RTW :: Volume #12

#1140: In dreamland world „illegal resident”

In the evening, Roland narrated situation of daytime conference to pillow Anna. 晚上,罗兰向枕边的安娜讲述了一遍白天会议的情况 „...... Considered that God Punishment Bullet intensity and stability, this probably must make special-purpose weapon further adjusts-- seeks balanced in the might and practical application, this point also only then you can achieve. Its first degree is higher than other projects temporarily, I will let Andrea and Agatha fully coordinate your.” “……考虑到神罚子弹的强度和稳定性,这把专用武器或许还要做进一步调整——在威力和实际应用上寻得平衡,这一点也只有你能做到了。它的优先程度暂时高于其他项目,在此期间,我会让安德莉亚爱葛莎全力配合你的。” Total sleep goes well can never complete exactly.” Anna by his shoulder, can process the project that the improvement and frontline of machine tool and internal combustion engine of aircraft component railway rail, in many books records...... I somewhat envied Parsha and Celine they. Although the black fire can also work as hand to use, may be inferior eventually tentacles is like that flexible, the quantity that simultaneously can control is also very limited.” “总觉得手上的活永远也做不完呢。”安娜将头靠在他的肩膀上,“能加工飞机部件的机床、内燃机的改进、前线的铁轨、还有许多书上记载的项目……我都有些羡慕帕莎赛琳她们了。黑火虽然也能当手用,可终究还是不如触须那般灵活,同时能控制的数量也十分有限啊。” That is not good, I do not want to hold a big sarcoma to sleep. Moreover you except for are engineering dept minister, is Greycastle's Queen, often must present before the people.” Roland said with a smile. He knows that Anna is was not complaining, but in shares joyful-- after him since holds the post of Works Minister on own initiative, her appearance was richer, appearance that before other people also no longer is that unemotionally, only has not changed, is that initial earnestness, naturally, I have am helping you look for the appropriate manpower, if all smooth, perhaps the engineering dept will quickly be full.” “那可不行,我才不想抱着一个大肉瘤睡觉。而且你除了是工程部部长,更是灰堡的王后啊,时常要在民众面前亮相的。”罗兰笑道。他知道安娜并不是在抱怨,而是在和他分享快乐——自从主动担任工程部长一职后,她的神采都丰富了许多,在其他人面前也不再是以前那副面无表情的模样,唯一没变的,还是那份最初的认真,“当然,我也有在帮你物色合适的人手,如果一切顺利的话,工程部说不定很快就会充盈起来。” Calculated according to the time, Wonder Objects Society Rex should arrive in the fjord to be right, does not know that as reward «Buoyancy Summary» whether to bring to the attention of these people. Must know that he in most end the picture cake defers to «Seabed 20,000 Miles» comes, regarding has not contacted the science fiction concept accurate inventor, the so great and magnificent tentative plan can be considered as on is best resonance. 按时间来推算,奇物会的雷克斯应该已经到了峡湾才对,就是不知道作为奖励的《浮力综述》能否引起那些人的注意。要知道他在最末尾画的饼可是按照《海底20000里》来的,对于没有接触过科幻小说概念的“准发明家”来说,如此宏大而瑰丽的设想可以算得上是最好的共鸣物了。 Right?” Anna stretched oneself, surrounds him gently, I will be anticipating. However now...... I want other rewards.” “是吗?”安娜伸了个懒腰,轻轻环抱住他,“我会期待着的。不过现在……我想要一些其他奖励。” Person more than one that it seems like today do not reward, Roland at heart was also smiling, caressed her bright and clean back gently. 唔,看来今天要奖励的人还不止一个,罗兰在心里笑了笑,温柔地抚上了她光洁的背脊。 ...... …… After Anna satisfied going off, Roland has also closed both eyes. 安娜满足的睡去后,罗兰也闭上了双眼。 When he opens the eye once more, the ceiling turned into the style of soul building, early morning sunlight is entering the room from a window curtains v60377018 angular bit. 当他再次睁开眼睛时,天花板已变成了灵魂大楼的样式,清晨的阳光正从窗帘一角钻入房间。 Washes and has the breakfast, to deliver Zero to go out, all day for peace is the same. Roland lies in the railing of corridor, the block alley that the bird's eye view under is bustling and filled with people, in a hurry has composed a busy life scene at the back of the student and the old people of footsteps of office worker and morning exercise book bag together, the confusion, is vital. 