RTW :: Volume #14

#1395: Short away meeting fire

Does not need the artillery adjustment, does not need the adjustment direction, the matter that the blocking force must handle, then in the shortest time makes as far as possible many shells! 不需要校射,也不需要调整方向,阻击部队所要做的事情,便是在最短的时间内打出尽可能多的炮弹! Everyone daily will train the skillful total of grasping to display. 每个人都将日常训练中掌握的技巧全数发挥出来。 Although the design of separate loading ammunition reduced certain rate of fire, but the artillery elite still made three cannon maintain at every minute in four rounds of levels, among the artillery groups the small disparity has created a continuous feeling on the contrary, in bang sound that in the hills reverberated repeatedly just like midsummer thunderstorms. 尽管分装弹药的设计降低了一定的射速,但炮兵精锐们依然令三门火炮维持在每分钟四发的水平上,炮组之间微小的差距反倒造成了一种络绎不绝之感,在群山中反复回响的轰隆声宛如一场盛夏的雷雨。 They have opened fire gu!” Macy has cannot help but held in the arms the head of Lightning. “他们开火了咕!”麦茜不由得搂住了闪电的头。 Yeah.” The latter has complied with one gently, is actually First Army worried at heart. They also saw certainly the camouflage position destroyed scene, even so, the blocking force still chooses the task execution, obviously set firm resolve. Therefore she must completely arrive at oneself responsibility, completes this detection task well. 。”后者轻轻应了一声,心里却为第一军捏了把汗。他们一定也看到了伪装阵地被毁灭的情景,即使如此,阻击部队依然选择将任务执行到底,显然是下定了决心。所以她也必须尽到自己的责任,好好地完成这次侦查任务。 Although the cannon quantity are not many, but the momentum does not miss the-- general enemy simply not to expect, on God of Divine Construct will also be counter-attacked by human, when the fragmentary shell falls into the cities surroundings, can see that many Devil flustered scattering in all directions run away. Obviously this moves in stronghold except being stationed outside the massive armies, huge quantity of low status Devil. 火炮数量虽然不多,但声势一点不差——大概敌人根本没有预料到,神造之神上也会遭到人类的反击,当零星的炮弹落入城镇周围时,能看到不少魔鬼慌张的四散而逃。显然这座移动要塞中除开驻扎有大量部队外,还有数量庞大的低等魔鬼 Moreover, Lightning has vaguely found the form of human in red mist. 另外,闪电红雾中依稀瞧见了人类的身影。 This also verified the Adviser Department previous speculation, Devil in having goal the population of jump control area. The meanings of her not too many regret, the Greycastle's propaganda and dispersal have continued more than half a year time, now still persisted in keeping Eternal Winter, mostly is the noble dependency, but these noble are opposed that Roland firmest a group of people, rather arming resists similar, is not willing to revolt against the rule of Devil. 这也印证了参谋部此前的推测,魔鬼在有目的的转移控制区的人口。只是她并没有太多遗憾之意,灰堡的宣传和疏散持续了大半年时间,如今仍坚持留在永冬的,大多是贵族的附庸,而那些贵族则是反对罗兰最坚决的一批人,宁可武装对抗同类,也不愿意反抗魔鬼的统治。 With Miss Edith words, in their eyes only remaining that a wee bit benefits, what even if betrays will be the future of ethnic group also refuses to balk. 伊蒂丝小姐的话来说,他们的眼里只剩下自己那一丁点的利益,哪怕出卖的是族群的未来也在所不惜。 As God of Divine Construct prompts forward unceasingly, shoots the shell that to be able from the cannon position by the central city, because the red mist density is quite high, Lightning has been hard to further observe the bombing result. 随着神造之神不断向前推进,从火炮阵地上射来的炮弹已能挨着中央城市,不过由于红雾浓度颇高,闪电已难以进一步观测炮击结果。 