RTW :: Volume #9

#888: Dropping from the clouds

Along with a kā chā resounding, clevis pin shoots upwardly, is five Nightingale bombs slides the support under the action of gravity, flies toward the crowd taking advantage of the inertia. 随着咔嚓一声脆响,插销向上弹起,重达五个夜莺的航弹在重力作用下滑出支架,借着惯性朝人群飞去。 After being separated from The Eastwind, bomb restored the weight immediately, but the speed has not reduced slightly, this change has entrusted with its enormous kinetic energy instantaneously. The friction of shell body and air made it send out an unusual organing, likely was the whistle, such as the mountain breeze was common across grotto, person raised head in ground came, to gaze at this inconceivable one as if by prior agreement. 脱离“东风号”后,航弹立刻恢复了重量,但速度丝毫未减,这个变化瞬间赋予了它极大的动能。弹体与空气的摩擦令其发出一种奇特的啸音,像是哨子,又如山风穿过岩洞一般,地面上的人不约而同抬起头来,注视着这不可思议的一幕。 Arrived this time, most Dawn noble had instead relaxed. 到了这个时候,大多数晨曦贵族反而松了一口气。 Compared with the Macy terrifying, but huge body, two bombs appeared nothing to speak of-- to throw freely from that altitude, pounds on to the end definitely meets the skeleton not to save, but death is also 34 bad luck eggs. 比起麦茜恐怖而巨大的身躯,两枚航弹显得不值一提——尽管从那个高度扔下来,砸到头上必然会尸骨无存,但死的也就是34个倒霉蛋罢了。 In Church that for from bordering on to disintegrate the minute to one cup of thick soup, this time expedites the responder to be innumerable. In a big way to the Duke protection, slightly to new promote Knight, all positively arranged the horses, recruited to accompany, followed Lord of Dawn to push onward to the west enormously and powerful, therefore the team was also unprecedented huge. 为了从濒临瓦解的教会中分到一杯羹,此次远征响应者无数。大到公爵守护,小到新晋骑士,全都积极地备好马匹,招募随从,一路跟随晨曦之主浩浩荡荡地向西面挺进,因此队伍也是前所未有的庞大。 More than 10,000 people of armies, let alone dies 34, how even if dies 30-40? 10000多人的大军,别说死上34个,就算死上三四十又如何? Contour frightened Dread Beast made one fear actually, once jumped into the crowd to tear and bite to trample, the casualties that caused little said also over a hundred, after not to mention these ignorant serfs by the below broken guts, ran away the loss that crazily caused. So long as the giant beast does not fall to the ground, they were too not worried. 倒是外形惊悚的恐兽更令人惧怕,一旦扑入人群中撕咬践踏,造成的伤亡少说也得上百,更别提那些无知的农奴被下破胆后疯狂逃窜引起的损失了。只要巨兽不落地,他们就并不太担心。 Naturally, may be the opposite party have to dread, does not dare blatantly with the reason that the Dawn army resists. After all this thing is very possible the ghost who is witch does, but on them besides wears God Punishment Stone, but also prepared to cope with witch tool-- the goal of much, since grabbing was Church, the method nature in this aspect was essential. 当然,也有可能是对方心存忌惮,不敢公然与晨曦大军对抗的缘故。毕竟这玩意很可能是女巫搞的鬼,而他们身上除了都佩有神罚之石外,还准备了不少对付女巫的工具——既然劫掠的目标是教会,这方面的手段自然必不可少。 Many Knight have put down the long bow in hand, receives God stone arrows, the team of which family will make a bet these two black stone to fall to with a smile. 不少骑士已经放下了手中的长弓,收起神石箭矢,笑着打赌这两块黑石头会落到哪个家族的队伍中。 , Has not dropped to the ground without the dispersal, under glare of the public eye, two bombs is similar to the arrow of string, to nearly Orbit of straight line, have banged into slowly in the army of movement together directly. 没有疏散、没有卧倒,就在众目睽睽之下,两枚航弹如同离弦之箭,以一道近乎直线的轨迹,迎头撞入了缓缓移动的大军里。 