RS :: Volume #4 北冥钓鲲

#825: The monster is fierce!

Chapter 824 and monster are fierce! 第824章、怪兽凶猛! It has not only provoked Li Muyang. 它不仅仅挑衅了李牧羊 Also has provoked the snowball. 还挑衅了雪球。 Because since continuously, only then the snowball such " " , Wolf King also never has such " " . 因为一直以来,只有雪球才这么「噗」,就连狼王也从来都没有这么「噗」过。 The snowball is angry very much. 雪球很生气。 It thought 它觉得 The enormous legendary fish beast is robbing own selling to sprout the exclusive power ----- It is plagiarizing her selling to sprout the way. 鲲兽是在抢夺自己的卖萌专属权-----它在抄袭自己的卖萌方式。 Its fat body throws toward the sea level, holds up that snow white large claw, a palm of the hand toward the blue small face fan of blue small fish in the past. 它肉乎乎的身体朝着海面扑去,举起那雪白肥大的爪子,一巴掌朝着蓝色小鱼的蓝色小脸扇了过去。 Chirp ------ 啾------ That blue small fish turned into a blue bird, cheerful hovering in the upper air, the mouth also makes the delightful neighing sound. 那只蓝色小鱼变成了一只蓝色小鸟,欢快的翱翔在高空之中,嘴里还发出悦耳的嘶鸣声音。 The snowball receives the potential to be inferior , a palm of the hand claps above the sea level of Black Sea, the sea water bang, the rough seas tumble, just liked has triggered a Tsunami. 雪球收势不及,一巴掌拍在黑海的海面之上,海水轰隆,大浪翻滚,犹如引发了一场海啸。 These monsters are not ordinary monsters, frequently lived several thousand years of even absolutely year old fogy. It looks like the snowball and enormous legendary fish beast living thing, feared that has the world beginning, they have then been surviving. Their prestige energies were too formidable are too really formidable. 这些怪兽都不是普通怪兽,动辄都是活了数千年甚至万万年的老家伙。就像是雪球和鲲兽这种生物,怕是有天地始,他们便一直生存着。它们的威能实在是太强大太强大了。 Li Muyang wants to treat and cure Qiandu, delusion takes the crystal soul of king of this kind of monster unexpectedly ----- Also he lived a gentian luckily, ordinary humanity cannot do this foolish matter. 李牧羊想要救治千度,竟然妄想取这样一个怪兽之王的晶魄-----也幸好他生了一颗龙胆,普通人类根本就干不出来这种蠢事。 A snowball palm fails, the body looks like a rebound of rubber ball, the body lifts off rapidly, then opened the large-mouthed vessel big mouth to nip toward that blue bird. 雪球一掌落空,身体就像是一只皮球似的反弹回去,身体迅速升空,然后张开血盆大嘴朝着那蓝色小鸟咬了过去。 It takes pouching in the belly this bird. 它要一口将这只小鸟给吞进肚子里。 So long as the enormous legendary fish beast enters the stomach, that then entered the Heart of Weak Water domain. Is kills hacks, is fries or red-roast whatever the snowball decided. 只要鲲兽进肚,那便进入了弱水之心的领域。是杀是剐,是清炒还是红烧就任由雪球来决定了。 The movement of blue bird is more flexible. 蓝色小鸟的动作更加灵活。 Whiz ------- 嗖------- When the big mouth of snowball soon must swallow it, the body of that bird fled flexible. 在雪球的大嘴即将要将其吞噬时,那只小鸟的身体已经灵活的窜了出去。 The snowball continues to pursue, bird in front rapid flight. Huge white snowball and flexible blue bird looked like play the mongoose game. 雪球继续追去,小鸟在前面疾飞。巨大的白色雪球和灵活的蓝色小鸟就像是玩起了猫鼠游戏。 The snowball got angry. 雪球怒了。 Its body anchors in the midair, then opens the big mouth, has attracted in the bird location direction fiercely. 它的身体停泊在半空之中,然后张开大嘴,猛地朝着小鸟所在的方向吸了过去。 Whiz ------ 嗖------ The grey cloud, strong winds, the Heilongjiang River as well as the blue bird all flew toward the mouth of snowball. 灰云、狂风、黑水以及蓝色小鸟全部都朝着雪球的嘴巴飞了过去。 They very difficult to contend with the snowball huge suction. 它们很难与雪球巨大的吸力相抗衡。 Saw that the blue bird was swallowed by oneself, the snowball is wild with joy, immediately stops buying, prepares to close the preparation to give deadlocking stubbornly all these in the belly. 