RTW :: Volume #15

#1446: Aerospace depot ship

Finished the War of Divine Will key finding......” Victor to discuss in a soft voice, Your Majesty is determined to meet the approaching enemy the enemy on own initiative, ends the flames of war beside Fertile Plain?” “结束神意之战的关键已经找到……”维克多轻声念道,“陛下决意主动迎击敌人,将战火终结在沃土平原之外?” Even after having experienced so many unthinkable things, this report fills to shock as before, almost every line of characters are remarkable-- to put, person of this news basic impossible outside by royal family was known, he did not have the civilian merchant of title not to mention like this. 即使经历过如此多匪夷所思的事情后,这份报道依旧充满震撼,几乎每一行字都值得大书特书——放到过去,这种消息根本不可能被王室以外的人知晓,更别提他这样没有爵位的平民商人了。 The report outlined extremely grand prospect: Before caused floating landmass of stir to crash into the sea not to announce that the termination of Devil offensive, beyond several thousand li (0.5 km), new Blackstone stronghold night and day caught up toward Neverwinter City. But under it, then surges Devil-- this quantity enough to submerge the entire human kingdom surely! In order to avoid this arrival, Your Majesty decides to initiated an attack, making the flames of war be insufficient to affect on the average person. 报道勾画出了一个极为壮阔的图景:之前引起轰动的浮空陆地坠入大海并没有宣告魔鬼攻势的完结,在数千里之外,一座新的黑石要塞正在日以继夜的朝无冬城赶来。而在它下方,则涌动着千万魔鬼——这个数量足够将整个人类王国淹没!为了避免这一幕的到来,陛下决定主动出击,令战火不至于波及到普通人身上。 After the waiting beats the enemy of attack, the expeditionary force will go to the intersection points of another ends and two mainland of the world, to relieve the threat of War of Divine Will. Once succeeds, the long-time peace will arrive, Devil or Evil Beast, will not threaten human again the security. 等待击败来袭之敌后,远征军将前往世界的另一端、两个大陆的交界处,以解除神意之战的威胁。一旦成功的话,长久的和平将到来,无论是魔鬼还是邪兽,都不会再威胁到人类的安全。 Expedition this matter, Victor is not strange, after all before more than one year, he witnessed birth-- of miracle to depend upon the heavy duty machinery of named train with own eyes, First Army large numbers of troops straightens up more than 500 kilometers in desolate and uninhabited Fertile Plain, defeated occupied Devil in north ruins. At that time the Greycastle weekly report recorded the complete process of this war in detail, through being called picture portrait picture, until now he can recall that overlooked these black trains to gallop the feeling when the plain from the airborne angle of view. 远征这种事情,维克多并不算陌生,毕竟一年多之前,他就亲眼见证了一项奇迹的诞生——依靠名为火车的重型机械,第一军大批人马生生在渺无人烟的沃土平原上挺近五百多公里,击败了盘踞在北方废墟中的魔鬼。当时灰堡周报详细记载了此战的全部经过,通过被称为“照片”的写真画,直到现在他都能回想起自己从空中视角俯瞰那些黑色列车在平原上驰骋时的感受。 However this Your Majesty Roland as if does thoroughly. 不过这次罗兰陛下似乎做得更加彻底。 He plans to arrive at mountain Sheng unexpectedly airborne, becomes the foothold of this expedition! 他竟打算将一座山升到空中,成为此次远征的据点! Really is this thing that human can achieve? 这真是人类能做到的事? Victor turns to p. 2-- impatiently sees only this plan to be divided into three parts, first will be the lift-off stage, Northern Slope Mountain will be separated from the fetter of Impassable Mountain Range together with under about one kilometer land, will become an independent whole. 维克多迫不及待地翻到第二页——只见该计划被分为三个部分,第一是升空阶段,北坡山连同下方近一公里的土地将脱离绝境山脉的束缚,成为一个独立的整体。 Second is the cruise stage, Northern Slope Mountain is integrated the army sequence, and officially awards „the Eleanor aerospace depot ship the name. These days it will cruise around Neverwinter City repeatedly, except necessary operational training beyond, in waiting good attack time. 第二是试航阶段,北坡山将被纳入军队序列,并正式授予“埃莉诺号空天母舰”之名。这段时间内它会多次巡弋于无冬城四周,除开必要的作战训练外,也是在等待合适的出击时机。 The final stage starts officially, repulses outside the thousand li (500 km). 最后阶段则是正式启程,拒敌于千里之外。 