RTW :: Volume #9

#886: weapon and art

Reinforcements? Did he have to understand itself saying that any Ah? Dunkin has pulled out the corners of the mouth, even if came the reinforcements, could not pass has not used! Said, reinforcements that he refers to can trample flat Hermes directly, more past principal force from the Holy City ruins? But aren't such words, several days able to prepare for attacking a city? 援军?他到底有没有听懂自己在说什么啊?唐恩抽了抽嘴角,就算来了援军,过不去也没有用啊!还是说,他指的援军是能够直接踏平赫尔梅斯,从圣城废墟上越过去的主力部队?可那样的话,没个十几天根本无法做好攻城准备吧? However saw that the opposite party does not want to continue to discuss the facial expression that on this topic obviously, Dunkin also knows the limitation shut up. 不过看到对方显然不想就这个话题继续谈下去的神情,唐恩也识相地闭上了嘴。 In the clouds the one side entrance of ladder on leaving Cold Wind Ridge not far away mountain wall, drills into from common grotto, sees horizon once more moment, then already was in the midair. When the air is moist, this road will be covered by fog piece by piece, goes through is similar to ascends to heaven, its name also but must therefore come. 云中梯的一侧入口就在离寒风岭不远处的山壁上,从一个不起眼的岩洞中钻入,再次看到天际的一刻,便已然身在半空之中。空气潮湿时,这条路会被一片片云雾覆盖,穿行起来如同登天,其名字也因此而得来。 So long as the weather is good, this road is very reliable. In order to advise against First Army, he exaggerated in the clouds danger level of ladder intentionally, because in fact few merchants regard as important its avoiding taxes function, has made enhancement in the collapse spot with the plank and wedge, is not high for the person general risk. 但只要天气良好,这条路还是十分可靠的。为了劝阻第一军,他故意夸大了云中梯的危险程度,事实上由于个别商人非常看重它的避税功能,在塌陷部位还用木板和楔子做了加强,供人通行的风险并不算高。 Quite a while in the time, he then led Nail and the others back and forth to walk three-- on the wall of hills went through has avoided the rugged mountain road and Holy City layer upon layer to set up the card, simultaneously narrowed the distance, so long as therefore had no ideological problems weighing on the mind, the efficiency was instead higher than the main road. 半天时间里,他便带着钉子等人来回走了三次——在群山之壁上穿行避免了崎岖的山路和圣城的层层设卡,同时缩短了距离,因此只要轻装上阵的话,效率反而比大道更高。 Dunkin notes, Nail has been taking small book apply Tuxie, likely in recording anything, beyond writing that but the above content habitually uses except for the mainland, but also mixes with many he has not been seeing the character. This makes him surprised, a soldier met the read-write not to say unexpectedly, but also had the knowledge that definitely are unable to understand, if personally did not see, he does not believe absolutely. 唐恩注意到,钉子一直拿着个小本子涂涂写写,像是在记录着什么,只是上面的内容除了大陆惯用的文字外,还夹杂着许多他从来没有见过的字符。这让他心里惊讶不已,一个战士居然会读写不说,还拥有着自己完全无法理解的知识,如果不是亲眼所见,他绝对不会相信。 Must know to study to do accounts and record the cargo turnover, he looked for the family/home chamber of commerce specially, grasped the elementary operation eo of business at a gold royal price. If Nail will be literate, why does living that this kills? Although the Roland Wimbledon's army is strong, but the war must the deceased person, everyone unable to guarantee oneself are not next. 要知道为了学习算账和记录货物进出,他专门找了家商会,以一枚金龙的代价才掌握了买卖的基本操作。如果钉子会识文断字,又何必干这打打杀杀的活?尽管罗兰.温布顿的军队强大无比,可战争总要死人的,谁也不能保证自己不是下一个。 However he discovered from two people conversations, is literate with the handpainted map seems not anything higher skill, as if First Army everyone can achieve this. 然而他从两人的交谈中发现,识字和手绘地图似乎并不算什么“高等技巧”,仿佛第一军每个人都能做到这点似的。 In these person of heads actually thinks? 这些人脑袋里到底是怎么想的? Dunkin even more thought that is unable to understand. 唐恩愈发觉得无法理解起来。 