RMW :: Volume #3

#237: Strange

Night, harbor. 夜,港口。 Even if harbor also is quite lively at the night, seems like a giant commercial port to be the same brilliantly illuminated, will be very difficult to imagine such a harbor of place also to have such condition. 南桑的港口哪怕是在夜晚都也都相当热闹,灯火通明看上去就像是一个巨大的商务港一样,很难想象这样一个地方的港口也会有着这样的状况。 Although this is also only a small-scale harbor, the passed in and out freighter mostly is also the middle-and-small freighter, the volume of goods handled is not big, but is actually a point that in the contact route many freighters can stay. 虽然这也只是一个小型港口,进出的货船大多也都是中小型货轮,吞吐量也并不大,但却是往来航线上不少货轮都会停留的一个点。 The reason of stay are various, but investigates it radically also because of the relations of legitimate Arm Slave fighting, these Arm Slave fittings that in can buy almost flow from this place, the channel is also these anchors in this's ships. 停留的原因各种各样,但究其根本也还是因为南桑的合法AS格斗的关系,南桑市内能够买到的那些AS配件几乎都是从这个地方流入进来,渠道也就是这些停泊在此的船只。 The business automobile that Lemon takes entered the harbor to move to a wharf stopped, behind also followed steadily a van body truck. 雷蒙乘坐的商务车一路进入港口驶向了其中一个码头停下,后面也稳稳跟着一辆厢式货车。 The vehicles stopped the earliest possible time that the front door opened, Lemon from the vehicle jumped. 车辆停好大门打开的第一时间,雷蒙就从车上跳了下去。 After seeing the wharf is standing four individual, on the face of Lemon also appeared wiped the happy expression. 在看见码头上站立着的四个人后,雷蒙的脸上也出现了一抹笑意。 Captain!” 队长!” Three different sounds resound, Lemon also has the happy expression is nodding to three people: Was laborious you.” 三道不同的声音响起,雷蒙也带着笑意的对着三人点了点头:“辛苦你们了。” Kaja of lead shakes the head: „It is not laborious, this time is very simple mission.” 领头的卡娅摇摇头:“不辛苦,这就是一次很简单的任务。” Said, Kaja draws back slightly two steps, protected to reveal in the middle girl them. 说完后卡娅微微退开两步,将他们护在中间的女孩露了出来。 Somewhat shrinks, on the face wrote all over the girl who disturbed and worried about, both hands is intersecting mutually, the right hand kept conducted the back stroke of the nail in the left hand. 一个有些畏畏缩缩,脸上写满了忐忑和担忧的女孩,双手相互交叉着,右手不停的用指甲在左手背上划拉。 Is you, Lemon......” “是你么,雷蒙……” The smile on Lemon face immediately one stiff, opens mouth: Is...... is I, do you recognize me?” 雷蒙脸上的笑容顿时一僵,张张嘴:“是……是我,你认得我?” The Lemon vision swept one toward Kaja, inquired this with the look what's the matter. 雷蒙的目光朝着卡娅扫了一眼,用眼神询问这到底是怎么回事。 But Kaja shrugs the arm gently, shakes the head to express oneself do not know, and opens the mouth saying: I am not clear what's the matter, but we rescued her day her resistance to leave with us, then has been calling your name.” 而卡娅则轻轻耸了耸肩膀,摇摇头表示自己也不知道,并开口道:“我不清楚怎么回事,但我们救她的那天她就一直非常抗拒跟我们离开,然后一直在喊着你的名字。” Lemon innermost feelings astonished looks again to Mila: „Do you...... recognize me?” 雷蒙内心惊愕的再次看向米拉:“你……认得我?” I do not know.” Mila timid shaking the head, said earnestly in a soft voice: I only know that Lemon will save me.” “我不知道。”米拉怯怯的摇摇头,埋头轻声道:“我只知道雷蒙会救我。” The question mark of Lemon brain, in the innermost feelings finds it hard to believe that now this situation really appeared somewhat strange, a little cannot understand this what's the matter. 雷蒙满脑子的问号,内心里更是觉得不可思议,现在这个情况着实显得有些诡异了,有点不能理解这到底是怎么回事。 