RTW :: Volume #10

#978: Flight

In order to makes the glider run, Ministry of Construction according to the request of Roland, constructed one to point to near Shiling to the track in sea, and ground both sides turned upwards upwardly, just like together quarter moon. 为了能让滑翔机跑起来,建设部依照罗兰的要求,在石岭边修建了一条直指向大海的轨道,且道面两端向上翘起,宛如一道弦月。 After testing prototype was jacked arrives, so long as loosens the anchor, will start to slide under the function of gravity, until running out of orbital entire accelerating process quite some likely is the roller coaster of later generation, is only not exciting. 当实验样机被抬升到位后,只要松开固定器,就会在重力的作用下开始滑行,直至冲出轨道整个加速过程颇有些像是后世的过山车,只是远没那么刺激罢了。 Naturally, depends on these unable to guarantee that only the wing can obtain enough lifting force, therefore also needs Wendy to create some winning sides. 当然,单靠这些并不能保证机翼可以得到足够的升力,所以还需要温蒂自己创造出些许上风来。 Once leaps Shiling, reaches 15 meters elevation difference with sea level is an abundant adjustment space, at the speed of glider, the climb crashes into the sea, the driver and rescue patrol can prepare. 一旦跃出石岭,与海面多达15米的高差则是一段充裕的调整空间,以滑翔机的速度,无论是爬升还是坠入大海,驾驶者和救护员都能有所准备。 This was also Roland from the beginning gives on prototype the reason of double seat. 这也是罗兰一开始就给样机上了双座的缘由。 Now Lightning and Macy at the wasteland combat, the responsibility of rescuing naturally have handed over in the Tilly hand. 如今闪电麦茜都在蛮荒地作战,救护之责自然而然地交到了提莉手中。 But the latter complies joyfully. 而后者欣然答应下来。 Boarding,” Roland was supposing the time was up, turns around to say to two people. “登机吧,”罗兰估摸着时间差不多了,转身对两人说道。 Wendy nods, inflated to grasp the fist for oneself likely generally, afterward and Tilly two people walked toward the flight vehicle. 温蒂点点头,像是为自己打气一般握了握拳头,随后和提莉两人向飞行器走去。 ...... …… After climbing up the airplane, Wendy discovered this thing imagines must mostly. 当爬上飞机后,温蒂才发现这东西比自己想象的要大多了。 Especially the two straight wings of top of the head and under foot, any bird is unable in comparison, even if Macy after Dread Beast, has missed a little length. 特别是头顶和脚下的两对平直翅膀,任何飞鸟都无法与之相比,即使是恐兽化后的麦茜,也差了那么一点长度。 Under swaying of sea breeze, the slender wing point can see the obvious vibration, this made her feel a restlessness, always thought that once flew, so long as blew a gale casually, can break off it. 在海风的吹拂下,修长的翅尖能看到明显的抖动,这让她感到了一丝不安,总觉得一旦飞起来,只要随便刮起一阵大风,就能将其折断似的。 Although Roland once had mentioned this is the normal phenomenon, the when intensity of aluminum system skeleton can definitely deal with low-speed flight various mobilities, Soraya draws the outer covering the toughness also far strong the ordinary leather and cotton material, but these two wings somewhat are really frail, contrasts its area, talking into is the slip of paper is not overrated. 虽然罗兰曾提到过这是正常现象,铝制骨架的强度完全能应付低速飞行时的各种机动,索罗娅所绘蒙皮的韧性也远强过普通皮革与布料,但这两道翅膀实在有些单薄,对比其面积来说,说成是纸片也不为过。 Sir, if you prepared, informed my then it will be alright,” soldier made Wendy recover slightly. “大人,若您准备好了,通知我一声就行,”士兵的话让温蒂稍稍回过神来。 I knew, Yeah...... First what must do is......” “我知道了,……首先要做的是……” Confirmed that various rudders are whether normal.” Tilly comforting said, „should not be anxious, had problems, me too visits you.” “确认各舵面是否正常。”身后的提莉安抚道,“别紧张,就算出了问题,还有我看着你呢。” „...... Thanks.” Heard these words, Wendy has felt at ease immediately much, right, the flight theory class that Your Majesty narrated was not only then she has listened, if some people can correct her oversight promptly, she can also little make some mistakes. “……谢谢。”听到这句话,温蒂顿时安心了不少,没错,陛下讲述的飞行原理课并不是只有她一个人听过,如果有人能及时纠正她的疏漏,她也能少犯些错误。 First is the end altitude control, by advocating lever is controlled.” “先是尾部升降舵,由主拉杆控制。” Wendy took a deep breath, before both hands has pulled an iron rod situated in seat, under the body resounded a creaking sound she to know when this was the bottom steel wire draws the tail wing sound, before prototype has not made, she has then practiced on the simulator several hundred times. 