RODE :: Volume #15

#1410: ......

Unknowingly, the time has arrived at the night. 不知不觉,时间已经走到了深夜。 Yun Qingyan with Jiang Ruoxian, in the side building, has a lengthy conversation the present. 云青岩姜若仙,就在厢房里面,长谈到了现在。 The topic avoids result, after avoiding Chi Yao, two people state of mind are quite relaxed. 话题避开‘结果’,避开池瑶后,两人的心境都极为轻松。 They have the words that cannot chat, cannot tell the regards that after all, they have in 1700 not to see. 他们有着聊不完的话,诉说不完的问候,毕竟,他们已经有一千七百年没见了。 Never expected that your hometown, is unknown mortal, has the opportunity, I must go to your hometown to tour!” “没想到你的家乡,是一颗名不见经传的凡人界,有机会,我一定要去你家乡游览一番!” Jiang Ruoxian knows, Yun Qingyan after mortal, not only accidental/surprised, and anticipation said. 姜若仙知道,云青岩来自凡人界后,不由既意外,又期待地说道。 Ha, you, if goes, my host will certainly entertain well!” “哈哈哈,你若是去,我这个东道主一定会好好招待!” Just my hometown that mortal, not allows your to cultivate/repair for the immortal, therefore do not forget the projection to arrive when the time comes.” “只不过我家乡那颗凡人界,可不容下你这身修为的仙人,所以到时候别忘了投影降临。” Yun Qingyan said with a smile. 云青岩笑着说道。 He said is also the truth, takes cultivating of Jiang Ruoxian Half Step Saint Immortal as, once to Heavenly Star Continent, put in an appearance the brace to explode entire Heavenly Star Continent. 他说的也是实话,以姜若仙半步圣仙的修为,一旦到了天星大陆,一个照面就会撑爆整个天星大陆 This can only hold the wooden boats of three people probably, once over three people step into the wooden boat, will make the wooden boat submerge a truth. 这就好像只能容纳三个人的木舟,一旦超过三个人踏入木舟,就会让木舟沉没一个道理。 The night moonlight, arrived at the Southwest, by the window, can see gradually becomes the gloomy full moon. 深夜的月光,走到了西南方,透过窗口,就能看到逐渐变得暗淡的圆月。 Yun Qingyan with Jiang Ruoxian, the subconsciousness looked at one, moon of out of the window. 云青岩姜若仙,都下意识看了一眼,窗外的月亮。 At heart, both has a thought: Time, not early. 心里,双双生出一个念头:时间,不早了。 Feeling that this old friend meets, is very good, two people are relaxations like that. 这种老朋友相见的感觉,真的很好,两人都是那般的放松。 Before can say, common experience. 可以讲起以前共同的经历。 Also can recall, two people impression profound past. 也可以回忆起,两人都印象深刻的过去。 What a pity, the time always does not wait for the person, even if the happy time...... it will also finish eventually. 可惜,时间总是不等人,哪怕再美好的时间……它也终究会结束。 Ruoxian should to say goodbye......” Yun Qingyan to whisper at heart, this time atmosphere, becomes somewhat lonely. 若仙应该要告辞了……”云青岩心里嘀咕一声,此时的气氛,变得有些寂寥。 Emperor Yun!” Jiang Ruoxian looks suddenly to Yun Qingyan. 云帝!”姜若仙突然看向云青岩 Her cheeks are very beautiful, perfect beauty, feels like a pure busy uncut jade. 她的脸颊很美,完美无瑕的美,给人的感觉像是一张纯净无暇的璞玉。 Her makings, filled aloofly, the goddess that probably under moon arrives, rises above worldly affairs handsome, if the air/Qi orchid...... has to say gentle person who not cannot say. 她的气质,也充满了超然,像是月亮下降临的女神,秀雅绝俗,气若幽兰……有着说不尽道不完的温婉可人。 Graciousness......” Yun Qingyan gawked slightly gawked, has the extremely short flash, he was attracted by Jiang Ruoxian. “恩……”云青岩微微愣了一愣,有极短的一刹那,他被姜若仙吸引了。 When is similar to his first time, the delay of experience to Jiang Ruoxian appearance/portrait. 就如同他第一次,见识到姜若仙真容时的呆滞。 Jiang Ruoxian, the style shows the man, the graceful bearing is peerless! 