RS :: Volume #4 北冥钓鲲

#761: Praying mantis Bu Chan!

Chapter 760 and praying mantis Bu Chan! 第760章、螳螂捕蝉! Praying mantis Bu Chan, canary. 螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后。 The reality told us, has not arrived the last step, no one knows who was the praying mantis, who was the cicada, who was the canary ----- 现实告诉我们,没到最后一步,谁也不知道谁是螳螂,谁是蝉,谁又是黄雀----- In the Song eyes, oneself are the canary, Lu is the praying mantis and Chu of operative in a textile mill is the cicada. 在宋氏眼里,自己是黄雀,陆氏是挡车的螳螂、楚氏是蝉。 In the Chu emperor's clan eye, Song is the praying mantis, Lu after autumn treats the cicada that catches. 在楚氏皇族眼里,宋氏是螳螂,陆氏是秋后待捕的蝉。 But, in the Lu eyes, Song is the praying mantis, Chu is the cicada that soon will only be stuttered. 可是,在陆氏眼里,宋氏是螳螂,楚氏是那只即将被一口吃掉的蝉。 The Favor King original manuscript thinks one are going the power to grasp alone, the Chu emperor's clan ascends the imperial authority again. One will make determined efforts, the world thoughts of returning home, become keep annals Wan Shiming. 惠王原本以为自己将要大权独握,楚氏皇族重拾皇权。自己将励精图治,天下归心,成为名留史册的万世明君。 What has not thought that responsible the high-ranking court official in oneself eye has become the counter feudal official, the trusted friend who can entrust has become the big trouble ----- 没想到的是,原本在自己眼里可依赖的重臣成了逆臣,可以托付的心腹成了大患----- Half of the country! 半壁江山! He dares to set the request of half of the country to himself unexpectedly! 他竟然敢对自己提出半壁江山的要求! Big courage, big appetite ------ 好大的胆子,好大的胃口------ If, Favor King thinks really a sword has cut it, cuts its, extinguishes its clan. 若是可以的话,惠王真想一剑将其斩了,斩其家,灭其族。 Ok? 可以吗? Favor King consecrates the answer in eye getting from his side these negative, assurance that they cannot win. 惠王从他身边那些供奉眼里得到的答案是否定的,他们也没有必胜的把握。 Lu, this matter also needs to need further consideration ----- I have said that so long as Lu opens the mouth, how this half of the country has given Lu? In the final analysis, my Chu landscape is helped to return by Lu. If no Lu, Song has not known how to bully my shame I. However, this matter is important, how does Lu give me some time to prepare?” “陆公,此事还需要从长计议-----我说过,只要陆公开口,这半壁江山给了陆公又如何?归根结底,我楚氏江山还是由陆公帮忙打回来的。倘若没有陆公,那宋氏还不知道如何欺我辱我。不过,此事事关重大,陆公给我一些时间准备如何?” A long delay usually means many problems. If Song gets rid ruthlessly spicily to be again more decisive, today's your majesty and I? Also asked your majesty fast under to make a decision.” “夜长梦多。倘若宋氏出手再狠辣果断一些,还有今日的陛下和我吗?还请陛下速速下决断。” Was Lu this forces me to take a stand at the scene? ” 陆公这是逼迫我当场表态了?” I do not want to make your majesty for this matter worried.” “我只是不想让陛下一直为此事烦忧而已。” Good loyal and straightforward minister.” “好一个忠直大臣。” Your majesty is also Ren Yiming.” “陛下也是仁义明君。” Lu ------ “陆公------” Your majesty ------ “陛下------” ------- ------- The words said completely, said again anything are useless. 话已说尽,再多说些什么都是无益的了。 Everybody is not a fool, does not want to give, one is the present wants. Must give a result eventually. 大家都不是蠢人,一个不想给,一个是现在要。终究是要给出一个结果的。 