RS :: Volume #4 北冥钓鲲

#742: The Swordsmanship is supreme!

Chapter 741 and Swordsmanship are supreme! 第741章、剑道至尊! Harnesses!” “驾!” Harnesses!” “驾!” Harnesses!” “驾!” ------- ------- The steed dashes about wildly. 骏马狂奔。 Immediately knight red robe flap flap, long hair hangs loose. A moment ago because experienced that lets house yard collapse that the person does not know whether to laugh or cry, making his image look like in an extremely difficult situation. 马上骑士红袍猎猎,长发披散。因为刚才经历的那一场让人哭笑不得的房屋小院塌陷事件,让他的形象看起来狼狈不堪。 Today truly was the Song Tingyun most pitiful day, the wedding day, was actually given to make earth-shaking, the wedding has cancelled, the guest cleared, the maidservant servant casualty in palace were innumerable. 今天确实是宋停云最悲惨的日子了,大喜之日,却被人给闹了个天翻地覆,婚礼取消,宾客散尽,府里的丫鬟奴仆死伤无数。 If can find the crime ashamed chief culprit to leave the one breath to be good, those who make people be hard to accept, goes to search combative pursuing to the tunnel, except for scattering pile of waste material lumbers of place, has not been seeking including a person's shadow. 若是能够找到罪愧祸首出一口气还好,更让人难以接受的是,杀气腾腾的追到地洞里面去一阵查找,除了散落一地的一堆废料木材,连一个人影都没有寻着。 Song Tingyun wears the happy taking, rides to sit on black big horse, is leading several personal bodyguards toward city Wei Junda Battalion Jichong. 宋停云身穿喜服,骑坐在一匹黑色大马上面,带着十几名贴身护卫朝着城卫军大营急冲。 Although Song the power leans the government and people, Favor King in their eyes is one " puppet emperor " . However, so long as they do not have the flagrant rebellion, wields the thousand years the imperial authorities to grasp Chu firmly in own, then each other face countenance must take into consideration, they do not have the palace or Tiandu city of means in the regular troops that in gathers to foster the organization system. 宋氏虽然权倾朝野,惠王在他们眼里不过是一个「儿皇帝」。但是,只要他们没有明目张胆的造反,将楚氏执掌千年的皇权给牢牢握在自己手里,那么彼此的颜面还是要顾及的,他们就没办法在府中或者天都城内蓄养成建制的正规军队。 Also, Song is not willing to point at the backbone to scold does to unite Mr. " Empire library " this title can help them obtain the respect and support of more scholar, can attract more outstanding talents to use. 再说,宋氏也不愿意被人指着脊梁骨骂作戮君者。「帝国文库」这个头衔才能够让他们获得更多读书人的尊敬和拥护,也能够吸纳更多的优秀人才为已所用。 City health/guard armed forces station west Tiandu, with surrounding and protecting Flying Feather Army of imperial palace stands abreast in row, but is in one beyond one, the middle is only away from the thick city wall. Two crack force mutual supervisions, makes the elbow mutually. If the matter gets up, two teams can support rapidly. 城卫军驻地在天都西侧,与拱卫皇宫的飞羽军并排而立,只不过是一内一外,中间只隔着厚厚一道城墙而已。两支劲旅互相监督,又相互制肘。若是事起,两支队伍又能够飞速支援。 The Song Tingyun Qilin armed forces are stationed in the city Wei Junda camp, said according to the truth, the common commanding generals will not make such mistake, put the military compounds of other people own own soldier, wasn't that the extreme danger small white rabbit jumps in the mouth of timber wolf on own initiative? 宋停云的麒麟军驻扎在城卫军大营之中,按道理讲,一般的主将都不会犯这样的错误,把自己的亲兵放到其它人的军营,那不是羊入虎口小白兔主动跳进大灰狼的嘴巴里吗? However, Song Tingyun not such worry. 不过,宋停云并没有这样的担忧。 