RTW :: Volume #14

#1388: Conflict

Mainland spinal column air zone, God of Divine Construct. 大陆脊柱空域,神造之神 Vault of Heaven Lord across high tower, made great strides forward the transformation limestone cave situated in underground with stride. 天穹之主穿过高塔下方,大步迈进了位于地底的改造溶洞。 This city before was classified as the god name officially, once was Blackstone Territory illustrious mostly one, had the history to be close the millenniums. It has patronized this place more than once, the complex limestone cave structure will not create any difficulty to it, made its annoyed only, only then false face Monarch Nassau Pehle. 这座城市在被正式冠以神名前,曾是黑石域赫赫有名的大都之一,存在历史已接近千年。它不止一次光顾过此地,复杂的溶洞结构并不会对它造成任何困扰,唯一令它恼火的只有假面大君纳索佩勒。 Sir, I Lord am conducting to closing the experiment of important, do you have pass with the master ditch beforehand?” In the test facilities entrance, first promotion body blocked in front of Hykezord. attendants as false face, it chose obviously with the Monarch same road that oneself serve, two heads by the magic stone installment were linked to each other forcefully, looks like both abnormal and ugly. “大人,我主正在进行至关重要的试验,请问您有事先和主人沟通过吗?”在试验场大门口,一名初升体拦在了海克佐德面前。身为假面的侍从,它显然选择了跟自己所侍奉的大君同样的路,两个脑袋被魔石装置强行连在一起,看上去显得既畸形又丑陋。 Go away!” Hykezord does not want rubbish with it, lifts the hand then to knock down attendants. “滚开!”海克佐德根本不想和它废话,抬起手便将侍从打翻在地。 If combat type first level Ascendant, perhaps it must the spend some thoughts, but the false face walks quite thoroughly on the road of transformation, magic stone that the body fuses mostly does not suit the fight, following its first level Ascendant its ability naturally also can be imagined. 如果是战斗型初升者,它或许还得花点心思,但假面在改造之路上走得颇为彻底,身上融合的魔石大多不适合于战斗,追随它的初升者其能力自然也可想而知。 Is realized probably the Vault of Heaven Lord depressing anger, attendants closed the mouth tactful. 大概是意识到天穹之主压抑的怒火,侍从识趣地闭上了嘴巴。 Hykezord shoved open heavy/thick stone door, does not return walks into the test facilities it not to launch warp gate one step nearby that stepped to the false face began directly, is biggest respects. 海克佐德推开厚重的石门,头也不回地走入了试验场它没有展开扭曲之门一步迈到假面的跟前直接动手,就已经是最大的尊重了。 After the gate, is an extremely spacious cavern. 门后是一个极为空旷的洞穴。 Over ten thousand illumination magic stone mount to withstand/top scattered in disorder in the rock, just like covering entirely the stars nighttime sky. But the under foot is crowded inferior rank body their quantities are more than magic stone, appears the worm shape, was closed like the domestic animal in the stockade, is accepting the relapse stimulation of Magic Power Core. 上万颗发光魔石散乱地镶嵌在岩顶上,宛若布满星辰的夜空。而脚下则是密集的劣等体它们的数量比魔石更多,绝大部分呈蠕虫状,像牲畜一样被关在栅栏里,接受着魔力核心的反复刺激。 Hykezord cannot bear frown. 海克佐德忍不住皱起了眉头。 Even in inferior rank body, they is still most useless one batch, no hands and feet means unable to work, the extremely low intelligence is impracticable the domestication. But the carrier experiment unexpected discovery, probably is quite primitive the simple reason as a result of the meridians, when they when the success ratio with the foreign matter fusion are instead highest, is ideal parasitic. 即使在劣等体中,它们也是最无用的一批,没有手脚意味着无法干活,极低的智力连驯化都难以实现。但载体试验意外的发现,大概是由于经络极为原始简单的缘故,它们在与异物融合时成功率反而最高,是理想的寄生者。 