Now, competion whose fist is bigger whose strength ------ 现在,比拼的就是谁的拳头更大谁的实力更强一些------ Their look looking at each other, like blade, like sword. 俩人的眼神对视,一个如刀,一个如剑。 The sword intersection, works off anger to overflow. 刀剑相交,杀气四溢。 The war initially decides, actually for the matter of minute dirty victory has torn to pieces the face. 战局初定,却为了分脏战果的事情而撕破了脸。 Looks at Lu Xingkong that tranquil profound eye, Favor King feels a feeling of seeming to have met before suddenly. 看着陆行空那一双平静幽深的眼睛,惠王突然间感觉到了一种似曾相识的感觉。 Where this he has seen to the eye, moreover makes him remember profoundly ------ 这对眼睛他在哪里见过,而且让他记忆深刻------ Song Gudu! 宋孤独 Yes, Song Gudu is such look. 是的,宋孤独就是这样的眼神。 Forever tranquil like water, forever profound unpredictable. One passes shortly, one type will soon drown to the person the dangerous feeling of perishing. 永远的平静如水,也永远的幽深难测。一眼看过去,给人一种即将溺亡的危险感觉。 The Lu Xingkong look turned into the Song Gudu look, Lu Xingkong ----- Then also turns for Song Gudu. 陆行空的眼神变成了宋孤独的眼神,陆行空-----便也变成为了宋孤独 Generally, are in society powerful minister having the same eye? 大抵,世间权臣都长着同样的眼睛吧? Favor King understood suddenly, if he tiger tally " bestowing " , did not fear that today is this Lu Xingkong will then not go out of this yard by oneself ----- 惠王突然间明白了,倘若他今日不将虎符相「赐」,怕是这陆行空便不会让自己走出这小院----- Eye of Starry Sky, by Shaying cruel calligraphy stroke food. 星空之眼,被沙鹰残忍啄食。 Own this westerly wind king, same was controlled by him in the palm. 自己这西风君王,也同样的被他掌控在手掌之中。 The dozens years ago layouts, then for today's compelling palace? 数十年前的布局,便是为了今日的逼宫吧? Pitiful! Lamentable! 可怜!可叹! In the past regarded it for father's younger brother's emperor brother, may know did an own absolute sincerity trust the wrong person? 当年视其为叔父的皇兄,可知道自己一片赤诚所托非人? If so, he will not finish his life with that violent way ----- 若是如此,他也不会用那么极端的方式结束自己的性命----- Works as ------ 哐当------ The yard wooden door was shoved open. 小院木门被人推开。 One crowd of person enormous and powerful rushing of, walk in forefront is West Wind Empire imperial prince Chu Xun. 一群人浩浩荡荡的闯了进来,走在最前面的便是西风帝国的皇子楚浔 Chu Xun that was blind is content with honorable poverty, calm calm. One group of black robe people stand in his both sides, followed of blindly following suit in his about. 瞎了眼的楚浔安步当车,镇定从容。一群黑袍人侍立在他的两侧,亦步亦趋的跟随在他的左右。 Chu Xun stands in the yards, deeply is bowing with hands clasped to the father Favor King location position, said: Son feudal official has seen father emperor.” 楚浔站在小院中间,对着父亲惠王所在的位置深深一揖,说道:“儿臣见过父皇。” Xun, what do you come this place to make? Leaves in a big hurry.” Favor King makes noise to shout to clear the way. “浔儿,你来此地做什么?快快离开。”惠王出声喝道。 Even if he now unusual waste son who does not like this blindness, but, Chu Xun also eventually is own flesh and blood, if Lu Xingkong executes the heavy hand suddenly, Chu Xun not only cannot help in this, instead was implicated. 即便他心里现在非常的不喜欢这个瞎了眼的废物儿子,但是,楚浔也终究是自己的骨血,倘若陆行空突施辣手,楚浔在此不仅仅帮不上忙,反而遭受拖累。 