Silvie on The Seagull, she can actually momentarily call the opposite party to help now, but in the Devil city likely hidden is standing guard Eye Demon, once the vision interlocks, the The Seagull position can expose. Now the blocking action continues hence, the restlessness in Lightning heart had not diverged, she always thought that the Devil arrangement for a long time attack cannot so quickly end. 希尔维如今就在海鸥号上,她倒是能随时叫对方来帮忙,可魔鬼城市中很可能隐藏着警戒眼魔,一旦目光交错,海鸥号的位置就会暴露。如今阻击战持续至此,闪电心中的不安仍未散去,她总觉得魔鬼筹备已久的进攻不会如此快结束。 In hesitant is uncertain, God of Divine Construct revolves suddenly slowly. 就在迟疑不定之际,神造之神忽然缓缓旋转起来。 Saw only another soaring stone pillar to aim at cannon position direction-- 只见另一座高昂的石柱对准了火炮阵地方向—— In the Lightning heart sinks, the moment that she is worried about arrives finally, depends on several stronghold artillery and The Seagull is only incapable of preventing the ejection of enemy radically, but Aerial Knight was still slaughtering one group with Dread Beast, the position comes under the fatal blow is the unavoidable matter. 闪电心中一沉,她所担心的一刻终于到来,单靠几门要塞炮和海鸥号根本无力阻止敌人的抛射,而空骑士仍在同恐兽厮杀成一团,阵地遭到致命打击已是无法避免之事。 Macy, the detection gave you.” She clenches teeth to say. 麦茜,侦查就交给你了。”她咬牙道。 gu?” “咕?” Lightning no longer explained, she throws high the pigeon of top of the head, afterward wallops, and accelerated not to provide Listening Sigil in the halfway to the speed of sound-- ground forces, can take away promptly the warning news, only then she! 闪电不再解释,她将头顶的鸽子高高抛起,随后猛冲而下,并在半途加速至了音速——地面部队没有配备聆听符印,能及时带去警告消息的,也只有她了! Several kilometers distance in a flash, but that head, huge stone pillar also has the magic power brilliance to soar! 数千米的距离转瞬即至,而那一头,巨大的石柱也带着魔力光辉腾空而起! Everybody-- hides quickly!” Sky over Lightning deceleration passing over gently and swiftly position, shouted with all might and main, enemy noted here, stone pillar, quickly found the place to hide immediately!” “大家——快就地隐蔽!”闪电减速掠过阵地上空,竭尽全力地喊道,“敌人已经注意到这里了,石柱马上就到,快找地方躲起来啊!” Was Miss Lightning......” Cat's Claw follows close on to blow the whistling, all people, leave the field emplacement immediately! This is the order, immediately leaves field emplacement!” “是闪电小姐……”猫爪紧跟着吹起了口哨,“所有人,立刻离开炮位!这是命令,立刻离开炮位!” The instructed cannoneers turn around in abundance, runs toward various bunker with the quickest speed, but at this time the stone pillar shadow already appeared in the position center. 得到指示的炮手们纷纷转身,用最快的速度朝各掩体跑去,而此时石柱的阴影已然出现在阵地中央。 After the personnel in field of vision all evacuate, Cat's Claw rushes to the recent covert sentry post, at the same time, flood the blue light pillar is pounding to fall by the extremely heavy potential fiercely in the stronghold artillery! Powerful impulse makes the mountain top tremble, suffered the hit directly cannon is changes the components condition of dispersing. 等到视野中的人员悉数撤离后,猫爪才奔向最近的隐蔽哨点,与此同时,泛着蓝光的柱子以万钧之势猛地砸落在要塞炮中!强烈的冲击力让山头都震颤起来,直接遭受撞击的火炮更是变回了飞散的零件状态。 This time, stone pillar has not tumbled in the position, but dislodged a big gap-- that the ground is some trenches and underground bunker has the reason of collapse. 只是这一次,石柱没有在阵地上翻滚,而是将地面撞出了一个偌大的缺口——那是部分壕沟和地下掩体发生塌陷的缘故。 