RS :: Volume #4 北冥钓鲲

#747: The strength of disciplinary punishment!

Strength of Chapter 746 and disciplinary punishment! 第746章、惩戒之力! Li Muyang chest once more sword. 李牧羊的胸口再次中剑。 This time, even if Iridescent Clouds Clothes helped him keep off the majority of sword air/Qi, his body was still injured seriously. 这一次,就算彩云衣帮他挡下了大部份的剑气,他的身体仍然受伤惨重。 Iridescent Clouds Clothes was cut open a huge opening, clothing cotton material listless drooping of two Bo Rucan wing there, the white silk cruentation, is extremely dazzling. 彩云衣被切开一道巨大的口子,两块薄如蚕翼的衣衫布料无精打彩的耷拉在那里,白绸染血,极其耀眼。 The body of chest was lifted, reveals inside to succeed in giving up two sections of dense bones of the dead. If the sword air/Qi slightly is more thorough toward inside, the body of Li Muyang will be given to cut in half by him. 胸口的皮肉被掀开,露出里面断成两截的森森白骨。倘若剑气再稍微往里面深入一些,李牧羊的身体就会被他给切成两半了。 The west gate uses judgment, before Li Muyang any swordsman of bitter experience is more terrorist. 西门酌情,远比李牧羊之前遭遇的任何剑客都要恐怖。 A person cuts off the passion, does not enter this world, even links the Sword God clan swordsmanship also to put behind ------ Actually therefore becomes aware genuine Swordsmanship. 一个人斩断情欲,不入凡尘,甚至连剑神家族的剑法也忘却------却因此悟得真正的剑道。 That matchless nameless sword. 那举世无双的无名之剑。 It looks like in Li Muyang, no, even if by the nitpicking vision of that Black Dragon, he also thinks that west gate man who uses judgment to approach the sword Susie gate snow drift first. 李牧羊看来,不,就算是以那头黑龙的挑剔眼光,他也认为西门酌情是先接近剑祖西门吹雪的男人。 That is the powerhouse of close half god! 那是接近半神的强者啊! Such person, must be one of powerhouses Starry Sky knows how things stand, actually obscure Gansu inhabitants slave ----- Really is makes people think unthinkable. 这样的人,原本应当是星空有数的强者之一,却默默无闻甘居人奴-----实在是让人觉得匪夷所思。 Iridescent Clouds Clothes also knows the ache probably, this its restoration speed is extremely slow, moreover very difficult appearance. 彩云衣好像也知道疼痛,这一次它的复原速度极慢,而且非常艰难的模样。 Li Muyang and its regard are interlinked, know that she is restoring herself diligently ----- This sword truly sinks is too heavy, is the clothes of that immortal is also hard to resist completely. 李牧羊和它心意相通,知道她正在努力的修缮自己-----只是这一剑确实太沉太重,便是那仙人之衣也难以完全抵御。 Let alone Iridescent Clouds Clothes received that sword stiffly, has let Li Muyang at heart grateful tears ling. 更何况彩云衣是硬生生的接下了那一剑,已经让李牧羊心里感激涕澪了。 Thinks of Iridescent Clouds Clothes, Li Muyang thought of that he grew the enlightened beasts of nine heads ------ That old companion did not know by Divine Palace bringing to any position. 想到彩云衣,李牧羊更想念他长了九颗脑袋的开明兽------那位老伙计也不知道被神宫给带到什么位置了。 Li Muyang complies to lead her to tour famed scenery, does not know, also has the opportunity. 李牧羊答应要带她去游览名山大川,也不知道以后还有没有机会。 The west gate used judgment to look down the own injured arm, then gently sighed, said: Meets under the companions my two swords, might be called the divine land youth first person. Other people all are inferior to you. Also the master is no wonder respectable to you.” 