RTW :: Volume #9

#806: „Egg”

It seems like that worm also really treated as the den here.” After the hanging basket falls, Agatha lifted illumination magic stone to size up in all directions, the brow was tight, found Fran?” “看来那只蠕虫还真把这里当作老巢了。”吊篮落下来后,爱葛莎举着发光魔石四处打量了一圈,眉头紧蹙,“找到芙兰了吗?” Miss Fran here,” Lightning early had not inspected, Blackstone Tower likely was the card in the cavern center, the two sides had a crevice respectively, can she fall in the tower, tumbled from the one side?” 芙兰小姐不在这儿,”闪电早已经检视过一遍,“黑石塔像是卡在了洞穴中央,两边各有一段空隙,她会不会摔在塔上,又从一旁滚落下去了?” The stone tower both sides of rhombus insert in dike exactly, was similar to has built a bridge in deep pit, how everyone not clear opposite party achieved this point. As for conceals in tower bottom tentacle Devil, as well as that only hundred Eye Demon, already disappearing trace. 菱形的石塔两端恰好嵌入岩壁之中,如同在深坑里架起了一座桥梁,谁也不清楚对方是如何做到这一点的。至于藏在塔底的触手魔鬼,以及那只百眼魔,都已不见了踪影。 This thing does not affect me to use the ability,” Nightingale appears the figure from the dense fog. “这东西并不影响我使用能力,”夜莺从迷雾中现出身形。 But you are unable like passing through the wall penetrate it, right?” The Agatha squatting down body, summoned a solid ice thorn to Blackstone Tower, the ice cone was accordingly broken, but stone tower surface actually sent lossless, had the rumor saying that it made with God Punishment Stone, although no longer looks like the God stone prism like that in magic power to wide scope to have the disturbance, but oneself can still isolate magic power.” “但你也无法像穿过墙壁那样穿透它,对吧?”爱葛莎蹲下身子,召唤出一块坚冰刺向黑石塔,冰锥应声而碎,而石塔表面却毫发无损,“有传言称,它是用神罚之石造出来的,虽然不再像神石棱柱那般会对大范围内的魔力产生干扰,可自身依然能隔绝魔力。” „It is not the manufacture, but is the growth,” Alena sinking sound investigates the correct path, „the demon of putrefication can change the God stone mineral lode the effect, and promotes it to grow into side Bei, that is born under Red Moon, has to make the red mist ability, other will be maintains red mist will not dissipate that quickly-- this point in the Federation time is the top secret, but after Taqila destruction, Lady Eleanor told us these.” “不是制造,而是生长,”爱莲娜沉声纠正道,“腐化之魔能改变神石矿脉的效果,并促进它成长为方碑,不过只有在红月下诞生的那根,才拥有制造红雾的能力,其他的不过是保持红雾不会消散得那么快而已——这一点在联合会时代还是最高机密,但塔其拉覆灭后,埃莉诺大人把这些都告诉了我们。” Why didn't you early say?” Nightingale disgruntled say/way. “你为什么不早说?”夜莺不悦道。 You also have not told me, here will present Devil Spire,” Alena instead chokes saying that can affect magic power thing that many, how I possibly guessed correctly that is this type of thing.” “你们又没告诉我,这里会出现一座魔鬼尖塔,”爱莲娜反呛道,“能影响魔力的东西那么多,我怎么可能猜到是这种玩意。” We must continue downward,” Lightning flies among two people, has broken their confrontation, here leaves the hole bottom also distance, I just tried downward to fly little segment, can hear under faint bicker-- this possibly to have an underground river, if Miss Fran is really falls from stone tower, perhaps can also live.” “我们得继续向下,”闪电飞到两人中间,打断了她们的对峙,“这里离洞底还有一段距离,我刚试着往下飞了一小段,可以听到隐隐的流水声——这底下可能存在一条暗河,如果芙兰小姐真是从石塔两旁掉落下去的话,或许还能活下来。” Real?” The Alena sound rouses, „ can because of the reason of underground river, therefore Silvie hasn't discovered the Fran trail? “真的么?”爱莲娜的声音振奋起来,“会不会正是因为暗河的原因,所以希尔维才没有发现芙兰的踪迹? Has the possibility very much,” Agatha nods, „the majority of lines of sight of Magic Eye were prevented by this stone tower, she will say cannot see the ground, Fran, if were washed away by the water, naturally could not find the magic power ray.” She turns around to say to Lightning, you fly to tell Wendy our situation first, making her call Maggie to ship part of God Punishment Witches to get down...... First Army soldier, makes them set up the next sentry post here, we continue the downward exploration again.” “很有可能,”爱葛莎点点头,“魔力之眼的大部分视线都被这座石塔阻挡,她才会说看不到地面,芙兰若是被水冲走的话,自然也找不到魔力的光芒了。”