Returns to camp near, the weather already dusk, but around big account actually extremely busy. Soldiers in twos and threes gathers one group, was discussing anything excitedly, but vision centralized in camp central bonfire place. 回到营地,天色已近黄昏,但大帐周围却热闹非凡。战士们三三两两聚成一团,兴奋地议论着什么,而目光都集中在了营地中央的篝火处。 It seems like was the reinforcements arrived,” Nail twisted the mouth sidewise the corners of the mouth. “看来是援军到了,”钉子咧开嘴角。 I guess am also,” Uncle Sang said with a smile, does not know that which several acquaintances this time will have to come?” “我猜也是,”桑叔笑道,“不知这次又会有哪几位熟人过来?” Miss Lightning and Miss Macy definitely in inside,” class leader footsteps sped up several points, we also in the past had a look.” 闪电小姐和麦茜小姐肯定在里面,”班长脚步都加快了几分,“我们也过去看看吧。” What, anything...... Young lady? 什、什么……小姐? Reinforcements-- that they wait for female? 他们等待的援军——是女的? Dunkin follows close on two people, found in an open area backward crowd to look into--, but moments later, he suddenly had to plant to faint the past feeling. 唐恩不由地紧跟两人,找到一处空地后向人群中眺望——下一刻,他忽然有种要晕过去的感觉。 Damn, what reinforcements this is!? 见鬼,这算什么援军!? That clearly is several little rascal! 那分明是几个小鬼! Especially that hair quickly drags to the fellow of ground, looks at her swollen cheeks and juicy big eye, said that is only ten -year-old he to believe! 特别是那个头发都快拖到地上的家伙,看她圆鼓鼓的脸颊和水灵灵的大眼睛,说是只有十岁他都相信! Other how many also very to where go, the arm leg is also inferior to a fist size, perhaps puts in the battlefield to take including the sword motionless, what can also play to affect? 其他几个也好不到哪里去,胳膊腿还不及一拳大小,放到战场上恐怕连剑都拿不动,又能起到什么作用? Simply is absurd--? He gawked suddenly staring, in heart has not determined. 简直是荒唐至极——咦?他忽然愣了愣,心中又不确定起来。 A reason is these girls' appearances, has gone far beyond the common female. Two had not thought, but one group of people stand, makes him think of witch this special group immediately. 一个原因便是这些女孩的容貌,都远远超过了寻常女子。一个两个还不觉得,但一群人站在一起,立刻让他想到了女巫这个特殊群体。 Naturally, witch does not have in the legend is so fearful, if they are better than hell Devil, already this was ground into dust Church and human kingdom. As an experienced merchant, Dunkin knows, so long as wears God Punishment Stone, Knight can kill several witch-- not to have the ability with ease, they are not stronger than the average person many. 当然,女巫并没有传说中的那么可怕,如果她们真强如地狱魔鬼,早就该把教会和人类王国碾成齑粉了。作为一名见多识广的商人,唐恩知道只要佩戴神罚之石,一个骑士可以轻松杀死数名女巫——没有了能力,她们也不比普通人强壮多少。 However added on another person is very difficult to say. 不过加上另一个人就很难说了。 Dunkin turns very quiet, attention will have placed on another azure-haired female completely. 唐恩屏住呼吸,将注意力全部放在了另一位青发女子身上。 He has seen the opposite party...... At the Eternal Night City celebration. Although her appearance is not in crowd is most outstanding, but is actually most appealing--, so long as has seen her one time, never will forget that this has air/Qi the qualitative female unusually. 他见过对方……在永夜城的庆典上。尽管她的模样不是人群中最出众的,但却是最吸引人的一位——只要见过她一次,就永远不会忘记这位具有奇特气质的女性。 Edith Kant, the female of Eternal Night City Duke, nickname Pearl of the Northern Lands. 伊蒂丝.康德,永夜城公爵之女,绰号北地珍珠 She can such as flower be common when the human relations, can the hand when the fight grasp the long sword to cut the head of match. It is reported that her Swordsmanship and her facial features are equally outstanding, but most makes the person dread that is her conduct method. Beyond expectation and without restraint of style, and virtually impossible to guard against...... Dares because she is the female despises her person, has all paid the deeply grieved price. About the Pearl of the Northern Lands hearsay, the Eternal Night City resident can link to say for several days several nights. 