RTW :: Volume #14

#1393: Trump card

Under the direction of broadcasting station, even if to the kilometer, can still the shape such as a whole. 在电台的指挥下,即使相距千米,也能形如一个整体。 Three formation total 75 The Skyfire almost arrive in the airspace of interception simultaneously, and plunges Devil Dread Beast Dread Beast from three directions, its Orbit is similar to staggered scissors, interrupts instantaneously the formation of enemy! 三个编队共计七十五架天火号差不多同时抵达拦截空域,并从三个方向扑向魔鬼恐兽,其轨迹如同一把交错的剪刀,瞬间就将敌人的队列截断开来! War of Divine Will erupts until now the largest air fight, then opened above Wolf Heart Impassable Mountain Range. 神意之战爆发迄今为止最大规模的空战,便在狼心绝境山脉上方拉开了帷幕。 Suddenly, thundering of roaring and engine of Devil resounds through the summit of hills. 一时间,魔鬼的咆哮与发动机的轰鸣响彻群山之颠。 Hit Dread Beast falls spirally downward, but no matter control has how powerful strength, at this moment also can only no use, whatever the body crashes, finally changes to a blue spot in land. 被击中的恐兽螺旋般地往下坠去,而驾驭者不管拥有多么强大的力量,此刻也只能无助地任由身体坠落,最终化作大地上的一块蓝色斑点。 both sides interlock, but , the neat formation had not existed. 双方交错而过后,原本整齐的队形已不复存在。 According to the flight handbook, Aerial Knight should get rid of the pursuit of enemy as soon as possible, the exercise speed advantage spreads out, turns around to launch the next round attack again. 按照飞行手册,空骑士应尽快摆脱敌人的追击,利用速度优势重新拉开距离,再转身进行下一轮攻击。 Guns free, guns free!” After Tilly issues the instruction pushes to the front, runs out of the dogfight circle by The Phoenix abundant power first is the fuselage color is extremely probably striking, several Dread Beast pursue following her way, but this was also she already situation that expected. “自由开火,自由开火!”提莉下达指示后一马当先,凭借凤凰号的充沛动力首个冲出缠斗圈大概是机身颜色太过醒目,有好几只恐兽循着她的路径尾追过来,而这也是她早就预料到的情况 If she can lure more enemies, the pressure that the teammate receives will be smaller. 若是她能吸引越多的敌人,队友所受到的压力就会越小。 So long as pulls enough space, Aerial Knight Aerial Knight will be more suitable than to compete for the fight of sky Dread Beast! 只要拉扯出足够的空间,空骑士将比恐兽更适合争夺天空的战斗! Your highness, be careful! Had big guy to stare at you!” In the earphone transmitted the reminder of Gourd. “殿下,当心!有个大家伙盯上你了!”耳机里传来了古德的提醒。 Relax, I can see.” Tilly turned head to sweep one, paid attention to your position, the words that needs to support I will call!” “放心,我看得到。”提莉扭头扫了一眼,“注意你自己的位置,需要支援的话我会叫的!” Because The Phoenix various performance by far The Skyfire and day fire changes, therefore she has not provided the companion plane to oneself except to the private car confident outside, has no biplane to catch up with her step, independent combat instead can display its performance. 由于凤凰号的各项性能都远胜天火号和天火改,因此她没有给自己配备僚机除开对座驾充满信心外,也没有哪架双翼机能跟上她的步伐,单打独斗反而更能发挥其性能。 Tilly rides the wind on, took the lead to complete the climb and shift, pursued her Dread Beast still to swat the wing strongly, wanted to pull closer each other distance. When both sides again face-to-face, the enemy had not realized obviously, they had turned into prey from pursuit. 提莉乘风而上,率先完成了爬升与转向,追击她的恐兽仍在竭力扑打着翅膀,想要拉近彼此的距离。当双方再次面对面时,敌人显然并没有意识到,它们已从追击者变成了猎物 The Phoenix dives, Tilly pressed down the button decisively! 凤凰号俯冲而下,提莉果断按下了射击按钮! In the so good area of fire, she does not even need to come the artillery adjustment with the machine guns of two wings. 在如此良好的射界内,她甚至不需要用两翼的机枪来校射。 