动山摇般的呼啸声音。 That is their beliefs, is their lights pointing the way. 那是它们的信仰,是它们的指路明灯。 Above this strange land, they had finally found the home to return. 在这陌生的土地之上,它们终于找到了归宿。 They have made a moon unexpectedly ------ Li Muyang is thinking at heart. Had this red blood moon/month, these Three-eyed Demon can long-time here survives ----- It seems like that demon clan also wanted to fight the protracted war with Human race.” “他们竟然自己造了一个月亮------”李牧羊在心里想着。“有了这红色血月,这些三眼恶魔就能够长久的在这里生存下去-----看来,魔族也想要和人族打持久战了。” When the red moon/month rises high, the red brilliance sprinkles to the earth, the Three-eyed Demon howling sound arrives again **. 等到红月高升,红色的光辉洒向大地,三眼恶魔的呼啸声再一次到达**。 On the sacrificial offering stage, that wears Three-eyed Demon of black robe to extend the right hand. 祭祀台上,那名身披黑袍的三眼恶魔伸出右手。 A small movement, Three-eyed Demon of Manshan valley is instantaneously quiet. 只是一个小小的动作,满山谷的三眼恶魔瞬间就沉静下来。 Sees this, in the heart of Li Muyang obviously anxious. 看到这一幕,李牧羊的心中更显忧虑。 Has the huge army, has the leader of force ----- This is better on many condition that Human race is in a state of disunity than ------ “有庞大的军队,有强力的领导者-----这比人族一盘散沙的状况要好上许多------” After audience is silent, black robe man starts to speak. Still was mumbling demon clan words, Li Muyang a few words does not listen clearly. 等到全场静默之后,黑袍男人开始讲话。仍然是叽里咕噜的魔族话,李牧羊一句话也听不真切。 However, sees these demon clan stimulated appearances, generally can guess that he was saying anything, nothing but is the Human race military officer raises the morale that some repertoires. 不过,看到那些魔族亢奋的模样,大抵还是能够猜测出他在说些什么,无非就是人族将领鼓舞士气的那一些套路。 The line of sight of Li Muyang has placed on that black robe man, guessed that this person is Abyss Demon Lord in legend. 李牧羊的视线一直放在那个黑袍男人身上,猜测此人是不是就是传说中的深渊魔主 In the Li Muyang eye, most head of the clan Three-eyed Demon must be a type, nothing but is the difference of height degree of stoutness or male and female. In a Human race appearance on such as demon clan eye. 李牧羊眼里,大多数三眼魔族长得都是一个样,无非就是高矮胖瘦或者公母的区别。就如魔族眼里的人族一个模样。 Li Muyang knows that the abyss clan has the abyss feudal lords and three big sacrificial offerings for the highest leader, next will then be 18 gods as well as lower grade general. Most mystical formidable evil moon/month sacrificial offering had been killed by oneself, the wind thieves and black star two big sacrificial offerings do not know the trace. 李牧羊知道,深渊族有深渊领主与三大祭祀为最高领导者,其次便是18神将以及更低等级的将军。最为神秘强大的邪月祭祀已经被自己所杀,还有风贼和黑星两大祭祀不知所踪。 This time attacks the divine land, abyss that big fiendish person must the royal cart draft, perhaps other two big sacrificial offerings leave behind one to guard the abyss, there are possibility both to arrive at the divine land. 此番侵袭神州,深渊那位大魔王不可能不御驾亲征,其它两大祭祀或许留下一位镇守深渊,也有可能两者皆到了神州。 Li Muyang wants to emit a wisp of god to read very much, probes person on the sacrificial offering stage is any background. Also feared that this act will expose the target, causes the demon clan of this full canyon to attack. 李牧羊很想放出一缕神念,去试探一下祭祀台上的人到底是什么来头。又怕此举会暴露目标,引起这满峡谷的魔族攻击。 Although Li Muyang is proud, does not have to a person single Tiao race degree arrogantly. After all, but before entire Dragon race sent out pursuing together this abyss demon clan. 李牧羊虽然骄傲,却也没有自大到一个人单挑一个种族的程度。毕竟,以前可是整个龙族一起出动才将这深渊魔族给驱逐出去啊。 But if, cannot determine that the black robe devil the status, what significance this time does take risk to come and have? 可是,倘若不能确定黑袍恶魔的身份,此番冒险前来又有什么意义? While Li Muyang indecisive time, felt suddenly behind a piercing cold intent transmits. 正当李牧羊犹豫不决的时候,突然间感觉到身后有一种刺骨的冷意传来。 Turns around fiercely, exactly and a pair filled the dead air/Qi the eye right. 猛地转身,恰好和一双充满死气的眼睛对了个正着。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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