RTW :: Volume #9

#841: Black water usage

However like Extreme Southern Region, Black water gathers in „the underground river of the netherworld situation is quite rare, according to the report of Iron Axe, from clutching the throat swamp arrives at Endless Cape, the viscosity of river of the netherworld continuously reduces, the density of dead fog is also getting more and more thin. And the Black water river valley is the intersection points of several rivers of the netherworld, stands in the valley land high place, even can hear depressed thundering of under foot Black water hit. 不过像极南境这样,黑水汇聚成了“地底冥河”的情况还是颇为罕见的,根据铁斧的报告,从扼喉沼泽到无尽海角,冥河的粘度不断降低,死雾的浓度也越来越稀薄。其中黑水河谷算是数条冥河的交汇处,站在谷地高处,甚至能听到脚下黑水撞击的沉闷轰鸣。 Roland speculated that underground river of the netherworld in mobile process, unceasingly is changing own ingredient-- for example to report death fog that described, likely was one noxious gas that Black water oneself volatilized, or was the underground certain materials responded the result of producing. This could explain why under several hundred years of evolution, the Black water river valley not changes to a giant brazier because of the thunder and lightning or the artificial arson, as well as clutches the hearsay that the throat swamp has into to die. 罗兰推测地底冥河在流动过程中,也在不断改变自身的成分——比如报告里描述的死雾,很可能就是黑水自身挥发出来的一种有毒气体,或者是与地下某些物质反应所生成的结果。这或许可以解释为什么在数百年的演变下,黑水河谷没有因雷电或是人为纵火而化作一个巨大的火盆,以及扼喉沼泽有着入之必死的传闻。 Covered death fog above river of the netherworld to prevent the Sandpeople footsteps, has isolated the air, causes to flow to south that Black water can stabilize. Arrived the cape area, the underground underground river did not know the trace, only then little partially because of the function blowout surface of pressure, some formations the column of flame of flaming combustion, some will change to the rivulet and form. But at this time Black water did not have to be able the suffocating death fog, is suiting mines. 覆盖在冥河上方的死雾不禁阻挡了沙民的脚步,也隔绝了空气,使黑水能稳定的向南流动。到了海角一带,地下的暗河不知所踪,只有少部分会因压力的作用喷出地表,有的形成了熊熊燃烧的火柱,有的则化作细流和浅洼。而此时黑水已没有了能令人窒息的死雾,正适合进行开采。 Facing such unusual crude oil, therefore Roland does not know that actually it can decompose how much type of fat liquors, can only tell first chief alchemist experiments, after obtaining the result, makes the next plan again. 面对这样奇特的原油,因此罗兰也不知道它究竟能分解出多少种油液来,只能先吩咐首席炼金师进行试验,得出结果后再做下一步打算。 Now from the separation sample, result is quite exciting. 如今从分离样品来看,结果还是颇令人振奋的。 Black water can indeed be used to manufacture fearful weapon, but its use more than so,” Roland answer Cam issue, while takes up the drinking glass to size up carefully, light in combustion calorific value high this point, may do on there is something behind all this, you later will know.” 黑水的确能用来制作可怕的武器,但它的用途远不止如此,”罗兰一边回答凯莫的问题,一边拿起玻璃杯仔细打量,“光是在燃烧热值高这一点上,就大有文章可做,你以后会知道的。” Regarding this frank chief alchemist, hangs him with the unknown new thing is being the best obligation way. 对于这位直性子的首席炼金师,用未知的新事物吊着他便是最好的驱使方式。 Sees an opposite party desire discontented appearance, he smiled secretly, chatted the experiment, if must use Black water, light depended on several flasks and prolongs is not good. Like the dioic acid production, you must think to be able the method of large-scale production.” 看到对方一副欲求不满的模样,他暗自笑了笑,“谈谈试验吧,如果真要利用黑水,光靠几个曲颈瓶和冷凝管可不行。和双酸制取一样,你得想个能大规模生产的法子。” Principle of petroleum separation is very simple, is almost considered as is chemistry knowledge-- of most foundation makes the petroleum turn into the steam through the heating, then inducts the fractionating tower, in the use mix liquid the boiling points of various fat liquors are different, cause it in turn condensation, thus obtains gasoline, petroleum, diesel oil, heavy oil and other end products. This process completely is physical change, therefore under the experimental condition is very easy to achieve. 