First, although the Qilin armed forces are the organization system of Empire Regular army, but each commanding general is Song clansman, inside all levels of high-ranking military officer is also is loyal to the core of Song direct descendant or surrounding clansman holds the post. It can be said that the Qilin armed forces are Song own soldier who provides for by the country. 第一,麒麟军虽然是帝国正规军的建制,但是每一任主将都是宋氏族人,里面的各级将官也都是忠于宋氏的核心嫡系或者外围族人来担任。可以这么说,麒麟军是由国家供养的宋氏亲兵。 Second, the Qilin armed forces are bellipotent, at is not the ordinary army can contend. If initiates the fresh conflict seriously, city Wei Junpa of large number of elderly persons are not the match of Qilin armed forces. 第二,麒麟军战力强大,根本不是普通的部队可以相抗衡。倘若当真发起生冲突,人数众多的城卫军怕都不是麒麟军的对手。 Third, city Wei Jun commanding general Zhang Siyuan is also Song direct descendant, under the current westerly wind political situation, thinks that is not willing with Song such colossus to be the enemy. 第三,城卫军主将张思远也是宋氏嫡系,在当前的西风政局之下,想必不会愿意和宋氏这样的庞然大物为敌。 When Song Tingyun dashes to the city Wei Junda Yingmenkou, obtains news Zhang Siyuan to lead the team to catch up to greet. 宋停云飞奔至城卫军大营门口时,得到消息的张思远已经率队赶出来迎接。 The Song Tingyun big marriage, Zhang Siyuan must congratulate to drink one glass of celebration drinks. However, the city Wei Jun responsibility is significant, may not treat it lightly at this critical moment. After sending for delivering not a poor gift list, is willing to be many bosses guards the big camp. Who doesn't such talented person like? 原本宋停云大婚,张思远也是要去贺喜喝上一杯喜酒的。但是,城卫军的职责重大,在这种关键时刻更不可掉以轻心。在派人送上一份不菲的礼单之后,又愿意为诸多上司镇守大营。这样的人才谁不喜欢? Full beard Zhang Siyuan rides in immediately, is cuping one hand in the other across the chest to say to Song Tingyun: Brother Tingyun, today is your great happiness day, how to run up to this greatly Battalion to come? What matter had to call one not to? Also serves a need to ask your this bridegroom to run personally?” 大胡子张思远骑在马上,对着宋停云拱手说道:“停云老弟,今天是你大喜的日子,怎么又跑到这大营来了?有什么事情招呼一声不就得了?还用得着劳驾你这个新郎官亲自跑一趟?” Big brother Siyuan, in the family has had an accident, I need to assemble the Qilin armed forces to go to support ----- Song Tingyun speech time, has hit the horse to hurry to toward the Qilin armed forces camps. His person is smart, first commanded the Qilin armed forces emergency muster. “思远大哥,家里出事了,我需要调集麒麟军前去支援-----”宋停云说话的时候,已经打马朝着麒麟军营地赶去。他身边的人更是机灵,抢先一步去喝令麒麟军紧急集合。 Had an accident?” A Zhang Siyuan brazen startled appearance. Your majesty also has Shangguan in Song Residence ----- Who dares to act unruly in the Tiandu city?” “出什么事了?”张思远一脸大惊的模样。“陛下还有诸位上官都在宋府-----谁敢在天都城内撒野?” Evil dragon same party members.” Saying that Song Tingyun clenches jaws: This time the matter, surely must cut to kill it can solve hate of my heart.” “恶龙同党。”宋停云咬牙切齿的说道:“此番事了,定要将其斩杀方能解我心头之恨。” Is that evil dragon ----- Zhang Siyuan gets angry the full beard shakes to keep moving. If were met by my Lao Zhang, must reduce his head surely ----- Walks, Tingyun, I accompany you to go to the Qilin armed forces big account together, when we select the uneven soldiers and horses, kills his wiped out to the last man together. If dispatches, my city health/guard armed forces several thousand brothers do not have two words certainly.” “又是那头恶龙-----”张思远发怒的时候大胡子抖动个不停。