RFTIW :: Volume #14

#1363: Conflict

The Tang Xiu faint look has swept from Black Fiend Poisonous Scorpion, immediately said: I, no matter your personal matter, but do not provoke troublesome to me. Should you clear(ly), my matter be very many, what penalty take to me to trouble will suffer?” 唐修淡漠的眼神从黑煞毒蝎身上扫过,随即说道:“我不管你的私人事情,但不要给我招惹麻烦。你应该很清楚,我的事情很多,带给我麻烦会遭受到什么样的惩罚?” Subordinate understand.” “属下明白。” Black Fiend Poisonous Scorpion hurries to lower the head to say. 黑煞毒蝎慌忙低头说道。 Tang Xiu nodded, said: Yin Wuwei more or less should also realize the issue now, prepares the following plan!” 唐修点了点头,说道:“银武威如今差不多也该意识到问题了,准备接下来的计划吧!” Jing Xian'er stands nearby two people, that pair of nimble and resourceful beautiful pupil, at this moment actually already by shocking look substitution. Because she has a dream has not thought that oneself some Exceed Grade powerhouse Black Fiend Poisonous Scorpion of worship, actually will call at present this mysterious youngster is Master. 静仙儿站在两人一旁,那双灵动的美眸,此刻却已经被震惊神色取代。因为她做梦都没想到,自己有些崇拜的超级强者黑煞毒蝎,竟然会称呼眼前这位神秘年轻人主人 Since childhood, she was then innumerable had heard the Black Fiend Poisonous Scorpion story, often heard the thrilling time, can make her be choked up with emotions, wishes one could to displace, experiences that great storms, steps on opportunity that the life and death line was seeking to live unceasingly, become stronger opportunity. 自幼,她便无数次听说过黑煞毒蝎的故事,每每听到惊险时刻,都能令她心潮澎湃,恨不得取而代之,经历那大风大浪,踩着生死线不断博取活下来的机会,变强机缘 Who is he? don't tell me is he stronger than Black Fiend Poisonous Scorpion?” “他是谁?难道他比黑煞毒蝎更强?” Jing Xian'er produced several points of curiosity to Tang Xiu, in the heart has decided that found opportunity oneself to make clear(ly). of course, she has to oneself self-confidently, because wants the opposite party is a man, her having confidence makes the opposite party probably be completely muddled by her fan, wishes one could to pull out the heart to her looks. 静仙儿唐修产生了几分好奇,心中打定主意,找到机会自己一定要弄清楚当然,她对自己还是非常有自信的,因为只要对方是个男人,她就有把握让对方被她迷得晕头转向,恨不得把心都掏给她看。 You, enter Cave Heaven immortal tool. But remembers to me, do not disturb inside two Great Principle Golden Immortal therapy.” Tang Xiu looks to somewhat absent-minded Jing Xian'er, the sinking sound said. “你,进入洞天仙器。但给我记住,不要打扰里面两位大罗金仙疗伤。”唐修看向有些失神的静仙儿,沉声说道。 Yes!” “是!” Jing Xian'er discovered that Black Fiend Poisonous Scorpion went far away, immediately can only according to Tang Xiu's order, to enter to Cave Heaven immortal tool. However, enters Cave Heaven immortal tool that moment in her, suddenly Body shakes. 静仙儿发现黑煞毒蝎已经远去,顿时只能按照唐修的命令,进入到洞天仙器之内。然而,就在她进入洞天仙器的那一刻,忽然身躯一震。 What did he say?” “他说什么?” Do not disturb inside two Great Principle Golden Immortal therapy?” “不要打扰里面两位大罗金仙疗伤?” In this Cave Heaven immortal tool, really also has another two Great Principle Golden Immortal?” “这洞天仙器之内,竟然还有另外两位大罗金仙?” Shock in Jing Xian'er heart, already situation in achieving being hard duplicate in addition. In the past, by her qualifications, wanted to see Great Principle Golden Immortal Realm powerhouse, actually any difficult matter, after all her father were Great Principle Golden Immortal Realm powerhouse. What she is shocked, this mysterious youngster, really incessantly a subordinate of Black Fiend Poisonous Scorpion Great Principle Golden Immortal Realm, really has three. 