RTW :: Volume #15

#1448: Black giant bird

Bell......” “叮铃铃铃……” The telephone on table rang suddenly. 桌上的电话突然响了起来。 Roland spent for several seconds to discover from one pile of machines that when put through, bent down to take up the receiver. 罗兰花了数秒才从一堆机器中找出正待接通的那一部,俯身拿起听筒。 The telephone machine label indicated that the caller is Aerial Knight school. 电话机上的标签表明来电者为空骑士学院 As the line of access office are getting more and more, he has to increase a small table before the desk, lays aside these telephones specially. 随着接入办公室的线路越来越多,他不得不在办公桌前增加一张小桌,来专门放置这些电话。 Right? I come immediately.” “是吗?我马上就来。” After hanging up the receiver, Roland looks standing up of happy expression, takes up to hang the coat after chair throws over toward the body. 挂断听筒后,罗兰面露喜色的站起身,拿起挂在椅子后的外套往身上披去。 „Does Tilly hit?” Nightingale selects the eyebrow to ask. 提莉打来的?”夜莺挑眉问。 Yeah, the preparatory work of big airplane has been completed, quick wanted the test flight.” ,大飞机的准备工作已经完成,很快就要试飞了。” His so-called big airplane, is Greycastle Design Bureau key project-- four rounds of long-distance bomber. Knew may after obtaining a motion taking off and landing field, he first inquired the feasibility of change to the related technology personnel. But answer obtained is, so long as the adjustment counterweight, to air operated will not have any influence slightly. But replaces the The Phoenix engine to bring large decline of performance, for example a launching need longer runway, in the oil most carries half and range drop to original about 1/3 wait/etc....... in brief, the new airplane is unable to meet the requirements of beforehand long-distance raid in all specifications again. 他所谓的大飞机,正是灰堡设计局的重点项目——四发远程轰炸机。得知有可能获得一个移动起降场后,他第一时间向相关技术人员询问了换发的可行性。而得到的回答是,只要稍微调整配重,就不会对气动产生任何影响。但换装凤凰号发动机会带来性能方面的大幅下降,比如起飞需要更长的跑道、内油最多携带一半、航程降至原先的三分之一左右等等……总之,新飞机在各项指标上都无法再满足之前长途奔袭的要求。 But its only advantage then can see the achievement immediately. 而它唯一的好处便是能立刻看到成果。 The The Phoenix engine essence was still an advanced radial engine, Anna had found out it in more than one year completely, compared with providing the bomber large in line engine relatively was a lot mature--, even if the designing bureau provided the complete detail drawing blueprint under situation, prototype still first conducted the platform to test, this will definitely push down the progress of entire project. 凤凰号的发动机本质仍是一个改进型星形发动机,安娜在一年多的时间里已将其完全摸清,比起配备轰炸机的大型直列发动机相对成熟得多——即使设计局提供全部大样图纸的情况下,样机也得先进行平台测试,这必然会拉低整个项目的进度。 In fact at the beginning of the plan is formulated, bomber was then put " one year of plan " , regarding Neverwinter City, this is a very bold plan. Even in the research and development process does not have any accident/surprise, it to is published should also to have more than half a year time normally. 事实上在计划制定之初,轰炸机便被放到了「一年计划」里,对于无冬城而言,这已经是个十分大胆的规划。就算研发过程里不出任何意外,它离正常问世应该还有大半年时间。 If not False Face Monarch makes Roland realize, God of Divine Construct has the ability of perishing together, one year does not calculate that is too long. But now, situation has become entirely different--, once God of Divine Construct to overdraw the price of God stone mineral lode to climb to the upper air, even if can destroy its core, could not save it to crash the created tremendous damage. 