What condition is this? could it be is reset world time what condition had/left, making Mila also stay behind some beforehand memories?” “这又是什么状况?难道是重置世界的时候出了什么状况,让米拉也留下了一些之前的记忆?” Lemon nods, puts the light sound to ask: How you know I will rescue your.” 雷蒙点了点头,放轻声音问道:“那你是怎么知道我会去救你的。” Mila raising the head eyes are disclosing the fear, is confused and delicate: I do not know, probably the sound in dream told me, I was in the time brain of experiment to have a sound to tell me by these people each time, said that Lemon will save me.” 米拉抬起头来双眼透露着害怕,迷茫和柔弱:“我不知道,好像是梦里的声音告诉我的,每次我被那些人做实验的时候脑子里都会有一个声音告诉我,说雷蒙会去救我。” Lemon sees Mila to seem like recalls the beforehand matter, has started the appearance that is afraid must shiver, goes forward one step to trace in Mila's head hastily behind gently. 雷蒙看见米拉似乎是回忆起之前的事情,已经开始害怕得颤抖的模样,也连忙上前一步身后轻轻在米拉的头上摸了摸。 Looking like touches the kitten to be the same, the comfort said in a soft voice: Didn't fear, now I have rescued you, later has also protected your, did not use in some worry people will harm you, good.” 就像是摸小猫一样,轻声安慰道:“不怕不怕,现在我已经救出你了,以后也会一直保护你的,不用在担心会有人伤害你了,好么。” Graciousness......” Mila seems like feels the warmth that the Lemon palm transmitted, nod gently complied with one. “恩……”米拉似乎是感受到了雷蒙手掌传来的温暖,轻轻的点头应了一声。 Kaja, Keller and Berenx, although in these time have been protecting Mila, but Mila except for is willing to say slightly with Kaja beyond several will not give any response to the two. 卡娅,凯勒和贝朗虽然这些时间里一直保护着米拉,但米拉除了愿意和卡娅稍微说上几句之外对其他两人根本就不会给任何回应。 accuracy said that should be has no reaction to others, but can also be together with Mila besides their three individual alone beside, once other anyone will cause her intensity close to her anxiously. 准确的说应该是对其他的人根本没有任何反应,但偏偏除了他们三个人还能和米拉单独相处之外,其他任何一个人一旦靠近她都会引起她的强烈不安。 In this case, the words that now Mila speaks are also Kaja their first hearing. 在这种情况下,现在米拉说的话也是卡娅她们第一次听到。 In a flash, these three people think the matter about world reset, used the astonished vision to look immediately to Mila. 一瞬间,这三人就想到了关于世界重置的事,顿时也用着惊愕的目光看向了米拉。 At this time, put on Gauron of gray windproof coat to hold in the mouth the smoke to walk, in being away from several people of several far places stopped, after looking at a Mila, unruly smiled. 就在这个时候,穿着灰色风衣的九龙叼着烟走了过来,在距离几人几步远的地方停下,看了一眼米拉后桀骜一笑。 „, Whispered, is this your goal?” “呵,耳语者,这就是你的目的?” Kaja went forward to protect Mila in oneself behind, Keller and Berenx also turned around to alert looked to Gauron. 卡娅上前将米拉保护在了自己身后,凯勒和贝朗也都转身戒备的看向九龙 Although they are smooth in the cooperation, then Gauron escorts in the process that they come back not to have any problem, can say that among them the employment related to the present is ended. 虽然他们在合作的时候非常顺利,接下来九龙护送他们回来的过程里也没出现任何问题,可以说他们之间的雇佣关系到现在已经算是结束。 Therefore as a qualified businessman, the well-known qualified businessman, present Gauron has to several mood of having the protection. 所以作为一个合格的生意人,众所周知的合格生意人,现在的九龙不得不让几人产生防备的情绪。 Lemon looks to Gauron: What's wrong, you also to Whispered interested.” 雷蒙看向九龙:“怎么,你也对耳语者有兴趣。” Gauron heavy smiles: No, I have no interest in Whispered, about is only some mystical tools, now makes me more interested instead is you.” 