RTW :: Volume #15

#1453: The shadow of Blackstone Territory

North Fertile Plain. 沃土平原以北。 From leaving Neverwinter City that day, Lightning and Macy had almost flown one after another nearly ten days. 从离开无冬城的那天算起,闪电麦茜差不多已陆陆续续飞行了近十天。 When they by hundred kilometers speed cruise above the plain, this are also the flights magic power that economic speed, night restores can definitely haunch a day of institute to need. In needs to camp out or hunt, two talents will fall to the ground. 她们以百公里的速度巡弋于平原之上,这也是飞行时的“经济速度”,夜里恢复的魔力完全能撑起一天所需。只有在需要露营或捕猎时,两人才会落地。 In the past now Exploration Club already since had never stepped in the region, in the hand, although is grasping the map of Federation time, but several hundred years of change made the path leave uncultivated, canal to be dry sufficiently, most cities by the weed and bush absorb, are unable to begin to the function of guidepost. Can direct the direction for them, only then constellation and distant place of dim continental spine space. 如今探险团已经进入过去从未涉足过的地域,手上虽握着联合会时代的地图,但数百年的变迁足以令道路荒废、运河干涸,绝大多数城镇更是被杂草与灌木吞没,无法再起到路标的作用。能为她们指引方向的,只有天上的星象与远处朦朦胧胧的大陆脊柱 In this distance, Listening Sigil was unable to pass on a message, in the broad fertile land as if is only left over a person of bird. A big barrier of this tiny and alone feeling risk, without the companion of partner, Lightning really does not know whether one can insist. 在这个距离上,聆听符印早就无法进行传讯,广沃的大地上仿佛只剩下一人一鸟。这种渺小和孤寂感正是冒险的一大障碍,如果没有伙伴的陪伴,闪电真不知道自己一个人能否坚持下来。 The goal of their trip is very explicit, that locates the Devil new God of Divine Construct position with the route, simultaneously while convenient lightening plain wasteland outside Taqila. 她们此行的目的很明确,那就是确定魔鬼神造之神的位置跟路线,同时顺便“点亮”塔其拉之外的平原荒地 be that as it may, wants to seek for floating landmass in the so broad land is actually not an easy matter. In order to reduce the mineral lode loses, Kingdom Capital of enemy will not fly inevitably too high, even may be the terrain flight. As the matter stands, looked at God of Divine Construct unable to miss many from the distant place with a hill, must pull closer to hundred kilometers in can act according to the red mist confirmation goal, this must under weather good situation. 话虽如此,想要在如此广阔的大地上寻找浮空陆地却不是一件容易的事情。为了减少矿脉损耗,敌人的王城必然不会飞得太高,甚至有可能是贴地飞行。这样一来,从远处望去神造之神就和一座小山包差不了多少,得拉近到百公里内才能根据红雾确认目标,这还必须是在天气良好的情况下。 Therefore to avoid brushing past with God of Divine Construct, Lightning chose a broken line flight path, but the edge of this broken line, is continental spine. 因此为了避免与神造之神擦肩而过,闪电选择了一条折线飞行路径,而这条折线的边缘,便是大陆脊柱 Rumble......” “咕噜……” Suddenly in the belly of top of the head marsh hawk sent out a dull thumping sound. 忽然头顶灰鹰的肚子里发出了一声闷响。 „Were you also hungry?” Lightning holds up the head to say. “你又饿了?”闪电昂首道。 „.” Macy nods again and again. “嗷。”麦茜连连点头。 You have not moved obviously, why is hungry is quicker than me?” “明明你都没怎么动,为什么饿得比我还快?” Because I have been staring at tread Áo! she to bend down to rub the cheeks of Lightning, eye is the brain links, but book said that with person most laborious Áo! of brain “因为我一直在盯着地面嗷!”她俯身蹭了蹭闪电的脸颊,“眼睛是和脑子连接在一起的,而书里说了,用脑的人最辛苦嗷! Like this wait/etc., «Natural sciences» does not write good...... that Duan Ming ming saying that when is motionless, the brain is also the body consumes energy the highest organ, the person who this does not represent does not need to use the brain. 