RFTIW :: Volume #13

#1210: Seizes the life( three asked monthly ticket)

Tang Xiu shakes the head saying: She was not has not cut the wrist|skill carefully, but cut open an opening intentionally, then gave her Mother own blood essence feeding. Otherwise, at her treatment speed, her Mother wants restores such as beginning, perhaps also takes several months.” 唐修摇头说道:“她不是不小心割伤了手腕,而是故意割开一条口子,然后把自身的精血喂食给她的母亲。否则,以她的治疗速度,她母亲想要恢复如初,恐怕还需要好几个月时间。” What did you say?” “你说什么?” Hu Shaokun both hands shake, almost arrives at the curb stone to come up the car(riage). Has calmed down, he hurriedly said: Why does she such do? She...... Her don't tell me not awfully?” 胡少坤双手一抖,差点把车开到路边石上去。稳定了下情绪,他才急匆匆说道:“她为什么这么做?她……她难道不要命了吗?” The Tang Xiu forced smile said: I know that she is very filial her Mother, but she has actually made the mistake the matter. Hello ** the blood gives her Mother, can indeed make her Mother soon be restored to health, but is big to her injury, even greatly reduced her life. According to her present condition, if has not been treated and cured promptly, perhaps she most, only then one month, even there are possibility only remaining ten days of half a month. But at this time, her Mother temporarily was restored to health, along with her death, how long her Mother unable to live.” 唐修苦笑道:“我知道她很孝顺她母亲,但她却做错了事情。喂**血给她母亲,的确能令她母亲早日康复,但对她的伤害却非常大,甚至大大缩短了她的寿命。按照她现在的状况来看,如果没有得到及时救治,恐怕她最多只有一个月的时间,甚至有可能只剩下十天半个月。而这时候,她母亲就算是暂时康复,随着她的死亡,她母亲也活不了多久。” Hu Shaokun not understand reason, but the Tang Xiu's words he actually hears very clear(ly), that meaning is Li Cai feeds her Mother with blood essence, wants to make her Mother make the best use of the time to be restored to health, but she actually receives the serious issue, once she had problems, her Mother Auntie Zhuang cannot die a natural death. 胡少坤明白这其中的缘由,但唐修的话他却听得很清楚,那意思是黎彩精血喂她母亲,想让她母亲抓紧时间康复,但她却受到严重的问题,一旦她出了问题,她母亲庄姨也不能善终。 silly girl.” 傻丫头。” Hu Shaokun loves dearly, is the blame. 胡少坤又是心疼,又是责备。 The Tang Xiu nod said: She indeed is silly girl. I have seen innumerable girl, has seen innumerable filial girl, but can compared with resulting in her, few. Hu Shaokun, can you answer me an issue?” 唐修点头说道:“她的确是个傻丫头。我见过无数的女孩子,也见过无数孝顺的女孩子,但能比得过她的,寥寥无几。胡少坤,你能不能回答我一个问题?” After Hu Shaokun stable mood, said: Tang Xiu, you...... It is not, Divine Doctor Tang, my in the heart was extremely anxious before, therefore actually knows your name, you don't with my same experience. You asked that my certain knowledge word expressed oneself fully all.” 胡少坤稳定情绪后,说道:“唐修,你……不是,唐神医,之前我太过于心急,所以竟然知乎您的名字,您千万别跟我一般见识。您问吧,我一定知无不言言无不尽。” Tang Xiu does not care about the name issue, asked: I want to know, you are pure regards the younger sister Li Cai? Secretly likes her?” 唐修不在意称呼问题,问道:“我想知道,你是单纯的把黎彩当成妹妹?还是偷偷的喜欢她?” This......” “这……” Hu Shaokun hesitates, he has no plan thought churning, has waited the vehicle to drive out of several kilometers, he brings to wipe the forced smile saying: Divine Doctor Tang, be honest with you, if before, I perhaps was only pure regarded her is the younger sister. But has experienced that many matters, I discovered that I liked her. Her strength, her goodness, her filial, her pure......” 胡少坤犹豫起来,他心中无数个念头翻腾,一直待车子驶出十几公里,他才带着一抹苦笑说道:“唐神医,不瞒你说,如果说是在以前,我或许只是单纯的把她当成是妹妹。可是经历过那么多事情,我发现我喜欢上了她。她的坚强,她的善良,她的孝顺,她的单纯……” Tang Xiu asked again: If makes you give up the life for her, you do want? Said truth, because of your reply, how long after will be concerning her, can live.” 唐修再次问道:“如果让你为她放弃生命,你愿不愿意?