cough cough......” Cat's Claw is coughing while crawls from the snow drift, that type trembles through the sole violently spreads over the feeling of whole body not to say absolutely feels better, has flash that he felt that oneself five main internal organs (entrails) almost must shift generally. But fortunately, except both feet outside trembling, he from top to bottom and was not affected much. 咳咳……”猫爪一边咳嗽着一边从雪堆中爬出,那种猛烈震颤通过脚底传遍全身的感觉绝对称不上好受,有那么一瞬间,他感到自己的五脏六腑几乎都要移位了一般。但幸运的是,除开双脚仍在发抖外,他浑身上下并无大碍。 Inventory casualties situation, then photo plans to withdraw from the position,” Cat's Claw entrains a soldier to tell conveniently, passes around my words!” “清点伤亡情况,然后照计划撤出阵地,”猫爪随手拽过一名士兵吩咐道,“把我的话传下去!” As you bid senior official!” 遵命长官!” Jop, you where?...... Heard answer one!” He raised the head just shouted several, near the ear have actually heard the machine gun clear strafe sound. 柚皮,你在哪里?咳……听到了回答一声!”他抬头刚喊了几句,耳边却传来了机枪清脆的扫射声。 What's the matter? 怎么回事? Had the enemy to attack Shangshantou? 难道有敌人攻上山头了? Has not waited for Cat's Claw to make clear the condition, the Lightning warning sound has made a sound once more. 还未等猫爪搞清楚状况,闪电的警告声再次响了起来。 Be careful, in stone pillar is hiding Devil! That is the enemy attacks the method truly!” “当心,石柱中藏着魔鬼!那才是敌人真正的进攻手段!” conceals...... Devil? 藏着……魔鬼 Cat's Claw takes off the rifle from the back hastily, twists open the insurance, runs the-- artillery majority of time to be in behind the defense line toward the scheduled backloading point, therefore little will provide the guns, but this duty considers the short distance the blockade risk, not only has provided the guns to each soldier, but also adjusted two flintlock teams to take the guard. 猫爪连忙从背后摘下步枪,扭开保险,朝预定的撤退地点跑去——炮兵大部分时间都处于防线后方,因此很少会配备枪支,不过这次任务考虑到近距离的阻击风险,不仅给每一位士兵都发放了枪支,还调来了两支火枪队作为护卫。 Reacts first obviously is that group of actual combat experienced hackbuteers. 最先做出反应的显然是那帮实战经验丰富的火枪手。 The snow fog when flies upwards falls slightly, Cat's Claw discovered that several machine gun teams and groups have blocked the descending the mountain crossroad to arrive at the position central region with the cross fire. 等到飞扬的雪雾稍稍落下,猫爪发现好几个机枪班组已经用交叉火力封锁住了下山路口到阵地中央的这段区域。 But the enemy is one type has not seen the small spider demon. 而敌人则是一种从来没有见过的小型蜘蛛魔。 They from opening wide stone pillar crawls, braves the hail of bullets to throw-- this spider demon less than half person to be high toward the defense line, the appearance and once came in the Northernmost Harbor heavy armor spider demon is similar, the head and first is covering quite thick Blackstone board fully, will eat to 12 rounds of bullets directly many are damaged greatly, the movement will be quite as if flexible. 它们从敞开的石柱内部爬出,顶着弹雨朝防线扑来——这种蜘蛛魔不过半人高,模样和曾经现身于极北港的重甲蜘蛛魔类似,头部和前足都覆盖着相当厚实的黑石板,正面吃到12发子弹也不会受到多大损伤,动作似乎还颇为灵活。 In addition, it can also spout stone Zhenlai to launch the long-distance range attack like the ordinary spider demon, but before the launch, needs to open head stone armor, this also gave the soldiers to strike the fatal opportunity. 除此之外,它还能像普通蜘蛛魔那样喷出石针来进行远距离攻击,只不过发射前需要张开头部石甲,这也给了战士们一击致命的机会。 After Cat's Claw and flintlock team converges, built the long spear/gun, has fought joining to this interception. Actually although in not clear stone pillar to have many such monster, but under this mountain road is in the plan the only access, still had the ally of ability to act naturally to assemble toward here, moreover rescues the wounded to wait for the reserve forces to support, needs to defend this checkpoint to be good. 