她转身对闪电说道,“你先飞上去把我们的情况告诉温蒂,让她叫玛姬运送一部分神罚女巫下来……还有第一军的士兵,也让他们在这里设下一个哨卡,我们再继续向下探索。” Yeah, gives me.” The little girls nod to say. ,交给我吧。”小姑娘点头道。 ...... …… Along with hanging basket, as well as the xiliary haulage of magic power ark, was quick they to assemble many enough manpower. 随着吊篮的上上下下,以及魔力方舟的辅助运输,很快她们就集结到了足够多的人手。 Lightning has completed while these days under the inspection of space to Blackstone Tower, such that really such as she expects, after the vertical side continues shortly, then gradually transferred the incline, the air is also getting more and more moist. After dropping 30-40 meters, a broad underground river flows out now her at present. 闪电趁着这段时间完成了对黑石塔下方空间的巡视,果然如她所预料的那样,垂直的坑壁延续没多久后,便逐渐转为了倾斜,空气也越来越潮湿。当下降了三四十米后,一条宽阔的地下河流出现在她的眼前。 In this mile gathers together the rapid water current following the melted snow that the hole wall flows, falls in torrents from cave entrance, has formed a waterfall, when approaches it, the little girl can feel the cold cold air of heading on. 顺着洞壁流淌的雪水在这一里汇聚成一道湍急的水流,从洞口倾泻而下,形成了一面瀑布,当靠近它时,小姑娘能感受到扑面而来的冷冽寒气。 Because the moisture content is sufficient, gulf under overspread all kinds of messes and mushrooms, some plants send out the quiet cold blue light unexpectedly, has illuminated the peripheral ground, even without illumination magic stone, can vaguely see clearly the limestone cave the outline \; Firefly that in addition these fly round, entire underground just like another world. 由于水分充足,深坑下方铺满了各式各样的苔藓和蘑菇,其中一些植物竟发出幽冷的蓝光,照亮了周边的地面,即使不用发光魔石,也能依稀看清楚溶洞的轮廓\;加上那些飞来飞去的萤火虫,整个地下犹如另一个世界。 When witch and Taqila survivor travel by the ark falls to the hole bottom, by the present scene is all attracted. 女巫塔其拉遗民们搭乘方舟落到洞底时,无一不被眼前的景象所吸引住了。 If in Neverwinter City can also plant these illumination the fruits this well,” Nightingale said after a sigh, such evening's everybody can also see clearly the road surface of streets and alleys.” “若是无冬城里也能种上这些发光的果子该多好,”夜莺感叹道,“那样晚上大家也能看清街巷的路面了。” „Do we when the time comes bring to go back all sorts?” Lightning has rubbed rubbing hands excitedly, discovers and trains the novel species is also one of matters explorer often makes, for example the sugar cane and corn, are fjord explorer pick from other islands, breeds the present appearance step by step. Does not know these giant mushrooms, illumination Pu leaf fruit, will look whether also like Bird Mouth Mushroom to be like that fragrant? “我们到时候带一些回去种种吧?”闪电兴奋地搓了搓手,发现并培养新奇物种也是探险家常做的事情之一,例如甘蔗和玉米,就是峡湾探险家们从其他小岛上采摘回来,一步步养殖成如今的模样的。不知道这些个头巨大的蘑菇,还有发光的“蒲叶果子”,是否也会像鸟吻菇那般香甜? First completes the proper business,” Agatha took inventory under the population, Maggie you remain, assisting First Army to build the sentry post here, we then forward walk along the underground river, if over two kilometers have not discovered Fran, temporarily grips battalion to come.” “先完成正事吧,”爱葛莎清点了下人数,“玛姬你留下来,协助第一军在此建立哨卡,我们接着沿暗河向前走,如果超过两公里还没有发现芙兰,就暂时扎下营来。” Nobody expressed the objection, Lightning, Nightingale and Agatha has the ability that escaped and protects oneself, ten God Punishment Witches headed by Alena one by one had extraordinary skill, its Battle strength was equal to Exceed, the population were not many, was actually considered as on is in the united front the sharpest combination. 没有人表示异议,闪电夜莺爱葛莎都拥有逃脱和自保的能力,以爱莲娜为首的十名神罚女巫则各个身手不凡,其战斗力相当于超凡者,人数不多,却已算得上是统一战线中最精锐的组合了。 After entering the underground river limestone cave, fluent sound becomes extremely loud and clear, as if pastes in the ear roars general, Lightning has to pull closer the distance, can listen to clear everybody to say anything. 