Naturally, is not every worm inferior rank body can live to have the resonance with " growth God stone " , dead as the next batch of inferior rank body feed, but the success adaptation paragenesis condition, can become the qualified weapon. 当然,不是每一个蠕虫劣等体都能活到与「生长神石」发生共鸣,死去者将作为下一批劣等体的饲料,而成功适应共生状态的,才能成为合格的兵器。 Vault of Heaven Lord naturally cannot sympathize with the retarded person who these are unable to exchange, compared with beforehand having no merit to speak, they at least can contribute a strength for the ethnic group now. It is dissatisfied, is the false face distortion interest. 天穹之主自然不会去同情这些无法交流的低能者,比起以前的一无是处,现在它们至少能为族群贡献一份力量。它感到不满的,是假面的扭曲趣味。 Transforms the process to put in the close limestone cave obviously, the opposite party actually establishes it in the most striking regional four hanging hanging bridges intentionally crosses several tens of thousands inferior rank body top of the heads from four directions respectively, is connected with situated in cavern central sturdy stone pillar, whenever must enter the test facilities center, must be forced appreciation a self-satisfied work of opposite party. 改造过程明明能放到封闭的溶洞中进行,对方却故意将其设置在最醒目的区域四座高悬的吊桥分别从四个方向越过数万劣等体的头顶,与位于洞穴中央的粗壮石柱相连,每当要进入试验场中心,就得被迫“欣赏”一番对方的得意之作。 When the body that the inferior rank body tumbling sways from side to side, withstands painful neighing and excreta to the smell of nose, and corrupt leather bags of various failure works, making the entire cavern fishy. Any normal clansman, impossible likes treating in this gloomy negative place, the false face actually just test chamber is located above stone pillar, Hykezord even suspected that its head had had some damage in the integration process, will become even more impervious. 劣等体翻滚扭动的身躯、承受痛苦时的嘶鸣、排泄物冲鼻的气味、以及各种失败作品的腐败皮囊,令整个洞穴乌烟瘴气。任何一个正常族人,都不可能喜欢待在这种阴暗负面的地方,假面却偏偏将将试验室设在石柱之上,海克佐德甚至怀疑它的脑袋已经在融合过程中发生了某种损伤,才会变得越发不可理喻。 Across hanging bridge, it, in the top layer transformed found Nassau Pehle. 穿过吊桥,它在顶层改造间中找到了纳索佩勒。 Sees the present scene, Vault of Heaven Lord felt immediately the anger braves, to see only false face Monarch to gather round about the airplane wreckage that its subordinate drags to size up, peripheral lies down human noble that several life and death are not knowing, but only also living the person was caught by the opposite party in the hand, the facial features have frightened extremely distort, on the gown can see the obvious wet mark. 见到眼前的景象,天穹之主顿时感到火气直冒,只见假面大君正围着它部下拖回来的铁鸟残骸左右打量,周边躺着好几名生死不知的人类贵族,而唯一还活着的人则被对方抓在手中,面容已吓得极度变形,袍子上能看到明显的湿痕。 Nassau Pehle!” It exclaimed loudly, who permitted you person who excelled at being automatic I to bring? Even to perform the experiment, will still pass through my permission is!” “纳索佩勒!”它大声吼道,“谁允许你擅自动我带来的人?就算想要做试验,也应该经过我的允许才是!” Also it furiously, transports the utmost rift valley the land migration people no wonder laboriously, delivers God of Divine Construct them again, for does not make Greycastle expand the war-making potential, meanwhile can supplement the work coolie in city, it can be said that the plan of answering multiple purpose. Without expecting just to wear a number of human to return to God of Divine Construct, Eternal Winter noble that the face worries about walks, said that is several companions is abducted by the guard, is still missing. 