静仙儿心中的震撼,已经达到难以复加的地步。以往,以她的资历,想要见大罗金仙境界的强者,倒不是什么难事,毕竟她父亲都是大罗金仙境界的强者。她震惊的是,这个神秘的年轻人,竟然不止黑煞毒蝎一位大罗金仙境界的属下,竟然有三位。 don't tell me... Is he Supreme powerhouse?” 难道…他是至尊强者吗?” Outside. 外界。 Tang Xiu changes to together the azure smoke, vanishes instantaneously is in-situ. Next quarter, the time when his form appears once more, appeared , is only in that alley more than 200 meters away from Yin Wuwei. As a shoemaker was knocked down by Tang Xiu instantaneously, after forces in immortal crystal he cherishes, him forces in Cave Heaven immortal tool, was in his position. 唐修化作一道青烟,瞬间消失在原地。下一刻,当他的身影再次浮现的时刻,已经出现在距离银武威只有200多米外的那条胡同里。随着一位鞋匠被唐修瞬间打晕,在把一颗仙晶塞进他怀中后,把他塞进洞天仙器内,然后占据了他的位置。 Mends shoes.” “修鞋。” The low and deep sound, reverberates in alley. 低沉的声音,回荡在胡同内。 Outside going to the bathroom pond. 出恭池外。 Yin Wuwei waits for a long time, had not seen that Jing Xian'er comes out from inside, immediately brow slightly slowly wrinkle, after he deliberately considers the moment, the Spiritual Sense instantaneous release, covers toward the going to the bathroom pond. Those who made his complexion big change was, in the going to the bathroom pond the nobody left, where also had the Jing Xian'er shadow? 银武威等待许久,都没有看到静仙儿从里面出来,顿时眉头微微慢慢皱起,当他寻思片刻后,神识瞬间释放,朝着出恭池内笼罩过去。令他面色大变的是,出恭池内空无一人,哪里还有静仙儿的影子? Person?” “人呢?” Yin Wuwei Spiritual Sense rises suddenly crazily, shortly then completely will cover a surrounding area several hundred kilometers range, those who made his violent anger was, in a surrounding area several hundred kilometers range, where had the Jing Xian'er shadow? 银武威神识疯狂暴涨,顷刻间便把方圆数百公里范围内全部笼罩住,令他暴怒的是,方圆数百公里范围内,哪里有静仙儿的影子? She...” “她…” Ran?” “跑了?” The face muscle of Yin Wuwei is twitching, thick killing aura imitates, if has formed the essence, toward spreads to go in all directions. In his heart, that not good premonition is getting more and more intense, finally realized that oneself as if fell into certain people in view of the trap of oneself arrangement. 银武威的面部肌肉抽搐着,浓浓的杀气仿若形成了实质,朝着四面八方蔓延而去。他心中,那股不好的预感越来越强烈,终于意识到,自己仿佛落入了某些人针对自己布置的陷阱。 The wealth did not have, the person also did not have. 钱财没了,人又没了。 This... 这… Is loses everything simply ah! 简直就是人财两空啊! Along with killing aura and Spiritual Sense of Yin Wuwei release, the surrounding area in several hundred kilometers, angry roaring sounds rolling transmit from each corner. And two terrifying Spiritual Sense strengths, the direct cut-throat bombardment on Yin Wuwei Spiritual Sense, made his miserable howling one directly, took back Spiritual Sense of release completely. 随着银武威释放的杀气神识,方圆数百公里之内,一声声愤怒的咆哮声从各个角落滚滚传来。其中有两道恐怖神识力量,直接凶狠的轰击在银武威神识上面,直接令他惨嚎一声,把释放的神识全部收回。 „...” “咻咻咻…” Several forms like lightning, appear around Yin Wuwei one after another, encircles him. And golden robe old man both eyes as if can spout the fire, killing aura steaming looks that the Yin Wuwei anger exclaimed: Damn asshole, dares unexpectedly, in this flutters in Syracuse release Spiritual Sense on a grand scale to peep, you simply damn.” 十几道闪电般的身影,纷纷出现在银武威四周,把他团团围住。其中一位金袍老者双眼仿佛能够喷出火来,杀气腾腾的看着银武威怒吼道:“该死的混蛋,竟然敢在这飘雪城内大张旗鼓的释放神识偷窥,你简直该死。” „, Misunderstanding.” “诸位,误会。” Yin Wuwei also realized that just a moment ago was oneself is harebrained. In some Immortal Domain Big City, releases Spiritual Sense to seek for others rashly, covered all people to offend Spiritual Sense absolutely. Is a quite serious provocation. just a moment ago he resents occurring together, loses reason, finally makes the harebrained matter, has therefore drawn on these several Golden Immortal and Great Principle Golden Immortal. 银武威也意识到刚刚自己冒失了。在一些仙域大城池内,冒然释放神识寻找别人,绝对是把神识覆盖中的所有人都得罪了。更是一种比较严重的挑衅。刚刚他愤恨交集,失去理智,最终做出冒失的事情,也因此招来了这十几位金仙大罗金仙 The golden robe old man is very similarly angry, his just a moment ago forgets to start separation god of dwelling, clear and distinct that therefore he with the oneself woman Double Cultivation scene, was being visited by this damn peeping craziness. He was not looked importantly, but the oneself woman was looked, is absolutely unforgivable. 金袍老者同样很愤怒,他刚刚忘记启动住处的隔神阵,因此他正在和自己女人双修的场面,已经被这该死的偷窥狂看的清清楚楚。他被看不要紧,但自己的女人被看,绝对是不可饶恕。 „, This damn asshole dares to provoke unexpectedly we, peeps our privacy, everybody gets rid together, kills him directly.” The golden robe old man shouted to clear the way loudly. “诸位,这个该死的混蛋竟然敢挑衅咱们,偷窥咱们的隐私,大家一起出手,直接干掉他。”金袍老者大声喝道。 Kills...” “杀…” Several people offer a sacrifice to immortal tool. 十几人纷纷祭出仙器 Yin Wuwei complexion changes, shouted to clear the way fierce: I am Limitless Palace Immortal Venerable Han Wu subordinates Yin Wuwei, you did dare to kill me? don't tell me did not fear that my Limitless Palace does ask you to retaliate?” 银武威面色一变,厉声喝道:“我乃无极殿寒武仙尊麾下银武威,尔等胆敢杀我?难道就不怕我无极殿找你们报复吗?” Limitless Palace? 无极殿 Several Golden Immortal and Great Principle Golden Immortal complexion changes, immediately reveals to dread the look. The golden robe old man is heart shakes, the killing aura instantaneous dissipation of whole body, squeezes out a happy expression along with his face on, holds the fist in the other hand saying: Originally is Limitless Palace Fellow Immortal, I said that some people dare to flutter Syracuse to use Spiritual Sense, compares Yin Wuwei Fellow Immortal is chasing down the enemy? I and others beforehand does not know, but also invited Yin Wuwei Fellow Immortal no wonder.” 十几位金仙大罗金仙面色一变,顿时流露出忌惮神色。金袍老者更是心底一震,浑身的杀气瞬间消散,随着他脸庞上挤出一丝笑意,抱拳说道:“原来是无极殿仙友,我说怎么有人敢在飘雪城动用神识,相比银武威仙友是在追杀敌人吧?恕我等事先不知,还请银武威仙友莫怪。” Yin Wuwei heart sneers secretly, saying that in the surface actually maintains composure: Does not know that is not strange. Your constant speed fast retreat, do not meddle our Limitless Palace matter again.” 银武威心底暗暗冷笑,表面上却不动声色的说道:“不知者不怪。尔等速速退去,不要再插手我们无极殿的事情。” Yes!” “是!” Several people of hear speech/words, relaxed immediately secretly. They were not cannot kill Yin Wuwei, but they actually do not want to provoke troublesome. Can solve this conflict directly, several people asked for mercy to leave. In an instant, in this alley only remaining Yin Wuwei people. 