西门酌情低头看了看自己受伤的手臂,然后轻轻叹了口气,说道:“接连挡下我两剑,堪称神州少年第一人了。其它人皆不如你。也难怪主人对你推崇备至。” I did not think that you are praising me.” Li Muyang sound faint saying. “我可不觉得你是在夸我。”李牧羊声音淡漠的说道。 He transfers «father QING Good Incantation» of Taoism, quite makes the sword air/Qi in within the body rapid mediates, this can make from the wound of chest cavity quicker restoration. 他调动起道家的《老子清牛咒》,好让体内的剑气迅速的排解出去,这样可以让自已胸腔的伤口更快一些的复原。 Although Li Muyang is the body of Human race, but has the bone of Dragon race. Therefore his physical quality is at variance with the average man. 李牧羊虽然是人族之身,但却有着龙族之骨。所以他的身体素质是异于常人的。 If the chest cavity of average person were slivered this, feared that already passed away, where can also like him so self-poise and was the person speaking the idle talk? 若是普通人的胸腔被切成这样,怕是早就一命呜呼了,哪里还能够像他这般镇定自若的和人讲着闲话? What's wrong? Do you want to make the Starry Sky first person?” The west gate uses judgment somewhat surprisedly quite looks at Li Muyang to ask: Small age then has such boundary, has been possible to overlook all living things ------ In the past when I was young, if had disposition so, then cannot ------ Ok, the past events are over, did not say.” “怎么?难道你想做星空第一人?”西门酌情颇有些惊讶的看着李牧羊问道:“小小年纪便有如此境界,已经可俯视众生------当年我年轻时若是有这般心性,便也不会------算了,往事已矣,不说也罢。” Could not kill you, the youth first person of Starry Sky first person did not have any significance.” Li Muyang looked at a west gate to use judgment that by the arm that Peach Blossom Sword injured, made noise saying: Compared with these unwarranted reputations, lives is being most important. I must live.” “杀不了你,无论是少年第一人还是星空第一人都没有任何意义。”李牧羊看了一眼西门酌情那被桃花剑所伤的手臂,出声说道:“与那些虚名相比,活着才是最重要的。我要活着。” That was very regrettable.” The west gate uses judgment to look that filled to the Li Muyang look regretted and sympathized. You are really I have seen the most outstanding young fellow, but, since the master must keep you ------- I then must keep you.” “那就实在很遗憾了。”西门酌情看向李牧羊的眼神充满了惋惜和同情。“你真是我见过最优秀的少年人,但是,既然主人要把你留下来-------我便要将你留下来。” The west gate uses judgment to look at the chest of Li Muyang that obvious bones of the dead, said: You should be clear, by your present body condition, does not have the means to receive my third sword ------ 西门酌情看着李牧羊那可见白骨的胸口,说道:“你应该清楚,以你现在的身体状态,是没办法接下我第三剑的------” „Can these three swords have name?” Li Muyang makes noise to ask. “这三剑可有名字?”李牧羊出声问道。 „The first sword, I name as it " and " . The myriad things peace is precious, with also has to settle tranquilly, stops the meaning of conflict. With is the reconciliation, this sword, is not killing, in the peaceful mind, is reconciling.” “第一剑,我将其命名为「和」。万物以和为贵,和又有相安平静,止息争端的意思。和乃和解,这一剑,不在杀,在静心,在和解。” „The second sword?” “第二剑呢?” „The second sword I name as air/Qi it " " . The air/Qi is the strength, is mood. The strength and mood blend, has this myriad things irreversible sword. The air/Qi is not, this sword then also lost the vitality, but is a mustard philistine.” “第二剑我将其命名为「气」。气是力量、也是情绪。力量和情绪相交融,方有这万物不可挡的剑阵。气不在,这剑便也就失去了生气,不过是一芥俗物。” I also somewhat anticipate the third sword.” Li Muyang makes noise to say. “我还真是有些期待第三剑了。”