说真心话,因为你的回答,将关乎着她以后还能活多久。” Hu Shaokun heart shakes, said categorically: If can make her live, I am willing to pay the life price.” 胡少坤心底一震,斩钉截铁说道:“如果能让她活下来,我愿意付出生命代价。” Tang Xiu said: Such being the case, you must be mentally prepared. I could make her not have the sorrow of life temporarily, but needs to treat for her with your long-lived age.” 唐修说道:“既然如此,那你就要做好心理准备。我或许能让她暂时没有性命之忧,但需要用你的寿龄为她治疗。” finished speaking. 说完 Tang Xiu turns the head to look to the glass, on the handsome face appears several points of angry, cursed one in a low voice: M, seizes the life with Yama, most at least lets me for half a month in the weak condition.” 唐修转头看向车窗外,俊朗脸庞上浮现出几分恼怒,低声咒骂一句:“M的,和阎王夺命,最起码让我半个月处在虚弱状态中。” Hu Shaokun hears Tang Xiu's these words keenly, immediately on the face appears several points of complex. In the past, he has had the alert to Tang Xiu, no matter Tang Xiu government side status, mysterious medical skill that he had, again or was his Magnificent Tang Group Big Boss status, again or was he is the Imperial Capital Tang Family Young Master status. 胡少坤敏锐听到唐修的这句话,顿时脸上浮现出几分复杂。以往,他一直对唐修都心存戒备,不管是唐修政府方面的身份,还是他拥有的神奇医术,再或者是他盛唐集团大老板身份,再或者是他身为帝都唐家大少的身份。 But now, his heart that alerts vanishes into thin air completely, he can feel, Tang Xiu treats Li Cai, or treats Auntie Zhuang, he has not been holding the multi- great merit thoughts of gain, was moved by Li Cai purely, gang Li Cai that therefore goes all out. 可是现在,他心底的那份戒备全部烟消云散,他能够感受得到,唐修治疗黎彩,或者说治疗庄姨,他并没有抱着多大功利心,纯粹是受到黎彩的感动,所以才那么拼命的帮黎彩 Blue Sea Star Mansion. 碧海星府 When Tang Xiu rushes after Hu Shaokun, sees to lie on the bed Li Cai in stupor, bedside complexion faintly somewhat is pale, the tears are stave ****, heart sighed secretly, arrived **** side, said: Extends your right hand.” 唐修跟着胡少坤赶到后,看到躺在床上昏迷中的黎彩,还有床边面色隐隐有些苍白,眼泪破碎的****,心底暗暗一叹,走到****身边,说道:“伸出你的右手。” **** Stares, erases the tears of corner of the eye hurriedly, looked that asked to Hu Shaokun: This is?” ****一愣,急忙抹掉眼角的泪水,看向胡少坤问道:“这位是?” Hu Shaokun said hurriedly: Auntie Zhuang, he is Tang Xiu Divine Doctor Tang.” 胡少坤急忙说道:“庄姨,他就是唐修唐神医。” **** hear speech/words, the knees kneels immediately, was entreating to Tang Xiu: Divine Doctor Tang, I had already heard your given name, thanks you treat an illness to me, now my daughter actually got sick, hopes that you save my daughter, so long as you can save my daughter, I am willing to pay any price.” ****闻言,顿时双膝跪地,对着唐修哀求道:“唐神医,我早就听说过您的大名,谢谢您给我治病,现在我女儿却又病了,希望您救救我女儿,只要您能救我女儿,我愿意付出任何代价。” Tang Xiu puts out a hand to hold her right hand wrist, calmly after taking the pulse, this draws from the ground her, said: Treating the illness to save the patient is my inherent responsibilities, although your mother's and daughter's situations are somewhat special. Your body indeed anything greatly has not obstructed, but you remember a matter, starting today, you and your daughter, as well as Hu Shaokun, you three people of lives will tie up closely together. Your three people, any one person died, its her two people will also die in the future.” 唐修伸手抓住她的右手腕,静静把脉一番后,这才把她从地上拉起来,说道:“治病救人是我的天职,虽然你们母女的情况有些特殊。你的身体的确已经没什么大碍,但你记住一件事情,从今日起,你和你女儿,以及胡少坤,你们三人的性命将会紧密的捆绑在一起。你们三人,任何一人死亡,将来其她两人也会死亡。” **** Stares big both eyes, inconceivable asking: Divine Doctor Tang, what meaning is your this saying?” ****瞪大双眼,不可思议的问道:“唐神医,您这话是什么意思?” Tang Xiu said lightly: „, I do not want to treat an illness to you, because your sickness is not the ordinary sickness, but the retribution of heaven. My understand, why you cannot Samsara be reincarnated again, but I can tell you, if not your reason, your daughter so will not be absolutely miserable.” 