“若是被我老张遇到,定要砍掉他的脑袋-----走,停云,我陪你一起去麒麟军大帐,等到我们点齐兵马,一起去杀他个片甲不留。若有差遣,我城卫军数千弟兄绝无二话。” Big brother Siyuan, your regard I led ----- However does not have the imperial edict not to have the tiger tally, this city Wei Jun may not send out easily. You relieved defend the camp, if little brother really difficult, asked the big brother to come to rescue.” “思远大哥,你的心意我领了-----但是没有王命没有虎符,这城卫军还是不可轻易出动的。你就安心守营,若是小弟这边实在困难,就请大哥前来救援。” When speech, they rushed to the Qilin armed forces big camp. 说话之时,俩人已经赶到了麒麟军大营。 Song Da, can Qilin armed forces brothers convene?” Song Tingyun saw that formerly one step caught up with Song Da complexion strange standing that informs in the big account entrance, immediately makes noise to shout to clear the way. “宋大,麒麟军兄弟可召集完毕?”宋停云看到先前一步赶来通知的宋大脸色古怪的站在大帐门口,立即出声喝道。 Young Master ----- Song Da was Song clansman, he wanted to make noise the early warning, however the back sharp knife blade reminds him to have slightly is punctured one to putting on carelessly. “公子-----”宋大是宋氏族人,他想要出声预警,但是背后的利刃却提醒他稍有不慎就会被刺一个对穿。 Song Tingyun has discovered the unusual form, he stops the footsteps fiercely, makes noise to shout to clear the way: Who hides in the big camp?” 宋停云已经发现了异状,他猛地停下脚步,出声喝道:“何人藏在大营之内?” Choking ------ 呛------ As Song Tingyun calls out, the several trusted friend masters of his side draw a sword to quarrel immediately, Zhang Siyuan was also given to keep off by them in the surrounding. 随着宋停云一声暴喝,他身边的十几名心腹高手立即拔剑相向,就连张思远也被他们给挡在了外围。 Crash-bang ------ 哗啦啦------ Follows Zhang Siyuan to go out together greets the Song Tingyun numerous city Wei Jun young fellows to pull out the steel knife of waist, the eye sees, more city Wei Jun arms with knife to fight toward here gathers. 跟随张思远一起出门迎接宋停云的众多城卫军小将们纷纷抽出腰间的钢刀,眼睛所见,更多的城卫军持刀操戈朝着这边聚集。 Here after is the city Wei Jun big camp, city Wei Lao , to handle any matter ------ Actually is also very easy. 这里毕竟是城卫军的大营,城卫劳若是想要做什么事情------其实也是很容易的。 Zhang Siyuan ----- Song Tingyun has not thought that Zhang Siyuan dares to betray Song unexpectedly, makes the so virulent matter, the angry sound shouts to clear the way: „Do you know that what you are making? Are all power and influence that you have now who to you? Do you know ----- After today, waited for that what your consequence is?” “张思远-----”宋停云没想到张思远竟然敢背叛宋氏,做出如此恶毒之事,怒声喝道:“你知不知道你在做些什么?你现在所拥有的一切权势都是谁给你的?你知不知道-----今日之后,等待你的后果是什么?” Brother Tingyun, since came, why not to arrive at the big account to sit?” Zhang Siyuan false smile makes the invitation. Old Jang Ja-yeon knows that makes this grade of matter to be equal to alienating oneself in Song, by urogenous that your Song power and influence seek revenge for the slightest grievance dreadfully, feared that is waited for my has the dead end ------ However, gives compared with my power and influence with you, some people have given me a more important thing. Therefore, Brother Tingyun, does not take it ill Lao Zhang to get rid heartlessly.” 停云老弟,既然来了,何不到大帐坐坐?”张思远皮笑肉不笑的做出邀请。“老张自然知道做出这等事情等于是自绝于宋氏,以你们宋氏权势滔天又睚眦必报的尿性,怕是等待我的只有死路一条------不过,和你们所给我的权势相比,有人给了我更加重要的东西。