RTW :: Volume #8

#768: Fighting of blood fire

From the crazy flame Third Princess complete beast up-and-coming generation, Ash first time on own initiative launched the attack. 从狂焰三公主完全兽化后起,灰烬头一次主动发起了攻击。 Logia has not flinched similarly, lifts body to throw toward the match, but this time she discovered that oneself pursuit is unable to link up again, is also hard to force the opposite party to return with sweeping away of wide scope to incur the standard to keep off, resembled her frequently slowly a racket, can be somebody's turn the attack of Ash body only to be able obviously before to tear down piece of a lower hem corner of fluttering. 洛嘉同样没有退缩,抬起身子就朝对手扑去,但这一次她发现自己的追击无法再连贯起来,用大范围的横扫也难以逼迫对方回招格挡,就好像她时刻都慢了一拍,明明之前能挨到灰烬身体的攻击都只能撕下一片飘荡的衣角。 But more often, is anything does not trace. 而更多的时候,是什么都摸不到。 After dogfight moment, the wolf female has one's old tricks heavy, after the right claw throws strikes to be unsuccessful, uses the ample force to be fierce the revolving body, the sturdy tail racket can make her be included in the attack range to opposite party-- this move half stage instantaneously, even if the footsteps also impossible whole body draws back again quickly, only if the opposite party has not planned near body from the beginning. Can blow the flesh just like iron whip same tail with ease, on the Ash most wound is this move stays behind. 缠斗片刻后,狼女只得故技重施,右爪扑击未果后,利用余力猛得旋转身子,将粗壮的尾巴拍向对方——这种招数能让她瞬间将半个高台都纳入攻击范围之内,就算脚步再快也不可能全身而退,除非一开始对方就没打算近身。宛如铁鞭一样的尾巴则可以轻松刮下血肉,灰烬身上的大半伤口都是这一招留下的。 However the hit feeling in expectation has not transmitted. 不过预想中的撞击感并未传来。 In view Wangtai has resounded the screams. 观望台上响起了惊呼声。 Awful! 糟糕! Logia raises at heart suddenly not a wonderful premonition, at the same time, her corner of the eye caught a form of dropping from the clouds. 洛嘉心里陡然升起一股不妙的预感,与此同时,她的眼角捕捉到了一个从天而降的身影。 Her did-- fly? ——飞起来了? All observers stared in a big way eye, saw only Ash sargent jump, jumped to cross unexpectedly also wanted the wolf female of high half head compared with her, the position that dropped exactly was the head that the opposite party rotated! 所有旁观者都瞪大了眼睛,只见灰烬原地跳起,竟然纵身越过了比她还要高半个头的狼女,落下的位置恰好是对方回转过来的头部! The tail attack range is big , can only paste sweeps, fifty-fifty the airborne goal does not threaten. However the average person wants to jump over so high distance difficulty to be enormous, in addition after the body takeoffs, was judged by the match easily becomes, causing the following attack to evade not to be possible to evade, therefore few people will take off in the duel at will. 尾巴攻击范围再大,也只能贴地扫荡,对半空中的目标毫无威胁。不过一般人想要跳过如此高的距离难度极大,加上身体离地后容易被对手判断出落点,导致接下来的攻击避无可避,所以很少有人会在决斗中随意起跳。 What a pity after the wolf female revolving body sweeps away, the tail part has become her blind spot. 可惜狼女旋转身子横扫后,尾巴部分就成了她的盲区。 Ash has not chosen to show mercy again, but is a fist pounds the eye socket of Logia, the bowl big eyeball disrupts immediately, one group of bloody water have splashed she half-length, the ache of fiercely being hard to take also makes the latter send out hoarse pitiful yell--, even if the body bears to punch again, eye such organ is still the frail incomparable part, after losing an eye, the balance of duel inclined to Exceed fast at the same time. 灰烬没有再选择手下留情,而是一拳砸进洛嘉的眼眶,碗大的眼珠顿时碎裂开来,一团血水溅了她半身,剧烈难耐的疼痛也让后者发出一声沙哑的惨叫——即使身躯再耐揍,眼睛这样的器官依然是脆弱无比的部分,失去一只眼睛后,决斗的天平已快速向超凡者一边倾斜了。 