RS :: Volume #4 北冥钓鲲

#823: Please understand!

Chapter 822, asked you to understand! 第822章、请你理解! «Gods and ghosts after» clouds: The bird inscription said: Has the bird to be rare, green scarlet bright, did not call does not eat, east made a return invitation the nobility, the western duplicate queen mother of the west, the grandmother wanted east, ascending from passing, the Yin-Yang must, only benefit the labor. 《神异经》云:其鸟铭曰:有鸟希有,绿赤煌煌,不鸣不食,东覆东王公,西覆西王母,王母欲东,登之自通,阴阳相须,惟会益工。 These records also from one side showed: The Great Péng bird has green and red bi-color, does not sound not to eat food \; Carries on the back the flake not to have feather place merely, has 19,000 thousand li(500 km) to be broad, obviously its build is huge. - - originally, from Kunlun Mountains to the distance of East China Sea, is between the Great Péng bird two wings the ear. 这些记载也从侧面说明:大鹏鸟有绿、红双色,不鸣叫也不进食\;仅仅背上小片没羽毛的地方,就有19000千里宽广,可见它体形多么庞大。―――原来,从西昆仑到东海的距离,也不过是大鹏鸟两翅之间耳。 Thus it can be seen, the writers like blowing flamboyant. 由此可见,文人都是喜欢吹牛逼的。 In the ancient times the writer liked blowing flamboyant compared with the modern writer. 古代文人比现代文人更喜欢吹牛逼。 Because the writer blew is the thing of fairy recording strange or supernatural events in the ancient times blows flamboyant, is unable to research. 因为古代文人吹牛逼吹的都是神鬼志怪之物,无从考证。 Once the modern writer boasted, was revealed very much easily, then various types applied makeup. 现代文人一旦吹牛,很容易就被人揭穿,然后各种打脸。 This enormous legendary fish beast is also enormous, is big. One passes shortly, blocks the sky, space underground, only this beast, only it alone Venerable. 这只鲲兽也极大,非常大。一眼看过去,遮天蔽日,天上地下,只此一兽,唯其独尊。 However, not like like that from Kunlun Mountains that the writer records to the distance of East China Sea ---- 但是,并不像文人所记载的那般,从西昆仑到东海的距离---- Moreover, this enormous legendary fish beast not record like that has the green red two colors, but is the dark blue, just likes the sea water general blue color. 而且,这只鲲兽并不似记载的那般有绿红两色,而是深蓝色,犹如海水一般的蓝色。 Enormous legendary fish beast Pan male upper air, eye cut-throat is staring at the snowball, I like that believe that your you actually want to eat my indignant appearance. 鲲兽盘雄高空,眼睛凶狠的盯着雪球,一幅我那般相信你你竟然想要吃我的气愤模样。 What are you?” The enormous legendary fish beast makes noise saying that can actually the mouth spit the criticism. “你是何物?”鲲兽出声说道,竟然能够口吐人言。 The snowball has gawked obviously, then in high spirit is brandishing the small claw, has been putting out small froth to the enormous legendary fish beast. 雪球明显愣了一下,然后兴高采烈的挥舞着小爪子,对着鲲兽吐出了一个小泡泡。 ------ “噗------” „Is this what intent?” “这是何意?” ------ “噗------” Around your body fills the jellyfish element that has been full purely ----- Froth that you spit is also so ----- What are you?” The origin of enormous legendary fish beast to snowball is curious. “你的身体四周充满了最纯粹充盈的水母元素-----就连你吐出来的泡泡也是如此-----你到底是何物?”鲲兽对雪球的来历非常好奇。 All day long lives in this vast ocean, mainly by buying in the water element of sea of this northern ocean comes cultivation and formidable. 终日生活在这汪洋大海之中,主要靠吸纳这北溟之海的水元素来修行和强大自己。 It does not know one lived many years, it does not know one have eaten in many seas the biology, does not know one have slurped many water element, the froth that but, this monster spits lets the sense of joy that it has to plant not to realize ----- 它不知道自己活了多少年,它不知道自己吃掉了多少海中生物,也不知道自己吸食了多少的水元素,但是,这只怪兽吐出来的泡泡却让它有种从来没有体会到的愉悦感----- It cute! 它长得可爱! It can ga! 它会尬物! It is different from these beautiful inexpensive goods! 它和那些妖艳贱货是不一样的! What has not thought that it actually wants to eat itself ----- “没想到的是,它竟然想要吃掉自己-----” Enormous legendary fish beast at heart very injured. 鲲兽的心里很受伤。 ------- Snowball can respond its has one simply simple " " . “噗-------”雪球能够回应它的只有一个简单干脆的「噗」。 You can not be unusual under my formidable internal combustion engine, I actually cannot feel your existence ------ “你能够在我强大的气机之下毫无异样,我却感觉不到你的存在------” ------ Snowball spits some not to be impatient. Must hit hits, this bird that many idle talk? “噗------”雪球吐得有些不耐烦了。