进入暗河溶洞后,水流声音变得极为洪亮,仿佛贴在耳边咆哮一般,闪电不得不拉近距离,才能听清楚大家在说什么。 „Can Devourer Worm hover in the water?” Agatha asked. 吞噬蠕虫能在水中游动吗?”爱葛莎问道。 Nobody has tried this point,” Alena shakes the head, „the body of worm is quite huge, I want she by the flood the advance, should not to leave the gulf to be too far.” “没有人试过这一点,”爱莲娜摇摇头,“不过蠕虫的身躯极为庞大,我想就算她被水推着前进,应该也不会离深坑太远。” Where you can distinguish this rivers to come, which direction also in goes?” Another God Punishment Witches opens the mouth saying that the little girl remembers she as if called Zoe to come. “你们能分辨出这条河流从哪里来,又往哪个方向去么?”另一名神罚女巫开口道,小姑娘记得她似乎叫佐伊来着。 If I have not remembered incorrectly, it is entering the snowy mountain to us the direction,” answer her is Nightingale, in other words, it should come from the Western Region underground water course, to the south hill region.” “如果我没记错的话,它正好对着我们进入雪山的方向,”回答她的是夜莺,“也就是说,它应该来自西境地下水脉,通往南边丘陵区域。” Lightning somewhat is strange, ground water natural resource rich this point in Your Majesty territory is not strange, but leads to the south end? That side may not have nice rivers, where such juicily finally to? 闪电不禁有些奇怪,陛下领地里的地下水资源丰富这一点并不奇怪,但通往南端?那边可没有一条像样的河流,这么多水最后都到哪里去了? Suddenly, she noticed that not far away in stone wall as if had any thing to shiver. 忽然间,她看到不远处的石壁上似乎有什么东西颤动了一下。 Wait/Etc., front has sound probably!” “等等,前面好像有动静!” With her warning sound, all people stop the footsteps immediately, has drawn out respective weapon. 随着她的警告声,所有人顿时停下脚步,拔出了各自的武器 Does not have magic power to respond, Nightingale also confirmed this point quickly, „, but indeed has the eastern Tibet there......” her paused, as if approached two steps, seems like a semicircle...... Egg?” “没有魔力反应,”夜莺很快也确认了这一点,“但的确有东西藏在那儿……”她顿了顿,似乎靠近了两步,“看起来像是个半圆形的……卵?” What?” Agatha stares slightly. “什么?”爱葛莎微微一愣。 Since does not have magic power, cannot pose the threat to us,” Alena beckons toward God Punishment Witches, comes with me.” “既然不具备魔力,对我们就构不成威胁,”爱莲娜朝身旁的神罚女巫招了招手,“跟我来。” The surrounding process has not had any accident/surprise, when the Lightning short distance sizes up the thing of shivering, cannot help but frowned. 包围过程并未发生任何意外,当闪电近距离打量颤抖之物时,不由得皱起了眉头。 Sees only one group of grey outer coverings to stick above the hole wall, at first sight has not distinguished with the surrounding rock anything, when but she holds up illumination magic stone approaches the outer covering, then can see that above covers entirely the blowhole that many have gathered, is coordinating fluctuating of outer covering, just like is ordinary in the breath. 只见一团灰色的蒙皮黏在洞壁之上,乍看起来和周围的岩石没什么区别,但当她举起发光魔石靠近蒙皮时,便能看到上面布满了许多一张一合的气孔,配合着蒙皮的起伏,犹如在呼吸一般。 Damn...... This is any thing,” Alena has spat a saliva, makes people think really disgusting.” “见鬼……这是什么玩意,”爱莲娜吐了口唾沫,“真让人觉得恶心。” If it is really the egg, gives birth to its parent body should big,” Lightning has gesticulated under the outer covering area, discovered that its length and breadth about three meters, the part of central ballooning almost can fill the next adulthood cow. “如果它真是卵的话,产下它的母体该有多大,”闪电比划了下蒙皮的面积,发现其长宽约有三米左右,中央鼓胀的部分差不多能塞下一头成年的奶牛。 „It is not right, this shape......” Zoe has inhaled a cold air suddenly, she draws out the long sword, is fierce pricks in the outer covering, then selects-- to “不对,这个形状……”佐伊忽然吸了口凉气,她拔出长剑,猛得刺入蒙皮之中,接着向上一挑—— A sharp cry resounds, egg that” breaks open immediately spouts massive slime, then one group of shadows slide from the ballooning spot, soft falls down. 一声尖锐的叫声顿时响起,破开的“卵”中喷出大量粘液,接着一团黑影从鼓胀的部位滑出,软软的瘫倒在地。 Lightning discovered that unexpectedly is wild demon. 闪电发现那竟是一只狂魔
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