也难怪它怒不可遏,辛辛苦苦地将陆地迁移民转运至大裂谷,再将他们送上神造之神,为的就是不让灰堡扩大战争潜力,同时还可以补充城市里的劳动苦力,可以说是一举多得之策。没料想到刚带着一批人类回到神造之神上,就有一脸担忧的永冬贵族找上门来,说是好几个同伴被卫兵掳走,至今下落不明。 This will disrupt the stable order that it establishes with great difficulty without doubt. 这无疑会破坏它好不容易建立起来的稳定秩序。 Those who most make Hykezord not quick is, catches the civilians to perform the experiment , the opposite party grasps is noble, but the latter controls the key of grass-root people, without the summons and appeal of noble, is only it to instruct these several tens of thousands people, paid energy and time definitely several times. 最让海克佐德不快的是,抓平民做试验也就罢了,对方偏偏抓的都是贵族而后者是控制底层民众的关键,如果没有贵族的号召与呼吁,单凭它想去指示这数万人,付出的精力和时间必然会多出数倍。 Sir Hykezord saves me quickly!” Living the noble resembles sees the liberator to be common, shouts with the weeping voice. 海克佐德大人快救救我!”活着的贵族像见到救星一般,带着哭腔喊道。 Is Vault of Heaven Lord your excellency.” The false face has turned round, thinks little saying that I must say this is a misunderstanding, I indeed like fusing the essence very much, but that and excluding the insect they most splendid part, I obtains 600 years ago.” “啊原来是天穹之主阁下。”假面回过身来,不以为意道,“我得说这是一场误会,我的确很喜欢融合精华,但那并不包括虫子他们最出色的部分,我已经在六百年前就已经得到了。” The opposite party take down a mask on head, revealed below human female face that to belong to some witch, but has become its part now. 对方取下脑袋上的一副面具,露出了下方人类雌性的面庞那应该属于某位女巫,不过现在已成为了它的一部分。 But such mask also more than ten, if it can be imagined casts off completely, will be a how frightened appearance. According to Nassau Pehle's view, the brain is the spirit of wisdom, compared with body any spot important, but the head that has are more, more can obtain higher ponder efficiency. Therefore characteristics of powerful race, at least should have two heads, this then can satisfy when rest while considers the issue, time use maximization. 而这样的面具还有十多个,可想而知如果全部摘掉的话,将会是一副多么惊悚的模样。按照纳索佩勒的说法,大脑是智慧之灵,比身体任何一个部位都重要,而拥有的脑袋越多,就越能获得更高的思考效率。因此一个强大种族的特征,至少应该长着两个脑袋,这样便可以满足在一边休息时一边考虑问题,将时间利用最大化。 But in the Hykezord eye, ugly Evil Beast and Sky Sea Territory monster will grow into this appearance. 但在海克佐德眼中,只有丑陋的邪兽天海界怪物才会长成这个模样。 The purple light that slightly may not check together flashes through, the mask in false face hand was cut two halves instantaneously, then a blood line splits open in the female face slowly, the quiet blue blood dripped from the opening place. 一道微不可查的紫光闪过,假面手中的面具瞬间被斩成了两半,接着一条血线在雌性面部缓缓绽开,幽蓝色的血液从裂口处淌了出来。 Has not expected Hykezord to begin probably unexpectedly, Nassau Pehle's imposing manner frustrates immediately, it throws down noble in hand, covers the injured face to draw back suddenly several steps, Vault of Heaven Lord were your you insane? Unexpectedly begins to Monarch for the insect? Do not forget me is the God of Divine Construct founder, was the ethnic group won the hope of War of Divine Will, Is it possible you wants to carry rebel King?” 大概是没料到海克佐德竟会动手,纳索佩勒的气势顿时为之一挫,它丢下手中的贵族,捂着受伤的脸陡然退出去好几步,“天穹之主你你你疯了吗?居然为了虫子向一名大君动手?别忘了我可是神造之神的缔造者,更是族群赢得神意之战的希望,难不成你想要背叛王?” Looked at the opposite party startled facial expression , the Hykezord heart was surging pleased. 