等等,《自然科学》中根本不是这样写的好吧……那段明明是说,哪怕一动不动时,大脑也是身体耗能最高的器官,这不代表动的人就不需要用脑了啊。 The pruritus that the cheeks transmit makes Lightning simply not have the means to fly well, she has to lower the speed, falls toward the ground. From the weather, they most can also fly again for a half hour, ahead of schedule rests is not any major problem. Let alone the dried meat in package has been not much left, using under this time supplement the grain in storage is also a good choice. 只是脸颊边传来的瘙痒让闪电根本没办法好好飞行,她只好降下速度来,朝地面落去。从天色来看,她们最多还能再飞半个小时,提早休息也不算什么大问题。何况包里的肉干已所剩无几,利用这点时间补充下存粮亦是个不错的选择。 Naturally what is most essential, she is really that ruthless Macy under the heart does not refuse to show off cleverness in every possible way. 当然最关键的是,她实在狠不下心去拒绝百般卖乖的麦茜 Then the old rule, you hunt, I light a fire, have any situation first to relate with Listening Sigil, got it?” “那么老规矩,你去狩猎,我来生火,有任何情况都第一时间用聆听符印联系,明白了吗?” Understands Áo! completely “完全明白嗷! Finishes barely the words, Macy has soared, changes to Dread Beast to fly to the land. 话音未落,麦茜已腾空而起,化作一只恐兽飞向大地。 Lightning looked for the place to evade the gusty area reluctantly, started to prepare for the dinner. With the technical support of Roland, flint, hot fabric and flare and other risks must the spare parts be replaced by more exquisite fine industrial product, for example, only then the windproof matches of half palm of the hand size, use the flashlight of disposbale dry cell battery, and one has many parts, to let the multipurpose blades that each explorer is unable to put down...... 闪电无奈地找了处避风口,开始为晚餐做准备。在罗兰的技术支持下,火石、火绒与火把等冒险必备品都被更加小巧精细的工业产物所取代,例如只有半个巴掌大小的防风火柴,使用一次性干电池的手电筒,以及一把拥有多个部件、让每个探险家都爱不释手的多功能刀…… These things can by a mouth packed in bags, because of this, she larger part space in the backpack changed into all kinds of spices, so long as the time is abundant, can definitely make table of not redundant food. Lightning are not sometimes clear, she is good at taking risk, has the talent to the good food. 这些东西都能被一个口袋装下,正因为如此,她将背包里一大半空间换成了各式各样的香料,只要时间充裕,完全能做出一桌毫不重复的菜肴来。有时候闪电自己也不清楚,她到底是更擅长冒险,还是对美食更有天赋。 Macy is hungry such rapidness, perhaps also with this related. 麦茜饿得如此之快,恐怕也跟这有关。 The following all are logical, the little miss caught a buffalo quickly, and cut the round number block it with the sharp claws. Lightning takes its essence spot, or makes the smoking, or buries in the mud to roast stuffily. This set of flow two people have repeated are innumerable, coordinates the passing clouds and flowing water. When the bonfire is put out, they not only fill the belly, gradually the shrivelled haversack is also full. All as if returned that moment of arranging clothes set off, only no progress, it is estimated that also only then the goal of trip. 接下来的一切都顺理成章,小姑娘很快抓回了一只野牛,并用利爪将其切割成数块。闪电则取其精华部位,或做烟熏、或埋入泥中闷烤。这套流程两人早已重复过无数次,配合起来可谓行云流水。当篝火熄灭时,她们不仅填饱了肚子,渐瘪的干粮袋也重新充盈起来。一切仿佛又回到了整装出发的那一刻,唯一没啥进展的,估计也只有此行的目标了。 However this small after afraid quick then by full food , the feeling of weariness that wells up covers. 不过这点小小的心虚很快便被饱食后涌来的倦意所掩盖。 After prepare Screaming Sigil, Lightning holds Macy to get inside the sleeping bag, fell into the dreamland quickly. 布置好尖叫符印后,闪电抱着麦茜钻进睡袋,很快陷入了梦乡。 Next day, when she opens eyes blurry, in the horizon of surprise distant place as if were many one group of shadows. 次日,她迷糊睁开眼时,意外发现远处的地平线上似乎多了一团阴影。 