I see the father emperor.” The corners of the mouth of Chu Xun reappear wipe the crafty demon the happy expression, said: Heard that Cui just left from here, has hair dishevelled, just likes the shape corpse. Also heard that father emperor catches up with this place to meet with the person, the son feudal official is deliberately considering, is the important character can let the father emperor and Cui comes unable to meet personally ----- “我来看望父皇。”楚浔的嘴角浮现一抹诡魅的笑意,说道:“听说崔公刚刚从这里离开,披头散发,犹如形尸。又听说父皇赶来此地与人见面,儿臣心里寻思着,到底是何等重要的人物能让父皇和崔公亲自前来见上一面-----” Speech time, Chu Xun that ignorant black silk fabrics " eye socket " shifted the Lu Xingkong location position 说话的时候,楚浔那蒙着黑色绸缎的「眼眶」已经转移到了陆行空所在的位置 , The hissing said: „Can country Sir Wei, recently be good?” ,嘶声说道:“国尉大人,近来可好?” Good. ” Lu Xingkong looks at Chu Xun, sound tranquil saying. 好。”陆行空看着楚浔,声音平静的说道。 Thinks, the Chu outstanding youth who this is always favored after oneself dig both eyes, will be unable to recover, thorough disappearance in the eyes of populace. 原本以为,这个一向被人看好的楚氏杰出少年在被自己挖去双眼之后,就会一蹶不振,彻底的消失在大众之眼。 Has not actually thought that the good fortune makes person, this Chu Xun not only has not vanished, had not died, instead grew in another way. 却没想到,造化弄人,这个楚浔不仅仅没有消失,没有死亡,反而以另外一种方式成长起来了。 Present Chu Xun looks like mature, was calmer. Moreover, even if he stands there is motionless, but the forehead belt ghost, the whole body black air/Qi winds around, to person feeling of the gloomy terror 现在的楚浔看起来成熟许多,也沉稳了许多。而且,即便他站在那里不动,但是眉心带煞,周身黑气缭绕,给人一种阴森恐怖之感 . This sub- unfriendly kind! 此子绝非善类! Thinks Xun comes is not the time, has disturbed the father emperor and matter of distinguished guest private talk. However, since that distinguished guest is country Sir Wei, that showed that this time comes to score a lucky hit ----- The happy expression of Chu Xun corners of the mouth, makes noise saying: Country Sir Wei, should you also remember profoundly to Xun?” “原本以为浔来的不是时候,打扰了父皇和贵宾密谈之事。但是,既然那位贵宾是国尉大人,那就证明此番前来是歪打正着-----”楚浔嘴角的笑意更甚,出声说道:“国尉大人,你也应该对浔记忆深刻吧?” „The Xun imperial princes are the Chu person are outstanding, Starry Sky proud Tu, how can Lu forget?” “浔皇子是楚氏人杰,星空傲徒,陆某怎能忘记?” „Is the Chu person outstanding? Starry Sky proud Tu?” Chu Xun laughs wildly to make noise, said with a smile: Lu said this words time did not fear that the day does hit to be struck by lightning? A waste imperial prince of blindness, how also to become the Chu person to be outstanding? Praises as for Starry Sky proud Tu like this ----- Also is your Dragon race clever grandson entitled?” “楚氏人杰?星空傲徒?”楚浔狂笑出声,笑着说道:“陆公说此话的时候难道不怕天打雷劈吗?一个瞎了眼的废物皇子,又如何当得上楚氏人杰?至于星空傲徒这样的赞誉-----也只有你那位龙族乖孙才有资格吧?” Chu Xun tears off the eye-shade fiercely, that empty eye socket demonstration in the eye balls of Lu Xingkong, the angry sound shouted to clear the way: Lu Xingkong, this is your masterpiece, this is your evil conduct ----- You see my this appearance, won't you have the nightmare in the evening?” 楚浔猛地扯下眼罩,将自己那空荡荡的眼眶展示在陆行空的眼胆,怒声喝道:“陆行空,这就是你的杰作,这就是你的恶行-----你看到我这个样子,你晚上就不会做噩梦吗?” Cannot.” Lu Xingkong said in a soft voice. „In I use the rest law to go to sleep. These years rest very well.” “不会。”陆行空轻声说道。“我用内息法入眠。