洗漱、吃早餐、送洁萝出门,一切都和平日一样。罗兰趴在过道的围栏上,俯瞰着下方人头攒动的街区小巷,背着书包的学生、脚步匆匆的上班族与晨练的老人们共同组成了一幅忙碌的生活景象,混乱、却充满活力。 This city seems so is as before gentle, when with enters here appearance no other two to send at first, but he knows, the world already occurred changed-- in the place that the average man cannot see, the strength is changing it, resembled the dreamland to have the self-awareness to be ordinary. 这座城市看上去依旧如此平和,和最初进入这里时的样子别无二致,但他知道,世界已然发生了变化——在常人看不见的地方,有一股力量正在改变着它,就好像梦境拥有了自我意识一般。 Has never seen the memory content, that obsolete red book and as well as in the book are clamping paper, is change the proof. 从未见过的记忆内容、那本老旧的红皮书籍、以及书中夹着的纸条,都是变化的证明。 Since having read «Reason to Exist», Roland was then careful to Rose cafe geographic name, but the network search, are the search of witches one by one street, cannot obtain any clue. In the city altogether has 46 cafes, only has not called Rose. 自从阅读过《存在的理由》一书后,罗兰便对蔷薇咖啡馆这个地名上了心,但无论是网络查找,还是女巫们逐条街的搜寻,都没能得到任何线索。城市里共有46家咖啡馆,唯独没有一家叫蔷薇 He has to consider the possibility of practical joke, may along with the unceasing understanding real world, he discover the content in books even more is hard to neglect, was thinking that the paper also has the profound meaning to get up. 他不是没有考虑过恶作剧的可能,可随着对现实世界的不断了解,他发现书本中的内容越发难以忽略,连带着觉得纸条也别有深意起来。 different type that vanishes thoroughly. 彻底消失的异类 It is not the war that first time erupts into. 不是第一次爆发的战争。 Awakening and corrosion that is unable to stop. 无法中止的觉醒和侵蚀。 All these as if can find the shadow in the real world, especially the discovery of Radiation Race with Matchstick People fight scene, was makes the content in book fill already regarded the feeling. 这一切仿佛都能在现实世界里找到影子,特别是放射族火柴人战斗现场的发现,更是让书中的内容充满了既视感。 Those who most make him be puzzling, the books why a dreamland world creates, can actually correspond with the reality faintly, and similarly has used War of Divine Will this words and expressions. What a pity according to the view of Garcia, the author of this book has not left behind any information, only breach as if only remaining that paper. 最让他百思不得其解的是,为什么一本梦境世界创造出来的书籍,却能和现实隐隐对应,并且同样使用了“神意之战”这个词语。可惜根据嘉西亚的说法,此书的作者没有留下任何信息,唯一的突破口似乎只剩下了那张纸条。 However before finding the Rose cafe, he also can only hide many doubts in bottom of heart. 不过在找到蔷薇咖啡馆前,他也只能将诸多疑惑藏在心底 Returns to the living room to wait till eight points about, outside the room has transmitted rich rhythm knock-- coconut palm and coconut palm coconut palm,” a light twofold, is representing on the corridor nobody's cipher. 回到客厅等到八点左右,屋外传来了富有节奏的敲门声——“梆、梆梆,”一轻两重,正是代表着走廊上没人的暗号。 Roland opens the door hastily, puts in rapper the room. 罗兰连忙打开门,将敲门者放入屋内。 Your Majesty, good morning,” three petite lovable witch lift the elbow to salute to say to him, one of them earliest enters the dreamland world " Dark Curtain " Tongen. 陛下,早上好,”三名娇小可爱的女巫向他抬肘行礼道,其中一人还是最早进入梦境世界的「无光帷幕潼恩 Also is really...... high-school student. Roland cannot bear hold the volume to think, Tongen he is very clear, after having to eliminate she who teammate whereabouts ability awakens, second year then joining Holy Army, when accepted the soul transformation is 28 years old, fight was experienced, was good at using the short sword and dagger and so on weapon is conducted to submerge the combat. But because exquisite, in addition the magic power unique slow fading effect, causing her to seem with ten -year-old young girl anything has not distinguished. 还真是……“高中生”啊。罗兰忍不住扶额想,潼恩他很清楚,拥有消去队友行踪能力的她觉醒后第二年便加入圣佑军,接受灵魂转化时已是28岁,战斗经验丰富,善于使用短刀、匕首之类的武器进行潜入作战。但由于个头小巧,加上魔力特有的缓衰效果,导致她看上去和十来岁的年轻女孩没什么区别。 But other two also similarly so. 而另外两人也同样如此。 