所以,停云老弟,休怪老张出手无情啊。” What's wrong? Do some people promise to you a higher power and influence? Zhang Siyuan, you should be clear, if no Song to nod, is now your majesty ----- The words that he spoke are also an empty talk. You think seriously ----- After today, do you have life to sit that chair?” “怎么?有人许诺给你更高的权势?张思远,你应该清楚,倘若没有宋氏点头,就是当今陛下-----他所说的话也不过是一句空话而已。你当真以为-----今日之后,你还有命去坐那张椅子?” Pours is not the power and influence.” Zhang Siyuan shakes the head saying: If mentioned the power and influence, was a city General Wei Jun I thought that was too high. I and my group of youngest brothers compare, Lao Zhang does not match.” “倒也不是权势。”张思远摇头说道:“若是说起权势的话,就是一个城卫军将军我都觉得太高了。我和我那群老兄弟比,老张不配啊。” The Song Tingyun complexion big change, the sinking sound shouted to clear the way: „Was Zhang Siyuan, you still reading that crowd to betray the party inadequately? They push aside to you in every possible way, is my Song jumps the ranks to promote from the city Wei Jun young fellow you for city Commander in Chief Wei Jun ------ You ---- Is making the play?” 宋停云脸色大变,沉声喝道:“张思远,难道你还在念着那群叛党不成?他们对你百般排挤,是我宋氏将你从城卫军小将越级提拔为城卫军主帅------难道你们----都是在作戏?” Good. Is making the play.” Zhang Siyuan shakes the head gently: Brother Tingyun, aren't you clear? The country male Sirs what recompense truely has treated unjustly the active gentleman? The merit must enjoy, must punish, this is the training troops important highway of country male Sir. If Siyuan has the ability seriously, how the country male Sirs will suppress vigorously?” “不错。都是在作戏。”张思远轻轻摇头:“停云老弟,你怎么还不明白呢?国公大人何偿真正的亏待过有功之士?功必赏、过必罚,这是国公大人的治军要道。倘若思远当真有才能,国公大人怎么会大力打压?” You ------- “你-------” Brother Tingyun, please, the inside also old friend want to meet with you ------ Zhang Siyuan makes hand signal of invitation once more. 停云老弟,请吧,里面还有一位老友想要和你相见------”张思远再次做出邀请的手势。 Song Tingyun looks deathly pale, eye cloudy severe Rudao, right hand tight is grasping the treasured sword of waist, hesitant over and over, accepted Zhang Siyuan's request finally, the stride walked toward the Qilin armed forces big account. 宋停云脸色惨白,眼睛阴厉如刀,右手紧紧的握着腰间的宝剑,犹豫再三,终于还是接受了张思远的要求,大步朝着麒麟军大帐走去。 I must have a look actually ----- Which old friend is must meet with me.” “我倒是要看看-----到底是哪一位故友要和我相见。” Ha ----- Decides however will not disappoint Brother Tingyun ------ Zhang Siyuan laughs, the big hand wields, making numerous city health/guard armed forces officers disperse, surrounds this big account all round, only then followed behind to enter the big account in Song Tingyun. “哈哈哈-----定然不会让停云老弟失望------”张思远哈哈大笑,大手一挥,让身边的众多城卫军将士散开,将这大帐团团包围,只有自己一人跟在宋停云身后走进了大帐。 --------- --------- --------- --------- You flatter me to cheat, no one is a fool. 尔谀我诈,谁都不是个傻瓜。 Li Muyang dives to return to Tiandu, Yi Rong camouflages to hide in secretly * the Tiandu wind and cloud. Put to death Song Yu, to make Gongshu clansman lead just the developed centipede centipede taking advantage of fine jade garden case dirty Gu Qinglin with the hand of Song Gudu from the place bottom deep place to dive to Song Residence harasses the wedding, even did not hesitate to reach the agreement to intoxicate to Song Chenxi with Chu Ning ----- 李牧羊潜返天都,易容伪装隐藏在幕后*起天都风云。