RTW :: Volume #12

#1134: Crashes into the deep sea

-------------------- “呜———————————————————— H.M.S. Snow Wind has also sounded vigorous whistle in this time. 雪风号也在此时拉响了浑厚的汽笛 That is the signal of setting sail. 那是启航的信号。 In the garrison the four sea boat raising sails of platoon guide, are separated from the fleet. 纵队里排头的四艘海船跟着升起风帆,从船队中脱离出来。 Crescent Moon Bay, Sunset Island, Shallow Water Town and Twin Dragon Islands...... The ships of four big chambers of commerce tag along after H.M.S. Snow Wind, sails to the Hidden Shadow sea area slowly. 弦月湾落日岛浅水城双龙岛……四大商会的船只尾随于雪风号之后,缓缓驶向幽影海域。 The open field of vision gradually becomes slurred, the sunlight is also dim, about the kilometer distance, actually likely entered an entirely different world obviously. 原本开阔的视野逐渐变得模糊不清,阳光也黯淡下来,明明不过千米左右的距离,却像是进入了一个截然不同的世界。 When everywhere mist covers the deck, Camila felt that the vibration of hull vanished. 当漫天的水雾笼罩甲板时,卡密拉感到船身的震动消失了。 Occurred...... What matter?” “发生了……什么事?” Do not be worried, the power unit stopped transfers.” Margery saw her doubts likely, here navigates most important knack is slow, if were the boat said fortunately, the steamship the speed of dependence water slope glide was sufficient. You look at following-- “别担心,动力装置停转了而已。”玛格丽像是看出了她的疑惑,“在这里航行最重要的诀窍就是慢,如果是小船还好说,大船的话依靠水坡滑行的速度就够用了。你看后面—— Camila looks in the direction that she refers, just also rose the chamber of commerce sea boat of sail also to lower half sail . Moreover the facing also mutual interferences of some sail surface, this in the normal navigation had decided that is scene that cannot see. 卡密拉朝着她指的方向望去,刚刚还升着风帆的商会海船也都降下了半帆,而且有些帆面的朝向还互相抵触,这在正常航行中决计是看不到的场景。 Moreover around each ship has built a brazier of flaming combustion, to be used to indicate own position, but even so, she also can only see the trails of two sea boats, the third outline has been hidden in the fog completely, the weak flame is similar to flashes on and off the uncertain glow, but the fourth sea boat looked like vanished thoroughly generally. 另外每艘船前后都架起了一个熊熊燃烧的火盆,以用来标示自己的位置,不过即使如此,她也只能看到两艘海船的踪迹,第三艘的轮廓已全部隐没于雾中,微弱的火光如同明灭不定的萤火,而第四艘海船则像彻底消失了一般。 „Are we in the downhill?” Some Camila suspicions asked. Treats in Sleeping Island after a period of time, she also no longer knows nothing about the sea, when sea water absorb these caverns or crevasses when surges upward, the water surface will then present bunch of eddy currents, small points at thick or thin, big may reach several meter/rice. But no matter how, the sea water will gather to the rotating core from all around, more is approaches the end point to be then quicker. “我们正在下坡?”卡密拉有些怀疑地问道。在沉睡岛待过一段时间后,她对大海也不再是一无所知,当高涨的海水吞没那些洞窟或裂隙时,水面便会出现一团团漩涡,小的不过手指粗细,大的则可达数米。但不管如何,海水都会从四周向涡心汇聚,越是靠近终点便越快。 She thinks before is the sea is extremely open and spacious, has no way the obvious feeling the change of ocean current, but this moment fleet entered the Hidden Shadow sea area deep place, the water surface so was still tranquil somewhat cannot be justified. 她之前以为是大海太过旷阔,才没法明显的感觉到洋流的变化,可此刻船队已经进入了幽影海域深处,水面依然如此平静就有些说不过去了。 Even, she noticed that the float is fluttering to the sea area in the aquatic algae! 甚至,她看到漂浮于水上的藻类正在向海域外飘动! This means that the ocean current the direction simply has not had the change, let alone gathered to the base of slope, the sign that turns head continually does not have-- at least in this region is so! 这意味着洋流的方向根本没有发生过改变,别说向坡底汇聚了,连回头的迹象都没有——至少在这一块区域是如此! „It seems indeed inconceivable, but fact is this,” Margery nods, „, if the ebb tide is a giant vortex creates, we will not have the idea of exploration. Because can affect the vortex of entire sea, only feared that is profounder than the hell abyss, intrudes inevitably is the dead end. Because it is so unusual, Thunder hopes that can find out.” Her paused, looks to staring at the sea lost fine jade, „not excellent ability has the limit finally, wants to submerge the seabed is almost the impossible matter, is your help, made us see the hope.” “看上去的确不可思议,但事实就是这样,”玛格丽点点头,“如果落潮是一个巨大的漩涡造成的,我们根本不会有探索的想法。