温蒂深吸口气,双手扳了扳位于座位前的一根铁杆,身下随之响起了一阵嘎吱声她知道这是杆底钢丝拉动尾翼时的声音,在样机还未造好前,她便已经在模拟台上练习过数百次。 Altitude control is normal, is...... Yeah, rudder.” Tilly then said. “升降舵正常,接下来是……,方向舵。”提莉接着说道。 However part on the simulator is much simpler, two vertical posts and two footboards, as well as several steel wires then constituted its entirety, Wendy is very difficult to believe, can make the glider bird in Your Majesty mouth fly by these types of things likely generally, after all it operates not more complex than the bicycle many. 不过模拟台上的部件要简单得多,两根竖杆、两个踏板、以及几根钢索便构成了它的全部,温蒂很难相信,凭借这几样东西就能令陛下口中的滑翔机像鸟儿一般飞行,毕竟它操作起来不比自行车复杂多少。 If rises and falls lever is can only the member of shuttle, then the directional control pole then can only control to move, the booth has fixed their Orbit, but the bicycle dragon's head good and evil can also turn circle. 如果说升降拉杆是一根只能前后移动的杆件,那么方向控制杆便只能左右移动,卡座已经固定死了它们的轨迹,而自行车龙头好歹还能转个圈呢。 Rudder is also normal, finally is the aileron.” “方向舵也正常,最后是副翼。” According to the Your Majesty's view, flies the machine mostly three groups of wings, one group before, two groups , the three from looked directly constituted one exactly earth the symbol. What sets upright is the rudder, function is similar to the ship's rudder, acts as lookout the imagination becomes the fluent words, its deflection can change the direction of nose. 按照陛下的说法,飞机上大多都有三组翅膀,一组在前,两组在后,三者从正面看过去恰好构成了一个“土”型符号。竖起来的是方向舵,功能类似于船舵,把风想象成水流的话,它的偏转能改变机头的指向。 The first article compared with short shaft is the altitude control, can be called as the tail wing, when lifts when the nose raises, falls the nose falls, ship's rudder that like leaf of lying down. These two are good to understand, Wendy can in „the decomposition and synthesis of strength a chapter with Elementary Physics estimates its mechanism. 第一条较短的横杠则是升降舵,也可以称作尾翼,抬起时机头扬起,落下时机头跟着落下,像极了一扇躺倒的船舵。这两者都非常好理解,温蒂能用初等物理中“力的分解与合成”一章来推定它的作用原理。 But what finally that shaft represents is the aileron, until seeing the material object, Wendy understands that vice- a character word comes it to inlay after the big wing from where, the area still did not arrive at former's 1/10, by passing through the steel wire and skeleton the footboard is been connected, happen to one side. 而最后那条横杠所代表的即是副翼,直到见到实物,温蒂才明白“副”字一词从何而来它嵌在大翅膀之后,面积尚不到前者的1,由穿过骨架的钢索与自己脚下的踏板相连,正好一边一个。 It and first both are different, must raise while falls is effective, the two sides clearly opposite stress will make the airplane have the deflection even to tumble, is in the flight the most important control portion. 它和前两者不同,必须一边扬起一边落下才算有效,两边截然相反的受力会令飞机发生偏转甚至翻滚,也是飞行中最重要的一个控制部件。 Regarding this Wendy once had asked Your Majesty, since the rudder can cause the deflection, why must establish a pair of aileron, but the Your Majesty's explanation is these three rudders does not become effective alone, each movement needs they jointly to be completed, the words of swinging rudder, are only easy to cause the transverse shift of body, but when rapidly curve, but also needs to put down the altitude control to come the steady height. 对此温蒂曾问过陛下,既然方向舵能引起偏转,为何还要多设置一对副翼,而陛下的解释是这三个舵面并不是单独生效,每一个动作都需要它们共同完成,只摆动方向舵的话,容易引起机体的横移,而在急速转弯时,还需要放下升降舵来稳定高度。 Because of this, he needs a detailed test data, compiles offers guidance «Flight handbook» under the different stances, which needs to adopt to operate to realize mobile \; The insufficiency that also when or the effect of change of wind direction on airplane, operates feels...... After obtaining these data, the genuine reliable flight vehicle side may realize. 正因为如此,他才需要一份详细的测试资料,来编写具有指导意义的《飞行手册》在不同姿态下,需要采取哪些操作来实现机动\;亦或是风向的变化对飞机的影响,还有操作时所感受到的不足……取得这些数据后,真正可靠的飞行器方有可能实现。 