见到蓝色小鸟被自己吞噬,雪球大喜若狂,立即停止吸纳,准备闭上准备将这一切都给死死的锁死在肚子里。 In suddenly, that blue bird that the tooth slit soon must close turned into a greasy small fish, falls from the slits of its two tooth, soon will fall into the sea level time, transformed into a blue bird to fly to the upper air. 在牙齿缝隙即将要合上的一刹那间,那只蓝色小鸟变成了一条油腻的小鱼,从它的两颗牙齿的缝隙间掉落下来,即将落入海面的时候,又幻化成为一只蓝色小鸟飞向了高空。 Slippery hand! 滑不溜手! Sly! 狡猾之极! Flew to Kunpeng of mouth, the snowball is somewhat breathless. 到嘴的鲲鹏飞了,雪球有些气急败坏。 ------ “噗------” Roars, again flies in the bird of sky toward that only free soaring. 怒吼一声,再一次朝着那只自由自在的飞翔在天空的小鸟飞去。 Li Muyang knows that this enormous legendary fish beast is not good to cope, does not want snowball to be bullied by him, got rid to join the regiment on own initiative. 李牧羊知道这只鲲兽不好对付,不想让雪球一个人被他欺负,也主动出手加入了战团。 Li Muyang and a snowball person of ball, attacks, captures, before attacks, after attacks, but also once for a while comes mixed doubles. 李牧羊和雪球这一人一球,一个攻上,一个攻下,一个攻前,一个攻后,还时不时的来一个混合双打。 Bang the sound is lingering on faintly. 轰隆隆的声音不绝于耳。 But, they have been busy at work for quite a while, not only has not injured to that enormous legendary fish beast divides, instead is tired oneself pants. 可是,俩人忙活了半天,不仅仅没有伤到那鲲兽分豪,反而把自己给累得气喘吁吁。 ----- ------ ----- “噗-----噗------咳咳-----” The snowball sold to sprout sells quite strenuously. 雪球就连卖萌都卖得相当吃力了。 The Li Muyang face darken, thinks aura disorder, the feeling of one's blood bubbles up to the brim. 李牧羊脸色阴沉,觉得气息紊乱,热血沸腾的感觉。 Each fist that he wields failed, each foot of kicking out kicked leaning. 他挥出去的每一拳都落空了,踢出去的每一脚都踢偏了。 Each huge killing incurred has fed in the different space and time by it, every time was disappeared by him with the tacit coordination of snowball in invisible ------ 每一记巨大的杀招都被它送进了异时空,每一次和雪球的默契配合都被他消弥于无形------ Li Muyang is confident to own strength, is more confident to the snowball strength. 李牧羊对自己的实力有信心,对雪球的实力更有信心。 In any event, is impossible unable to touch the superficial knowledge of enormous legendary fish beast. 无论如何,都不可能碰不着鲲兽的皮毛。 But, the fact is so ----- That enormous legendary fish beast looks like has the deity to protect body, in any event cannot bump it unable to injure it. 可是,事实便是如此-----那鲲兽就像是有天神护体似的,无论如何都碰不着它伤不着它。 Has the strangeness ------ Li Muyang in wants to say at heart. “有古怪------”李牧羊在心里想道。 The snowball and Li Muyang look at each other one, it also thought that the matter is somewhat strange. 雪球和李牧羊对视一眼,它也觉得事情有些奇怪。 ------ Snowball was spitting resounding froth to express oneself disaffection at this moment to Li Muyang. “噗------”雪球对着李牧羊吐了一个响亮的泡泡表达自己此时此刻的不满。 Stupid fellow ----- Enormous legendary fish beast turns into the small fish from time to time, from time to time turns into the bird, but also once for a while turns into a conch or the turtle, it as if can fluctuate into any naked eye obvious thing. You think that this can capture my ------ Crystal soul? Really huge joke. In this world, I am the only control. You ---- Some immaterial small fish small shrimp, so long as I open mouth, you will be swallowed by me, becomes the food in my belly.” “愚蠢的家伙-----”鲲兽时而变成小鱼,时而变成小鸟,还时不时的变成一只海螺或者乌龟,它仿佛可以变幻成为任何肉眼可见的东西。“你们以为这样就可以夺得我的------晶魄?真是天大的笑话。在这个世界里,我才是唯一的主宰。