猫爪与火枪队汇合后架起长枪,加入到了这场拦截战中。虽然不清楚石柱内究竟藏有多少这样的怪物,但此条下山路是计划里唯一的出入口,尚有行动能力的战友自然会往这边集结,而且无论是抢救伤者还是等待预备队支援,都需要守住这道关卡才行。 Pays attention to your barrel conditions, do not die to take away the trigger not to put!” “注意你们的枪管状况,不要死扣着扳机不放!” Ammunition, here need ammunition!” “弹药,这里需要弹药!” „The anti- Devil high explosive shell pays attention to-- to put!” “反魔鬼榴弹注意——放!” Surroundings shout and machine gun continuously dá dá the sound links up into a single stretch, in the position had several spider demons to cease the motion thoroughly. 周围此起彼伏的呼喊声与机枪的哒哒声连成一片,阵地上已经有好几只蜘蛛魔彻底停止了行动。 After Cat's Claw hit spatial clamped the bullet, has exchanged one string of new cartridge clips, he noted this crowd of mutated beast, although must bear to hit compared with wild demon, but some difficult-- their Blackstone armor in the face of the crowded firepower cannot resist the penetration of bullet completely, if expose under the firepower network, will have the phenomenon of crack and breakage quickly, a round of bullet was insufficient, that ten rounds and hundred rounds, regarding the well-equipped blocking force, achieved this point not to be difficult. 猫爪打空一夹子弹后又换上了一串新的弹夹,他注意到这群畸兽虽然远比狂魔要耐打,但在密集的火力面前仍有些寸步难行——它们身上的黑石甲并不能完全抵挡住子弹的侵彻,如果暴露在火力网下,会很快发生龟裂、破损的现象,一发子弹不够,那就十发、百发,对于装备精良的阻击部队而言,做到这一点并不困难。 Let alone storm attack energy level predestined time of death suppresses the ability to act of opposite party, the main protection of small spider demon centralized when torso head and foreleg, rushes to the line fast will come out internal frail non- armor area expose, therefore faces barrage only to go forward slowly, but this has given the anti- Devil high explosive shell extremely good launching opportunity. 何况暴风雨般的打击能极大限度压制对方的行动能力,小型蜘蛛魔的主要防护都集中在躯干头部和前肢,快速奔行时会将内部脆弱的无甲区暴露出来,因此面对弹幕只能缓缓前进,而这给了反魔鬼榴弹极佳的发射时机。 After characteristics and rule that finds out the enemy, blocks the opposite party to move using the machine gun, strikes to kill with the high explosive shell again, has become highly effective and economical forms of combat. 摸清楚敌人的特点与规律后,利用机枪封锁对方行动,再用榴弹一击必杀,成了一种高效且节省的战斗方式。 However this kind of spider demon biggest weakness lies after behind-- 不过这类蜘蛛魔最大的弱点则在于身后—— Sees only a golden short hair female from airborne throwing, goes through in the enemy top of the head like a spirit, double holds the pistol to open fire toward the spider demon violently. To guarantee the motion probably is flexible, behind the spider demon almost does not garrison, too has not distinguished with wild demon, even if a pistol shot, can rip open that matter weak external skin with ease, stirs one group of starch its center and nerve. 只见一名金色短发女子从空中扑下,如幽灵般穿行于敌人头顶,双持手枪朝着蜘蛛魔猛烈开火。大概是为了保证行动灵活,蜘蛛魔后方几乎毫不设防,和狂魔并没有太多区别,哪怕是手枪弹,也能轻松撕开那层薄弱的表皮,将其中枢和神经搅成一团浆糊。 When she goes well each time, in the defense line will burst into warm cheers. 每次她得手时,防线中都会爆发出一阵热烈的欢呼声。 Regarding this nimble and resourceful physique, most people are simply familiar. 对于这个灵动的身姿,大部分人简直再熟悉不过。 Miss Lightning who that they are proud! 那正是他们引以为傲的闪电小姐!
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