要打就打,这只鸟怎么那么多废话啊? It is Heart of Weak Water.” Sound that in the upper air, transmits a young man. “它是弱水之心。”高空之中,传来一个年轻男子的声音。 Quick, one group of flame fly from the distant place extremely fast. 很快的,一团火焰从远处极速飞来。 That group of flame whole bodies are covered with red hair seemed burning Wolf King, 那团火焰正是全身长满红毛仿佛烧着了的狼王, As well as Li Muyang and Qiandu above wolf back. The person of speech naturally was Li Muyang. 以及狼背之上的李牧羊千度。说话之人自然是李牧羊了。 Li Muyang was riding to sit Wolf King to inspect the northern ocean a moment ago, the search actually could not discover in all directions any enormous legendary fish beast trail time, the heart lived the difference suddenly, then felt the Northwest formidable giant beast aura. 刚才李牧羊正骑坐着狼王巡视北溟,四处搜索却发现不了任何鲲兽踪迹的时候,突然间心生异样,然后便感受到了西北方强大的巨兽气息。 The Li Muyang spirit shakes, immediately urged Wolf King has caught up toward here. 李牧羊精神为之一震,立即催促狼王朝着这边赶了过来。 The promptness that he comes luckily, saw exactly to the enormous legendary fish beast that the snowball closely examines. 幸好他来的及时,恰好看到了正在向雪球追问的鲲兽。 Enormous legendary fish beast hovering upper air, fans a time wing every time, the northern ocean sea level mighty waves are then turbulent. 鲲兽翱翔高空,每扇动一次翅膀,北溟海面便波涛汹涌。 About the wings just likes the blue cloud, looks like sea under their body, cannot look at the boundary. 左右双翼犹如蓝云,就像是他们身下的大海似的,一眼望不到边际。 Wolf King was the child of red moon/month, the build is also enough huge. However, Wolf King looks like in front of the enormous legendary fish beast an thin and weak baby, in front of an elephant ant. 狼王是红月之子,体型也算是足够庞大了。但是,狼王在鲲兽面前就像是一个瘦弱的婴儿,大象面前的一只蚂蚁。 Heart of Weak Water ------ Enormous legendary fish beast hesitates does not speak, looks like was lost in thought. Long time, long time, makes noise saying: „Is that then the mothers of ten thousand water? No wonder ----- In society purest water strength, the water of earth all for its uses.” 弱水之心------”鲲兽沉吟不语,就像是陷入了沉思。良久,良久,才出声说道:“那便是万水之母吧?难怪-----世间最纯粹的水力量,大地之水皆为其所用。” Yes, the sources of ten thousand water.” Li Muyang makes noise to echo. „The water of this northern ocean, is in its control area similarly.” “是的,万水之源头。”李牧羊出声附和。“就连这北溟之水,也同样属于它的控制范围之内。” Who are you?” “你又是谁?” I am Li Muyang.” “我是李牧羊。” „Are you Human race?” “你是人族?” Yes.” “是的。” Lies.” Enormous legendary fish beast anger sound shouted to clear the way: I felt the Dragon race aura from you ------ The year, never had Human race to find here absolutely. The old fogy who only then these do not die can come here ----- Can arrive at the northern ocean ----- “撒谎。”鲲兽怒声喝道:“我从你身上感受到了龙族的气息------万万年来,从来不曾有人族能够找到这里。只有那些不死的老家伙才能够到达这里-----才能够来到北溟-----” That but actually perhaps. Some Human race people have recorded to you actually. If they have not seen you, how also to know your appearance shape?” “那倒说不定。人族倒是有些人对你有所记载。倘若他们没有见过你的话,又怎么知道你的样貌形状呢?” How do you know these books are Human race?” “你怎知那些书是人族所着?” This ------ Li Muyang is also the expression stagnates. He has thought these books are Human race write, because some Human race people have come the place of northern ocean, has seen the quinone beast, therefore so will write. “这------”李牧羊也是表情微滞。他一直以为那些书籍是人族着写的,因为人族有人来过北溟之地,见过醌兽,所以才会这般书写。 The issue is, what if has seen these enormous legendary fish beasts is other races? For example ----- Dragon race? 问题是,倘若见过那些鲲兽的是其它的种族呢?譬如-----龙族 Since is Dragon race, what you do come the place of my north ocean to make?” Enormous legendary fish beast look vigilant is staring at Li Muyang. Obviously, existence of Li Muyang made him feel the danger. “既然是龙族,你来我北溟之地做什么?”鲲兽眼神警惕的盯着李牧羊。显然,李牧羊的存在让他感觉到了危险。 Dragon race is the clan of half god, with their enormous legendary fish beast is the same rank. If both sides slaughter, in enormous legendary fish heart does not have the stratagem which ensures success. 龙族是半神之族,和他们鲲兽是同一个级别。倘若双方厮杀起来,鲲兽心中也没有胜算。 