这些年都睡得很好。” You rest actually very well, I rest not well ----- Lu Xingkong, I wanted to give to kill you every time. I must avenge a grievance, kills the chicken dog not to remain your Lu ------ “你倒是睡得很好,我睡得不好-----陆行空,我每时每刻都想要把你给杀了。我要报仇雪恨,将你陆氏杀得鸡犬不留------” Thinks you died, I do not have the opportunity to reduce your head again personally. Dark green Tianyou I, have not thought that you have not died unexpectedly ----- Lu Xingkong actually is also living ----- Good, is really good. Lu Xingkong, I must dig out your both eyes personally, making you are same as me, I must cut off your four limbs, making you crawl on the ground like a maggot, barely manages to maintain a feeble existence, lives to might as well die ----- 原本以为你死了,我再也没有机会亲手砍掉你的脑袋。苍天佑我,没想到你竟然没有死-----陆行空竟然还活着-----太好了,实在是太好了。陆行空,我一定要亲手挖出你的双眼,让你变得和我一样,我要斩断你的四肢,让你像一只蛆一样在地上爬着,苟延残喘,生不如死-----” One's words echo what is in one's heart, Chu Xun more said is more excited, more said that is stimulated. Wishes one could to draw a sword Lu Xingkong cutting to stand immediately at the scene. 言为心声,楚浔越说越激动,越说越是亢奋。恨不得立即拔剑将陆行空给斩立当场。 Lu Xingkong calm looks at Chu Xun, makes noise saying: „ It seems like you truly hate me. 陆行空一脸平静的看着楚浔,出声说道:“看来你确实恨我。 However, you could not kill me. ” 不过,你杀不了我。” Lu Xingkong ------ Under Chu Xun restrains by force the vicious tendencies in heart, sneers again and again, said: You, when I beforehand Chu Xun? You think that my can be poached the waste of both eyes by you easily?” 陆行空------”楚浔强压下心中的戾气,冷笑连连,说道:“你当我还是以前的楚浔吗?你以为我还是那个能够被你轻易挖走双眼的废物吗?” The appearance that Lu Xingkong shows neither approval nor disapproval, said: That then tries.” 陆行空不置可否的模样,说道:“那便试试吧。” Tries ------- “试试-------” The mouth of Chu Xun is chewing these two phrases. 楚浔的嘴里咀嚼着这俩个字眼。 Tries ---- Naturally must try ----- However, before handling that matter, I want to ask Lu to help one slightly busy ----- “试试----自然是要试试的-----不过,在做那件事情之前,我要要请陆公帮一个小忙-----” Mentioned listens.” “说来听听。” Chu Xun has patted clapping, immediately some people two young pretty young misses sending under escort. 楚浔拍了拍手,立即有人将两个年轻貌美的小姑娘给押解进来。 Appearance that their whole face does not prefer, going all out wants to shake off the fetters of these Men in Black, but does not have the means to achieve in any event diligently. 两人满脸不情愿的模样,拼命的想要挣脱那些黑衣人的束缚,但是无论如何努力都没办法做到。 Chu Xun, has not thought that you are such person ----- Is about to have put us ----- Shouting that” Chu Ning ablazes with anger. 楚浔,没想到你是这样的人-----快放了我们-----”楚宁怒气冲冲的喊道。 Sees Favor King that stands on one side, Chu Ning complains to the elder immediately, said: Emperor uncle, Chu Xun he bullies me ------ 看到站在一边的惠王,楚宁立即向长辈告状,说道:“皇叔,楚浔他欺负我------” Favor King is heavyhearted at this time, where also has the mood to inquire about these minor matters? 惠王此时忧心忡忡,哪里还有心情过问这些小事? It is discontented looked at Chu Ning one, said: You shut up first.” 很是不满的看了楚宁一眼,说道:“你先闭嘴。” ------- The Chu Ning eye socket flood the tears, actually clench the teeth not to make the tears class come out. “-------”楚宁眼眶泛起泪水,却咬紧牙关不让眼泪流出来。 Cui Xiaoxin puts out a hand to get hold of the hand of Chu Ning, gives her to comfort by the meager strength. 