姜若仙,字如其人,风姿绝世! I when Heavenly Yin Mountain Arteries, discovered trace that you make a move, you had used Evil Dragon Roaring Fist at that time?” “我在天阴山脉时,发现了你出手的痕迹,你当时是不是动用过孽龙咆哮拳?” Jiang Ruoxian then asked. 姜若仙接着问道。 Good!” The Yun Qingyan slight nod, regarding the discovery of Jiang Ruoxian, without the least bit is accidental/surprised. “不错!”云青岩微微点头,对于姜若仙的发现,没有半点意外。 You, although is only the Great Principle Golden Immortal peak, but is your battle efficiency, as good as common Heavenly Immortal?” Jiang Ruoxian also asked. “你虽然只是大罗金仙巅峰,但你的战斗力,不亚于寻常天仙?”姜若仙又问。 Is equivalent to Heavenly Immortal Boundary 4th Layer!” Yun Qingyan hesitates to say slightly. “相当于天仙境四层!”云青岩微微沉吟道。 I do not believe!” Jiang Ruoxian said suddenly. “我不信!”姜若仙突然说道。 „......” Yun Qingyan stares. “呃……”云青岩一愣。 Properly speaking, Jiang Ruoxian should be able to feel, the battle efficiency that his goes against heaven's will is right. 按理说,姜若仙应该能感觉到,他那逆天的战斗力才对。 Moreover, Jiang Ruoxian to his words, should be believes in firmly is right! 而且,姜若仙对他的话,也应该是深信不疑才对! Because his Yun Qingyan has not deceived Jiang Ruoxian. 因为他云青岩从来没有骗过姜若仙 I want to ask for advice personally, your battle efficiency, really goes against heaven's will!” Jiang Ruoxian also said. “我想亲手领教一下,你的战斗力,是不是真那么逆天!”姜若仙又说道。 Yun Qingyan two do almost emit the heavy line, Jiang Ruoxian do not look to give a pretext is oppressive he? 云青岩两眼差点冒出黑线,姜若仙不会是要找个借口虐他吧? Did not say that between Yun Qingyan and Jiang Ruoxian, is away from several boundaries. 不说云青岩姜若仙之间,隔着好几个境界。 Even if the same boundary, he absolute assurance, cannot ask for the advantage in the Jiang Ruoxian hand. 哪怕相同的境界,他都没有绝对的把握,能在姜若仙手中讨得好处。 I acted!” The Jiang Ruoxian words fall, the strength of immortal spirit such as the sea rushes, rushed to Yun Qingyan completely. “我出手了!”姜若仙话落,一股如大海澎湃的仙灵之力,就全部涌向了云青岩 Yun Qingyan does not have the ability of resistance, by strength of imprisonment this immortal spirit. 云青岩连反抗的能力都没有,就被这股仙灵之力禁锢。 Fiercely...... 猛地…… Yun Qingyan feels, the soft body, pasted together on him. 云青岩感觉到,一道柔软的身子,贴在了他身上。 Emperor Yun, you are not good......” 云帝,你不行啊……” Jiang Ruoxian said spookily: My 10% strengths have not used, has imprisoned you......” 姜若仙幽幽地说道:“我连10%力量都没有动用,就已经将你禁锢……” The Yun Qingyan forced smile, present he, in front of Jiang Ruoxian...... truly is fish that whatever butchers. 云青岩苦笑不已,现在的他,在姜若仙面前……确实是任由宰割的鱼肉。 Emperor Yun, I said that you are not good, you have nothing wants to say?” Jiang Ruoxian said again. 云帝,我说你不行,你就没什么想说的吗?”姜若仙再次说道。 Yun Qingyan has not noticed, seems like that wind Qing Yun pale Jiang Ruoxian, after saying these words, the earlobe was uncontrolled a red Tong piece. 云青岩没注意到,看似风轻云淡的姜若仙,说出这番话后,耳垂不受控制红彤一片。 Yun Qingyan wants saying that present I truly am not your opponent...... may this idea just now brave, the mind as if thought of anything. 云青岩本来想说,现在的我确实不是你对手……可这个想法才刚冒出来,脑海似乎又想到了什么。 Isn't good? 不行? Jiang Ruoxian this is not good, as if refers to other aspects. 姜若仙这个不行,似乎指的是其他方面。 Immediately, Yun Qingyan becomes shames and gets angry, the son most abstained that was not said good! 顿时,云青岩变得又羞又怒,男儿最忌讳的,就是被人说不行! If trades to make Su Tutu, he definitely blurted out, the father is good, you tried not to know. 