九龙沉沉一笑:“不,我对耳语者没有任何兴趣,左右不过只是一些神神秘秘的工具而已,现在让我更有兴趣的反而是你。” Some people spend the high price to seize Whispered specially, but also some people spent the high price to seek for these specially to the Whispered interested person.” “有人专门花大价钱抓捕耳语者,但也有人花了大价钱专门寻找那些对耳语者有兴趣的人。” Lemon could not see idea gives a calm smile: In other words some people spend to post a reward us publicly.” 雷蒙看不出想法的淡然一笑:“那就是说有人花了钱公开的悬赏我们。” hahaha!” Gauron laughs, said: Posts a reward the goal of person is your I do not know, but I believe your certain value a lot of money.” 哈哈哈!”九龙哈哈大笑一声,道:“悬赏人的目的是不是你我不知道,但我相信你一定值不少钱。” „.” Lemon shakes the head smiles, said: How to betray the present customer on the preparation quickly, you also were really a qualified businessman.” “呵。”雷蒙摇头一笑,说道:“怎么快就准备出卖现在的主顾了,你还真是一个合格的生意人。” Gauron one turned into mercenary from the businessman: I am only mercenary that can do business, whose price is high I naturally to listen whose.” 九龙一下从生意人变成了佣兵:“我只是个会做生意的佣兵,谁出的价钱高我当然就听谁的。” Said.” Lemon looks to Gauron, tranquil say/way: This news value how much money.” “说吧。”雷蒙看向九龙,平静道:“这个消息值多少钱。” Gauron also really looks like a businessman the same as say: 50 million or hundred million, the beautiful blade payment, the price has the price low news lowly, the price has the price high approach high.” 九龙还真就像是个生意人一样说道:“五千万或是一个亿,美刀支付,价格低有价格低的消息,价格高有价格高的做法。” Lemon understood what is heard the meaning of Gauron, 50 million can buy news but Gauron also to sell to others their news, only sold to his news as for a hundred million that but did not sell to others their news. 雷蒙是听明白了九龙的意思,五千万可以买消息但九龙同样也会把他们的消息卖给别人,至于一个亿那就是只卖给他消息而不将他们的消息卖给其他人。 Lemon said suddenly: I thought but actually your news one cent is unworthy, Leonard Testarossa, this posts a reward our people if as expected.” 雷蒙忽然道:“我倒觉得你的消息一分钱不值,雷纳德泰丝塔罗莎,不出意外的话这就是悬赏我们的人了。” On the Gauron face the juan crazy expression stagnates suddenly, immediately the expression is gloomy not to speak. 九龙脸上狷狂的表情忽然一滞,随即表情阴沉下来不在说话。 Really is he.” Sees the expression on Gauron face, Lemon opens the mouth saying: With is the Amalgam member, you have not really given to care him actually.” “果然是他么。”见到九龙脸上的表情,雷蒙开口道:“同为汞合金的成员,你倒是真没把他给放在心上啊。” The Gauron vision disclosed the aura of danger: You are it seems like many to our understanding.” 九龙目光透露出危险的气息:“你对我们的了解看来不少。” Lemon said: Many understanding some matters of being worth mentioning, actually I did not mind met with him, but is only the present is also not the time, at least when must wait till me becomes Amalgam another carries out the senior official is the rightest opportunity.” 雷蒙道:“多少了解一些不值一提的事,其实我并不介意和他碰面,但只是现在还不是时候,至少也得等到我成为汞合金另一位执行长官时才是最合适的机会。” 50 million beautiful blades give you, is reward that makes you keep secret temporarily, you can also be regarded as me to buy your preliminary expense, whether then you are willing to accept my second employment, the this time reward is 3rd Generation Arm Slave, will carry unusual special new equipment.” “五千万美刀给你,算是让你暂时保密的报酬,你也可以当作是我收买你的先期费用,接下来你是否愿意接受我的第二次雇佣,这次的报酬是一台第三代AS,而且还将会搭载一种非常特殊的新型装备。”
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