RTW :: Volume #8

#761: Sacred duel

weapon on the swayed by the stage, selects for duel both sides. 武器架就摆在高台两侧,供决斗双方选用。 From the sword to the whip stick, common weapon includes basically, can not use to bring weapon to guarantee fair-- as far as possible for example big Clan completely is capable of building a more excellent sharp blade, but Challenger is in the poor and blank region basically, the weapon quality of habitually using can be imagined, the disparity will make the duel lose significance originally oversized. 从刀剑到鞭棍,常见的武器基本都囊括其中,不得使用自带武器是为了尽可能保证公平——例如大氏族完全有能力打造更精良的利刃,而挑战者基本处于一穷二白的境地,惯用的武器质量可想而知,差距过大会使得决斗失去原本的意义。 However Thuram knows that these do not have the hands and feet to do, Iron Whip Clan depended on has changed secretly the Black water long whip to defeat Brave Sand Clan. Although the arbitrator has punished the weapon attendant afterward, but the Brave Sand failure result has become settles down, for nobody one minute collapses the separation decline Clan, but goes to compete with Iron Sand City big Clan. 不过图拉姆知道这其中并不是毫无手脚可做,铁鞭氏族正是靠偷换过的黑水长鞭击败了傲沙氏族。尽管仲裁人事后严惩了武器看管者,但傲沙的失败结果已成定居,没人会为了一个分崩析离的没落氏族,而去和铁砂城氏族较劲。 No one has expected, the goner of this being on the verge of death will have one day of bath hot rebirth. 只是谁都没料到,这个行将就木的将死者也会有浴火重生的一天。 The fierceness of the potential, the capital of Clan felt the pressure. 其势之烈,就连氏族之首都感受到了压力。 He first time saw that the crazy flame leader treated the new promote Challenger serious in speech and manner facial expression. 他还是第一次见到狂焰首领对待新晋挑战者不苟言笑的神情。 Has to stipulate that a person can only bring weapon?” Ash asked suddenly. “有规定一个人只能带一把武器吗?”灰烬忽然问道。 „...... Does not have this stipulation,” Thuram recovers, „, so long as you can carry, with many.” “呃……并没有这个规定,”图拉姆回过神来,“只要你能背得动,拿多少都可以。” Is very good, I prepared.” She inserted two sickles in the waist first, in the hand grasps a long handle iron hammer to heft hefting again, finally put on together side Mudun, these types should suffice me to use the duel to end.” “很好,我准备好了。”她先将两把弯刀插在腰间,手中再抓起一杆长柄铁锤掂了掂,最后套上一块方木盾,“这几样应该够我用到决斗结束了。” Thuram has swallowed a saliva, although he already knows that this black hair gold/metal Tong goddess strength is greatly infinite, but big was also too odd to this . The average men must after the both hands hammer that many years of training can use, she can grasp to grasp unexpectedly only, but can also brandish like the thin sword with ease freely, the match who meets simply is the nightmare of enemy. Obviously has in that conflict that in the tavern, she has not put forth fully, otherwise empty-handed opened " Skull Wine Cup " to have the possibility. 图拉姆咽了口口水,虽然他早就知道这名黑发金瞳的神女力大无穷,但大到这份上也太离谱了点。常人要经过多年训练才能使用的双手锤,她居然能单手持握,还可以像细剑般轻松自如地挥舞,遇到这样的对手简直是敌人的一场噩梦。显然在酒馆里发生的那场冲突中,她并未使出全力,否则空手拆了「头骨酒杯」都有可能。 I am also,” Andrea has selected conveniently the short bow, will also quiver the feather arrow to reduce to 22 in desirably. “我也是,”安德莉亚随手挑了把短弓,还刻意将箭筒里的羽箭减少到22根。 Then mounts the stage,” Iron Axe whispered. “那么登台吧,”铁斧沉声道 Wait/Etc.!” Thuram cannot help but is shocked, „do you only have four people to attend the duel?” He looked at the eye behind Greycastle soldiers-- 50 people regarding weapon dispersing, carries mutually right, is staring at other observers vigilantly, has not selected the meaning of weapon. “等等!”图拉姆不由得愣住,“你们只有四个人参加决斗?”他望了眼身后的灰堡战士们——50人围绕着武器架散开,相互背对,警惕地盯着其他旁观者,并没有选取武器的意思。 Sacred duel had not stipulated that population is certainly same, right?” Ash does not care at to say, four people sufficed.” “神圣决斗并没有规定人数一定要一样,对吧?”