RTW :: Volume #15

#1444: The riddle of consciousness

It seems like Celine they to Eleanor amiable the description has not really spoken incorrectly...... 看来赛琳她们对埃莉诺“平易近人”的描述还真没说错…… Changes into Aka Liz's appearance, Roland will be very hard to imagine to have that whole body to send out the Exceptional leader of cold ice aura to say such words. 换成阿卡丽丝的模样,罗兰很难想象出那位浑身散发着寒冰气息的超凡领袖会说出这样的话来。 „...... I do not believe you am.” He beckons with the hand again and again, now on Northern Slope Mountain is also linking the big piece industrial district, the words that suddenly flies absolutely are the field disaster. “不不……我信你就是。”他连连摆手,如今北坡山上还连着大片工业区,突然飞起来的话绝对是场灾难。 " You when I activated the core instrument believed again. " Eleanor slightly some said pitifully. Listens to her tone, does not seem to be able to show on the spot under own ability is a very regrettable matter is coming. 「你好歹等到我把核心仪器激活了再相信嘛。」埃莉诺略有些可惜道。听她的口气,似乎不能当场证明下自己的能力是件非常遗憾的事来着。 Roland somewhat understood this three seats temper probably. 罗兰大概有些了解这位三席的性子了。 She thinks is not a qualified leader does not represent her to ordinary and common, she also has aspect-- that oneself are proud to become Transcendent, is the fine person. 她自认为不是个合格的领导者并不代表她平凡无奇,她也有着自己引以为傲的方面——能成为超凡之上者,无一不是佼佼之人。 When right...... did you wake up?” “对了……你是什么时候醒来的?” " Before general quarter of an hour. " 「大概一刻钟之前。」 Therefore from the beginning you are listening secretly! The Roland unstated criticism said. Why didn't you tell us?” 所以从一开始你就在偷听么!罗兰腹诽道。“那你为什么不告诉我们?” " No one stipulated when gets out of bed must inform the world. " Eleanor is righteous. 「没人规定起床时一定要昭告天下吧。」埃莉诺理直气壮。 „After that how to open the mouth?” “那之后怎么又开口了?” " Otherwise, you also want to make my younger generation lose face any appearance. " The two rows of eyes of her top of the head upturn together, this large-scale supercilious look unexpectedly magnificent feelings. 「不然呢,你还想让我的晚辈丢脸到什么样子啊。」她头顶的两排眼睛一起上翻,这种大规模白眼竟有一种壮观的感觉。 Obviously you suddenly waking up awkward! 明明你突然“醒来”才更让人尴尬啊! Seeing Roland is speechless, Eleanor changed a topic easely, " to be honest, I am at present satisfied with you. " 罗兰无语,埃莉诺才悠然换了个话题,「老实说,目前我对你还算满意。」 Why?” He discovered that oneself somewhat cannot keep up with the rhythm of opposite party. “为什么?”他发现自己有些跟不上对方的节奏。 " Because here has no has mined the trace. " Eleanor returns said, " present this region with me as one, I have been able to feel, these God stone columns are basically complete, showed that you have not had their idea. " 「因为这里没有什么开采过的痕迹。」埃莉诺回道,「如今此片区域已和我连为一体,我能感受得到,这些神石柱基本完好,也证明你没有打过它们的主意。」 What she meant was that refers to itself not mining God stone, therefore was equal to disguised form hasn't controlled the witch intention? Roland circled one to clear off the meaning in opposite party words. Celine should tell you related Witch Union matter, don't you believe her?” 她的意思是指自己没有开采神石,因此变相等于没有控制女巫的意图?罗兰绕了一圈才理清对方话里的意思。“赛琳应该告诉过你有关女巫联盟的事情,难道你并不相信她?” " Of course not. The person the false appearance that is easy to be built deceives very much, especially regarding omnipotent King, the camouflage is not the difficult matter. " Eleanor said methodically, " even you so, after do not represent you, for a while also so. Providing for a rainy day is the matter that each leader can consider. If you have to guard, does not have the thoughts on impossible to this piece of God stone mining site. Arranged mining, stores up in secret, after preventing the later witch influence does is big, is unable to control, the surface is actually maintaining the friendly face, wasn't this past common situation? " 「当然不是。