借宋孤独的手诛杀宋玉、借瑜园案污化顾清林、让公输族人率领刚刚研制出来的百足蜈蚣从地底深处潜至宋府扰乱婚礼,甚至不惜和楚宁达成协议对宋晨曦下毒----- All, to put to death Song Tingyun to prepare to oneself. For this final time fatal strikes. 所有的一切,都是为了给自己诛杀宋停云做准备。为了这最后时刻的致命一击。 But, Song Gudu can it be that stupid incompetent person? 可是,宋孤独又岂是愚蠢无能之辈? He watches this Tiandu chaotic situation indifferently, does not know seriously what happened? Doesn't understand the Li Muyang real intention seriously? 他冷眼观看这天都乱局,难道当真就不知道发生了什么事情?难道当真就不明白李牧羊的真实意图? Li Muyang presses on step by step, he then such as his intent personally got rid to kill Song Yu. 李牧羊步步紧逼,他便如他的意亲自出手杀了宋玉。 Li Muyang blackening Gu Qinglin, instigated the contradiction, he then advised against Gu Qinglin to endure patiently temporarily, and took him as the erbium, wanted to tempt Li Muyang to get rid to him again ----- 李牧羊黑化顾清林,挑拨矛盾,他便劝阻顾清林暂时忍耐,并且以他为铒,想要引诱李牧羊再一次对他出手----- That number of people that Li Muyang sends, he also closes with a smile, only made people handling these numbers of people. 李牧羊送来的那一颗又一颗人头,他也只是一笑置之,只让人将那些人头给处置了了事。 Eye of Starry Sky, doesn't empire deity, seriously when facing the series attack of Li Muyang have the strength to hit back? 星空之眼,帝国神仙,当真是在面对李牧羊的连环打击时毫无还手之力? Not! 不是的! He had been waiting for that waits for the arrival of Li Muyang. Was waiting for his true again stands in own front, looked like that year winter he comes to visit general. 他一直在等待,等待李牧羊的到来。等待着他真真正正的再一次站在自己的面前,就像是那一年的冬天他前来拜访一般。 He and Li Muyang idea is consistent, Li Muyang is clear, only then has killed this Song first person of Song Gudu, can true overthrows Song. 他和李牧羊的想法是一致的,李牧羊清楚,只有杀了这宋氏第一人宋孤独,才能够真正的将宋氏打倒。 But the idea of Song Gudu is ------ Killed Li Muyang, all things has all rested. Other these unimportant people mentioned without the foot radically, did not need him to get rid personally. 宋孤独的想法则是------杀了李牧羊,万事皆休。其它的那些小人物根本就无足挂齿,都不需要他亲自出手。 Li Muyang came finally! 李牧羊终于来了! But Song Gudu also gave Li Muyang to prepare a such pleasant surprise. 宋孤独也给李牧羊准备了这样的一份惊喜。 The west gate uses judgment to look at Li Muyang, makes noise saying: That please receive my this nameless sword.” 西门酌情看着李牧羊,出声说道:“那就请接下我这无名一剑吧。” When the west gate uses judgment to speak, the middle finger that raising up pointed at the Li Muyang location direction to cut. 西门酌情说话之时,那根竖起的中指指着李牧羊所在的方向斩了下去。 Does not see the gust of wind, does not have the strength. 不见疾风,没有劲气。 It looks like the child plays each family to be ordinary. 就像是小孩子玩过家家一般。 But, in the position that Li Muyang stands, spread that outward actually the giant cracks keep. 可是,在李牧羊所站的位置,却有一道巨大的裂缝不停的向外蔓延。 ------- 嚓------- The blade cuts the bean curd to be generally neat, this old dwelling and outside yard were referred to by him all cut in half. 刀切豆腐一般干净利落,这幢老宅和外面的小院被他一指全切成了两半。 ( PS: Endures 3 : 30 am not to write, remembers fiercely, you said that stayed up late not to be good to the body, frightens Lao Liu to hurry to rest.) (PS:熬到凌晨三点半还是没写出来,猛地想起,你们说熬夜对身体不好,吓得老柳赶紧去睡了。) The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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