如果不是假面大君罗兰意识到,神造之神拥有同归于尽的能力,一年时间也不算太长。但现在,情况已变得大不相同——一旦神造之神以透支神石矿脉的代价升至高空,就算能将其核心摧毁,也挽救不了它坠落所造成的巨大破坏。 In addition human has the aerospace depot ship to float the spatial island now, that performance that bomber loses was anything is not no longer able to accept the matter. 加上人类如今有了空天母舰般的浮空岛,轰炸机损失的那点性能也不再是什么无法接受之事了。 Bridges over enters the bread twist randomly the copper-cored cable, Roland wears the coat moves toward the entrance, we also had a look in the past, this is in history the biggest airplane!” 跨过乱入麻花的线缆,罗兰边穿外套边走向门口,“我们也过去看看吧,这可是有史以来最大的飞机!” „, when-- “哐当—— In he crosses the mahogany long table, the lower hem corner of turn over brought to put the teapot near table suddenly, waited for Roland to realize the instance that the pot body does not go toward the ground reversiblily slantingly. 就在他越过红木长桌时,翻转的衣角忽然带到了摆在桌边的茶壶,等罗兰意识到的瞬间,壶身已经不可逆地朝地面斜去。 "Ah...... ” Nightingale as if moves, the figure vanished shortly that the moment, but finally still late that small meeting. “啊……”夜莺似乎动了动,身形短暂的消失了那么片刻,但最终仍晚了那么小会。 The teapot was bumped into likely general by any invisible thing, airborne tumbles the half-turn to fall in the stall, broke to pieces several pieces accordingly, just made the good hot tea also to sprinkle place. 茶壶像被什么无形之物碰到一般,空中翻滚了半圈才摔在地摊上,应声碎成了好几片,刚泡好的热茶也洒了一地。 You responded that probably slowed down.” Roland ridicules saying that „ before , this type deals with people you not to let slip empty-handed, can be between -meal snack eats changeable is too heavy? “你反应好像变慢了啊。”罗兰揶揄道,“以前这种空手接物你可从来没有失手过,会不会是零食吃得太多变重了? „......” Nightingale accidental/surprised has not talked back, but was some Confusedly looked at own hand. “……”夜莺意外的没有还口,而是有些迷惑地看了看自己的手。 Here makes the maidservant tidy up, we first go to Aerial Knight school, Tilly are still waiting there.” “这里就让侍女去收拾吧,我们先去空骑士学院,提莉还在那儿等着呢。” ...... …… On the Aerial Knight school taking off and landing field, a build far exceeds the The Seagull black airplane to be dragged into the runway by the trailer slowly. 空骑士学院的起降场上,一架体型远超过海鸥号的黑色飞机被拖车缓缓拉入跑道。 It besides big, then and hangs four engines under wing to the broad monoplane wing is also and other fighter aircraft most significant differences. 它除了大以外,那对宽阔的单翼以及挂在翼下的四台发动机也是与其他战斗机最明显的区别。 Although the outline stubby star engine and airplane that slender figure is not symmetric, but most bystanders will not notice this not coordinated to locate the-- light are unprecedented big this then firmly catch the vision of owner sufficiently. 尽管轮廓粗短的星型发动机和飞机那修长的身形并不相称,不过绝大多数围观者都不会注意到这个不协调之处——光是前所未有的大这一点便足以牢牢抓住所有人的目光。 Compares the The Skyfire dexterous contour, it entire black painting simply just like a giant beast that lies down on the ground. 相比天火号轻巧的外形,它全黑的涂装简直宛如一只躺卧在地上的巨兽。 Gourd is no exception. 古德也不例外。 Since this airplane appears, his eye has not left the goal moment. If there is not driven The Skyfire personally, he only feared that is very hard to believe this heavy machinery really can fly the sky. Even so, in the Gourd heart also filled surprisedly with shocking-- left Neverwinter one year, here caused the so exaggerating thing, the ability of Your Highness Queen also was too rather exaggerating. 自从这架飞机出现后,他的眼睛没有离开过目标一刻。如果不是亲自驾驶过天火号,他只怕很难相信这台沉重的机械真能飞上天空。但即使是如此,古德心中也充满着惊讶与震撼——不过是离开了无冬一年时间,这儿就弄出了如此夸张的玩意,王后殿下的能力未免也太夸张了点。 