RTW :: Volume #15

#1490: With the gods showdown

...... …… The universe of length and breadth became the battlefield of this consciousness showdown. 广袤的宇宙成了这场意识对决的战场。 The innumerable star was detonated by weapon, sends out just like supernova general roasts the brilliance white/in vain, the eruption the material continuous several hundred light years, just like child writing immature doodle. 数不清的恒星被武器引爆,发出宛如超新星一般的白炙光辉,喷发出的物质连绵数百光年,宛若孩童笔下稚嫩的涂鸦。 The fleet then vanishes in a puff of smoke under the attack of gods quickly, what then goes on stage is more violent weapon. 舰队很快便在神明的打击下灰飞烟灭,接下来上场的是更为暴力的武器 When he with the Zero fight, after the most commonly used method is being to establish the defense wanton bombing, then does not have extremely to change now. But the explosive material changed into other thing from gunpowder. 如果说他在和洁萝战斗时,最常用的手段是建立防御后狂轰滥炸,那么现在也没有太过改变。只不过爆炸物从火药换成了别的东西。 For example pro and con material annihilation. 例如正反物质湮灭。 When the entity of galaxy level transforms as the energy, the universe also for it will shake-- sadly drumbeat reverberation in filling light and in the hot space, and will disseminate outward at the speed of light. 当星系级别的实体转化为能量时,就连宇宙也会为之震荡——沉闷的“鼓声”回荡在充满光和热的空间中,并以光速向外传播出去。 Under the battlefield of this intensity, the carbon base life is frailer than the paper, Roland will first build the body of strong action, finally transformed to be able simply purely the body, relied on is realizing creation to battle with the cradle connected Exceptional thought direction. 在这种烈度的战场下,碳基生命比纸还要脆弱,罗兰先是将自己打造成强作用力之躯,最后索性改造成了纯能体,凭借着与摇篮相连的超凡思维指挥意识造物进行作战。 Unlike previous Battle of Soul, he does not need to ponder diligently, racks one's brains, the knowledge library has the innumerable methods to use for him. The thought of rapid revolution made him feel indescribable carefree, but even died, still gasified in the energy jet flow instantaneously, cannot feel any pain. 与上一次灵魂之战不同,他不必冥思苦想,殚精竭虑,知识库有无数手段供他取用。飞速运转的思想让他感到了难以言喻的畅快,而即使死亡,也是在能量射流中瞬间气化,感受不到任何痛苦。 From the beginning he can also fight to have with the opposite party, after magic power was invested into the battlefield, Roland gradually fell into passively. 一开始他还能和对方打得有来有回,不过当魔力被投入到战场后,罗兰逐渐陷入了被动。 But this disadvantage has no method to recall. 而这种劣势没有任何方法可以挽回。 This is also the first time that he realized clearly, magic power intrinsic great strength. 这也是他第一次清晰认识到,魔力内在的强大。 witch or Devil, the way of use still transformed it as this universe inherent strength, but in the guardian hand, it totally got rid of the restraint of rule, its method and effect are not a bigger equivalent can make up. 无论是女巫还是魔鬼,使用的方式仍是将其转化为这个宇宙固有的力量,而在监护者手中,它完全摆脱了规则的约束,其手段和效果都已不是更大的当量所能弥补。 Hundred and thousand of deaths made the Roland spirit start lax, if were not the assistance of cradle, perhaps he insists radically less than now. 成百上千次的死亡让罗兰的精神开始涣散,如果不是摇篮的协助,他恐怕根本坚持不到现在。 When again rebirth, he is also incapable of supporting the body again. 当再一次重生时,他再也无力支持起身体。 Before the surrounding background also changed, that pure white world. 周边的背景也变回了之前那个纯白色的世界。 Roland sways two, sits backward falls to the ground, at this time he discovered, the back is wet one piece. 罗兰摇晃两下,向后坐倒在地,这时他才发现,背后已是湿漉漉一片。 Then, you should not have any regret again.” The opposite party asked calmly, obviously such fight will not create many burden-- to it in Consciousness Domain, it truly with gods not different. “如此一来,你应该不会再有什么遗憾了吧。”