她在交际时可以如花一般绚烂,也可以在战斗时手握长剑斩下对手的头颅。据传她的剑术和她的五官一样出众,不过最让人忌惮的,还是她的行事手段。出乎意料、不拘一格,而且防不胜防……敢因为她是女子就轻视她的人,无一不付出了惨痛的代价。关于北地珍珠的传闻,永夜城的居民可以连着说上几天几夜。 It seems like Kant Duke reversed to the side of new King thoroughly, otherwise he will not make the beloved daughter single run up to the military compound under situation that not having the guard protected absolutely. Moreover from that vice-battation commander quite Esteemed manner, Edith, even if left northern region, has no qualms in the name of Pearl. 看来康德公爵是彻底倒向新王一边了,否则他绝对不会让心爱的女儿在没有侍卫保护的情况下独身跑到军营里来。而且从那位副营长颇为尊敬的态度来看,伊蒂丝即使离开了北境,也无愧于珍珠之名。 Must know, army that the opposite party leads, but can rout including Church. 要知道,对方所率领的军队,可是连教会都能击溃的。 Had witch and Edith Kant, perhaps in addition one group of deicides, they also really can create the enormous trouble to the Dawn army. 有了女巫伊蒂丝.康德,加上一群杀神,他们说不定还真能给晨曦大军造成极大的麻烦。 Except that reinforcements beside, the same thing has caused the curiosity of Dunkin. 除开“援军”之外,还有一样东西引起了唐恩的好奇。 Sees only by the bonfire to place a modeling strange iron support, its outline appears the bilateral symmetry shape, at first sight a little looks like a shoulder pole. Its both sides various companies a frame, each square Chinese dress three platoon guide big tail sharp metal cylinders, could not be seeing for a while unexpectedly casts with any material quality. 只见篝火旁边摆放着一个造型古怪的铁质支架,其轮廓呈左右对称状,乍看起来有点像一幅扁担。它的两端各连着一个框体,每个方框中装着三排头大尾尖的金属圆筒,一时竟看不出是用什么材质铸成的。 Obviously is only the metal thing, made him feel a restlessness faintly. 明明只是个金属物件,却让他隐隐感到了一丝不安。 Sized up the moment repeatedly, Dunkin noted to come from where restlessly. 反复打量了片刻,唐恩才注意到不安来自何处。 That is nine fully has a person of long cylinder, the contour is almost exactly the same. From the head of plump, to collecting tail, showed a smooth curve! 那便是九个足有一人长的圆筒,外形几乎完全一模一样。从圆滚滚的头部开始,一直到收束的尾巴,都展现出了一条柔滑的曲线! This detail made his palm secrete the beads of sweat, must know that the metal was most tenacious, wants to exchange the fixed appearance it, must fire repeatedly, is repeatedly tempered. But blacksmiths believes according to he has contacted, can hit, the surfacing an iron hardware uprightly, is the cream of the crop expert. 这个细节令他手心不禁泌出了汗珠,要知道金属最为坚韧,想要把它折成固定的模样,就必须反复灼烧,千锤百炼。但据他接触过的铁匠都认为,能将一件铁器打得方方正正、表面平整,就已经是百里挑一的好手了。 Knocks the even arc a five chi (0.33 m) iron sheet? Is this excellent skill? 把一块五尺长的铁片敲成均匀的弧形?这是何等高超的技巧? Then generates nine such thing using the technique of similar? 然后再以同样的手法制出九个这样的玩意? Trades Eternal Night City any craftsmen to come, will laugh at his ignorance. 永夜城任何一个匠人来,都会嗤笑他的无知。 If they all are exquisite artwares, that. 如果它们全是精湛的艺术品,那也就罢了。 But the gray-black semblance and junks general piling up one on top of another way, has then indicated they by no means expensive dexterous craft product. 但灰黑色的外表和杂物一般的堆叠方式,便表明了它们并非昂贵轻巧的工艺制品。 Appears in the military compound, moreover comes along with reinforcements, is very likely special weapon. 出现在军营中,而且是随“援军”而来,很有可能是一种特殊的武器 But should be robust durable weapon, actually showed one type not to be inferior to the artware the aesthetic sense, this intense conflict made him feel indescribable shock. 而偏偏就应该是皮实耐用的武器,却展现出了一种不亚于艺术品的美感,这种强烈的冲突让他感到了难以言喻的震撼。 Dunkin has swallowed a saliva, he discovered that perhaps oneself cannot be called as again experienced. 唐恩咽了口唾沫,他发现自己或许不能再称作见多识广了。 Perhaps regarding this group of people, war turned into another thing. 对于这群人而言,战争恐怕已变成了另一种东西。 Domain that he is unable to imagine. 一个他无法想象的领域。
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