石油分离的原理很简单,几乎算得上是最基础的化学知识——通过加热使石油化成蒸汽,然后导入分馏塔,利用混合液体中各类油液的沸点不同,使之依次冷凝,从而得到汽油、煤油、柴油、重油等成品。这个过程完全是物理变化,因此实验条件下很容易就能做到。 Although afterward refinement technology was getting more and more diverse, crude oil efficiency also along with the it significant growth, but the most classical fractionation by distillation law can still have the effect, was not fastidious about the production cost under situation, naturally was the plan of first choice. 尽管后来的提炼技术越来越多样,原油利用效率也随之大幅增长,但最古典的蒸馏分离法依然能够起效,在不讲究生产成本的情况下,自然是首选之策。 Any craft enlargement, its complex degree doubled and re-doubled will grow, to carry on the industrialization fractionating flask, the place that needs to consider definitely many, regarding this, Cam Schuire should have profound understanding. 只是任何工艺一放大,其复杂程度就会成倍增长,如果想要进行工业化分馏,需要考虑的地方必然会多出许多,对于这点,凯莫.斯垂尔应该深有体会。 Old alchemist traces the beard, ...... The I who you said that must consider again for several days . Moreover, I need the help of Witch Union.” 炼金师摸了摸胡子,“唔……您说的这个我得再多考量几天,另外,我需要女巫联盟的帮助。” Starts to reply on the witch strength to carry on the research laboratory on own initiative, this is a very good sign, Roland nods, has any request, sends for telling me, I will arrange.” 开始主动借助女巫的力量进行科研实验,这是一个很好的兆头,罗兰点点头,“有任何要求,派人告诉我,我会安排的。” Many thanks Your Majesty,” the eye of Cam transferred the revolutions, in addition, I also small requests.” “多谢陛下,”凯莫的眼睛转了转,“除此之外,我还有一个小小的请求。” Oh? you said.” 哦?你说。” When you uses them to make the new thing, makes me observe and emulate?” In his tone has the curiosity of suppression. “当您用它们造出新的玩意时,能否让我观摩一番?”他的语气里有着抑制不住的好奇。 Theoretically, this request crossed the border to be safe, wants to know the entire Manhattan project like the engineer who being responsible for refining the uranium ore. However after Roland makes the consideration, slightly then promised him, after all this can improve his working initiative, simultaneously this time does not exist to be able with the match of Neverwinter competition scientific and technological standard. 理论上来说,为了保密起见,这个请求是越界了的,就像负责提炼铀矿石的工程师想要知道整个曼哈顿计划一样。不过罗兰稍作思量后便答应了他,毕竟这能提高他的工作积极性,同时该时代也不存在能和无冬竞争科技水平的对手。 You must do well are good,” he aims at the liquid that several cups of fractionating flasks come out, more early produces them, you can more early know the answer.” “那你可得好好干才行,”他指向那几杯分馏出来的液体,“越早生产出它们,你就能越早知道答案。” Wait/Etc....... Do these you need?” Cam is surprised the different way, „, although they can bring to burn, Black water might as well snow powder that but the lower-level fractionating flask comes out is perhaps easy-to-use, the smoke is very heavy, the fire intensity is not big, with lights a lamp the suspicion to irritate the nose.” “等等……这些您都需要?”凯莫诧异道,“虽说它们都可以拿来烧,但下层分馏出来的黑水恐怕还不如雪粉好使,烟味很重,火势也不大,用去点灯都嫌呛人。” This fellow estimated that is thinking blasting explosive that set, regarded the reject the inactive fuel oils and residual, Roland thought that indeed the upper-level clean oil burnt more violent, may utilize also to be much more difficult actually, lacked the additive under situation, has slightly will cause carelessly the explosion accident, goal that a short time can achieve by no means. On the contrary, he favors in the lower-level diesel oil and heavy oil. 这家伙估计还是想着炸药那一套,把不活跃的油料和残渣当成了废弃物,罗兰心想,的确上层的轻质油烧起来更猛烈,可实际运用起来也困难得多,缺乏添加剂的情况下,稍有不慎就会引发爆炸事故,并非一时半会能实现的目标。相反,他更青睐于下层的柴油和重油。 The former were not many said that extremely good automotive fuel, even if the craft not proper, mixed the impurity also to use, most is braves the black smoke and pollution of the environment-- this at present at all not to be a matter. 