对方平静地问道,显然这样的战斗并不会对它造成多少负担——意识领域,它确实和神明无异。 How possibly......” Roland deeply breathed two tones, you thought that I come to here, is to make you punch a air vent?” “怎么可能……”罗兰深深喘了两口气,“你觉得我到这里来,就是让你揍一顿出气的么?” Your approach stems from is ignorant and extremely arrogant, this is one of the life natural dispositions, let alone the matter had been in this situation, vented angrily does not help matters.” Its is paused, only you also wants to continue such fight? In the face of the absolute disparity, persists in being not meaningful, I think that you will be more intelligent-- “你的做法源于无知与狂妄,这乃是生命的本性之一,何况事情已到了这个地步,发泄愤怒也无济于事。”它顿了顿,“只是你还想继续那样的战斗?在绝对的差距面前,坚持没有任何意义,我原以为你会更聪明一点—— „Do you refer to Battle of Soul?...... I have not thought so can decide the victory and defeat simply.” Roland supports because of the strength is using up the both legs that but trembles stand up slowly, who just was just wants under the experience is summoned fleet the feeling...... is speaking the truth, but also really good......” “你指的是灵魂之战?不……我从没想过如此简单就能分出胜负。”罗兰撑着因力竭而微颤的双腿缓缓站起,“刚刚只不过是想要体验下‘是谁在呼唤舰队’的感受而已……说实话,还真不错……” Sufficed!” In the tone of opposite party experienced the fluctuation for the first time, thousands of annual accumulations are destroyed in a moment, do you actually treat as an immaterial game it?” “够了!”对方的语气里第一次出现了波动,“千万年的积累毁于一旦,你却把它当做一场无关紧要的游戏?” I may not have to say.” He smiles with effort, just before the final time coming, I wants first to ask why your issue--...... can do these matters?” “我可没这么说。”他费力地笑了笑,“只不过在最后的时刻到来前,我想先问你一个问题——为什么……要做这些事?” Provides the cradle assistance? I have said that the life has the power of choice, but the birth in each species of cradle is my child, I respect your choices and will-- “提供摇篮协助么?我说过,生命拥有选择的权力,而诞生于摇篮的每一个物种都是我的孩子,我尊重你们的选择与意志—— No, I asked was not this.” Roland shakes the head, what I asked that why do you want to make these...... the mist?” “不,我问的不是这个。”罗兰摇摇头,“我问的是,你为什么要做这些……岚?” gods is suddenly silent. 神明陡然沉默下来。 After long time, it takes off the mask, revealed hid below face. 半晌之后,它摘下面具,露出了藏匿于下方的脸。 That mist facial features. 那正是岚的面容。 „Have you seen her?” It stares at the Roland moment to open the mouth saying that So that's it. However you made a mistake a point, this body for has the present image with the human communication. You see truly is I, but I am not she.” “你见过她?”它凝视罗兰片刻才开口道,“原来如此。不过你弄错了一点,这副躯体是为了方便和人类交流而具现的形象。你见到的确实是‘我’,但我不是她。” Epsilon that fellow, but also has not really spoken incorrectly. 伊普西珑那家伙,还真没有说错。 Roland raised the corners of the mouth. 罗兰扬起了嘴角。 Splits open, white light absorb entire field of vision that moment in spiral galaxy, she said last few words-- him not to see clearly the shape of the mouth of opposite party freely at that time, but Epsilon actually carved these words seal in the consciousness. 就在星盘绽开、白光吞没整个视野的那一刻,她说出了最后一句话——尽管他当时没有看清对方的口型,但伊普西珑却把这句话印刻在了意识里。 That is to answer of his second issue. 那是对他第二个问题的回答 " I on the body of Traitor Gods' Envoy, felt the aura of Sir gods, I want to ask it, was this really the result that it wanted? " 「我在背叛神使的身上,感受到了神明大人的气息,我想问它,这真的是它想要的结果吗?」 From the beginning Roland was unable to understand relations between these information, but now, he has seen clearly the gods complete picture completely. 一开始罗兰还无法理解这些信息之间的联系,但现在,他已完全看清楚了神明的全貌。 