李牧羊出声说道。 He saves the goal of murder to come, has actually run into the rare smart adversary. 他存着杀人的目的而来,却遇到了难得一见的高明对手。 Sees the technique heart to be happy, this is the common failing that any cultivation breakthrough can meet. 见技心喜,这是任何一个修行破境者都会遇到的通病。 The first master who Li Muyang puts to death is Cui Family Cui Zhaoren, a thoughts that evil and cruel person, finally actually to sense a true «Crossing Tribulation Sword» real righteousness, but dies toward hear Xi. 李牧羊诛杀的第一个高手是崔家崔照人,心思那么歹毒的一个人,最后却为了感悟一番真正的《渡劫剑》真义而朝闻夕死。 Often remembers, the Li Muyang feelings are extremely profound. He is unreadable, a person pursue together to the military so will be why infatuated crazily. 每每想起,李牧羊都感触极深。他难以理解,一个人为何对武之一道的追求会如此痴迷疯狂。 After his true crossing the threshold has become aware, discovered that the martial arts are the road of no return that has not to return. Either does not cannot find a proper way, once trod, generally also again was also at heart hard to put down. 等到他真正的入了门悟了道之后,才发现武道是一条有去无回的不归路。要么不得其门而入,一旦踏进去了,心里大抵也就再也难以放下了。 Now, Li Muyang discovered suddenly one do not rush to time, does not worry to kill people. 现在,李牧羊突然间发现自己不是那么赶时间,也不是那么着急杀人。 He wants to grasp principles! 他想悟道! Becoming aware others' [say / way], then solves own being puzzled! 悟别人的道,然后来解自己的惑! „The third sword is " [say / way] " .” The west gate uses judgment to look to Li Muyang, I have not considered the good discussing appearance. [Say / Way] is the truth, the person wants to be reasonable, the sword also wants to be reasonable. The day, person all has its truth. The [say / way] is natural, nature, is one, however is so. Naturally so.” “第三剑为「道」。”西门酌情看向李牧羊,一幅我还没有考虑好的商量模样。“道是道理,人要讲道理,剑也要讲道理。天、地、人皆有其道理。道是自然,自然者,自是自己,然是如此。自然如此。” That is naturally a such sword, a sword naturally. This sword should be so, existed on this day between.” The Li Muyang nod said. This name is very good.” “那便是自然如此的一剑,自然而然的一剑。这一剑本就应该是如此,本就存在于这天地之间。”李牧羊点头说道。“这个名字很好。” Can be too bigger?” The west gate uses judgment embarrassed saying. I feared that the name was too big, this sword cannot be joined to this name.” “会不会太大了一些?”西门酌情不好意思的说道。“我怕名字太大了,这一剑配不上这个名字。” That first makes me try.” Li Muyang said: If I think appropriate, that can call this name.” “那就先让我试一试。”李牧羊说道:“如果我觉得合适,那就可以叫这个名字。” The west gate uses judgment to sigh again, the number of times that today he sighs are especially more. 西门酌情再次叹息,今天他叹息的次数格外的多一些。 „If there is tried, you then died.” West gate saying that uses judgment not to abandon very much. “若是试了,你便死了。”西门酌情很是不舍的说道。 I, if died, your this third sword then can name as " [say / way] " . The swordsmanship of Dragon Slaying, names by this, what idle talk was divine land any person does not have the means to speak, was?” “我若死了,你的这第三剑便可以命名为「道」了。屠龙之剑术,以此命名,就是神州任何一个人都没办法说什么闲话,是不是?” The west gate uses judgment hesitation moment, said: But I want to listen to you to tell me personally ----- Should this sword call " [say / way] " .” 