十几人闻言,顿时暗暗松了口气。他们不是不能杀了银武威,但他们却不想招惹到麻烦。能够直接化解这场冲突,十几人纷纷告罪离开。转眼间,这条胡同里只剩下银武威一人。 „Who that is Jing Xian'er? Who is playing a trick the pit I?” The Yin Wuwei eyeground is glittering the thinking ray, ponders the entire item matter from all sides, finally realized the person of layout, absolutely that obese woman with supple feather room, as well as that purchased oneself massive Immortal Treasure youth to be concerned. “那个静仙儿到底是什么人?到底是谁在设局坑我?”银武威眼底闪烁着思索光芒,把整件事情前前后后思考一遍,最终意识到布局之人,绝对和柔羽斋的那位肥胖妇女,以及那位购买了自己大量仙宝青年有关。 Thinks of here. 想到这里。 Yin Wuwei hurries back to supple feather room immediately, crashing in front door that after he threatens, looks at inside extremely busy scene, immediately gets angry from the heart lives, erupts from the body along with the huge aura, calls out in alarm in surrounding, with the massive guests, the immortal prostitute is panic-stricken when flees and becomes separated in all directions, exclaimed fierce: That fat woman who before presided over the Jing Xian'er auction, that deceived my Immortal Treasure asshole boy, rolled to the father.” 银武威立即赶回到柔羽斋,当他气势汹汹的冲进大门后,看着里面热闹非凡的场面,顿时怒从心生,随着庞大的气息从身上爆发,在周围一声声惊呼,和大量客人,仙妓惊慌失措的四处逃散时,厉声吼道:“之前主持静仙儿拍卖的那个胖女人,还有那个骗我仙宝混蛋小子,给老子滚出来。” Xiū! Xiū! Xiū! 咻!咻!咻! Several forms like lightning, appear in Great Hall, as they lock Yin Wuwei, big and brawny person striding walks from staircase, shouted to clear the way densely: Yin Wuwei, I remember your name. Dares I to soften the feather room to cause trouble, do you live are impatient?” 十几道闪电般的身影,出现在大厅内部,随着他们锁定银武威,一位魁梧大汉箭步从楼梯处走过来,森然喝道:“银武威,我记得你的名字。胆敢来我柔羽斋闹事,你活得不耐烦了?” The Yin Wuwei anger shouted to clear the way: You soften the feather room to play a trick the pit unexpectedly I, today does not give me a confession, we have not ended. That damn fat woman, that deceives my Immortal Treasure asshole boy to hand over, otherwise do not blame me not being impolite.” 银武威怒喝道:“你们柔羽斋竟然设局坑我,今天不给我一个交代,咱们没完。把那个该死的胖女人,还有那个骗我仙宝混蛋小子交出来,否则别怪我不客气。” big and brawny person offers a sacrifice to the immortal soldier, said callously: Plants, dares to provoke I to soften the feather room, today you do not pay the price, cannot tread front door Half-step. start array, making him know that we soften the feather room are not suicidal clown can provoke.” 魁梧大汉祭出仙兵,冷酷说道:“有种,敢挑衅我柔羽斋,今日你不付出代价,决不能踏出大门半步启阵,让他知道咱们柔羽斋不是什么跳梁小丑可以挑衅的。” Immediately. 顿时。 Is centered on Great Hall, wave emerges out of thin air, disperses toward all around, gongfu (effort) in a flash, spread entire Great Hall, ultimately has then formed transparent energy cover. In array, the guard in big and brawny person and several supple feather rooms, killing aura looks at Yin Wuwei steaming. 大厅为中心,一层水波凭空出现,朝着四周散开,弹指间的功夫,便已经蔓延整个大厅,最终形成一层透明的能量罩阵法内,魁梧大汉和十几位柔羽斋的护卫,杀气腾腾看着银武威 Already heard that supple feather room background is not simple, but I want to experience actually, your somewhat ability. Forgets to tell you, I am the Limitless Palace person, now first tidies up you, later again lets your secret Master, apologizes to me.” Yin Wuwei shouted to clear the way fierce. “早就听说柔羽斋背景不简单,但我倒是想要见识见识,你们到底有几分能耐。