若换做苏图图,他肯定脱口而出,老子行不行,你试试不就知道了。 Yun Qingyan also wants to say this saying, but...... endured finally! 云青岩也很想冒出这话,可最终……还是忍了下来! Yun Qingyan does not doubt, once he said, Jiang Ruoxian will deal with according to law him inevitably. 云青岩丝毫不怀疑,一旦他这么说,姜若仙势必会把他就地法办了。 ...... 就地啊…… „, It seems like you...... good......” Jiang Ruoxian also did not say. “唔,看来你……还行啊……”姜若仙又说道。 She also wants to continue to say with the wind Qing Yun pale tone. 她本来还想继续用风轻云淡的口吻说道。 What a pity, incessantly is the earlobe, that perfect cheeks, became blushed. 可惜,不止是耳垂,就连那张完美无瑕的脸颊,都变得了羞红不已。 On Yun Qingyan, has the bulge place, withstood/top in she slightly concave place. 云青岩身上,已经有凸起的地方,顶在了她略凹的地方。 Convex-concave convex-concave convex-concave...... 凸凹凸凹凸凹…… Ruoxian, you sexually harassed to be defeated......” Yun Qingyan somewhat to cry to say with a smile. 若仙,你调戏失败了……”云青岩有些哭笑道。 His present caution, but is in the mind, read aloud had a thought the Buddhist literature, tried to press the bulge evil fire. 他现在的如履薄冰,而是脑海里面,诵念起了佛经,试图把凸起的邪火压下去。 Snort!” Jiang Ruoxian layer on layer/heavily snort/hum. “哼!”姜若仙重重哼了一声。 She, actually moved...... enticed the Yun Qingyan thought. 她心里,其实动了……勾引云青岩的念头。 What a pity, kept aloof for a long time, she was secular the skill of female metropolis/can unable. 可惜,高高在上久了,她连世俗女子都会的技能都不会。 ......” “唔……” The Yun Qingyan lips, was stopped up by the fragrant lip of Jiang Ruoxian suddenly...... 云青岩的双唇,突然被姜若仙的香唇堵住…… Jiang Ruoxian body fragrance, jumped into the nose of Yun Qingyan altogether. 姜若仙身上的体香,一股脑扑入了云青岩的鼻子里面。 The breath of Yun Qingyan voluntarily does not become heavy, the bulge place becomes harder! 云青岩的呼吸不自觉变重,凸起的地方变得更直更硬! If holds up day a column! 如擎天一柱! If...... Ruoxian, I...... I admitted defeat, this way...... will have an accident!” Yun Qingyan begs for mercy to say hastily. “若……若仙,我……我认输了,再这样下去……会出事的!”云青岩连忙求饶道。 As all can see, dominates Immortal World Emperor Yun, where elder brother...... can withstand such tease initially! 君不见,叱咤仙界云帝,还是一个初哥一枚……哪里经得起这样的挑逗! Snort-” “哼-” Jiang Ruoxian again numerous cold snort/hum. 姜若仙再次重重的冷哼。 She also feared, she who that stick, withstand/top is somewhat uncomfortable, making her have to plant the impulsion that a sword cuts. 她也怕了,那根棍子,顶的她有些难受,让她有种一剑斩掉的冲动。 Moreover what damn, that stick lets her uncomfortable at the same time, unexpectedly also made her have...... one type with the strange feeling. 而且该死的是,那棍子让她难受的同时,居然还让她心里生出了……一种跟怪异的感觉。 That is one type, she has never experienced feeling. 那是一种,她从未经历过的感觉。 Remembers our agreements, two months later gives my satisfactory confession!” After Jiang Ruoxian puts down the last few words, the form flickered to move to disappear in the side building. “记住我们的约定,两个月后给我满意的交代!”姜若仙放下最后一句话后,身影瞬移消失在了厢房之中。 Yun Qingyan relaxes secretly, luckily Jiang Ruoxian ran, otherwise he really must unable to control. 云青岩暗暗松了一口气,幸亏姜若仙跑了,否则他真要控制不住了。 Yun Qingyan at heart, realized a matter! The Immortal Emperor will is no doubt firm, but in some aspect...... his so-called firm determination, somewhat, collapses at the first blow. 云青岩心里,也意识到了一件事!仙帝意志固然坚定,但在某方面……他所谓的坚定意志,有些,不堪一击。
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