RTW :: Volume #15

#1480: Fights the bugle finally

Was in speeding along number sailor, on dock other people also notes this inconceivable fleet incessantly. 不止是飞驰号上的水手,码头上其他人也注意到了这支不可思议的船队。 In the harbor is much more peaceful for a while. 港口上一时安静得可怕。 If not the Greycastle flag that mast peak that flies upwards, as well as on the ship some people are also waving to them, only feared that everybody throws down the cargo in hand immediately, turns around to run away backward! 如果不是桅杆顶端那飞扬的灰堡旗帜,以及船上还有人在向他们招手,只怕大家会立刻丢下手中的货物,转身向后逃窜! Even if the spirit ship in legend, will only appear in the bad fog misty distant seas, where had under the broad daylight such splendidly to pass by in front of the people? 就算传说中的幽灵船,也只在大雾蒙蒙的远海才会出现,哪有光天化日之下就这么堂而皇之路过众人面前的? Crossed for a half hour, that say/way inconceivable gate vanishes does not see, in the sea level only leaves behind the back that the fleet goes far away. 足足过了半个多小时,那道不可思议的门才消失不见,海面上仅留下船队远去的背影。 If not witness, perhaps no one believes that they from being empty sea sudden. 如果不是亲眼目睹,恐怕谁也不会相信,它们是从空无一物的大海上突然出现的。 Good, works!” “好了好了,都去干活吧!” Boss, that is......” “老板,那到底是……” „The Your Majesty's secret fleet, you little know to well!” 陛下的秘密舰队,你们还是少知道点为好!” Cheated after the sailor caught up, White cannot bear wipe the thin perspiration on forehead. 连哄带骗的将水手赶来后,怀特才忍不住擦了擦额头上的细汗。 He decided that later restrains a point, in order to avoid leaves such accident/surprise-- before again freely, has similar feeling, but this time he confirmed oneself view: King of Greycastle tossed about this world is widely divergent with that world that the past he was familiar with. 他决定以后收敛一点,以免再出这样的意外——尽管之前就有过类似感受,但这一次他确认了自己的看法:灰堡之王已经把这个世界折腾得跟过去他所熟悉的那个的世界大相径庭了。 ...... …… With the assistance of Vault of Heaven Lord, Greycastle completed at the extremely astonishing speed has assembled to the continental spine north army, short one week of time then over 100,000 people migrated from a mainland end to another end, the regular army approximately 20,000, the ordnance property grain supported one month of consumption sufficiently. 天穹之主的协助下,灰堡以极为惊人的速度完成了向大陆脊柱北段的军队调集,短短一周时间便有超过100000人从大陆一端迁移到另一端,其中正规军约20000,军械物资粮食更是足以支撑一个月的消耗。 This absolutely is not one matter that is easy to achieve, for the maximum efficiency of warp gate, Iron Axe rushes to the Neverwinter organization earlier period preparatory work personally, Kunpeng swings the body specialty is a transport aircraft, ships red mist with Agatha to these together ahead of time establishes in Eternal Winter Wolf Heart within the boundaries, not yet in destroyed Blackstone storage tower. 这绝对不是一件容易做到的事情,为了将扭曲之门的效率最大化,铁斧亲自赶赴无冬组织前期准备工作,鲲鹏号则摇身专职为运输机,与爱葛莎一道将红雾提前运送到那些建立在永冬狼心境内、尚未被摧毁的黑石储物塔中。 Simultaneously to supplement magic power to Hykezord, Speer and Leaf and the others almost accompany, making the time that the former gasps for breath continually not have. warp gate continuously, the administrative hall strong execution, makes this cross mainland shift be able in addition fast implementation. 同时为了给海克佐德补充魔力,斯佩尔叶子等人几乎是一路随行,让前者连喘口气的时间都没有。连续不断的扭曲之门,加上行政厅超强的执行力,才让这场跨大陆转移得以快速实现。 Although many First Army soldiers channel to Vault of Heaven Lord and Devil in continental spine feel urgently are astonished, leading of Iron Axe makes these questions not evolve is a problem, but in the team also gradually started Devil already to King of Greycastle surrenders and takes an oath to give loyalty to the view. Naturally...... In advance obtains Hykezord of notice only to look but not see, disguises never to hear similar rumor, suppresses all unstated criticism at heart. 