只是人很容易被营造出来的假象所欺骗,特别是对于权力无限的国王而言,伪装并不算难事。」埃莉诺有条不紊地说道,「就算你一时如此,也不代表你以后也如此。未雨绸缪是每一个领导者都会考虑的事情。如果你心怀提防的话,就不可能不对这片神石矿区动心思。暗中安排开采、储存,预防以后女巫势力做大后无法掌控,表面却维持着友善的面孔,这不是过去常有的情况吗?」 Roland sighed lightly, that was because too many people treated as different type witch, but in my eyes, they also had human of unique strength in certain aspects.” 罗兰轻叹口气,“那是因为太多人把女巫当作异类,但在我眼里,她们也只是在某些方面有独特优势的人类罢了。” " Even if witch does occupy upper level the entire kingdom also indifferent? " 「哪怕女巫占据整个王国上层也无所谓么?」 You want to ask that truly, is Aka Liz's position?” Roland direct authorities, „, so long as human can continue, witch can certainly re-enter the peak.” “你真正想问的,是阿卡丽丝的主张吧?”罗兰直截了当道,“只要人类能够延续,女巫就一定能重回巅峰。” " Did they tell you this unexpectedly? " Eleanor revealed being astonished for the first time. 「她们居然连这个都告诉你了?」埃莉诺第一次露出了讶异。 That does not have, this is I sees from time Sigil.” The Roland facial expression is confident, Aka Liz actually also fell into the same erroneous zone, so long as changes into human witch, these words are not saying a natural matter. If the outstanding person cannot lead the ethnic group, then this ethnic group is doomed not to have the future. Similarly, if high-rank no longer seeks the interests for the entire clan, sooner or later is unable to maintain.” “那倒没有,这是我从时光符印中看到的。”罗兰神情坦然,“阿卡丽丝其实也陷入了同样的误区,只要把女巫换成人类,这句话不就是在说一件理所当然的事么。倘若优秀之人不能引领族群,那么这个族群注定没有未来。同样的,若上位者不再为全族谋求利益,迟早无法维持下去。” Awakens and is unable inherit randomly, magic power in some sense is a special ability, will not make talent separate from the group. Truly what merits vigilance is the artificial choice and specific inheritance, the contradiction very difficulty pass time passage periods between such both to extinguish. 随机觉醒、无法继承,魔力从某种意义上来说就是一种特殊才能,并不会令天赋者从群中割裂开来。真正值得警惕的是人为选择、特定传承,那样两者之间的矛盾就很难通过时间去消弭了。 " You...... " Eleanor look at him long time, are wanting to see he true idea from the facial expression probably, but a moment later, she gave up this plan, " I will wait. Then what is your plan? " 「你……」埃莉诺望着他半晌,大概是想从神情中看出他心里真正的想法,不过片刻之后,她还是放弃了这个打算,「我会拭目以待的。接下来你的计划是什么?」 First makes the large-scale transformation to Northern Slope Mountain, making it turn into appropriate airborne stronghold.” This is Roland does not make the opposite party raise to float the reason of spatial island immediately, attacks new God of Divine Construct on own initiative, rushes to Bottomless Boundary, needs to be based on thick material reserves--, once leaves Neverwinter City, was very difficulty to obtain the supplies again. „Can you estimate the volume of floating island?” “先对北坡山进行大规模改造,让它变成一座合适的空中要塞。”这也是罗兰不让对方立刻升起浮空岛的原因,无论是主动进攻新的神造之神,还是奔赴无底之境,都需要以厚实的物资储备为基础——一旦离开无冬城,就很难再获得补给了。“你能估算出浮岛的体积吗?” " Should not have the issue. " Eleanor blinks , indicating that the meaning of nod, " except the factor of mineral lode reserves beyond, the red mist tower also meets the relative biological effectiveness range to play the increase role, even if you want to make it look like God of Divine Construct unable to accomplish greatly. " 「应该没问题。」埃莉诺眨了眨眼,表示点头之意,「除开矿脉储量的因素外,红雾塔也会对生效范围起到增幅作用,所以即使你想让它变得像神造之神那么大也办不到。」 How is the red mist tower is long?” 