你们----只是一些无关紧要的小鱼小虾,只要我一张嘴,你们就会被我吞噬掉,成为我肚子里的食物。” Enormous legendary fish beast incomparably greedy looks at snowball, has licked the tongue, said: Especially you ----- Heart of Weak Water, since to my boundary, had given up any idea of that flees this place again. So long as I eat you, then can the growth year cultivate absolutely is, perhaps, leaps to be promoted into the god clan to be also unknowable ----- The clan of half god, eventually is not a god. I must become the genuine god, omnipotent god.” 鲲兽无比贪婪的看着雪球,舔了舔舌头,说道:“特别是你-----弱水之心,既然到了我的地界,就休想再逃离此地。只要我将你吃掉,便可以增涨万万年修为,或许,一跃而晋级成为神族也不可知-----半神之族,终究不是神。我要成为真正的神,无所不能的神。” Hears the words of enormous legendary fish beast, the Li Muyang heart shakes, the look is fixing the eyes on it like the electricity, makes noise saying: I understood ----- I understood ------ Here is not the northern ocean, but is your domain, is artificial space that you make ----- Here all are transform by you, but we seek is not the northern ocean, but is your domain ------ 听到鲲兽的话,李牧羊心头一震,眼神如电般的紧盯着它,出声说道:“我明白了了-----我明白了------这里不是北溟,而是你的领域,是你制造出来的芥子空间-----这里的一切都是由你幻化出来的,而我们寻找到的并不是北溟,而是你的领域------” No wonder we cannot bump you, no wonder we could not injure you, no wonder you can the free change, be able optional pulled out our injuries # delivers to any space ------ Because this space is your domain, is completely the mustard seed that is controlled by you ----- In this, you is a god, is the true control ----- Anybody cannot injure you ------ “难怪我们碰不着你,难怪我们伤不了你,也难怪你可以自由自在的变化,可以随意的将我们的伤害抽#送到任何一个空间------因为这空间便是你的领域,是完全由你掌控的芥子-----在这里面,你是神,是真正的主宰-----没有任何人能够伤害到你------” Ha ------ Enormous legendary fish beast transforms into Kunpeng, turns into the colossus of mask world. Dragon race Dragon race, unexpectedly was really seen the flaw by you ----- You said well, this entire northern ocean is I transforms, is artificial space that I make ----- “哈哈哈------”鲲兽又幻化成为鲲鹏,变成遮挡天地的庞然大物。“龙族果然还是龙族,竟然被你看出了破绽-----你说得不错,这整个北溟都是我幻化出来的,是我制造出来的芥子空间-----” Li Muyang, you know now were one stupid? Your hit my artificial space, is actually thinking wanted to take my crystal soul ------ Thought are one very laughable?” 李牧羊,你现在知道自己有多么愚蠢了吗?你一头撞进了我的芥子空间,却想着要要取我的晶魄------是不是觉得自己很可笑?” ------- Li Muyang thought that he truly very much comedy. “-------”李牧羊觉得,自己确实很搞笑的。 He should already think that already thought of this possibility. 他应该早就想到的,早就想到这种可能性。 No wonder a «Xiaoyao You» book record: North has the fish deeply, its named enormous legendary fish. Big of enormous legendary fish, does not know its several thousand li (0.5km). 难怪《逍遥游》一书记载:北冥有鱼,其名为鲲。鲲之大,不知其几千里也。 So long as in own domain, it can transform the shape freely, therefore the continuous several thousand li (0.5km) are also only minor matter one ----- 只要在自己的领域里面,它可以自由变换形态,所以连绵几千里也只是小事一桩----- Entire northern ocean is artificial space of enormous legendary fish, then, genuine northern ocean where? 整个北溟是鲲的芥子空间,那么,真正的北溟在哪里? Since the enormous legendary fish here, then, here must be the northern ocean ------ Has the enormous legendary fish first, then has the northern ocean? 既然鲲在这里,那么,这里就应当是北溟------难道说,先有鲲,而后才有北溟? Also, who has entered the northern ocean, has seen several thousand li (0.5km) big enormous legendary fish? 可是,又是何人进入过北溟,看到过几千里大的鲲? The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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