因为能影响到整个大海的漩涡,只怕比地狱深渊还深邃,闯入其中必然是死路一条。正是因为它如此奇特,雷霆才希望能一探究竟。”她顿了顿,看向凝视着大海出神的琼,“不过人的能力终有极限,想要潜入海底几乎是不可能的事情,正是你们的帮助,才让我们看到了希望。” be that as it may, but this place surface also was too rather strange, Camila was looking at all around wet stone pillar and reef, somewhat was scared at heart faintly-- great distance near good, at least can see the solid physique, the shadow that the reef only remaining depths of these distant places varied, is simply common with the devil claw that in the nightmare stretched out. 话虽如此,可这地方面未免也太诡异了点,卡密拉望着四周湿漉漉的石柱与岛礁,心里隐隐有些发毛——相隔较近的还好,至少能看到实实在在的形体,那些远处的礁石则只剩下一道道深浅不一的黑影,简直就跟噩梦中伸出的鬼爪一般。 a! Fish! Red fish!” Hainan shouts suddenly. “吖!鱼!红色的鱼!”琼忽然嚷道。 Camila is excessive, sees only one bright red rivers present in the H.M.S. Snow Wind right string suddenly locate-- to be informed by Thunder freely beforehand, when witnessing she still felt heartfelt shock. 卡密拉偏过头去,只见一条鲜红的“河流”骤然出现在雪风号右弦处——尽管事先已被雷霆告知过,但亲眼目睹时她依然感到了由衷的震撼。 " Ghost Shadow Red River. " 鬼影红河。」 The special route that is constituted by the school of fish! 一条由鱼群构成的特殊航道! Do not smack the lips, the scarlet scale fish is not delicious.” Margery has tapped the head of fine jade, „, so long as goes forward following Ghost Shadow Red River, can arrive in triangle high tower ruins-- Your Highness Tilly should with you to mention, the ruins interior has one to be similar to the telescope same strange instrument, can see a piece has never seen broad mainland, that is also the ultimate objectives of this navigation.” “别咂嘴了,赤鳞鱼并不好吃。”玛格丽拍了拍琼的脑袋,“只要循着鬼影红河前进,就能抵达三角高塔遗迹——提莉殿下应该跟你提到过,遗迹内部有着一个类似于瞭望镜一样的古怪仪器,能看到一片从未见过的广阔大陆,那也是我们此次航行的最终目标。” She indeed has said with me.” “她的确和我说过。” Was a pity our present destinations with ancient ruins irrelevant, otherwise you can personally under the feeling that ruins grand and marvelous.” Female merchant regret said all. “可惜我们现在的目的地跟古代遗迹无关,不然你就能亲自感受下那座遗迹的雄伟与奇妙了。”女商人无不遗憾道。 No...... I exempted.” The Camila fruit blocks the way, if possible, she hopes do not visit this sea area. “不……我还是免了。”卡密拉果断道,如果可以的话,她希望再也不要踏足这片海域。 Your response and your highness also are really clearly opposite.” Margery covers the mouth to say with a smile. “你的反应和殿下还真是截然相反呢。”玛格丽掩嘴笑道。 Probably slowly navigated about a double-hour, H.M.S. Snow Wind anchors near a big reef, then after is four big chambers of commerce the three mast sea boat-- and other fleets of moored, all heads gather in the deck of flagship. 大约缓缓航行了一个时辰左右,雪风号在一块较大的岛礁边停靠下来,接着是四大商会的三桅海船——等船队下锚后,各方负责人都聚集到了旗舰的甲板上。 Unexpectedly many,” the H.M.S. Snow Wind adjutant curls the lip saying that I also think which reef the ship you will drive, then crying is finding the person to help.” “居然一个不少啊,”雪风号的副官撇嘴道,“我还以为你们会把船开上哪块礁石,然后哭喊着找人帮忙呢。” Outstanding captain and sailor are not only then you have.” The people of four big chambers of commerce naturally cannot treat as have not heard, steel iron ship good is good, but the person on ship may not be uncertain.” “优秀的船长和水手可不是只有你们才有。”四大商会的人自然不会当作没有听到,“钢铁船好是好,但船上的人可就不一定了。” Was good!” The appearance of Thunder has interrupted dispute promptly, can arrive smoothly is the best result, what danger on the road has not encountered?” “行了!”