唐修淡淡说道:“原本,我真的不想给你治病,因为你的病不是普通的病,而是上天的报应。我也不明白,你为什么能够重新轮回转世,但我可以告诉你,如果不是你的缘故,你女儿绝对不会这么惨。” **** Hears the Tang Xiu's words, as if lost soul to result, mutters said: Retribution? Is this heaven gives my retribution? don't tell me...... These matters that don't tell me in my dream the dream arrives , is...... Real?” ****听到唐修的话,仿佛失了魂似得,喃喃说道:“报应?这都是老天给我的报应?难道……难道我梦里梦到的那些事情,全都是……都是真的?” Tang Xiu said: Real.” 唐修说道:“是真的。” Bang......” “砰……” **** Sits down exhausted on the ground, look is staring at Tang Xiu stubbornly, suddenly said: Then, my is last life demon? Slaughters counted by the 100 million Deviless?” ****一屁股瘫坐在地上,眼神死死盯着唐修,忽然说道:“这么说来,我上辈子是魔?屠杀数以亿计的女魔头?” Yes!” “是!” Tang Xiu nods once more. 唐修再次点头。 **** Jumps suddenly, opens along with her five fingers, one group of black smog linger instantaneously, then, her another hand pounds maliciously in the chest, in Blood spurting black fog, exclaimed fierce: Sin that I violate, my oneself person undertakes, has nothing to do with my daughter. The heaven wants my life, I give it then am......” ****猛然间跳起,随着她的五指张开,一团黑色烟雾瞬间飘溢出来,然后,她另外一只手狠狠砸在胸口,一口鲜血喷进黑雾之中,厉声吼道:“我犯下的罪孽,我自己一个人来承担,跟我女儿无关。老天想要我的命,我给它便是……” The Tang Xiu complexion big change, he has not thought **** can actually display Magic Force, Magic Force that although she displays is weak, was inferior including Foun­da­tion Es­tab­lish­ment Realm Dao Cultivator, whatever but if she displays, perhaps short moment gongfu (effort), she will die here. 唐修面色大变,他没想到****竟然能够施展出法力,虽然她施展的法力非常微弱,连一位筑基期修道者都不如,但如果任由她施展下去,恐怕短短片刻功夫,她就会死在这里。 „......” “啪……” A Tang Xiu fist pounds in her latter nape of the neck place, knocks down her, then loses on nearby sofa, shakes the head to sigh: Mother kind female filial piety, was really a pity.” 唐修一拳砸在她的后脖颈处,把她打晕,然后丢在一旁的沙发上,摇头叹道:“母慈女孝,真是可惜了。” Before Hu Shaokun looks helplessly, solemn virtuous Auntie Zhuang, releases the black fog unexpectedly, moreover spouts Blood, that stingy vibrated ruthlessly several, on the face reappeared the unbelievable ray. Before he does not believe that any Immortal Demon said that but sees with one's own eyes now, he has to believe. 胡少坤眼睁睁看着以前端庄贤淑的庄姨,竟然释放出黑雾,而且还喷出鲜血,那颗心狠狠震动了几下,脸庞上浮现出难以置信的光芒。以前他不相信什么仙魔之说,可是现在亲眼看到,他就不得不相信了。 Tang Xiu said: Hu Shaokun, sends for looking for a cockerel immediately, a black dog, a tabby cat, a turtle. Moreover, sends for purchasing the incense burner, spice, should better buy a willow tree singlestick again.” 唐修说道:“胡少坤,马上派人找来一只公鸡,一条黑狗,一只花猫,一只乌龟。另外,派人购买香炉,香料,最好再买一把柳木剑。” Hu Shaokun nod without hesitation, leaves after fast, probably crossed for one hour, all thing that Tang Xiu wanted is evened up by him. 胡少坤不假思索的点头,快速离开后,大约过了一个多小时,唐修所要的所有东西都被他找齐。 Kills the chicken, the slaughter dog, butchers the cat, broken turtle. 杀鸡,屠狗,宰猫,碎龟。 Four Spirit Beast. 灵兽阵。 After Tang Xiu at the maximum speed prepare Great Array, told that Hu Shaokun sits into an eye, the sinking sound said: Then, no matter you see anything, hears anything, do not pay attention. Anybody, or any ghost, could not injure you. I must to Yama Suo Ming, probably cut off you and Li Cai, Li Cai Mother the line of destiny, making you henceforth without the person of life.” 唐修以最快的速度布置好大阵后,吩咐胡少坤坐入阵眼之中,沉声说道:“接下来,不管你看到什么,听到什么,都不要理会。任何人,或者任何鬼怪,都伤害不了你。我要向阎王索命,要斩断你和黎彩,还有黎彩母亲的命运之线,让你们从此成为无命之人。” After Hu Shaokun sits cross-legged sits down, raises the head looked that asked to Tang Xiu: What does not have the person of life?” 