In his mind appeared with Celine dialogue-- 他脑海中不禁浮现出了与赛琳的对话—— " Goes to school? Do I remember the God Punishment Witches average ages over 20 years old? According to this age group, school that corresponds is the university, but their state-of-art are most also initially about the high school. If the age does not tally, perhaps has to cause the status expose possibility. " 「上学?我记得神罚女巫的平均年龄都在20岁以上吧?按这个年龄层来说,相对应的学院是大学,但她们的知识水平最多也就初高中左右。如果年纪不相符的话,恐怕有导致身份暴露的可能。」 " This asked you to be able rest assured that if must seem is small, in us many people can satisfy. " 「这点请您放心,若只是要看上去偏小的话,我们之中还是有不少人能满足的。」 From the other two compared with Tongen obviously young, Celine is not exaggerating. 从另两人比潼恩更显年轻来看,赛琳并不是在夸大其词。 Only can say that after he gives the matter of daily making merry Felice, Falti and the others were responsible, over God Punishment Witches the concern has truly been short. After all more than 300 people of teams are divided into dozens groups to take turns alternately, if led by him each time, which also has the time of various collections and memory kind of discipline materials? 只能说他把日常吃喝玩乐之事交给菲丽丝法尔媞等人负责后,对神罚女巫的关注确实少了些。毕竟300多人的队伍分成几十组交替轮换,倘若每次都由他来带队的话,哪还有收集和记忆各类学科资料的时间? In this regard, Roland thinks that own automatic rhythmicity is very high. 在这一点上,罗兰认为自己的自律性还是挺高的。 I called Saint Milan, ability was the stance imitates-- the person, so long as was connected by my magic power, any acted I to imitate perfectly. This is second time comes the dreamland world, but also asked you to advise.” “我叫圣米兰,能力是姿态模仿——只要是被我的魔力连接到的人,任何动作我都能完美模仿出来。这是第二次来梦境世界,还请您多指教。” My name is, the pocket that the ability does not have, simply speaking can put in the stealth of magic power manufacture to wrap the goods....... The use is not quite big, but I will not fall short of Sir Celine commission, as well as Pioneer Society reputation!” “我的名字是朵朵,能力是不存在的口袋,简单来说就是可以将物品放入魔力制造的隐形包裹中。呃……用处是不太大,但我不会辜负赛琳大人的嘱托,以及探秘会名誉的!” They introduced oneself separately. 两人分别自我介绍道。 From the ability, they truly are not the combat witch type, but such witch because of being unable joining Holy Army, usually in other aspect diligently. Ability influence disposition-- this point as if can also in playing cards on three people of groups is verified. 从能力来看,她们确实不属于战斗女巫类型,而这样的女巫因为无法加入圣佑军,通常会在别的方面更加努力。能力影响心性——这一点似乎也能在打牌三人组身上得到印证。 As for Tongen, to protect them probably was elected by Celine, after all in the dreamland world does not have the danger, especially Demonic Fallen more and more present. 至于潼恩,大概是为了保护她们而被赛琳选上的,毕竟梦境世界里并非毫无危险,特别是堕魔者越来越多的如今。 Roland nods, looks to three people, Celine should tell you this time duty. Later you as far as possible little spoke, so long as when the opposite party inquired coordinated my then it will be alright.” 罗兰点点头,望向三人,“赛琳应该已经将这次的任务告诉你们了。待会你们尽可能少说话,只要在对方询问的时候配合我就行。” Yes, Your Majesty.” “是,陛下。” After age problem solve, then must face is how illegal resident to go to school this difficult problem. 年龄问题解决后,接下来要面对的便是“黑户如何上学”这一难题。 In fact not only goes to school, the Taqila witches status incident has been puzzling Roland, he exits to take by force Demonic Fallen to each time covertly, will elect in as far as possible not the remarkable night. 事实上不光是上学,塔其拉女巫们的身份一事一直困扰着罗兰,以至于他每次出去打劫堕魔者都得偷偷摸摸,选在尽量不会惹人注意的深夜。 If not for is capable of witch making shield, the warehouse that always some different people pass in and out only feared already expose in the warm pony roll community people eyes. 若不是有女巫的能力做掩护,那个总有不同人进出的仓库只怕早就暴露在了热情的筒子小区民众眼中。 Thinks it over, only then a person solution this issue that might get it over and done. 想来想去,也只有一人有可能一劳永逸的解决这个问题了。 Roland puts out the telephone, has dialed the Garcia number. 罗兰拿出电话,拨通了嘉西亚的号码。
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