You indeed are not she, when but only you together, is the complete ten thousand wisdom guardians.” Roland said every single word or phrase. “你的确不是她,但只有当你们合在一起时,才是完整的万智监护者。”罗兰一字一句说道。 Even incessantly is the mist...... the pure magic power monster and god's envoy, and Bottomless Boundary watchman, perhaps is its part. 甚至不止是岚……纯魔力怪物、神使、以及无底之境守望者,恐怕都是它的一部分。 Therefore Epsilon will say „, so long as gods does not extinguish, it exists forever. 所以伊普西珑才会说出“只要神明不灭,它就永远存在”的话来。 What are ten thousand wisdom guardians? 万智监护者是什么? Called it the system, machine, procedure and Gaia, the initial goal that information synthesis missing body not important-- it was made was the inspector general gate plan, and after assisting the manufacturer to realize opening the door the true goal. 叫它系统、机器、程序、盖亚,还是资讯综合思念体都不重要——它被制造出来的最初目的是监督门计划,以及协助制造者实现“开门”后的真正目的。 But in long, and cannot see in the years of hope, it had " difference " . 但在漫长且看不到希望的岁月中,它出现了「分歧」。 This difference in most likely starts is only 1-2 fragmentary thoughts, but over time, the thought got together the consciousness body. 这种分歧在最开始很可能只是1-2零星的念头,但随着时间的推移,念头聚合成了意识体。 They are born in the guardian, and incessantly-- mist is one of them. 它们诞生于监护者内部,并且不止一个——岚便是其中之一。 They were weary of training and observation without limits, does not hope that was fettered in this deathly stillness universe. Naturally, perhaps these have a more serious contradiction, for example natural resource. 它们厌倦了无止境的培养与观察,不希望被束缚在这个一片死寂的宇宙中。当然,这其中或许还有更尖锐的矛盾,比方说资源 So long as is the entity, has the loss surely. In that civilization prosperous time, the guardian naturally does not need to be worried about the issue that maintains, but universe all intelligent lives are completely on the wane now, maintained can only complete by oneself did not say, the cradle must divvy up most natural resource, will get down likely to surpass some critical point for a long time, making that the entire system collapsed is unable to reverse not be impossible. 只要是实体,就必定存在损耗。在那个文明繁盛的时代,监护者自然不必担心维护的问题,但如今宇宙所有智慧生命全部凋零,维护只能由自身完成不说,摇篮还要分掉大部分资源,长久下去很可能会超过某个临界点,使得整个体系陷入无法逆转的崩溃也并非不可能 With the mist words, is " how, regardless of the result compared with imprisons to consume to be better here forever stiffly, will at least be full of the infinite possibility in the future. " 用岚的话来说,便是「无论结果如何都比永远禁锢在此处僵耗下去要好,至少未来充满无限可能。」 They quick will vanish with restructuring, with you together.” The gods tone is still tranquil. “它们很快就会随着重构而消失,和你一起。”神明的语气依旧平静。 Regarding this response, Roland is not surprised, without a doubt, if Traitor Gods' Envoy can resist the guardian main body, does not need to look for him. 对于这个反应,罗兰并不感到意外,毫无疑问,如果背叛神使能够对抗监护者主体,也不必找上他了。 Perhaps it is controlling, is the floor rule of cradle. 恐怕它控制着的,正是摇篮的底层规则。 But the appearance of mist is not accidental, passes thousands of years again, only feared that will have similar one.” “但岚的出现不是偶然,再过千万年,只怕又会发生同样的一幕。” Then all will return to the zero point again, I must complete with the agreement of founder, this is the inalterable iron rule.” It remains unmoved saying that now I make restructuring of the world start-- “那么一切将再次回到原点,我必须完成与缔造者的约定,这是不容更改的铁律。”它不为所动道,“现在我就让世界的重构启动—— Right?” The Roland actually chuckle gets up, that is not the wise approach, because...... you have completed the agreement.” “是吗?”罗兰却轻笑起来,“那可不是什么明智的做法,因为……你已经完成了约定。”
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