灰烬满不在乎道,“四个人就够了。” According to the rule, the warrior of Clan participation duel should in 15 to 30 people, this is considered limit that the stage location sets, but also the regulation is, the Challenger population can not surpass is challenged Clan. In other words, if the opposite party only sends out 15 people to accept a challenge, then Brave Sand are most also can only dispatch 15 people. 按照规则,氏族参与决斗的武士应该在15到30人之间,这是考虑到高台场地所定下的限制,但还有一条细则是,挑战者人数不得超过被挑战氏族。换句话说,倘若对方只派出15人应战,那么傲沙最多也只能出动15人。 This consideration bases on a brutal fact to make: Regardless of the duel is wins or defeats, the brave warrior of going on stage will face the serious loss, the casualty more than half is the common matter, even fights to last person of situation also occasionally has occurrence. Obviously the person of investment duel are more, is bigger to weakening of Clan strength, sends out 30 people of showdown instead quite rare-- mutually, only if knows Challenger unable to collect 30 formidable brave warriors beforehand, will obtain the superiority in overall strength with this method. 这个考量是基于一个残酷的事实做出的:无论决斗是胜还是败,上场的勇士都会面临惨重损失,死伤过半是常有的事情,甚至战斗至最后一人的情况也偶有发生。显然投入决斗的人越多,对氏族实力的削弱就越大,以至于互相派出30人的对决反而比较少见——除非事先知晓挑战者凑不出30名强大的勇士,才会用这个方法来获得总体战力上的优势。 Therefore Bone Scraper Clan decides the population in 22 people, without doubt has completed, even if duel failure, will not create the plan that too affects greatly to Clan. Wielded to fall from Iron Sand City for Challenger does not mean was finished thoroughly, so long as in the clan also had the brave soldier, had the opportunity to stage a comeback. 因此削骨氏族将人数定在22人,无疑是做好了即使决斗失败,也不会对氏族造成太大影响的打算。从铁砂城执掌滑落为挑战者并不意味着彻底完蛋,只要族中还有勇武的战士,就有机会卷土重来。 The Brave Sand correct procedure should be sends out the same level population to resist with it, although these Greycastle soldiers look like are short and emaciated, cannot call completely bravely, so long as but has Ash, Brave Sand can still occupy enormous superior-- that type inherent and also not by the strength that God Punishment Stone affects, already enough about war. 傲沙正确的做法应该是派出同等的人数与之对抗,尽管那些灰堡战士看起来又矮又瘦弱,完全称不上骁勇善战,可只要有灰烬在,傲沙仍能占据极大的优势——那种与生俱来、还不受神罚之石影响的力量,已足够左右战局。 The however four people went on stage completely to be different, the superiority of goddess was leads the clan people to survive in the brutal desert, is object who the people respected, actually not necessarily suited the fight. Let alone the duellist will wear God Punishment Stone basically, the ability of goddess is very easy to be suppressed, becomes is emaciated than the average person. 不过四个人上场就完全不同了,神女的优势在于带领族民在残酷的沙漠中生存下来,是人们敬仰的对象,却不一定适合战斗。更何况决斗者基本会佩戴神罚之石,神女的能力很容易受到压制,变得比普通人还要羸弱。 Once Drow Silvermoon and Andrea lose combat capability, in field on only remaining Iron Axe and Ash. Even if the latter is strong, doesn't have possibly simultaneously deals with 20 people of packages to clamp? After all the opposite party hugs is not hesitating the life the idea by the words that the loathsome appearance wrestles, even if there is Exceptional strength, two fist both feets, possibly defends attended to every detail? 一旦卓尔.银月安德莉亚失去战斗能力,场上就只剩下铁斧灰烬。就算后者再强,也没可能同时应付20来人的包夹吧?毕竟对方抱着不惜性命的想法以死相搏的话,即使拥有超凡力量,亦不过两拳双脚,又怎么可能守得面面俱到? Thuram thinks that Iron Axe of participation excessively sacred duel is clear to these general knowledge, in addition when they discussed the duel matters concerned has not asked him to audit, therefore he in line with " was not many asked the person who lives long " the principle, excessively has not paid attention to this matter, has not actually thought that this group of people so will pull unexpectedly rank. 