Brook center has raised two groups of scarlet roaring flame immediately! “溪流”中央顿时掀起了两团猩红的烈焰! The bomb point of descent human and animals changed into Ash directly, the air current that the heating inflated have formed the explosion wind, just like the ripple to blooms together in all directions. Accelerates to this degree hot blast and steel wall anything has not distinguished, the person who runs upon almost meets a cruel death immediately, cuts off limb is thrown everywhere with the internal organs is. 航弹落点处的人畜直接化为灰烬,受热膨胀的气流形成了爆炸风,犹如一道波纹向四面八方绽放开来。加速到这个程度的热风和钢墙没什么区别,撞上的人几乎立刻粉身碎骨,断肢和内脏被抛得到处都是。 The shock attenuation quickly, then no longer has the ability of tearing body after hundred, but regarding a bomb, its lethality more than so. 冲击波衰减得很快,在百步之后便不再有撕裂躯体的能力,但对于一枚航弹来说,其杀伤力远不止如此。 Different with the war of Kingdom Capital, the region that Dawn and old Holy City border on is together the spacious plain, regardless of the shock-wave or the broken piece, will not have any blocking. But did not guard against the consciousness, boldly thrust forward to stand the high-density crowd simply has become a lot of iron shots in broken piece best target-- shell body together with the shatter outer covering same place, has passed through the crowd at the several fold in the sound speed, an iron shot often can penetrate ten to come the talented person to stop continuously, not to mention energy huge steeliness shell. 王都之战不同,晨曦与旧圣城接壤的区域是一块宽敞的平原,无论冲击波还是破片,都不会有任何遮挡。而毫无防备意识、挺身站立着的高密度人群简直成了破片最好的靶子——弹体内的千百颗铁珠连同破碎的外壳一起,以数倍于声音的速度贯穿了人群,一颗铁珠往往能连续穿透十来人才停下,更别提能量巨大的钢制壳体了。 The might of bomb almost be outspoken releases. 航弹的威力几乎毫无保留地释放出来。 Looks from the upper air, since leaps the black smoke likely is together the tall wall, will surge brook suppresses. 从高空中看,腾起的黑烟像是一道高墙,将涌动的“溪流”生生遏止下来。 However has not waited for Dawn noble from the heavenly thunder attack to recover, Lightning climbed to the peak, started the second round dive. 然而还未等晨曦贵族从天雷般的打击中回过神来,闪电已经爬升至最高点,开始了第二轮俯冲。 The Eastwind, attacks again!” 东风号,再出击!” Macy follows close on after that draws in the wing, falls along Orbit that Lightning opens, and sends out resounding long and loud cry-- 麦茜紧跟其后,收拢翅膀,沿着闪电开辟的轨迹一路下坠,并发出高亢的长啸—— áo áo áo áo áo áo------!” 嗷嗷嗷嗷嗷嗷——————!” Eight bombs load in about two support separately, falls according to the rail track in turn, can the continuous bombing four times, can lose to the same goal. In order to achieve frightens the effect best, Lightning plans to dive four times, as far as possible bomb in brook that in has not dispersed segmentum posterius. 八枚航弹分别装载在左右两个支架中,按滑轨依次落下,既可以连续轰炸四次,也可以一口气丢到同一个目标上。为了达到最佳震慑效果,闪电打算俯冲四次,尽可能将炸弹仍在还未散开的溪流中后段。 However when the third round bomb throws down, the Dawn army collapsed. 不过当第三轮航弹投下时,晨曦大军就已经崩溃了。 To also living the person, that is not the explosion, but is the day falls the infliction from god. By the heavenly thunder has hit the place is scorched earth and field littered with corpses, piece armor serf, wears Knight of heavy armor, does not have any difference in front of the hell roaring flame. No one knows how long such attack will also continue, the deafening explosion and severely injured's pitiful yell is all suffering the nerve of people. 对还活着的人来说,那并不是爆炸,而是天降神罚。被天雷击中过的地方皆是一片焦土、尸横遍野,无论是不着片甲的农奴,还是身披重铠的骑士,在地狱般的烈焰面前没有任何区别。谁也不知道这样的攻击还会持续多久,震耳欲聋的爆炸和重伤者的惨叫无一不折磨着众人的神经。 But those who most made them unable to accept, facing the so unthinkable attack, only then pray next black stone that they can do only will not fall to own nearby. From the sky the giant beast of spiral dive will not approach the arrows attack range, one group of people besides passive coming under attack, are almost at a loss. 