However leaves to draw back in the Ash plan, when the opposite party leaves behind the surrender opportunity, actually discovered that Logia is fierce closes the eye, the high and low two pieces of eyelids the muscle of face closely was gripping her right hand. Meanwhile, great claw Lightning comes-- toward her fan without a doubt, even if this claw pats her, will aggravate the wound of wolf female ocular region. 然而就在灰烬打算抽身而退,给对方留下投降机会时,却发现洛嘉猛得闭上眼睛,上下两片眼睑连带着脸部的肌肉紧紧夹住了她的右手。与此同时,一只巨爪闪电般朝她扇来——毫无疑问,这一爪即使拍到她,也会加重狼女眼部的创伤。 The opposite party clear surface has revealed own fighting will. 对方明白无误地表露出了自己的战斗意志。 If usually, depends on this degree of imprisonment unable to surround Exceed Witch only obviously, most makes her movement slightly slow 12, but at so critical moment, even if breath time is very fatal. 若是平时,单靠这种程度的禁锢显然无法困住超凡女巫,最多让她的动作稍稍迟缓12,但在如此关键时刻,哪怕一息时间都无比致命。 Ash knew that was unable to avoid, lifts another arm without hesitation, ate solid this has struck. 灰烬自知已无法躲避,毫不犹豫地抬起另一只手臂,结结实实吃了这一击。 Huge impact made her as if hear the sound of oneself bone break. 巨大的撞击力让她仿佛听到了自己骨头断裂的声音。 A blood emits. 一口鲜血喷吐而出。 After this probably is the duel starts, her first time truly is hit. 这大概是决斗开始后,她第一次被真正击中。 When two people separate, Ash noted own left arm to exchange the strange shape. 当两人分开,灰烬注意到自己的左臂已经折成了奇怪的形状。 Roar----!” “吼————!” Logia howls crazily, opens mouth to nip toward her. 洛嘉狂啸一声,张嘴朝她咬来。 Ash does not enter instead draws back, rolled forward, after evading the tear and bite of opposite party, sneaked in wolf female neck below dead angle, then the single-handed brace, the both feet fully kicked to the foreleg of opposite party. 灰烬不进反退,向前一滚,躲过对方的撕咬后钻进了狼女脖子下方的死角,接着单手撑地,双脚全力踢向对方的前肢。 Along with a loud sound, the shutter common foreleg makes a backward somersault outward, hence, only the wolf females of remaining three legs almost lost the ability of hasty attacks. 随着一声巨响,门板一般的前肢向外反折,至此,只剩下三条腿的狼女几乎失去了快速进攻的能力。 Logia, sufficed!” Crazy flame Clan Head Gulz shouts anxiously greatly. 洛嘉,够了!”狂焰族长古尔兹焦急地大喊道。 No, I can also fight!” Logia returns to say pantingly, where her situation also very to goes, so long as is insisting a while...... Insisting that a while is good!” “不,我还能战斗!”洛嘉气喘吁吁地回道,“她的情况也好不到哪里去,只要在坚持一会儿……坚持一会儿就好!” Ash has licked the bloodstain of licking lips corner/horn, cannot help but has smiled. 灰烬舔了舔嘴角的血渍,不由得笑了起来。 The opposite party guesses indeed right, her situation is not too truly good, hitting hard made her be sore from top to bottom, the five main internal organs (entrails) looked like shifted generally \; The arm also broke one, droops weak in the side, seems like equally distressed on the one-eyed great wolf that and three legs stand. 对方猜得的确没错,她的情况确实不算太好,刚才的重击让她浑身上下都酸痛不已,五脏六腑就像是移位了一般\;手臂也断了一条,无力地耷拉在身旁,看起来就和三条腿站立的独眼巨狼一样狼狈。 Cannot move by two legs excellently, but the wolf is not good. In addition lost an eye, the restricted angle of view will hinder further wolf female motion. If cannot project on the enemy, the formidable strength is also meaningless, when this is she with the experience that the God Punishment Warrior combat obtains. 不过人可以靠两条腿行动,而狼却不行。加上失去了一只眼睛,受限的视角会进一步妨碍狼女的行动。如果打不到敌人,再强大的力量也毫无意义,这是她在与神罚武士作战时得到的经验。 A point that moreover can confirm is, she one year ago was more formidable. 另外能确认的一点便是,她比一年前强大了许多。 