前者就不多说了,极佳的内燃机燃料,哪怕工艺不到位、掺有杂质也能使用,最多就是冒黑烟、污染环境罢了——这在目前根本不算个事。 But the significance of heavy oil regarding the navigation is significant, is the first choice of steam ships. After all burns the coal efficiency to be too low, runs not to have the issue in the inland river, admitted the sea somewhat to lack the ability to do what one would like, the light ran up to the Western Region shoal quite to be difficult from the fjord. This is also Roland establishes one of Daqing port reasons in Endless Cape: Provides supplies for the steam driven vessel on route. As for wanting to cross Sea Line, enters the ocean deep place, that must result in burns the oil to be good. 而重油对于航海来说意义重大,是蒸汽船只的首选。毕竟烧煤炭效率太低,在内河里跑跑还没问题,放进大海就有些力不从心了,光是从峡湾跑到西境浅滩都颇为困难。这也是罗兰无尽海角建立大庆港的原因之一:为航线上的蒸汽船提供补给。至于想要越过海线,进入大洋深处,那就必须得烧油才行。 It is also requests lowest one to the secondary processing, almost separates to use, to mix the asphaltic residue not to relate, is in the petroleum family not the most tasteful fuel. 它同时也是对二次处理要求最低的一个,几乎分离出来就能用,混着沥青残渣都没关系,算是石油家族里最不讲究的燃料。 Naturally Roland will not tell Cam these ahead of time, before has not made the end product, he does not have the accurate assurance to be good, when seldom finally said actually discovers the result is not true, will harm his omniscient image. Therefore he shrugs, all fuel oils, including bottom surplus the deisel oil and fragments, want the separate collection. I remain am having the use.” 当然罗兰不会提前告诉凯莫这些,在没有制造出成品前,他也没确切把握能不能行,万一说得煞有其事最后却发现结果并非如此时,会有损他无所不知的形象。因此他只是耸耸肩,“所有油料,包括底部剩余下来的油渣和碎屑,都要分类收集起来。我留着自有用处。” Yes, Your Majesty,” chief alchemist caresses the chest to say. “是,陛下,”首席炼金师抚胸道。 Was right, when” Roland gets to the laboratory entrance stopped the footsteps, turns round saying that runs the remedial class.” “对了,”罗兰走到实验室门口时又停下了脚步,回身说道,“办个辅导班吧。” What?” Cam has gawked staring. “什么?”凯莫愣了愣。 „When previous time holds the agricultural congress, I did not mean that must open an agronomy class in the secondary education curriculum, even if like this promotes the nation Golden No. 2, there is an enough manpower to implement.” Roland elaborated, same, after opening the new factory also need more practised hand-- popularization education graduated, wants to join in chemical enterprise many of , first concentrated to train, so as to avoid after entering the plant was thrown into confusion, makes the accident.” “上次开农业大会时,我不是说要在中等教育课程中开设一门农学课么,这样即使把黄金二号推广到全国,也有足够的人手去实施。”罗兰阐述道,“同样的,开设新工厂也需要更多熟手——普及教育毕业后想要投身化工事业的还不少,先集中起来进行培训,免得进厂后手忙脚乱,闹出事故来。” This procedure is equal to entering the specialty after university divides into separate fields, ahead of time started-- he already to consider to the middle school, in not having the time trained under situation of versatile person, should carry out training of specialized worker as soon as possible. 这个做法相当于把进入大学后的专业分科,提前到中学就开始了——他早就考虑过,在没有功夫培养全才的情况下,应尽快开展专业工人的培养。 Your Majesty, this...... Shouldn't be responsible for by Lady Scroll?” 陛下,这个……不应该由书卷大人负责吗?” She is responsible for the hiring, dividing into classes, inspecting and provides the salary, but teacher by Ministry of Chemistry, is your here leaves.” “她负责招人、分班、考核、发放薪酬,但导师得由化工部,也就是你这儿出。” Cam relaxed, so long as if not let him teaching then it will be alright, before to receive in exchange for «Intermediate Chemistry» from Roland there, but beat completely the brains to gather a group of alchemy apprentices, is his limit. So that's it, Your Majesty. I thought that several alchemist that came from Kingdom Capital is very good, speaks, do you who and showed face in public is they once excelled think?” 凯莫松了口气,似乎只要不让他去讲课就行,之前为了从罗兰那里换取《中等化学》而费尽脑筋招揽一批炼金学徒,就已经是他的极限了。“原来如此,陛下。我觉得那几位从王都来的炼金师就很不错,演讲和抛头露面都是他们曾经所擅长的,您认为呢?”
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