西门酌情沉吟片刻,说道:“可我还是想听你亲自告诉我-----这一剑到底应不应该叫「道」。” The Li Muyang facial expression moves slightly, said: We then naturally.” 李牧羊神情微动,说道:“那我们便自然而然吧。” The west gate uses judgment to nod, said: That then please try my third sword.” 西门酌情点了点头,说道:“那便请试我的第三剑。” Does not want ------- Weak sound sound. “不要-------”微弱的声音响了起来。 Song Chenxi difficult opening eye, sound low and deep weak saying: Does not want ----- Kills Muyang ----- Young Master ----- 宋晨曦艰难的睁开眼睛,声音低沉无力的说道:“不要-----杀牧羊-----公子-----” Chenxi ------ Song Gudu diligently gives the elimination that share tiny nameless toxic gas, saw that the granddaughter revives once more, in the beautiful eye covers entirely the tears, grieved saying: Chenxi, do not speak, relieved rest -------- 晨曦------”宋孤独正在努力的将那股子细小的无名毒气给消灭,看到孙女再次苏醒过来,美目之中布满泪水,心痛的说道:“晨曦,不要说话,安心休息--------” Grandfather ------ You a moment ago ------ Has complied ----- Chenxi ----- Song Chenxi speaks off and on, probably might unable to insist anytime generally. You have said ----- Does not kill ----- Does not kill ------ “爷爷------你刚才------答应过-----晨曦-----”宋晨曦说起话来断断续续,好像随时都有可能坚持不下去了一般。“你说过-----不杀-----不杀------” Chenxi, should not be excited.” Song Gudu hurried consolation. You are unable to defend oneself now, but also is thinking what the person of that fickle widowed righteousness does make? You may know that your within the body this cold poisonous is under him ------- 晨曦,不要激动。”宋孤独急忙劝慰。“你现在都自身难保,还想着那薄情寡义之人做什么?你可知道,你体内这寒毒就是他下的-------” Chenxi knows ------ The Song Chenxi eye early has cried red, said: Chenxi has said that if Song is guilty, then redeems by the life of Chenxi ------ 晨曦知道------”宋晨曦眼睛早已经哭红了,说道:“晨曦说过,若是宋氏有罪,便以晨曦之命来赎------” Chenxi ------ In Li Muyang heart uncomfortable, does not dare to go to above Song Chenxi look looking at each other with sickbed. 晨曦------”李牧羊心中难受,不敢去和病榻之上的宋晨曦眼神对视。 He in order to massacres Song Gudu, therefore intoxicates with the idea on Song Chenxi with Chu Ning, in Song Chenxi this nameless cold poisonous, only then Song Gudu gets rid to be able the toxin forcing personally ------ 他为了能够杀掉宋孤独,所以和楚宁用计在宋晨曦身上下毒,宋晨曦中了这无名寒毒,只有宋孤独亲自出手才能够将毒素给逼迫出去------ He eliminated the toxin of Song Chenxi within the body, the vitality has damaged greatly, the strength big booklet, Li Muyang then had a bigger assurance to fall the homicide, stepped on broken to thorough overthrowing a Song clan, making them withstand Lu had experienced all. 他清除了宋晨曦体内的毒素,元气大损,实力大折,李牧羊便有了更大的把握将他杀掉,将宋氏一族给彻底的打倒踩碎,让他们承受陆氏曾经经历过的一切。 Quantity young non- gentleman, non-toxic non- husband. 量小非君子,无毒不丈夫。 Li Muyang had decided that to take revenge oneself can resort to all means. 李牧羊已经决定,为了复仇自己可以不择手段。 However, when he hears Song Chenxi, in own life is on the verge of death, still insisted that wants Song Gudu do not kill him, Li Muyang guilty difficult to bear rebukes oneself at heart. 但是,当他听到宋晨曦在自己生命危在旦夕的时候,仍然坚持要宋孤独不要杀他,李牧羊的心里还是愧疚难当自责不已。 When others did evil to you, can you use the similar method to the innocent person? 