尽管许多第一军士兵都对天穹之主大陆脊柱通道里的魔鬼倍感讶异,不过铁斧的带队让这些疑问并没有演变成问题,而队伍里也渐渐兴起了“魔鬼已向灰堡之王投降并宣誓效忠”的说法。当然……预先得到过通知的海克佐德只能对此视而不见,假装从未听到过类似传言,把所有腹诽都憋在心里。 Roland stupor 19 th day. 罗兰昏迷的第19天。 The frontline has prepared island of attack dense fog. 前线已做好了进攻迷雾之岛的准备。 In Adviser Department, all high levels are carrying on the last tactic to deduce. 参谋部中,所有高层正在进行最后一次战术推演。 First, Lightning in the destination sky launch signal flare, will point out the direction for Ms. Eleanor, then clears the way by the floating island, enters the target sector from the west.” “首先,闪电会在目的地上空发射信号弹,为埃莉诺女士指明方向,接着由浮岛开道,从西面进入目标区域。” Edith the representative will float the model of spatial island to push to west the map, these step takes about three days. At the volume of floating island, definitely will be discovered by Sky Sea Territory.” 伊蒂丝将代表浮空岛的模型推向地图西侧,“这一步需要三天左右。以浮岛的体积,必然会被天海界发现。” Even so, they do not have any good impediment method.” The Hykezord say/way, God of Divine Construct from the design, prepares in view of the Sky Sea Territory den confidently. Although this islands were small, the essence was also out-and-out God of Divine Construct, so long as did not flutter from the sea, the enemy can only look in the water. The acid liquid group that these nest mother spray, gives the rock to keep some black spots at most.” “不过即使如此,它们也没有什么太好的阻挡方法。”海克佐德信心十足道,“神造之神从设计之初,就是针对天海界老巢而准备的。这座岛屿虽然小了点,本质也是不折不扣的神造之神,只要不从海上飘过去,敌人就只能在水里望着。那些巢母喷射出来的酸液团,顶多给山石留些黑斑罢了。” These days the enemy threatens not in a big way to us, the Aerial Knight main duty is to suppress the match, is centered on Bottomless Boundary, sweeps clear an isolation strip.” Ferlin Schilt a straightedge traverse in island center, Your Highness Tilly, this asked you.” “这段时间敌人对我们威胁不大,空骑士主要的任务是压制对手,以无底之境为中心,清扫出一条隔离带。”菲林.西尔特将一把直尺横放在了海岛中央,“提莉殿下,这点就拜托您了。” Tilly nodded. 提莉点了点头。 „After the attention of enemy was attracted by the floating island, First Army by north go on stage, and gradually advances the goal of-- army to south is the thorough elimination surplus enemies, seizes the Bottomless Boundary peripheral region, seeks for the Gods' domain entrance to win the time for Your Highness Anna.” Pearl of the Northern Lands spoke of here paused, according to accounting orally of fine jade, in the island has one saying that was the watchman receiving and instructing person, could open one to enter the Consciousness World realistic channel for us.” “等到敌人的注意力被浮岛吸引后,第一军由正北方登场,并逐步向南推进——军队的目的是彻底消灭剩余的敌人,占领无底之境周边的区域,为安娜殿下找寻神域入口争取时间。”北地珍珠说到这里顿了顿,“根据琼的口述,岛上存在着一名自称为守望者的接引人,或许能为我们打开一条进入意识界的现实通道。” I remember that previous time has told you, that watchman had been killed by me.” The Hykezord reminder said. “我记得上次告诉过你们,那个守望者已经被我杀了。”海克佐德提醒道。 Truly, but we have compared under the information, thinks that she will not die easily.” Edith lets go deprecatingly, what you see is consanguineous Ascendant, but what the fine jade sees is the human female, either watchman is actually a illusion, either has several. Considers in the island simply not to have the habitation trace, she can treat for several thousand years there, itself means uncommonly.” “确实,不过我们比照了下信息,认为她不会那么轻易就死掉。”伊蒂丝不以为意地摊手,“你看到的是同族晋升者,而琼看到的是人类女性,要么守望者其实是一个幻象,要么就有好几个。考虑到岛上根本没有人烟痕迹,她能在那里待上数千年,本身就意味着不凡。” But...... Will this person lead us to enter the gods domain really?” Wendy worried that asked. “可是……这个人真的会带领我们进入神明的领域吗?”温蒂担忧地问道。 The scene fell into for a while quietly. 现场一时陷入了沉寂。 