雷霆的出现及时中断了争执,“能顺利抵达就已是最好的结果,路上没有遇到什么危险吧?” No,” chamber of commerce heads said, this time especially seems to be peaceful, has not bumped into including sea ghost.” “没有,”商会负责人纷纷道,“这次似乎格外安静,连一只海鬼都没碰上。” I also think strange, usually will always have such 1-2 bad luck eggs to be drawn in the water by sea ghost.” “我也觉得奇怪,平时总有那么一两个倒霉蛋会被海鬼拖进水里来着。” Said route that we choose has avoided ancient ruins, but do these monsters like treating as the lair ruins?” “还是说我们选择的航线避开了古代遗迹,而那些怪物更喜欢把遗迹当作巢穴?” Sounds that a truth.” “听起来有那么点道理。” Thunder hesitated the moment, waving has made the people peaceful, such being the case, then the matter was not suitable late. The ebb tide continues to at dusk most, therefore should before that the thorough seabed. If not discover, we must before the rising tide leaves, will otherwise be stranded in the archipelago sea area cannot move.” He looks to two witch, Jone, Ms. Camila, then gave you.” 雷霆沉吟了片刻,挥挥手让众人安静下来,“既然如此,那么事不宜迟。退潮最多持续到傍晚时分,所以最好在那之前深入海底。若是毫无发现的话,我们就必须趁着涨潮前离开,否则将会被困在群岛海域中动弹不得。”他望向两名女巫,“琼、卡密拉女士,接下来就交给你们了。” Yā. fine jade nodded earnestly. 吖。”琼认真点了点头。 So long as you can these to shut up.” Camila has swept eye these explorer one ill-humoredly, beforehand stated that when I carry on the mind link needs with total concentration, whom when the time comes blindly cries out to interrupt my words, do not blame me not being heavy!” “只要你能让这些人都闭嘴的话。”卡密拉没好气地扫了眼那些探险家一眼,“事先声明,我进行心灵联通时需要聚精会神,到时候谁瞎叫唤打断我的话,可别怪我不会重来!” After obtaining the guarantee of Thunder, she builds the hand on the shoulder of Hainan, simultaneously closes after an eye-- slight dizziness, her jet black at present appears another picture, the field of vision of that fine jade. 得到雷霆的保证后,她将手搭在琼的肩膀上,同时闭上眼睛——一阵轻微的晕眩过后,她漆黑的眼前浮现出了另一副画面,那正是琼的视野。 " Goes, " Camila was saying at heart, " , if relates is interrupted, or has met any dangerous situation, you immediately turn back, understood? Do not show off power, your friend is still waiting for you to go back. " 「去吧,」卡密拉在心里说道,「如果联系被中断,或是遇到了任何危险情况,你就立刻折返回来,明白了吗?不要逞强,你的朋友还在等着你回去呢。」 Mentioned when friend word, she felt obviously the tremor of opposite party, then the entire spirit becomes firm, " knew a! " 提到朋友这个词时,她明显感到了对方的一丝颤动,接着整个精神都变得坚定起来,「知道了吖!」 Afterward the fine jade leapt backward, plunged into the sea water. 随后琼向后一跃,跳入了海水中。 A cool comfortable feeling has surrounded Camila immediately. 一股清凉舒适之感顿时包围了卡密拉 Whole body weary as if sweeps away. 浑身的疲劳仿佛一扫而空。 However she knows that is only misconception, feels satisfied is not oneself, but was fine jade-- she shared the joy of fine jade. 不过她知道那仅是错觉,感受到惬意的不是自己,而是琼——她分享了琼的快乐。 What kind of?” Thunder asked. “怎么样?”雷霆问道。 At present all smooth, the depth probably about 50 meters,” Camila return saying that sign that these stone pillar as if have not coarsened, including the reef is also...... I have not seen the sea bed or a crest kind of thing, they are separate.” “目前一切顺利,深度大概50米左右,”卡密拉回道,“那些石柱似乎并没有变粗的迹象,连岛礁也是……我没有看到海床或是海底山峰一类的东西,它们都是分开的。” This is her duty--, although the fine jade can in underwater round trip free, actually the thing that will have no way to see accurately indicates, will want to know all that the opposite party will see as far as possible, will only be capable of mind resonance being able to accomplish. 这便是她的任务——虽然琼能在水下来去自如,却没法将看到的东西准确表述出来,想要尽可能知晓对方所看到的一切,唯有心灵共鸣能力才能办到。 Depth surpasses 100...... The ray has the obvious tarnish, but the scene in field of vision is still very clear. stone pillar and reef were still continuing, sign,” Camila has not mumbled in a low voice, damn, they were also too long. Perhaps these seem like likely the reef of island are not the genuine islands, but is......” “深度超过100……光线有明显变暗,但视野里的景象依然很清晰。石柱和岛礁仍在延续,并没有到底的迹象,”卡密拉低声嘟囔道,“见鬼,它们也太长了点吧。或许那些看似像小岛的礁石并不是什么真正的岛屿,而是……” „What is?” Some people asked. “而是什么?”有人问。 She has swallowed a saliva, „, but thicker stone pillar.” 她咽了口唾沫,“而是更粗的石柱罢了。”
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