Four dazzling bands of light gush out from the nose place, in airborne was drawn the attractive arc by the influence of relative displacement, attacks into the Dread Beast group from the top of the head 四道耀眼的光带从机头处喷薄而出,受相对位移的影响于空中划出漂亮的弧线,从头顶直插入恐兽群中 Since she proposed after the 8 mm general purpose machine-gun strafe ground target has the problem that the firepower is insufficient, Roland the production of heavy-caliber weapon will then put on the agenda, as various collection top technologies in a special machine, that The Phoenix naturally first gets to know the benefits. In the gigantic nose, four 20 mm aerial cannon assume the bilateral symmetry distribution, can project about 7000 rounds of shells every minute, enabling its kill capability to be an unprecedented level. 自打她提出8mm通用机枪扫射地面目标存在火力不足的问题后,罗兰便将更大口径武器的生产提上了日程,作为集各种顶尖技术于一身的专用机,凤凰号自然是首先尝到甜头的那个。在硕大的机头内,四门20mm机炮呈左右对称排布,每分钟能射出近七千发炮弹,使其杀伤能力达到了一个史无前例的层次。 Although her goal is not ground wild demon and spider demon, but that figure obviously is bigger than other similar Dread Beast to show, the master of this fellow is high rank Devil. 虽然这次她的目标并非地面狂魔和蜘蛛魔,但那只身形明显大于其他同类的恐兽表明,这家伙的主人是一名高阶魔鬼 Deals with this kind of ability diverse enemies, best method before the opposite party displays the ability eliminates them! 对付这类能力多样的敌人,最好的方法就是在对方展现能力前消灭它们! For those passed through by the aerial cannon in front Dread Beast instantaneously, hits chest and belly and other spot the warheads also to tow to entrain one string of blood rain, from the sky seems especially striking. When the band of light approaches high rank Devil, the latter exudes one to angrily roar, several gloomily blue protecting shields surround it immediately all round, as if put on one set of firm armor for oneself. 冲在前面的恐兽瞬间被机炮贯穿,击中胸腹等部位的弹头还会拖拽出一串血雨,在空中显得格外醒目。当光带逼近高阶魔鬼时,后者发出一声怒吼,数层幽蓝的护盾顿时将其团团包围,仿佛为自身披上了一套坚固的铠甲。 But merely is a moment later, that armor then in the collision of sparks flying in all directions, breaks and disintegrate then by the visible speed desalination the huge impulse to fly its entire belt/bring, tumbles is falling to the ground. Under this altitude, without fusing flying type magic stone or other maintains life Sigil, the possibility of surely not having returned alive. 但仅仅是片刻之后,那身“铠甲”便在火花四溅的碰撞中,以肉眼可见的速度淡化、破碎、瓦解接着巨大的冲击力将它整个带飞起来,翻滚着坠向地面。在这个高度下,若没有融合飞行魔石或其他保命符印,必定没有生还的可能。 Loses Dread Beast of master to flee the battlefield panic-stricken, but Tilly to its this opportunity, after not adjusting the nose angle, obviously similarly covered it with an ammunition clip shell. 失去主人的恐兽惊慌失措地想要逃离战场,不过提莉显然不会给它这个机会,调整机头角度后同样用一梭子炮弹笼罩了它。 At this time, both's distance almost drew close to is less than ten meters, even was splashed on the The Phoenix windshield by the flesh residual of crowded hail of bullets tearing. 这个时候,两者的距离几乎贴近至不到十米,被密集弹雨撕裂的血肉残渣甚至溅到了凤凰号的挡风玻璃上。 Looks the bloodstain at present fainting, Tilly raises the corners of the mouth, in the heart carefree incomparable. 望着眼前晕开的血迹,提莉扬起嘴角,心中畅快无比。 This sky are the stages that she takes revenge, she longs for being more. 这片天空便是她复仇的舞台,她渴望更多。 Before giant Dread Beast died the wail to attract the new group of enemies, Devil had also realized, regardless of this red airplane must significantly be higher than other airplanes from the speed and might, without doubt was they current biggest hindrance. From dressing up of Dread Beast, in this at least has over two high rank Devil. 巨型恐兽死前的哀鸣引来了新一批敌人,魔鬼也已意识到,这架红色铁鸟无论从速度、威力方面都要显著高于其他铁鸟,无疑是它们当前最大的阻碍。从恐兽的装扮来看,这里面至少有两个以上的高阶魔鬼 In the Federation time, they are the generals of army, or core of attacking a fortified position, but now, they had been released to the common army, in some sense, reflects the Devil strength sufficiently the great strength. 联合会时代,它们都是军队的将帅,或是攻坚的核心,而如今,它们已被下放到寻常部队中,从某种意义上而言,足以反映出魔鬼实力的强大。 But Tilly has not feared intent at heart. 提莉心里没有丝毫惧意。 