崔小心伸手握紧楚宁的手,以自己微薄的力量给她安慰。 Her line of sight actually placed has sat well on Lu Xingkong above yard stone chair, this old person ----- Didn't he already die? Works as the surface immortals of countless person to fall, why is also living now? Also can safe and sound standing in the Chu fathers'and sons' front? 她的视线却放在了端坐在小院石椅之上的陆行空身上,这个老人-----他不是早就已经死了吗?当着无数人的面仙陨,为何现在还活着?还能够安然无恙的站在楚氏父子的面前? Many matters that since the mind phonograph, as if more than half a year time has had had an explanation suddenly. 心神电转,仿佛这大半年时间以来发生的诸多事情突然间都有了一个解释。 The Karma trapped|sleepy fruit, has because of having the fruit. 因果困果,有因有果。 Its day because of bearing the evil consequence of today, whose fault? 它日之因结今日之恶果,谁之过? Cui Xiaoxin is the intelligent female, was seeing that the Lu Xingkong flash then wants to understand a lot. 崔小心原本就是聪慧女子,在见到陆行空的一刹那便想明白了很多事情。 The present her artificial captive, does not know that Cui near shape as well as the relations with the imperial family or Lu's, silent did not say simply, actually also at the right moment expressed own disaffection in the surface. 只是,现在的她人为俘虏,更不知道崔氏近状以及与皇室或者陆氏的关系,索性沉默不言,却也适时的在面上表达自己的不满。 Is only, does he know? He knows that his grandfather is also living ----- And has hidden is holding # the vertical empire wind # to say secretly?” “只是,他知道吗?他知道自己的爷爷还活着-----并且一直躲在幕后操#纵帝国风#云吗?” The line of sight of Lu Xingkong really shifted Chu Ning and on the Cui Xiaoxin face, looked at one toward them, asked: „Is this then the matter that you must beg me to help?” 陆行空的视线果然转移到了楚宁崔小心脸上,朝着她们看了一眼,问道:“这便是你要央求我帮忙的事情?” Chu Xun is pointing at Cui Xiaoxin, makes noise to ask: „Does Lu certainly know her?” 楚浔指着崔小心,出声问道:“陆公一定认识她吧?” Empire bright moonlight, Cui was careful. Lu knows.” “帝国明月,崔氏小心。陆某识得。” „Can Lu know her and your family that dragonet the relations of?” “陆公又可知道她和你们家那位小龙的关系?” Slightly has hearing.” “略有耳闻。” Did the careful young lady here, why not Lu invite your grandson Li Muyang to come to gather? ” Chu Xun saying with a laugh: Evil dragon sees not to see tail, I want to seek him, difficult such as to ascend to heaven. However, if makes him seek me, actually easy many.” 小心小姐在此,陆公何不邀请你的孙子李牧羊前来一聚呢?”楚浔笑呵呵的说道:“恶龙见首不见尾,我想寻他,难如登天。但是,倘若让他来寻我,却是容易的多了。” Younger generation circumstances, my makes the inconvenient care of elder.” “晚辈情事,我一个做长辈的不便关心。” But, if your this elder anything did not say that anything does not do ------ Chu Xun arm, one was transformed the pointed knife that became to rush to above the Cui Xiaoxin nape of the neck by the black thick smoke suddenly, the knife edge touched the body, had the tiny blood thread class to open. The Chu Xun appearance is fierce, cold sound said: She was dying. Dies in your front. At that time, Lu may think how to approach own treasure grandson to explain the confession?” “可是,倘若你这位长辈什么都不说,什么都不做------”楚浔手臂一张,一把由黑色浓烟幻化而成的尖刀突然间就冲到了崔小心的脖颈之上,刀刃触及皮肉,有细小的血丝流敞出来。楚浔面目狰狞,冷声说道:“她就要死了。死在你的面前。那个时候,陆公可想过如何向自己的宝贝孙儿解释交代?” The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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