当别人对你作了恶,你就可以对无辜者施展同样的手段? Song Chenxi is the Song Gudu granddaughter, in addition, her anything wrong does not have. 宋晨曦宋孤独的孙女,除此之外,她什么错都没有。 But, she is experiencing this most brutal all now ------- 可是,她现在正经历着这最残酷的一切------- The Song Gudu look is kind, extends a hand to block from granddaughter's eyes. 宋孤独眼神和蔼,伸出一只手来遮住孙女的眼睛。 When his palm moves out of the way, Song Chenxi fell into the comatose condition once more. 等到他的手掌挪开时,宋晨曦已经再次陷入了昏迷状态。 Li Muyang must die! 李牧羊必须要死! Her request, Song Gudu does not have means to comply. 她的要求,宋孤独没办法答应。 The west gate uses judgment to look to Li Muyang, said: Mind like still water, can display your true strength. You, the matter of primary importance is living.” 西门酌情看向李牧羊,说道:“心如止水,才能够发挥出你真正的战力。于你而言,最重要的事情是活着。” Thanks.” Li Muyang said. He starts to respect this match. “谢谢。”李牧羊说道。他开始尊重这个对手。 The body that the west gate uses judgment moved. 西门酌情的身体动了。 This time, he flew from the indoor on own initiative. 这一次,他主动从室内飞了出来。 His body is vanishing same place, airborne does not see any 他的身体在原地消失,空中也不见有任何 Form. 身影。 However, Li Muyang actually felt the huge pressure. 但是,李牧羊却感觉到了巨大的压力。 He not in sky, not in ground. However the space ground has the aura that he has everywhere. 他不在天空,也不在地面。但是天上地上到处都有他存在的气息。 He does not have the sword, does not have tiny bit sword air/Qi divulging, but this divine land myriad things, a flowered grass and an insect bird, may be his sword. 他没有剑,也没有一丝一毫的剑气泄漏,但是这神州万物,一花一草、一虫一鸟,都有可能是他的剑。 His incarnation myriad, is in one with this day friendly. 他化身万千,和这天地融合为一体。 Naturally, naturally so. 自然而然,自然如此。 This sword must exist on this day, or this 这一剑本就应当存在于这天地之间,或者说,这 A sword already existed in the world. 一剑早就存在于天地之间。 Only treats people to sense, prostrates oneself, or operation. 只待人去感悟,去膜拜,或者操纵。 This lets a person weak sword, lets a sword that the person refuted unable to counter-attack nowhere. 这是让人无力的一剑,也是让人无处反驳无法反击的一剑。 The Li Muyang look bright color, on face has shown the joyful smiling face. 李牧羊的眼神焕彩,脸上露出了喜悦之极的笑容。 A wonderful sword, good swordsman. 多妙的一剑,多好的剑客。 Big of world, always some people, something make you be moved. 天地之大,总有一些人,一些事让你为之动容。 The body of Li Muyang rises slowly, then float in midair. 李牧羊的身体缓缓上升,然后悬浮在半空之中。 His both eyes shut tightly, both hands lift up high. 他的双眼紧闭,双手高举。 ------- 咔嚓------- In the upper air, there is a startling thunderclap to flash before. 高空之中,有惊雷闪现。 The dark clouds tumble, heavy downpour. 黑云翻滚,大雨滂沱。 Just also the weather of sunny non- cloud, actually suddenly had the pouring rainstorm, looked like Li Muyang lifts in the hands to admire the day ripping open a huge opening. 刚刚还晴朗无云的天色,却突然间下起了倾盆暴雨,就像是李牧羊抬手之间就将天慕给撕开了一道巨大的口子。 During nine days, nine white big dragons drop from the clouds, the leading name twists, bang swoops toward this Tiandu yard. 九天之中,九道白色巨龙从天而降,龙头狰拧,轰隆隆的朝着这天都小院飞扑过来。 Nine dragons fills the top! 九龙灌顶! King of Dragon race the strength of disciplinary punishment! 龙族之王的惩戒之力! The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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