On the contrary, she only thought that the chest has the group flame to burn. 相反,她只觉得胸口有团火焰在燃烧。 Occupies in the process of attack position, she has been staring at high rank Devil of opposite party, but the latter is also gazing at her Tilly to be able obviously to feel, this their action was more discrete in the past, no longer at will with contempt. 重新占据进攻位置的过程中,她一直盯着对方的高阶魔鬼,而后者也在注视着她提莉能明显感觉到,这一次它们的行动谨慎了许多,不复以往的随意与轻视。 She licked the lip, depresses the control handle fiercely. 她舔了舔嘴唇,猛地压下操纵杆。 Come!” “来吧!” Really is pleasant.” The false face stands outside the city above the plain, is looking out the battlefield of distant place, sends out the intermittent chuckle. “真是赏心悦目。”假面站在城外平原之上,遥望着远方的战场,发出阵阵轻笑。 Some Silent Disaster slightly accidents/surprises swept its one. 沉默之灾略有些意外地扫了它一眼。 You in curious, why will I be so interested in the insect?” The false face turns the head, the masks of many piling up one on top of another exude the grating fricative. “你是在好奇,我为何会对虫子如此感兴趣吗?”假面转过头来,众多堆叠的面具发出刺耳的摩擦声。 Not “不” Told you also to might as well decide ethnic group fit and unfit quality was not these feeble-minded communities, but mastered the knowledge the outstanding individual! I appreciate does not drive the airplane the insect, but knows the person of airplane principle false face to open both hands, even with for a race, the difference between both still enough may be called cloud mud, the former is the insect, but the latter is human! Can one pile of metal dying thing link, creates to be as good as the life the rhythm, you did not think that this is a charming matter? The head of this person, I really want to cut to savor well one!” “告诉你也无妨决定族群优劣的不是那些低能的群体,而是掌握知识的杰出个体!我欣赏的不是驾驶铁鸟的虫子,而是知晓铁鸟原理之人”假面张开双手,“即使同为一个种族,两者之间的差异也足够堪称云泥,前者是虫子,而后者才是人类!能把一堆金属死物结合在一起,创造出不亚于生命的律动,你不觉得这本身就是一件充满魅力的事情吗?这种人的脑袋,我真想切下来好好品味一番啊!” „” Silent Disaster opened the line of sight speechless. “”沉默之灾无言地偏开了视线。 But after that is , the matter that must consider,” regarding cannot arouse the resonance of opposite party, the false face puts out the tone regrettably, now must first do, is scatters these irritating insects “但那都是之后要考虑的事,”对于未能引起对方的共鸣,假面遗憾地吐出口气,“现在首先要做的,是驱散这些恼人的虫子” It fishes out compact size Magic Power Core from the bosom, pours into magic power to it, the core central blooms quickly mighty waves. Then, the land of under foot trembles! 它从怀中摸出一个袖珍型的魔力核心,向其注入魔力,核心中央很快绽放出一圈圈波澜。接着,脚下的大地震颤起来! Sees only a giant stele from underground to emerge as the times require, cracking Blackstone fell from the above in abundance, makes the sound its end still to bury in the underground, but another end raised high, points to the sky. After the dust clears, by half clear outer wall, can see that the bloodlines and meridians of internal Symbiote Body proliferate the main part, the magic power glimmer is continuous, makes the stele just like a living creature. 只见一座巨大的石碑从地下破土而出,崩裂的黑石纷纷从上方滑落,发出噼里啪啦的声响它的一端仍埋于地下,而另一端则高高扬起,直指向天空。尘土散尽后,透过半澄明的外壁,能看到内部共生体的血脉与经络遍布碑身,魔力的微光川流不息,令石碑宛若一尊活物。 But such stele incessantly. 而这样的石碑不止一个。 Probably receives the verbal command to be ordinary, around God of Divine Construct emitted more monuments in abundance. 像是接到号令一般,神造之神周围纷纷冒出了更多碑体。 I will show with War of Divine Will, knowledge by far in brute force, so-called magic power, is part of knowledge!” The false face stands under the shadow of stele, holds the core that in the hand sparkles high, „, but my Nassau Pehle, is in the ethnic group Monarch that is worth praising!” “我会用神意之战来证明,知识远胜于蛮力,所谓的魔力,亦不过是知识的一部分!”假面站在石碑的阴影之下,高高捧起手中闪耀的核心,“而我纳索佩勒,才是族群中最值得传颂的大君!”
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