In fact, the support of entire plan latter half not any reliable information, actually such entrance whether exists is unknown. Nightingale once fragment had told the people Roland in recollection that” in the dreamland world saw, that was also in their hands the only clue. However these contents jerkily are extremely difficult to understand, Anna could not find too the useful clue. 事实上,整个方案后半段没有任何可靠情报的支持,究竟这样的入口是否存在都不得而知。夜莺曾将罗兰在梦境世界里所见到的“回溯”片段告诉过众人,那也是他们手中仅有的线索。然而那些内容太过生涩难懂,就连安娜也找不到太多有用的头绪。 At present only what can confirm, watchman only to carry the achievement ethnic group of complete inheritance will be opening „the road of direct access to the highest authorities, as for Roland in her receiving and instructing range, was still an unknown. 目前唯一可以确认的是,守望者只会为携带着完整传承的获胜族群开启“通天之路”,至于罗兰在不在她的接引范围内,仍是一个未知数。 Does not try, this issue never will have the answer.” Anna opens the mouth to say resolute. “不去试一试,这个问题就永远不会有答案。”安娜果决地开口道。 This steadfast answer lets a people shoulder loosen, as if bottom of heart suddenly surged several points of confidence. 这坚定不移的回答让众人肩头一松,仿佛心底又突然涌起了几分信心。 I must remind you, human.” Said silent suddenly, this fight and you pass the war that knows very well to be completely different, it not expansion step by step, once with the Sky Sea Territory contact, the following step also will carry on. Regardless of you want to make anything, must make the best use of the time.” “我必须提醒你们,人类。”沉默忽然说道,“这场战斗和你们过去所熟知的战争完全不同,它不会一步接一步的展开,一旦和天海界接触,后面的步骤都将同时进行。无论你们想做什么,都得抓紧时间。” In other words, we do not have possibly to grip battalion to come, slowly search this island?” Edith selects the eyebrow to say. “也就是说,我们没可能扎下营来,慢慢搜索这座海岛咯?”伊蒂丝挑眉道。 Believes it is said.” Hykezord shrugs, filled the demons to hope in the past hundred years, the majority of time were fighting with Sky Sea Territory, should be the people who here most understood the enemy.” “相信它说的吧。”海克佐德耸了耸肩,“塞罗刹希在过去百年里,大部分时间都在和天海界战斗,应该算是这里最了解敌人的人了。” These monsters...... Has these many really?” Ferlin asked. “那些怪物……真有这么多吗?”菲林不禁问道。 Many to exceeding your imagination.” In the Vault of Heaven Lord tone had the unusual earnestness, „, when they come in swarms, the sea will turn into the thick black ink black. Now Blackstone Territory fell into the hand of Sky Sea Territory, they do not have any hindrance with Bottomless Boundary again, wants by such to select the person to defend the islands is the impossible matter. Does not have under following support situation, nothing but how long can support.” “多到超出你们的想象。”天穹之主的语气里出现了少有的认真,“当它们蜂拥而来时,大海都会变成浓厚的墨黑色。如今黑石域已落入天海界之手,它们与无底之境间再无任何阻碍,想要凭借这么点人守住岛屿是不可能的事情。没有后续支援的情况下,无非是能撑多久而已。” We have not thought must wait for a long time above.” Finally Anna acted to interrupt the dispute, floating island attraction firepower and provided the support, First Army occupies the Bottomless Boundary region through warp gate fast, simultaneously searched the watchman trail, what as for then again should make to look that enemy's response-- I haven't understood wrong?” “我们也没想过要在上面久待。”最后安娜出面打断了争执,“浮岛吸引火力并提供支援,第一军通过扭曲之门快速占据无底之境区域,同时搜索守望者的踪迹,至于接下来再该做什么就得看敌人的反应了——我没有理解错吧?” Is so, Your Highness Queen.” Pearl of the Northern Lands caresses the chest to say. “正是如此,王后殿下。”北地珍珠抚胸道。 That starts to take action two days later!” Anna gives the final word saying that in any event, we must send in Bottomless Boundary-- this also only possibly to finish the War of Divine Will method Roland!” “那就于两天后开始行动!”安娜一锤定音道,“无论如何,我们都得将罗兰送入无底之境——这也是唯一可能结束神意之战的方法!” As you bid, Your highness!” The people should say with one voice. 遵命,殿下!”众人齐声应道。
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