When this in meeting the approaching enemy that palm hits hard is especially obvious, Ash can feel clearly magic power of own within the body pasted is quicker than any time in the past, the time in seemed in an instant slow, she even can see claw and meat pad that the opposite party approached unceasingly. And the majority of magic power gathering in arm front segment, making her have the unprecedented strength. 这点在迎击那掌重击时格外明显,灰烬可以清晰地感到自己体内的魔力流转得比以往任何时候都要快,时间在刹那间仿佛迟缓下来,她甚至能看到对方不断靠近的爪子与肉垫。并且大部分魔力汇聚于手臂前段,令她拥有了前所未有的力量。 Before trading to do is she, perhaps this will strike will break the arm that the standard will keep off incessantly, will also shatter her rib and internal organs. 换做是以前的她,恐怕这一击不止会打断格挡的手臂,还会震裂她的肋骨和内脏。 But now, she thinks ache, but non- is numb and weak. 但现在,她只是觉得疼痛,而非麻木与虚弱。 Is this then the life and death sensibility that Agatha said? 这便是爱葛莎所说的生死感悟么? She felt faintly oneself stood before a leaf of heavy/thick front door. 她隐隐感到自己站在了一扇厚重的大门之前。 If the wolf female can through controlling magic power comes some beast oneself bodies, then Exceed can use the similar way, making each attack obtain to exceed oneself limit the might? 如果说狼女能够通过控制魔力来部分兽化自己的身躯,那么超凡者是否能以用同样的方式,令每一次攻击都获得超出自己极限的威力? This perhaps is the direction that is worth practicing. 这或许是个值得练习的方向。 Naturally, what now most important solves this duel. 当然,现在最重要的是解决这场决斗。 If also destroys her another eye, even if thinks that doesn't admit defeat is not good? 倘若将她另一只眼睛也打碎的话,就算想不认输也不行了吧? Has the Leaf herbal medicine in any case, keeps her life not to be difficult, so long as hauls back Western Region afterward, the cure technique of Nana then can make her restore such as beginning. 反正有叶子的草药在,留她一条性命并不困难,只要事后拖回到西境,娜娜瓦的治愈术便能让她恢复如初。 Ash take a deep breath, slightly stooping body. 灰烬深吸了口气,微微弯下身体。 Before Logia has also exhibited , the posture that throws, simultaneously reveals the mouthful fang. 洛嘉也摆出了前扑的姿势,同时露出满嘴獠牙。 They know, following strikes is both sides last time will fight, how regardless of the result, in the stage one person can stand. 两人都知道,接下来的一击将是双方最后一次交手,无论结果如何,高台上都只有一人能站立。 The dignified atmosphere infected all observers, the scene complete silence, only sounds of remaining aflame combustion. 凝重的气氛感染了所有的旁观者,现场鸦雀无声,只剩下地火熊熊燃烧的声音。 In Ash will soon take a step, transmits the scream of Echo suddenly, careful, top of the head!” 就在灰烬即将迈步之际,身后忽然传来回音的尖叫,“小心,头顶!” She is fierce raised head, sees only a figure gigantic monster dive , the wing that launches is almost more spacious than the stage, the claw just like the sharp blade that opens, each claw has the arm to be thick or thin. When close ground, the fizz that the air current passing over gently and swiftly wing produced reached in her ear. 她猛得抬起头,只见一只身形硕大的怪物俯冲而下,展开的翅膀几乎比高台还要宽大,脚爪犹如张开的利刃,每一根爪子都有手臂粗细。直到接近地面时,气流掠过羽翼所产生的嘶嘶声才传进她的耳朵里。 Ash used the biggest strength to rebound to one side, leaps the diving attack range of monster. 灰烬用出最大的力气向一侧跳开,跃出了怪物的俯冲攻击范围。 But her split vision sees Logia also to want with the avoidance, the foreleg that because actually breaks off is unable to try, body one crooked, was attacked the enemy to throw. 而她的余光看到洛嘉也想跟着躲避,却因为折断的前肢无法着力,身子一歪,被来袭敌人扑了个正着。 Along with the loud sound of bang, the stage was recorded the meteor impact on pound several cracks by this. 随着轰的一声巨响,高台被这记流星般的冲击砸出了数道裂纹。 Logia has sent out the rending pitiful yell. 洛嘉发出了撕心裂肺的惨叫。
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