RTW :: Volume #14

#1324: New dream

Scroll in a big way holds one to fold material to be on castle three, met before the office has been hitting Nightingale that the yawn was about to leave. 书卷捧着一大叠资料登上城堡三层,在办公室前遇上了正打着哈欠准备离开的夜莺 „Haven't you rested?” The latter stops the footsteps, was astonished to select the eyebrow. “你还没睡吗?”后者停下脚步,讶异地挑了挑眉。 Probably was old, recently always could not fall asleep.” Scroll is smiling shaking the head, Your Majesty, has he rested?” “大概是年纪大了,最近总睡不着。”书卷微笑着摇摇头,“陛下呢,他已经睡了么?” Yeah, before a half hour, he returned to the bedroom.” ,半个小时之前他就回卧室了。” „Do you also treat in office?” She covers the mouth saying that should not be will be stealing food the Your Majesty's between-meal snack?” “那你还待在办公室里?”她掩嘴道,“该不会是在偷吃陛下的零食吧?” „...... Aha,” Nightingale stares first slightly, afterward coughs two, right, I have eaten his fragrance spicy good shredded meat, but also has drunk two Chaos Drink secretly, do not tell Your Majesty.” “呃……啊哈哈,”夜莺先是微微一愣,随后咳嗽两声,“没错,我吃了他的香辣牛肉丝,还偷喝了两口混沌饮料,你可别告诉陛下啊。” Was startled this feedback to Scroll. 这回轮到书卷怔住了。 How this was...... Unexpectedly returns so simple. So long as beforehand Nightingale were not caught at the scene, but will never acknowledge. 她这是怎么了……居然回得如此干脆。以前的夜莺只要不被当场抓到,可是从来不会承认的。 However thinks oneself and Wendy also frequently touches her drink, Scroll a short time does not know that should meet any good. 不过一想到自己和温蒂也经常摸走她的饮料,书卷一时半会不知道该接啥好。 That, I rested...... Nightingale to put aside the line of sight first, walked toward two buildings, do not boil are too late, I listened to Roland saying that the sequela that an age bigger sleep was insufficient was also bigger.” She is under the staircase to begin supinely, good night.” “那个,我先去睡了……”夜莺撇开视线,朝二楼走去,“你也别熬太晚,我听罗兰说,年纪越大睡眠不足的后遗症也越大。”她在楼梯下方仰起头,“晚安。” „...... Good night.” Scroll somewhat inexplicable returned to sentence, turned around to enter the office. “……晚安。”书卷有些莫名的回了句,转身走进了办公室。 Although the flame of fireplace has been put out, but the heater residual heat , the air as if was also still remaining some light odd/surplus fragrant. It seems like Nightingale treated here had good long a while. 尽管壁炉的火焰已熄灭,但暖气的余温仍在,空气中似乎还残留着些淡淡余香。看来夜莺在这里待了有好长一会儿了。 No longer thinks, the Scroll skilled opening book shelf, puts in the classification to put in the processing column the material in hand, then took the material that Your Majesty answered pending. 不再多想,书卷熟练的打开书柜,将手中的资料放入分类放入处理栏中,接着又将陛下待解答的资料取了出来。 That is strings of extremely long formulas, looks from the handwriting already has Roland, there is Anna and Celine. One of her routine work then takes to Arithmetic Institute these materials, making that crowd of astrologer calculate the answer, hands over by Centrical Carrier again checks. 那都是一串串极长的计算式,从字迹上看既有罗兰的,也有安娜赛琳的。她的日常工作之一便是将这些资料带给算术院,让那群占星家去计算答案,再交由中枢载体进行核对。 Looked from the writing description only, these things should be related with the Your Majesty's new experiment. She is not completely clear, why only cost-effective calculates in the paper, can determine the plant bulk that never has the person to see, has not even been able to imagine. As if these on paper are not the digit, but was outlining the reality, this in her opinion, will not have anything to distinguish with the foreknowledge in the future. 单从文字描述看,这些东西应该跟陛下的新实验有关。只是她完全不明白,为什么只在纸上算来算去,就能确定一个从来没有人见过、甚至无法想象到的装置尺寸。仿佛纸上的那些不是数字,而是在勾勒现实,这在她看来,跟预知未来也没什么区别了。 