图拉姆原以为参与过神圣决斗的铁斧对这些常识一清二楚,加上他们商量决斗事宜时并未叫他旁听,因此他也本着「不多问的人活得更长」的原则,没有过多关注此事,却没想到这伙人竟会如此托大。 Gazes at four people of facial expressions naturally to step onto the stage dumbfoundedly, he cannot help but hit to tremble, on the forehead the sweat braved obviously, still had the type to stand the feeling stark naked in cold desert...... The hot tree that as if periphery blooms no longer can cover the cold wind that wreaks havoc to be common for him. 目瞪口呆地注视着四人神情自然地走上高台,他不由得打了个寒颤,明明额头上汗水直冒,却仍有种赤身裸体站在冷冽沙漠中的感觉……仿佛周围绽放的火树已不再能为他遮挡肆虐的寒风一般。 Must know, but he now Brave Sand Clan! 要知道,他现在可是傲沙氏族的一员! If this group of people have defeated, oneself can also stand firmly in the small oasis? Perhaps could not treat Extreme Southern Region! 如果这伙人败了,自己还能在小绿洲站住脚吗?恐怕连极南境都待不下去了! Early knows so, even if throws clansmen to them, he did not think this beach turbid water. 早知道如此,哪怕把族人都丢给他们,他也不想趟这滩浑水了。 Four people of go on stage also gave other people to bring intense shock, met the most people by the small number of people are the self-confident and brave symbol, but resisted 22 the clan and tribe brave warriors of having fought many battles with four people? This has not distinguished with suicide anything simply. 四人的登场亦给其他人带来了强烈的震撼,以少数人迎战多数人是自信与勇武的象征,但用四人对抗22名身经百战的部族勇士?这简直跟自杀没什么区别。 The hiss vanished instantaneously. 嘘声瞬间消失了。 All people stared in a big way eye, on the face indifferent transformed to be amazed and dignified gradually. 所有人都瞪大了眼睛,脸上的冷漠逐渐转变成了惊诧与凝重。 You determined Brave Sand, only then your four people?” Facing the so strange scene, the crazy flame leader has to inquire one. “你确定傲沙只有你们四人?”面对如此诡异的景象,狂焰首领不得不询问了一句。 Right,” Ash raises corners of the mouth, hurries to start. Right, should you have write the posthumous writings beforehand?” “没错,”灰烬扬起嘴角,“赶紧开始吧。对了,你们应该有事先写好遗书吧?” Audience-- in an uproar 全场哗然—— Who is this fellow?” “这家伙是谁?” Also was too rather extremely arrogant!” “未免也太狂妄了!” Is the goddess , can impossible block the arrow of God stone?” “就算是神女,也不可能挡得住神石之箭吧?” Wait/Etc., how I thought she is earnest......” “等等,我怎么觉得她是认真的……” I am same as your feeling, in this fellow hand has been stained with the blood cannot compare me to be few many.” “我和你的感觉一样,这家伙手上沾过的血绝不会比我少多少。” „Did you determine?” “你确定?” I am a warrior, can realize that this point-- heartbeat was telling me, she was very fearful.” “我是武士,能体会到这一点——心跳在告诉我,她很可怕。” But they only have four people!” “但他们只有四个人!” Wait/Etc. looked that didn't know answer?” “等等看不就知道答案了么?” Less than the quarter of an hour, the situation in ringside then had the huge change merely, all Clan members attention centralized to stage, beforehand indifferent also disintegrates-- whether or not to bring death, this courage is only praiseworthy. Regarding true braveness, Sandpeople never parsimonious respect. 仅仅不到一刻钟,场边的局势便发生了巨大的变化,所有氏族成员都将注意力集中到了高台上,之前的冷漠也冰消瓦解——不管是不是送死,光这份勇气就值得称赞。对于真正的勇武者,沙民从来不会吝啬敬意。 Listens the discussion sound that in view Wangtai is hearing, Thuram also hesitant to get up, they have confidence, wins in the face of such huge population inferiority? 听着观望台上传来的议论声,图拉姆也不禁迟疑起来,难道他们真有把握,在这样巨大的人数劣势面前获得胜利么? with complex feelings when his heart and train of thought turns wells up, the pacificator sounds has been hanging in the copper gong of stage corner. 就在他心中五味杂陈、思绪翻涌之际,仲裁者敲响了悬挂于高台一角的铜锣。 Then I announced, Brave Sand Clan challenges the Bone Scraper Clan sacred duel, now starts!” “那么我宣布,傲沙氏族挑战削骨氏族的神圣决斗,现在开始!”
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