Lightning somewhat wondered to rub the eyes-- that aspect should still to be a plain, yesterday had confirmed repeatedly the peripheral terrain, being insufficient to leak this small hillside to be right. 闪电有些纳闷地揉了揉眼睛——那个方面应该仍是一片平原,昨天已经反复确认过周边的地形,不至于漏过这个小山坡才对。 Spent several minutes of sleepy eyes that adapts to awake song, she holds the breath to look again, finally in same place-- by the light pride of the morning, that summit outline unexpectedly is very cannot help but straight, does not seem like the thing that naturally molds. What is more surprising, in several minutes time, it increased unexpectedly, that means that the shadow is approaching to them. 花了好几分钟适应惺忪的睡眼,她再次屏息望去,结果不由得愣在原地——透过薄薄的晨雾,那山顶轮廓竟无比平直,一点儿也不像是自然塑造出来的东西。更令人惊讶的是,短短几分钟的时间里,它居然变大了一圈,那意味着阴影正在向她们逼近。 But on entire Fertile Plain can move mountain peak, Lightning also only knows such a. 而整个沃土平原上能移动的“山峰”,闪电也只知道那么一座而已。 She does not dare to believe shakes to wake Macy saying that you peck my.” 她不敢置信地摇醒麦茜道,“你啄我一下。” „.” The latter tune the index finger, makes an effort to shoot-- on her forehead “咕。”后者曲起食指,在她额头上用力一弹—— The sensation of pain is clear. 痛觉清晰无比。 This is not an illusion. 这并非一场幻觉。 Also in the meantime, morning breeze passed over gently and swiftly side two people, with the Macy long white hair. 也就在此时,一席晨风掠过两人身边,带起了麦茜长长的白发。 Simultaneously was blown off, but also like tissue mist. 同时被吹散的,还有如薄纱般的雾气。 In an instant, the shadow revealed its real original condition-- to see only above but actually broach black mountain massif, is standing erect huge pyramid creation, it was constituted by the obsidian all over the body, its volume was hard to estimate. If the beforehand God of Divine Construct center is the Devil city, then it enters in which the entire city cover sufficiently. 刹那间,阴影露出了它真实的原貌——只见倒三角锥般的黑色山体之上,矗立着一座巨大的金字塔型造物,它通体由黑曜石构成,其体积难以估算。如果说之前的神造之神中央是魔鬼城市,那么它足以将整个城市罩入其中。 Perhaps this is mountain massif peak does not have red mist to proliferate the sign the reason. 这恐怕也是“山体”顶端没有红雾扩散迹象的原因。 A cone of big small two mutual inversion made this floating landmass feel the constriction, on God of Divine Construct also had the shadows of such several points of mountain ranges, new Kingdom Capital was the thing of thorough non- nature. The neat superficial line, is the high and low symmetrical overall structure, seems showing the Devil strength. 一大一小两个相互倒置的锥体让这座浮空陆地充满了压迫感,上一座神造之神还有那么几分山脉的影子,新王城则是彻底的非自然之物。无论是规整的表面线条,还是上下对称的整体构造,都仿佛在彰显着魔鬼的力量。 Without thinking in seeking second God of Divine Construct, has appeared before them directly. 没想到一直在寻找的第二座神造之神,就这么直接出现在她俩面前。 Lightning cannot even attend to tidying up the sleeping bag, drew Macy to fly fiercely. 闪电甚至顾不上收拾睡袋,拉着麦茜猛地飞了起来。 With the unceasing rise, the Kingdom Capital rear scene also reveals highly gradually. 随着高度的不断上升,王城后方的景象也渐渐显露出来。 The dense and numerous sunspots surge above the plain, just like the turbulent tide, in this tide, is alternating the innumerable red line, they and sunspot same place, constituted one to swallow all cloths. Lightning swallowed a saliva, if these are Devil, the quantity likely adds also to have many compared with Four Great Kingdoms human! 密密麻麻的黑点涌动在平原之上,犹如汹涌的浪潮,在这潮水之间,穿插着数不清的红线,它们和黑点一起,构成了一张吞噬一切的布。闪电不禁咽了口唾沫,如果那些都是魔鬼,数量很可能比四大王国的人类加起来还多要出许多! This without a doubt, is the main army in enemy migration! 这毫无疑问,正是敌人迁移中的主力军!
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