望着对方惊慌的神情,海克佐德心头涌起了一丝快意。 After becoming the west line command, it has not met a satisfactory matter, nightmare Monarch has lost inexplicably, the army cannot break through the human the defense line, now seeks the odds of success for the ethnic group laboriously, but must be obstructed from the back by the false face, simply is absurd! 成为西线统帅后,它就没遇上过一件顺心事,梦魇大君莫名迷失,大军始终冲不破人类的防线,现在就连辛辛苦苦为族群谋胜算,还要被假面从背后作梗,简直是岂有此理! Nassau Pehle impossible does not know that these human are it takes God of Divine Construct, does not undergo its permission then to seize the person conveniently, this was flagrant offending can only say that without doubt under a series of unfavorable situations, its Hykezord was despised. 纳索佩勒不可能不知道这些人类是它带上神造之神的,不经过它的许可便随手掳人,这无疑是明目张胆的冒犯只能说在一连串失利下,它海克佐德被人小看了。 Here is not control holy throne of king, false face Monarch is not Magic Chopper, if not give the color of opposite party to have a look, perhaps it also really thinks oneself quite send. 这里既不是王的主宰圣座,假面大君也不是斩魔者,如果再不给对方的颜色看看,恐怕它还真以为自己好打发。 Stressed that the head many are the advantage is also useful? 强调脑袋多才是优势又有什么用? In the face of the disparate power gap, many brains do not help matters. It must make the opposite party be clear, who is the command of Western Front Army. 在悬殊的实力差距面前,再多的大脑也无济于事。它要让对方清楚,谁才是西线军的统帅。 If you to king loyal not two, should understand that anything should do, anything should not do.” Hykezord withdraws sharp blade warp gate, coldly said said that these people to me, has the use to the ethnic group greatly, hopes that you can understand this.” “如果你对王忠心不二,就该明白什么事该做,什么事不该做。”海克佐德撤去利刃般的扭曲之门,冷声说道,“这些人无论是对我,还是对族群都大有用处,希望你能明白这一点。” After two Monarch looking at each other moments, the false face takes the lead to admit defeat, will be I neglects me first to ask your opinion next time.” 两名大君对视片刻后,假面率先服软下来,“是我疏忽了下次我会先询问你的意见。” So good.” Hykezord nods. It does not plan to force opposite party God of Divine Construct truly to need several familiar Magic Power Core Ascendant to control excessively after all, but they basically are Nassau Pehle's subordinates ; Simultaneously the war essential Symbiote Body weapon still needed the opposite party to make, its impossible really false face how, otherwise king's first could not forgive it. “如此就好。”海克佐德点点头。它也不打算过分逼迫对方毕竟神造之神确实需要数名熟悉魔力核心晋升者来控制,而它们基本都是纳索佩勒的手下;同时战争必不可少的共生体兵器仍需要对方来制造,它不可能真把假面怎么样,否则王第一个饶不了它。 Big, Sir, can see that you were really good noble to tumble touch to Vault of Heaven Lord side, closely grasped its thigh. “大、大人呜,能见到您真是太好了”贵族连滚带爬地摸到天穹之主身边,紧紧抱住了它的大腿。 This matter said later again, Hykezord swept his one eyes, later looks to the false face said that „, since to not fuse, you brings to come to here human for what?” “这事待会再说,”海克佐德扫了他一眼,随后望向假面道,“既然不是为了融合,那你把人类带到这里来是为了什么?” The false face curls the lip toward the wreckage of airplane, I want to ask them, how the core of this thing operates.” 假面朝铁鸟的残骸撇撇嘴,“我只是想问下他们,这东西的核心到底是如何运作的。” Hykezord looks following the vision of opposite party, sees only one to seem like very exquisite instrument, was placed before airplane. 海克佐德顺着对方的目光望去,只见一台看上去十分精妙的器械,被摆放在铁鸟头前。
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