On seeing the Anna beautiful note, Scroll cannot bear the heart live the sigh, this was born in the Border Town's girl, has arrived at the domain that they have not completely been able to understand. Everybody sits in this office obviously from the beginning, watches these interesting popular science experiments that Your Majesty performs, everyone can insert 1-2 mouths. But now can still follow close on side Your Majesty, actually only remaining Anna people. 每逢看到安娜娟秀的笔记,书卷就忍不住心生感叹,这名出生于边陲镇的女孩,已经走到了一个她们全然无法理解的领域。明明大家一开始都是坐在这间办公室里,观看陛下做的那些有趣科普试验,谁都能插上一两句嘴。而现在仍能紧跟在陛下身边的,却只剩下安娜一人。 However in her heart had not felt that any sentiment of losing, some are only the full prides. 不过她心中并没有感到任何失落之情,有的只是满满的自豪。 Because that is her sisters. 因为那是她的姐妹。 Scroll sits before the Roland desk, as usual opens the material, planned that gets down their memory. Like this even if distributes in the computation to present omission or flaw, she can also discover promptly. 书卷坐到罗兰的办公桌前,像往常一样翻开资料,打算把它们都记忆下来。这样即使分发计算中出现遗漏或缺失,她也能及时发现。 However this time she actually realized the places of some differences. 然而这次她却察觉到了一些异样之处。 My this is...... Vertigo?” “我这是……眼花了吗?” Scroll rubbed the eyes, after discovering some formulas, is fluttering indistinctly strings of characters, as if that is its answer is ordinary. 书卷揉了揉眼睛,发现一些式子后隐约飘动着一串串字符,仿佛那就是它的答案一般。 If this is an inspection examination paper, or the registered permanent address file, that is nothing unusual but actually. Since she has the quick look know-how, often is seeing the document first, can distinguish it from where, as well as with its related all contents. 如果这是一份考核试卷,又或是户口档案,那倒不足为奇。自从她掌握快速查找窍门后,往往在看到文件的第一眼,就能分辨出它来自哪里,以及跟其相关的所有内容。 The issue is, this material she first one sees. 问题在于,这份资料她还是头一回见到。 Significance Scroll that not only these arithmetic represent is unable to understand, „the answer of” in behind fluttering is also perplexed, understands continually is very difficult. 不光那些算术式所代表的意义书卷无法理解,就连在后面飘动的“答案”也不明所以,连看懂都很困难。 Moreover after is not each formula, has similar strange symbol, in the majority of columns was still a blank. 而且并非每一个式子后都有类似的古怪符号,大部分栏目里仍是一片空白。 If stared at these illusory symbols to be long, will also feel intermittent dizzy. 若是盯那些虚无缥缈的符号久了,甚至还会感到阵阵晕眩。 It seems like Nightingale said right, stays up late influential really. Scroll sighed lightly, how recent sleepiness not to be high, resembled the brain to be the same in the high-speed operation throughout. 看来夜莺说得没错,熬夜太多果然有影响。书卷轻叹口气,奈何最近睡意一直不高,就好像大脑始终在高速运转一样。 Or will make Medical Institute bloom the sleeping soundly fern to be good tomorrow, she cannot help but thinks, the side effect of this thing to witch is not big, takes 1-2 times should not to have anything to affect. 要不明天让医疗院开点安眠蕨好了,她不由得想,这东西对女巫的副作用不大,服用一两次应该也没什么影响。 After memory ends all materials reluctantly, Scroll thought suddenly an intense dizzy feeling raids the heart, somewhat is absent-minded including the consciousness. When body cannot help but leans forward, places the pen rack on tabletop also but actually to get down by her slip belt. 勉强记忆完所有资料后,书卷忽然觉得一股强烈的晕眩感袭上心头,连意识都有些恍惚起来。身子不由自主地前倾之际,放在桌面上的笔架也被她失手带倒下去。 This dizzy feeling comes to go quickly, short not to count breaths quickly, she then felt oneself returned to normal, let alone there are any was ill, the train of thought as if also wanted compared with before clearly. 只是这股晕眩感来得快去得也快,短短数息不到,她便感到自己又恢复了正常,别说有任何不适了,思绪似乎比之前还要清晰了许多。 Scroll blinked, confirmed after oneself truly unobstructive, smiled bitterly is bending the waist to pick up the pen rack. 书卷眨了眨眼睛,确认自己确实无碍后,苦笑着弯腰捡起了笔架。 Also in this flash, her whole body such as was killed by lightning. 也就在这一瞬间,她浑身如遭雷殛。 Because of the appearance of floor...... Changed. 因为地板的模样……变了。 