Let alone, this Dragon race future is bad, he not only has extremely high cultivating is, but also has brought sources of ten thousand mother Heart of Weak Water ------ 更何况,这个龙族来者不善,他不仅仅自己有着极高的修为,而且还带来了一个万母之源的弱水之心------ He cross under rides that dhole that sits is not Fankou, only observes its appearance also to know its fiercely. 就连他跨下骑坐的那头红狼也不是凡口,只观其模样也知其厉害。 Such combination ----- Is most formidable enemy who the enormous legendary fish beast birthday runs into. 这样的组合-----是鲲兽诞生之日起遇到的最强大敌人。 Uses taking advantage of your crystal soul.” Li Muyang makes noise to say. “借你晶魄一用。”李牧羊出声说道。 What?” The enormous legendary fish beast has not thought obviously Li Muyang will propose such request, cannot bear asks again one time. It suspected that he has not understood the criticism. “什么?”鲲兽显然没想到李牧羊会提出这样的要求,忍不住再问一次。它怀疑自己没有听懂人言。 I said ---- Uses taking advantage of your crystal soul.” Li Muyang guilty saying: This female is extremely important to me, but, her six soul five souls lost, now only then a soul soul was sealed by me ------ “我说----借你晶魄一用。”李牧羊不无愧疚的说道:“这个女子对我极其重要,但是,她的六魂五魄已失,现在只有一魂一魄被我封存起来------” Therefore, you must repair her soul taking advantage of my crystal soul, saves her life?” “所以,你要借我的晶魄来修复她的魂魄,拯救她的性命?” Yes.” The Li Muyang sinking sound said: Therefore, but also invited the enormous legendary fish ---- The mister can understand.” “是的。”李牧羊沉声说道:“所以,还请鲲----先生能够理解。” Understanding?” Enormous legendary fish beast obviously by the Li Muyang words amusing. It is smiling, just likes the Human race same laughter that sends. You must take my crystal soul, takes my life, makes me express the understanding to your shameless act ------ “理解?”鲲兽显然被李牧羊的话给逗乐了。它在笑,发出来的犹如人族一样的笑声。“你要取我晶魄,取我性命,却让我对你的这种无耻行径表示理解------” You leave this ------ Li Muyang somewhat awkward saying: I purely think that before you is a big fish, is bigger than other fish, but ----- Eventually is a fish. Was same as other fish, kills, has boiled, has admitted the Chinese prickly ash and salt can enjoy. What has not thought that you understand the criticism unexpectedly, lets you who I can not help, when Human race regards ------ “你别这样------”李牧羊有些为难的说道:“我之前就是单纯的以为你是一条大鱼,比别的鱼大一些,但是-----终究还是一条鱼。和其它的鱼一样,杀了、煮了、放进花椒和盐巴就可以享用。没想到的是,你竟然听懂人言,让我情不自禁的把你当人族看待------” Has the world beginning, then has my clan to exist ----- The enormous legendary fish clan compared with your Dragon race life must glorious long, your Dragon race can understand the criticism, became the human appearance, what unusual did our enormous legendary fish clan learn the language of Human race to have?” “有天地始,便有我族存在-----鲲族比你们龙族寿命还要更加悠久漫长,你们龙族听得懂人言,变得了人样,我们鲲族学会人族之语有什么奇特?” Dragon race understands the language, that is because Dragon race and Human race maintains the close relationship ----- 龙族懂得人语,那是因为龙族一直和人族保持密切的关系-----” Enormous legendary fish clan photographic memory, any person or thing that has seen one time, including typeface ----- Then forever will store up, places in the crystal soul.” The enormous legendary fish beast makes noise saying: Therefore, you unexpectedly can take my crystal soul now? Also can make me express the understanding to your behavior?” “鲲族过目不忘,凡是见过一次的人或者物,包括字体-----便会永远的储存下来,放在晶魄之中。”鲲兽出声说道:“所以,你现在竟然要取走我的晶魄?还要让我对你的行为表示理解?” „.” The Li Muyang heavy sigh, said: Understanding did not understand ----- Did not matter. Since sees you today, your this crystal soul, does not give must give. Your crystal soul, I must take.” “也罢。”李牧羊沉沉叹息,说道:“理解不理解-----都无所谓了。既然今日见到你了,那你这晶魄给也得给,不给也得给。你的晶魄,我非取不可。” In order to repair the Qiandu soul, retrieves the Qiandu life ----- Li Muyang does not hesitate to make a chapter of evil dragon. 为了修复千度的魂魄,救回千度的性命-----李牧羊不惜做一回恶龙。 Is makes him kill and torch to stop at no evil, he will not hesitate absolutely ---- Let alone kills a fish. 就是让他杀人放火无恶不作,他也绝对不会犹豫----更何况只是杀一条鱼而已。 Big fish, is the fish. 再大的鱼,也是鱼。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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