Aileron looks like does not have any issue,” Tilly has patted her shoulder, „, gave you.” “副翼看起来也没什么问题,”提莉拍了拍她的肩膀,“之后就交给你了。” Wendy felt that oneself heartbeat somewhat fiercely, she looked at His Majesty The King of distant place, turns the head to say to the soldier, I prepared, turned on the anchor.” 温蒂感到自己的心跳得有些厉害,她望了一眼远处的国王陛下,转头对士兵说道,“我准备好了,打开固定器吧。” Yes, please pay attention!” The soldiers bustle about immediately. “是,请您注意了!”士兵们立刻忙碌起来。 The runway has emptied, green light full, Wendy discussed in bottom of heart. Although does not understand that this password has what significance, but Your Majesty, since said that it can bring luck, then illuminated completes. 跑道已清空,绿灯全开,温蒂心底默念道。尽管不明白这句口令到底有何意义,但陛下既然说它能带来幸运,那么就照着做好了。 As shakes slightly, glider was pushed up the track. 随着微微一震,滑翔机一型被推上了轨道。 Then is the whereabouts. 然后便是下落。 The wheel and track exude the fricative, the entire fuselage vibrates, she felt that she in fast is coasting from the top of slope, but the sea of orbital end also leaves her to be getting more and more near. 轮子与轨道发出哐哐的摩擦声,整个机身都跟着抖动起来,她感到自己正在快速从坡顶滑下,而轨道尽头的大海也离她越来越近。 A heart mentioned throat instantaneously. 一颗心瞬间提到了嗓子眼。 What then can make? 接下来要做什么? She somewhat flurriedly thinks, saw the track ran half, sign that but this thing has not flown slightly. 她有些慌乱地想,眼看轨道已经跑完了一半,但这东西丝毫没有飞起来的迹象。 To wind!” Tilly shouts loudly. “给风!”提莉大声喊道。 Right, must be not enough to support the weights of two people to the speed of wind ground run, she needs to create the stable and gentle winning side, the giant pair of wings will pick up gently 没错,要给风滑跑的速度不足以支撑起两个人的重量,她需要创造出稳定而平缓的上风,将巨大的双翼轻轻托起 This thought just emitted, her body has then taken the action, the magic power whirlpool revolved, invisible air current baseless and presently, arrived dexterously under the wing. 这个念头刚刚冒出,她的身体便已做出了行动,魔力旋涡运转起来,一股无形的气流凭空而现,轻巧地抵在了机翼下方。 The grating fricative reduced immediately, a weight of glider as if also does not exist, Wendy had not understood that with enough time these changes the meanings, the airplane ran out of the Shiling edge. 刺耳的摩擦声顿时减轻了许多,滑翔机一型的重量仿佛亦不复存在,温蒂还没来得及理解这些变化的含义,飞机已经冲出了石岭边缘。 Short spring made her experience the clear overweight feeling, as if some people put out a hand her according to the chair general. 一个短暂的上翘令她体验到了清晰的超重感,仿佛有人伸手将她按在了座椅上一般。 Simultaneously body latter made her pull to advocate lever supinely unrestrainedly. 同时身体的后仰令她情不自禁地扳下了主拉杆 The nose responded to her control, lifts obviously. 机头回应了她的控制,抬起得更为明显。 The angle of view also along with having the change, has proliferated the brown land of subtilis and fallen leaf vanishes without a trace, the broad whirlpool sea also has become the supporting role, the sky-blue vault of heaven has filled up her most field of vision, the dazzling light spot made her narrow both eyes slightly. 视角也随着发生了变化,遍布枯草与落叶的褐色陆地消失得无影无踪,就连宽广的旋涡海也成了配角,蔚蓝色的苍穹填满了她的大半个视野,刺眼的光斑令她微微眯起了双眼。 Has flash that Wendy thought the petrel that oneself only shoot up to the sky likely, is in the reversed light the line. 有那么一刹那,温蒂觉得自己像是只冲天而起的海燕,正在逆光而行。 This feeling is so free, made her understand, why Your Majesty said that the airplane and hot-air balloon were two types of entirely different things. 这种感受是如此自由,也让她明白了,为什么陛下说飞机和热气球是两种截然不同的东西。 But several after merely seconds, Wendy discovered that near the ear wind sound/rumor subsided. 但仅仅数秒之后,温蒂发现耳边的风声平息了。 The nose of glider is high supine, again has not actually continued to climb, the time just like static. She wants to increase the wind power, actually discovery blows the wind on main plane not only not to reverse this difficult position, instead enables fuselage entire falling with face upwards to come. 滑翔机的机头高高仰起,却没有再继续爬升,时间犹如静止下来。她想要增大风力,却发现吹在主翼上的风不仅没有扭转这一困境,反而使机身整个仰倒过来。 You drew excessively!” Tilly calls out in alarm said. “你拉过头了!”提莉惊呼道。 Where has not thought with enough time had problems, the airplane has looked like the stone generally to falling. 还没来得及思索到底是哪里出了问题,飞机已像石头一般向下坠去。
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