红雾塔到底是如何长出来的?” " Regarding this, I and you are equally curious, therefore was colored a time to inspect this body. Then I discovered, it can turn into part of-- of body the God stone column simply speaking, is God stone will not display the life sign under ordinary situation, but unifies after the parent body, it will then start the self- multiplication. Naturally, this process will change the God stone essence, making its intensity drop, no longer has to completely prohibit the magic power ability. " 「对于这点,我跟你一样好奇,所以就多花些点时间检查了一遍这个躯体。然后我发现,它能把神石柱变成身体的一部分——简单来说,就是神石在普通情况下并不会表现出生命迹象,但与母体结合后,它便会开始自我增殖。当然,该过程会改变神石的本质,使其强度下降,也不再具有禁绝魔力的能力。」 That......” Roland hesitant moment, „can you also make red mist?” “那……”罗兰犹豫了片刻,“你也能制造红雾吗?” This issue makes Eleanor long sigh, " . In fact, I not only grasped Mother of Souls various characteristics, but also further understood various details. For example red mist Mayfly, it from another level, is Devil one, but other Devil produce in a similar manner. " 这个问题让埃莉诺长叹了一口气,「可以。事实上,我不仅掌握了灵魂之母的各种特性,还进一步了解到了各种细节。比方说红雾蜉蝣,它从另一个层面来说,也是魔鬼的一种,而其他魔鬼都是以类似方式产生出来的。」 Is it possible that you mean-- his surprised say/way. “你的意思莫非是——”他惊讶道。 " Right, wild demon, Dreadheart Demon and Lord of Hell were so...... I found in the body of Mother of Souls about their information. However wants to hatch these Devil, but also some defect key part-- complement the parent body of this part to be called the king. " 「没错,无论是狂魔心惧魔地狱领主都是如此……我在灵魂之母的身体里找到了关于它们的信息。不过想要孵化这些魔鬼,还缺失一些关键部分——而补全这部分的母体被称为王。」 Roland for a while becomes silent , he although knows that Devil does not need the copulation, but has not thought that maintains to continue unexpectedly in this manner. 罗兰一时哑然,他虽知道魔鬼不需要交配,但没想到竟是以这种方式来维持延续的。 " In other words, I have to turn into possible-- of king of Devil to satirize very much, witch three seats one day can multiply unexpectedly Devil. " Eleanor stared his one eyes at this point, " , therefore remembered you say the words, do not let me treat here. " 「换句话说,我也有变成魔鬼之王的可能——很讽刺是吧,一个女巫三席居然有一天能繁衍出魔鬼。」埃莉诺说到这里瞪了他一眼,「所以记住你说过的话,别让我一直待在这里。」 This must depend on the progress of magic power technology, rather than I, Roland, helpless the center of the earth said. However he thinks to be profounder-- to shift through the consciousness, Eleanor almost obtained all the information about Mother of Souls without any hindrances, this is like the study knowledge, can definitely regard as a narrow inheritance. But according to this trend, among the different ethnic groups inherits, permeates mutually and promotes evolve can be said as the inevitable result. Why gods must move unnecessarily, isn't the way that you die are I perish forcibly promotes occurrence of this process using War of Divine Will and inheritance fragment type? 这得取决于魔力技术的进步,而不是我,罗兰无奈地心道。不过他想得却更深远一点——通过意识转移,埃莉诺几乎毫无阻碍地获得了关于灵魂之母的全部信息,这和学习知识一样,完全可以视作一种狭义的传承。而按照这个趋势,不同族群之间相互传承、渗入、促进演化可以说是必然的结果。为何神明还要多此一举,利用神意之战和传承碎片这种不是你死就是我亡的方式来强行推动此过程的发生? Next was the consciousness. 其次便是意识本身了。 With this world low horizontal technology what forms the striking contrast is, the contact and shift of consciousness are so easy, seems it not to have any technical threshold to be ordinary. If gods has such ability also to be reluctantly passable, why Underground Civilization, Devil and human can also achieve this? 和这个世界低水平技术形成鲜明对比的是,意识的接触和转移是如此容易,就好像它根本不存在任何技术门槛一般。如果说神明拥有这样的能力还能勉强说得过去的话,地底文明魔鬼和人类为什么也能做到这一点? Must know that in his original world, the sensation simulates this kind of most basic thing also only to be able as a concept, only exists in the big screen. 要知道在他原先的世界,感知模拟这类最基本的东西还只能作为一种概念,仅存在于大荧幕之中呢。 He felt like that these two are not uninterested. 他隐隐觉得这两者并非毫无关系。
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