RTW :: Volume #12

#1104: Edge of (Last Part) Devil

"Ah--! ” Has transmitted suddenly calling out in alarm of Leaf. “啊——!”身后忽然传来了的叶子的惊呼。 Ash has turned head, discovered that passed over gently and swiftly the strong winds of her body not to vanish, although weakened much, but still blows to fly Leaf. 灰烬回过头去,发现掠过她身体的狂风并没有消失,虽然减弱了不少,但依然将叶子吹飞起来。 Simultaneously Magic Chopper also appears behind her. 同时斩魔者也出现在她后方。 This...... How possible? 这……怎么可能? That cyclone clearly is an ability, why doesn't God Punishment Stone have the thorough seal to live in its effect? 那气旋分明是一种能力,为什么神罚之石没有彻底封印住它的效果? Thinks without enough time, Ash pulls out sword to return to cut, toward the neck neck detachment of opposite party. 来不及多想,灰烬抽剑回斩,直朝对方的颈脖劈去。 But the enemy only depended on single-handed then to keep off this to strike, under both junction struck, she saw the blue wave light that on the Devil arm bloomed clearly. 而敌人仅凭单手便挡下了这一击,两者交击之下,她清晰地看到魔鬼手臂上绽放出的蓝色波光。 Magic Chopper has not even looked at her one eyes, but curls up the strong winds once more, blows Leaf to a farther place. 斩魔者甚至没有多看她一眼,而是再次卷起狂风,将叶子吹向更远的地方。 This fellow...... The goal only has Leaf one person! 这家伙……目标只有叶子一人! Ash follows behind to press on step by step in the enemy, but gradually was still spread out, Leaf also attempts to make the counter-attack, but Magic Chopper only then made all her efforts pay the futile effort in waving. The disparity in this level is unable to make up with the will, magic power in entire space flows is stirred scattered about, wants to gather the strength is very difficult to accomplish. 灰烬跟在敌人身后步步紧逼,但依然渐渐被拉开了距离,叶子也尝试过做出反击,可斩魔者只在挥手之间便令她的所有努力付之徒劳。这种层次上的差距根本无法用意志来弥补,整个空间里的魔力流动被搅得七零八落,想要聚集起力量都很难办到。 Is this control of high rank Devil to magic power? Breaks the Leaf ability to display, finds time to repel itself, it as if did to accomplish a task with ease in the-- Ash hand to secrete the thin perspiration, this way, she must unable to overtake match that to be possible the arrival anytime fatal struck. 这就是高阶魔鬼魔力的掌控么?无论是打断叶子的能力施展,还是抽空击退自己,它仿佛都做得游刃有余——灰烬手中泌出了细汗,再这样下去,她就要追不上对手那随时有可能到来的致命一击了。 In this key moment, spiritual instead unprecedented centralism of Ash. 在这关键一刻,灰烬的精神反而前所未有的集中起来。 Is quicker, is quicker! 快些,再快一些! In the two years, she has followed the Taqila's Exceptional training method, the majority of times wear defeated/carrying load weight motion, after taking down, truly can feel change-- these that the body has to attach in the magic power on muscle and skeleton are even more huge, are moistening each corner of body unceasingly, she even has to plant them to substitute for the flesh little misconception. 这两年来,她一直遵循塔其拉的超凡训练法,大部分时候都戴着负重块行动,取下后确实能感受到身体发生的变化——那些附着在肌肉和骨骼上的魔力愈发庞大,不断滋润着身体的每个角落,她甚至有种它们正在一点点取代血肉的错觉。 But this is insufficient. 但这还不够。 She must result is quicker, can rescue Leaf. 她必须得更快一些,才能救下叶子 As well as...... Protects her person who wants to protect. 以及……保护住她想要保护的人。 Driven by consciousness, magic power starts to condense-- and in the Logia sacred duel toward the both legs, Ash saw an unusual fight skill, concentrates on magic power some spot of body, can make its explosive force and tolerance drastically promotes, this is also the reason that the wolf female can control the body alone change. 在意识的驱动下,魔力开始向着双腿凝聚——洛嘉的神圣决斗中,灰烬看到了一种奇特的战斗技巧,将魔力专注于身体的某个部位时,能令其爆发力和耐受性都大幅提升,这也是狼女能控制肢体单独变化的原因。 Magic Chopper has not placed on the essential target her, enabling her to concentrate on feeling flowing in within the body magic power, but all around torn to pieces background environment made this feeling clearer on the contrary. 斩魔者没有将主要目标放在她身上,使得她能够专注于感受体内魔力的流动,而四周支离破碎的背景环境反倒令这一感受更为清晰。 In the Devil fourth one's old tricks execute again, two people distances draw to about 20 meters, it directly has broken open the vine defense of Leaf, stretches out the sharp claws thorn to her chest front. 