而最令他们无法接受的是,面对如此匪夷所思的打击,他们唯一能做的只有祈祷下一次黑石头不会落到自己附近。在空中盘旋俯冲的巨兽根本不会靠近箭矢的攻击范围,一群人除了被动挨打外,几乎束手无策。 Such fight completely has been above their general knowledge. 这样的战斗完全超乎了他们的常识。 noble to grab the wealth comes, if cannot preserve including own life, that does ask for money to be useful? Even if can plunder to big box of gold royal, after attendants death ray, does not have the means to transport. 贵族是为了劫掠财富而来,倘若连自己的命都保不住,那要钱还有什么用?就算能搜刮到一大箱金龙,侍从死光后也没办法运回去啊。 Under two weigh, the conclusion was self-evident. 两相衡量之下,结论已不言而喻。 When Knight who when the strict order serf can not flee the battlefield turn around progresses, the team quickly lost the restraint. Brook flows once more, but this direction was entirely different. First is a number of two batch, afterward is one crowd of two crowds, entered dispersion noble in city to lose the source, then surface quite neat lining up in formation became beach loose sand. 当严令农奴不得逃离战场的骑士自个掉头策马时,队伍很快失去了约束。“溪流”再次流动起来,不过这回的方向已截然不同。先是一批两批,随后是一群两群,已经进入城内的分散贵族失去了源头,而后面较为规整的列队则成为了一滩散沙。 May regarding the Dawn army, nightmare just start. 可对于晨曦大军而言,噩梦才刚刚开始。 Already hid in main road one side field First Army when the enemy came in swarms, has deducted the trigger calmly. 早已藏身于大道一旁田野里的第一军等到敌人蜂拥而至时,冷静地扣下了扳机。 This is one time like the textbook standard flank attack. 这是一次如教科书般标准的侧击。 Numerous noble only wants to leave this dangerous place as soon as possible, completely has neglected the detection and protection of flank. Northern Lands garrisons five classes to set up in an array along path, is also good toward being defeated and dispersed crowd incline firepower-- heavy machine gun, revolving rifle, does not need to consider the hit problem completely, in less than 300 meters distance, only with as soon as possible polishes the bullet in bore of gun then. 贵族只想尽快离开这块危险的地方,全然忽略了侧翼的侦查与防备。北地驻军五个班沿道路一字排开,朝溃散的人群倾斜火力——重机枪也好,转轮步枪也罢,全部无须考虑命中问题,在不到300米的距离内,只用尽快打光枪膛里的子弹即可。 Half person of high straw has become the ambush best shield, when the dawn was just begining to break, Hawk Face rate/lead the person has then ambushed hence. The Silvie formidable seeing clearly ability had guaranteed to complete hiding of mounted scout, the opposite party almost such as the blind person is common, but own every action and every movement actually clearly expose in the First Army eye. 半人高的麦秆成了伏击者最好的掩护,趁着天还未亮之际,鹰面便已率人潜伏至此。希尔维强大的洞察能力确保了对侦骑的完全隐蔽,对方几乎如瞎子一般,但自身的一举一动却清晰地暴露第一军眼中。 It may be said that from the detection level, both is not a match of level. 可谓从侦查层面上,两者便已不是一个层次的对手。 Until the first sound of gunfire resounds, Dawn noble in the fainting from fear rice paddy unexpectedly is also ambushing an enemy! When marching comes across the surprise attack, they also will perhaps depend to overwhelm with numerical strength to fight back, but to at this moment, the escape has become most important matter-- is hit or escaped by the bullet ascends to heaven all depends on the luck, everybody only hated oneself young and old two legs, cannot choose the exact way because of flurry runs away earnestly, noble was urges mount to batter in the crowd, ignores totally the citizen life. 直到第一声枪声响起,晨曦贵族才惊觉稻田中竟还埋伏着一支敌军!若是行军时遇到突袭,他们或许还会仗着人多势众发起反击,但到了此刻,逃命已成了最重要的事——被子弹击中还是逃出升天全凭运气,人人只恨自己少长了两条腿,慌不择路地埋头逃窜,贵族更是驱使坐骑在人群里横冲直撞,全然不顾领民的死活。 The broad main road turned into road of the death suddenly. 宽阔的大道眨眼间变成了一条死亡之路。
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