Finkin besides endlessly repeats big, could not say other to describe again. 芬金更是除了不断重复“好大”外,再也说不出其他形容来。 It is estimated that from now on only then most outstanding does Aerial Knight, have the qualifications to drive this huge monster?” Heinz says with emotion, in our class, should also only remain Gourd to be hopeful.” “估计今后只有最优秀的空骑士,才有资格驾驶这台庞然巨物吧?”海因兹感慨道,“我们这一班中,应该也只剩古德有希望了。” „It is not true.” Unexpected, answer his unexpectedly is always indifferent Instructor Hawk Face. As far as I know, the bomber pilot will not reassign from a flight officer. Naturally, this does not represent these people is not outstanding, but Your Highness Tilly analyzed, guaranteed the air superiority is the Aerial Knight most important goal. Protects good bomber, shoots down enemy who any dares to approach, can achieve this words, even if speedboat machine is the rookie still has no issue.” “并非如此。”出乎意料的,回答他的居然是一向冷漠的鹰面教官。“据我所知,轰炸机的驾驶员不会从一线飞行官中抽调。当然,这并不代表那些人就不优秀,只是提莉殿下判断,确保空中优势才是空骑士最首要的目标。保护好轰炸机,击落任何敢靠近的敌人,能做到这一点的话,就算大飞机上的都是新人也没什么问题。” Teacher Sir......” three people straightened up the body immediately. “教官大人……”三人顿时挺直了身子。 Relaxing, I am not reprove your.” Hawk Face swept their one eyes unemotionally, you are in Aerial Knight the topest soldier, has a confidence point to oneself.” “放松,我不是来训斥你们的。”鹰面面无表情地扫了他们一眼,“你们已经是空骑士中最顶尖的战士,对自己有信心一点。” Is and is!” Three people salute to say. “是、是!”三人行礼道。 Then everyone must face the Devil main army, well diligently.” Hawk Face is joining hands behind the back toward another side walks. “接下来大家就要面对魔鬼的主力军,好好努力吧。”鹰面背着手朝另一边走去。 Finkin relaxes, how I feel teacher Sir today specially......” 芬金松了口气,“我怎么觉得教官大人今天特别……” Gentle?” Heinz meets to say. “温柔?”海因兹接道。 Truly,” Gourd shrugs, if these back discussed that reaches his ear, he should a little not make you sweep one week of restroom hesitant again.” “确实,”古德耸了耸肩,“不过如果这些背后议论传进他的耳朵的话,他应该不会有一点犹豫让你们再去扫一个星期的厕所的。” Two people immediately tactful shift topic. 两人立刻识趣的转移了话题。 Also in this moment, the propeller of black airplane revolves high-speed, thundering of rushing instantaneously has covered. on discussion of inevitable crowd 也就在这一刻,黑色飞机的螺旋桨高速运转起来,澎湃的轰鸣瞬间盖过了场上围观人群的议论声。 Even crossed were so long, when Gourd heard this familiar and rich rhythm the rhythm, should still think that the painstaking care surged. 即使过了这么久,当古德听到这熟悉而富有节奏的韵律时,依然会觉得心血涌动。 Oneself really like flying very much...... 自己果然很喜欢飞行啊…… In this continuous piston impact noise, bomber runs forward slowly, and accelerates-- this process longer than The Skyfire unceasingly, but in close to the runway end, it still raised the nose little. 在这连绵不绝的活塞撞击声中,轰炸机开始缓缓向前,并不断加速——这个过程远比天火号要漫长,但在接近跑道尽头时,它仍一点点地昂起了机头。 The attraction is unable to fetter it again. 引力再也无法束缚住它。 The black giant beast as if launches the long wing, welcomed the slightly moist sea breeze to climb up the sky. 黑色巨兽仿佛展开长长的翅膀,迎着略微潮湿的海风攀上了天空。 After one climbs, bomber transfers the direction, flies toward Neverwinter north-west. But in that direction, float Northern Slope Mountain in midair seems especially striking. 经过一圈爬升后,轰炸机调转方向,朝着无冬西北边飞去。而在那个方向,悬浮在半空中的北坡山显得格外醒目。 Gourd is clear, all essential factors that they initiated an attack are prepared. 古德清楚,他们主动出击的所有要素都已齐备。 The decisive battle with Devil is close at hand. 魔鬼的决战已近在眼前。
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