胡少坤盘膝坐下后,抬头看向唐修问道:“什么是无命之人?” Tang Xiu said: Does not have the person of life, will be your fortune-tellings will vanish from this world, will not be supervised by Six Paths of Samsara again. From now henceforth, you must do works as Old Mouse, as far as possible few and anybody contacts, avoids the Heavenly Dao rule, saves the life.” 唐修说道:“无命之人,就是你们的命理会从这个世界消失,不会再受到六道轮回的监管。从今以后,你们要做的就是当一只老鼠,尽量少的和任何人接触,躲避天道规则,保住性命。” Hu Shaokun shakes the head saying: I do not understand.” 胡少坤摇头说道:“我不太懂。” Tang Xiu said: In brief is, you also normal birth and death, but your fortune-tellings already not in this world, if you died, you true vanishing into thin air, will again not have ** returns to the rebirth. Moreover, if you contact with others too many, you will suffer cause and effect backlash, because when the time comes cause and effect are too many, will be discovered by the Heavenly Dao rule, then kills your heartless extinguishing.” 唐修说道:“总之就是,你们还会正常的生老病死,但你们的命理已经不在这个世界之内,如果你们死亡,你们就会真正的烟消云散,再也无**回重生。另外,你们如果和别人接触太多,你们就会遭受到因果反噬,到时候因为因果太多,会被天道规则发现,然后把你们无情的灭杀。” Hu Shaokun said with amazement: If we cannot exchange with others, how we do go on living?” 胡少坤骇然说道:“如果我们不能和别人交流,我们怎么活下去?” Tang Xiu deeply inspires, said lightly: „To become Dao Cultivator? To change this destiny? of course, you regret now also with enough time, once you regretted that perhaps Li Cai and her Mother life, could not preserve.” 唐修深吸一口气,淡淡说道:“想不想成为一名修道者?想不想改变这种命运?当然,你现在后悔还来得及,一旦你后悔,黎彩和她母亲的性命,恐怕就保不住了。” Hu Shaokun said dignifiedly: Li Cai and Auntie Zhuang's life must preserve. I want to know how can change this destiny? Becoming Dao Cultivator?” 胡少坤凝重说道:“黎彩和庄姨的性命一定要保住。我想知道,怎么才能改变这种命运?成为修道者?” The Tang Xiu nod said: „Becoming Dao Cultivator, at the maximum speed breaks through Spirit Transformation Realm, will then wait to leave this world in the future, looks to the world of higher level. Once you have been separated from this world, will again not be supervised by this world, when the time comes your three people can have no more worries, in another world security life.” 唐修点头说道:“成为修道者,以最快的速度突破到化神期,然后等将来离开这个世界,到更高层次的世界去看一看。一旦你脱离了这个世界,就不会再被这个世界监管,到时候你们三人就能够高枕无忧,在另外一个世界安全生活。” Hu Shaokun said hurriedly: „Can you help me really?” 胡少坤急忙说道:“你真的能帮我?” Tang Xiu said: I can help you, but before I help you, you must cut off with all family members relate, cut off all cause and effect in this world to relate. Then, I can you an opportunity, so long as you can seize this opportunity, can join my sect, becomes true Dao Cultivator.” 唐修说道:“我可以帮你,但我帮你之前,你必须斩断和所有家人联系,斩断这个世界上的所有因果关系。然后,我才能给你一个机会,只要你能抓住这个机会,就能加入我的宗门,成为真正的修道者。” Hu Shaokun looked to lie down in Li Cai that on bed remained unconscious, looked to lie down on the sofa knocked down Auntie Zhuang, after hesitant for a long time, this set firm resolve, the nod said: Divine Doctor Tang, I promise you. However, I need you then to help me perform in a play.” 胡少坤看了看躺在床上昏迷不醒的黎彩,看了看躺在沙发上被打晕的庄姨,犹豫了许久之后,这才下定决心,点头说道:“唐神医,我答应您。不过,我需要您接下来帮我演一场戏。” Tang Xiu does not have issue Hu Shaokun to help him perform in any play, immediately starts array, starts to use the secret technique. Seizes the life to Yama, this method is dangerous, but the Tang Xiu present strength has not allowed slightly to peep, adds on four Spirit Beast in addition to hold again, therefore safe many. 唐修没问题胡少坤帮他演什么戏,立即启动阵法,开始施展秘术。向阎王夺命,这种手段非常危险,但唐修如今的实力已经不容小窥,再加上四灵兽阵的加持,所以安全不少。
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