The administrative hall is called a decision human destiny it the war, except army outside, the support of various group of workers also to closing important, therefore the work reward gives quite richly, basically for same industry average levels two to three times. Moreover, the name of any participant will be carved into the monument, forever will be built on Kingdom Capital. 行政厅把它称为一场决定人类命运的战争,除开军队外,各行工人的支持也至关重要,因此工作报酬给得颇为丰厚,基本上为同行业平均水平的两到三倍。不仅如此,任何参与者的名字都会被刻入纪念碑,永立于王城之内。 Moreover hand of Sir Barov King still disclosed in end, perhaps ascends the people of island to see human in history most powerful weapon some opportunities. 另外国王之手巴罗夫大人还在末尾透露,登岛之人或许将有机会见到人类有史以来最为强大的武器 Sees here, the Victor apparent magical skill politics hall is stopped up to the watertight-- Neverwinter City other residents and transmigrants from cities absolutely compares the biggest difference then to take someone as his / her own child this lands. When with the native is together, he will often have an misconception, that is this place not only belongs to Your Majesty Roland, but also is them to be the same. After once settles down and obtains the ID card, similar approval mood will quickly spread, because he deeply has the feeling. 看到此处,维克多便知道行政厅绝对会被堵到水泄不通——无冬城的居民和来自其他城市的迁移者相比最大区别便是将这片土地视如己出。在与当地人相处时,他常常会有种错觉,那便是这地方不仅属于罗兰陛下,还属于他们一样。并且一旦定居、获得身份证后,类似的认同情绪很快会蔓延开来,因为他自己就深有感受。 Obviously from Kingdom of Dawn, he actually in hearing the bystander discusses Neverwinter all sorts of miracles to have the sense of pride, this has never had in the past. 明明来自晨曦王国,他却会在听到外人谈论无冬的种种奇迹时心生自豪感,这在过去从未有过。 If not the family property in the body, Victor also has to plant to mount the clouds, to go to experience an impulsion. 如果不是家业在身,维克多也有种想登上云霄、去见识一番的冲动。 Helps me relate the administrative hall, said that the rainbow stone is willing to donate 1000 sets of clothing.” “帮我联系行政厅,就说彩虹石愿意捐赠一千套衣物。” Got it.” The exquisite nod said. “明白了。”玲珑点头道。 Right, did you inquire the Northern Slope Mountain actual lift-off date?” “对了,你打听到北坡山确切的升空日期没?” Should be in these 2-3 days, on before summit already, became completely different.” “应该就是这2-3天内,山顶上已经和之前变得完全不一样了。” 2-3 days...... the good watching seat had perhaps been snatched.” Victor closes the newspaper, before arriving at the window. Although the miracle building is high, but is too far from the hopeless situation mountainous area, so marvelous sight, witnesses in the vicinity is more appropriate. He turns around to dispatch the key, exquisite, you should know that does that?” “2-3天么……好的观看位子恐怕早就被抢完了吧。”维克多合上报纸,走到落地窗前。奇迹大楼虽高,但距离绝境山区太远,如此奇景,还是在近处见证更为合适。他转身递出把钥匙,“玲珑,你应该知道这么做吧?” Is good because of issue that so long as can spend money to solve, to him is any important matters. 好在只要能用钱解决的问题,对他来说都算什么大事。 Wraps on me, Sir.” Smiled exquisite was receiving the key. “包在我身上,大人。”玲珑微笑着接过了钥匙。 ...... …… Three days later, First Army pulled up the long warning line at the foot of the hill, this made Neverwinter City everyone realize, the long-awaited time will soon arrive. 三天后,第一军在山脚下拉起了长长的警戒线,这令无冬城所有人都意识到,等待已久的时刻即将到来。 This time Northern Slope Mountain had traded an appearance completely, looks from the distant place, its all around built completely the densely covered scaffold, the irregular mountain wall had been repaired and maintained likely artificially generally, was incessantly smoother, many places also got patch-- these or the metal plate, or the lubricant film arrange/cloth big or small block and rock are not in tune, made the thing of this nature be more like weapon. 此时的北坡山已完全换了一个模样,从远处望去,它四周搭满了密布的脚手架,原本不规则的山壁像被人为修整过一般,不止平顺了许多,不少地方还打上了补丁——那些或是金属板、或是油膜布的大小方块与山石本身毫不搭调,却让这座自然之物更像是一件武器了。 But most made Victor shock, was that several hundred long linearity flag that let fall from the high place. 而最令维克多震撼的,是那数百道从高处垂落的长条形旗帜。 They just like the skirt of mountain massif, fluctuate in the wind like waves. 它们宛若山体的裙角,在风中如波浪般起伏。 