忘记告诉你们,我乃是无极殿的人,现在先收拾你们,稍后再让你们的幕后主人,给我赔礼道歉。”银武威厉声喝道。 Limitless Palace? 无极殿 Is the big and brawny person eyeground of head flashes through dreads the look together, but shortly afterward he has as if thought of anything, sneers saying: You are the Limitless Palace person, which is also what kind of? We soften secret Master of feather room, will not fear you. Kills to me...” 为首的魁梧大汉眼底闪过一道忌惮神色,但紧接着他仿佛想到了什么,冷笑道:“就算你是无极殿的人,哪又怎么样?我们柔羽斋的幕后主人,也不会怕了你们。给我杀…” Supple feather room deep place. 柔羽斋深处。 In a tall and pleasing to the eye palace, both sides place four long tables, the delicacy delicacies, Elegant Serum Jade Dew are chocking up each long table. After on that long table of head, the Venerable Lord Fu Tu body draping a red band robe, sits cross-legged to sit, smiling looks at four honored guests, said with a smile: Four rush to Secret Mansion bravely, although has not obtained the inheritance of Drunk Immortal Supreme, but also is the harvest is perhaps many?” 一座美轮美奂的宫殿内,两旁摆放着四张长案,美味佳肴,琼浆玉露摆满每一张长案。上首的那张长案后,浮屠尊主身披红袍,盘膝而坐,满脸笑容的看着四位贵客,笑着说道:“四位勇闯秘府,虽未得到醉仙至尊的传承,但恐怕也是收获颇丰吧?” After the left first long table, Old Monster Jin Guang hey said with a smile: Is the harvest is indeed many. Drunk Immortal Supreme worthily is 80,000 years ago richest Supreme, good thing in Secret Mansion to find at everywhere. Was only a pity, that lightflow wing that Venerable Lord Fu Tu you need, we ultimately have not obtained, is really ashamed ah! 左侧第一张长案后,金光老怪嘿嘿笑道:“的确是收获颇丰。醉仙至尊不愧是80000年前最富有的至尊,秘府内的好东西随处可见。只可惜,浮屠尊主你需要的那件流光羽翼,我们最终还是没有得到,真是惭愧啊! Venerable Lord Fu Tu light smile said: Might as well, I also consult from historical data ancient book, the lightflow wing was obtained by Drunk Immortal Supreme 80,000 years ago, does he have to place in Secret Mansion, I cannot determine. Therefore, you have not obtained have not obtained! Come, four old friends, drink.” 浮屠尊主淡笑道:“无妨,我也是从史料典籍中查阅到,流光羽翼在80000年前被醉仙至尊得到,他到底有没有放在秘府中,我也不敢确定。所以,你们没得到就没得到吧!来,四位老友,喝酒。” Comes...” “来…” Four people are open-minded generations, although has not completed the request of Venerable Lord Fu Tu, they have not cared. This matter places heart to be able, if later obtains by chance, when the time comes gives Venerable Lord Fu Tu again. 四人都是豁达之辈,尽管没有完成浮屠尊主的委托,他们也没怎么在意。这件事情放在心底便可,以后如果恰巧得到,到时候再交给浮屠尊主也可以。 Um?” “嗯?” One glass of liquor enter the stomach, five people of same fashion show the strange look, looks toward the supple feather room in front. In a flash, five people of Spiritual Sense then cover front palace Great Hall. Even if there is a array impediment, but their Spiritual Sense actually easily seep, clear and distinct that inside picture looks. 一杯酒进肚,五人同时流露出古怪神色,纷纷朝着柔羽斋前面看去。一瞬间,五人的神识便把前面的宫殿大厅笼罩住。即便有阵法阻隔,但他们的神识却轻易渗透进去,把里面的景象看的清清楚楚 Three finished, seeks the recommendation vote support!】 【三更完毕,求推荐票支持!】
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