The Your Majesty's office is the scene that she will not remember incorrectly absolutely, the floor the pine lumber from Hidden Forest, above is spreading a wool rug, although the outward appearance somewhat is slightly obsolete, but Your Majesty has not replaced throughout. But now the rug of under foot as before is the wool rug, but the floor of distant place actually changed the material quality. 陛下的办公室是她绝对不会记错的场景,地板是来自迷藏森林的松木,上面铺着一层羊毛地毯,虽然外观略有些陈旧,但陛下始终没有更换过。而现在脚下的地毯依旧是羊毛地毯,可远处的地板却改变了材质。 Became the stone material from the wood/blockhead. 从木头成为了石材。 Is this possible? 这怎么可能? Scroll raised head comes cautiously, a heart continues to sinking. 书卷小心翼翼地抬起头来,一颗心持续向下沉去。 Incessantly is the floor, the entire office as if changed, the deck chair that Nightingale often sits vanishes without a trace, what replaces it is a row of ancient iron filing cabinet, at first sight comes up unexpectedly some likely is archive library in administrative hall. 不止是地板,整个办公室仿佛都变了个样,夜莺常坐的躺椅消失得无影无踪,取而代之的是一排古旧的铁质文件柜,乍看上去竟有些像是行政厅中的档案馆 But before her, clearly should be right in the castle! 可她之前分明应该是在城堡里才对! Right, window! 对了,落地窗! That is the Your Majesty most pleasing decoration, is the characteristics of office, so long as looks into the distance outward, can see under the curtain of night Neverwinter City of lights 那是陛下最中意的装饰,也是办公室的特点,只要向外眺望,就能看到夜幕下点点灯火的无冬城 Scroll turns round fiercely, opens the back velvet window curtains. 书卷猛地回身,拉开背后的天鹅绒窗帘。 But reflects pleasant, only then a grey brick wall. 而映入眼中的只有一堵灰色的砖墙。 Without a doubt, here is not the His Majesty The King office that she is familiar with. 毫无疑问,这里已经不是她所熟悉的国王陛下办公室了。 She stood up flustered restlessly, throws to strike to the wall two, the wall has been entirely still then to listen from the calm echo, obviously that was not the illusion, entity that but had. 她慌张不安地站起身来,扑到墙边敲打了两下,墙体纹丝不动从沉稳的回响便能听出,显然那并不是什么幻觉,而是真实存在的实体。 Scroll felt a despair. 书卷感到了一丝绝望。 No matter what who were shifted to completely close strange place suddenly, only feared that will have the intense no use and frail feeling. 任谁被突然转移到一个完全封闭的陌生之地,只怕都会生出强烈的无助与脆弱感。 No...... Her take a deep breath, forcing oneself to be calm. The complete seal is inaccurate, in corner that two rows of filing cabinets clamp, there is a leaf of common iron gate. It and cabinet are almost a color, if carefully did not look that will neglect it very much easily. 不……她深吸了口气,强迫自己镇定下来。完全封闭并不准确,在两排文件柜相夹的墙角处,有一扇不起眼的铁门。它和柜子几乎呈一个颜色,如果不仔细看很容易就会忽略掉它。 This seems the room only exit|to speak. 这似乎是房间唯一的出口。 Where can the iron gate lead to? 铁门会通往哪里? Does outside wait for her is being trap or another wall? 外面等着她的是陷阱还是另一堵墙? Scroll cannot bear think these issues, has gripped the doorknob slowly. 书卷忍住不去想这些问题,缓缓握住了门把。 „” “喀嚓” The iron gate opens accordingly. 铁门应声而开。 A wisp of golden sunlight injected in the room, then silent was broken, the innumerable sounds followed the ice-cold air to well up come in to have the clamoring conversation sound, to have toot toot the whistling sound together, continuous sound of footsteps. Before her, innumerable person lowers the head to hurry along hurriedly, occasionally also some people will sweep 12 to her, in the surface reveal some shocking sentiments. 一缕金色的阳光射入了屋内,接着寂静被打破,无数声响伴随冰冷的空气一同涌了进来有喧哗的交谈声、有嘟嘟的鸣笛声,还有连绵不绝的脚步声。在她面前,数不清的人正匆忙低着头赶路,偶尔也有一些人会向她扫上12眼,面上露出些许惊艳之情。 But after this group of people, just like the mountain general giant tall building continuously, occupied the Scroll complete field of vision. 而这群人之后,一栋栋宛如山一般的巨型高楼此起彼伏,占据了书卷的全部视野。
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