high tower and long spear/gun, are symbolizing Kingdom of Greycastle. 高塔与长枪,象征着灰堡王国 Red tricolor matching is appears dignified incomparable. 红黑白的三色搭配更是显得庄严无比。 The impact feeling on this vision can make the person eternal life unforgettable absolutely. 这种视觉上的冲击感绝对能令人永生难忘。 The crowd that on the street gathers are getting more and more, to noon several main roads is watertight, if not the black clothes police and army courses one side of Hidden Forest the stream of people, perhaps the half of the city area will be paralyzed. 街上聚集的人群越来越多,到中午时分几条主干道已是水泄不通,如果不是黑衣警察和军队将人流引向迷藏森林一侧,恐怕半个城区都会陷入瘫痪。 As the vigorous alarm sound resounds through sky over the city, Victor situated in west street roof excellent position felt that the under foot transmitted one to tremble. 随着浑厚的警报声响彻城市上空,位于西街屋顶绝佳位置的维克多感到脚下传来了一丝震颤。 Quick, this trembled then changed to bang the loud sound! 很快,这股震颤便化作了轰隆巨响! In an instant, entire Neverwinter City as if boiling gets up-- 刹那间,整个无冬城仿佛沸腾起来—— That is the hills torn sound. 那是群山被撕裂的声音。 Although has the expectation early, but when really witnesses this, he still opened in a big way oneself mouth. 尽管早有预期,但真当目睹这一幕时,他仍将自己的嘴张到了最大。 Exquisite firmly held his arm. 玲珑更是紧紧抓住了他的胳膊。 See only Northern Slope Mountain to slowly not to be possible to stop the potential to raise upwardly, jumps with its connected mountain range part projects bunches of dust, is built on the scaffold of ground to crash layer upon layer, probably is incapable of fettering this huge general again. These cave in fling the trees, crushed stones and iron stand that after the body next, a bigger bottom picks up leather meal that” these fell. 只见北坡山以缓慢却无可阻挡之势向上升起,与它相连的山脉部分迸射出一簇簇尘埃,立于地面的脚手架层层崩塌,像是无力再束缚住这只巨大的一般。将那些塌落的树木、碎石与铁架甩在身下后,更大的底部又托起了这些掉下来的“皮屑”。 The entire scene is similar to draws out the radish to carry over the mud to be ordinary, but this time mud is actually width one-km land, it presents the obvious but actually three corniformises, most low spot is located in the floating island center. With raising of Northern Slope Mountain, in the ground left behind a giant trap, facing roof panel that vanishes suddenly, enlivens in the underground animal innumerably runs away in a panic, becomes a vivid footnote under this historical. 整个景象就如同拔出萝卜带出泥一般,不过这次的泥却是一个宽达一公里的土地,它呈现出明显的倒三角状,最低处则位于浮岛中心。随着北坡山的升起,地面上留下了一个巨大的陷坑,面对突然消失的顶盖,无数活跃于地下的动物仓惶逃窜,成为了这历史性一幕下的生动注脚。 This should be the matter that the manpower is unable to achieve absolutely. 这本应该是人力绝对无法做到的事情。 The flag that but on the mountain flutters is actually clear about unmistakable announcement, it belongs to Kingdom of Greycastle, is human. 但山上飘扬的旗帜却在明确无误的宣告,它属于灰堡王国,属于人类。 After shock, in the crowd burst into the deafening cheers, when first long live to appear, was doomed inappeasable in a short time again. 震惊过后,人群中爆发出了震耳欲聋的欢呼声,当第一声万岁出现时,便注定短时间内再难平息。 The frantic atmosphere crossed gradually abated for a long time, Victor licked slightly the somewhat dry lip, when is preparing brought returns to the inn exquisite, the split vision suddenly sweeps on opposite roof a form-- that form of old man is so familiar, even his footsteps slow several points. 狂热的气氛过了许久才逐渐消退,维克多舔了舔略有些干燥的嘴唇,正准备带着玲珑回旅店时,余光忽然扫到了对面屋顶上一个老者的身影——那身影是如此熟悉,以至于连他的脚步都慢了几分。 When Victor wants to examine carefully, actually discovered that the opposite party has disappeared. 维克多想要细看时,却发现对方已不见踪影。 Sir, what's wrong?” Detected his difference as if exquisite. “大人,怎么了?”玲珑似乎察觉到了他的异样。 No, no...... misread probably.” Victor hesitantly said. Regardless of which aspect because from looked that old man somewhat is similar to his father. “不,没什么……大概是看错了吧。”维克多迟疑道。因为无论从哪方面看,那名老者都跟他的父亲有几分相似。 However how the father possibly appear here place, he shakes the head, casts behind the thought quickly. 不过父亲怎么可能出现在这种地方,他摇摇头,很快将念头抛之脑后。
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