就在魔鬼第四次故技重施、将两人的距离拉到20米开外时,它直接破开了叶子的藤蔓防御,伸出利爪刺向她的胸前。 This strikes seems like was difficult to recall-- 这一击看似已再难挽回—— Almost is at the same time, Ash uses the strength counter- tread big tree of whole body! 几乎是同一时间,灰烬用出全身的力气反蹬大树! In an instant, she felt that she caught anything faintly. 刹那间,她感到自己隐隐抓到了什么。 The body as if turns into together Lightning, more than 20 meters distances blink, seems the time stagnation is ordinary. Even without the eye, she can also see to clearly was pedalled the big tree that treads to meet a cruel death, when sprint the gust of wind that brings breaks open the branch, to crush the scene of weed. 身体仿佛化成一道闪电,20多米的距离眨眼而过,好似时间停滞一般。即使不用眼睛,她也能清楚地“看”到被蹬踏的大树粉身碎骨,冲刺时带起的疾风破开枝丫、压倒杂草的景象。 The enemies first time stops footsteps, holds up both hands to come to square to keep off her cutting to strike. 敌人则第一次停下脚步,举起双手来格挡她的斩击。 pang-- bang!” “乓——砰!” Under sweeps away fully, Magic Chopper was hit to fly several meter/rice, after airborne tumbling two, fell the ground steadily. 全力横扫之下,斩魔者被打飞出去数米,空中翻滚两圈后稳稳地落到了地上。 Ash castrates non-stop, grasps falling Leaf, protects her once more in oneself behind. 灰烬去势不停,一把抱住下坠的叶子,再次将她护在自己身后。 Oh? Devil has selected the eyebrow, look that has revealed having a relish unexpectedly. 哦?魔鬼挑了挑眉,竟露出了一丝饶有兴致的神色。 Opens fire!” “开火!” But reinforcements that at this moment, Ash waits for also finally rushed to battle scene-- guarding to leap from the jungle in the God Punishment Witches teams and groups of forest terminal, deducted the shotgun trigger toward the only enemy. The giant bellow resounds through in the forests immediately, the warhead spurts like the raindrop to the goal, but the latter draws support from the tree trunk as the shield, like spirit about dodges, even so, in bark and fragments that in scattering in all directions flies horizontally, on it can also see one once for a while flood blue light. 而此刻,灰烬等待的援军也终于赶到了交战现场——驻守在森林终点站的神罚女巫班组从密林中跃出,朝着唯一的敌人扣下霰弹枪扳机。巨大的轰鸣声顿时响彻林间,弹头如雨点般喷向目标,而后者借助树干作为掩护,像幽灵似的左右闪躲,即使如此,在四散横飞的树皮与碎屑中,它身上也能时不时看到一阵泛起的蓝光。 Farther point place, is the rapid and disorderly sound of footsteps, obviously after God Punishment Witches, First Army also little completion of encirclement. 更远一点的地方,则是急促且杂乱的脚步声,显然在神罚女巫之后,第一军也正在一点点完成合围。 Devil looked at Ash one finally, jumps to jump, the body erupts astonishing magic power fiercely, then the rapid direct impact on, after counting breaths, then vanishes in the boundless curtain of night. 魔鬼最后看了灰烬一眼,纵身跃起,身上猛地爆发出惊人的魔力,接着迅速直冲而上,数息之后便消失在茫茫夜幕中。 Damn,” God Punishment Witches that takes the lead spat one, arrives at the Ash surface first half to squat, I called Alena, you fortunately?” “该死的,”带头的神罚女巫啐了一口,走到灰烬面前半蹲下来,“我叫爱莲娜,你还好吧?” Issue is not big,” Ash looked in a bosom half stupor Leaf, puts out a hand to cancel the bloodstain of her corners of the mouth gently, „, but she needs to treat.” “问题不大,”灰烬看了眼怀中半昏迷的叶子,伸手轻轻抹去她嘴角的血迹,“但是她需要治疗。” Relax,” the Alena comfort said that on road that I receive the frontline notice, Miss Nana and Miss Sunset in catching up.” “放心吧,”爱莲娜安慰道,“我接到前线通知,娜娜瓦小姐和日暮小姐已经在赶来的路上了。” ...... …… Ascendant just fell to the ground, then the first promotion body guard welcomed to come. 晋升者刚落地,便有一名初升体侍卫迎上前来。 Sir Ersluk, this is for breath pot-- that you prepare 厄斯鲁克大人,这是为您准备的呼吸罐—— It has not said, then one was taken away the jar by the opposite party, put the nose place deeply to attract one directly. 它还未说完,便被对方一把夺去罐子,直接放到鼻子处深吸了一口。 Hiss------ “嘶—————— After long-time, Ersluk as if caught one's breath, replaces for me.” 长久之后,厄斯鲁克才仿佛缓过气来,“替我更换吧。” Yes.” “是。” After discharging the slop tank, the guard will have the arm long new pot to insert its back-- fully regarding Ascendant, the breath way of this within the body exchange does not rely on the mail-armor and helmet, will not hinder to move, is more ideal carrying method. 排出废罐后,侍卫将足有手臂长的新罐插入了它的背脊——对于晋升者而言,这种体内交换的呼吸方式不依赖甲胄,也不会妨碍行动,是更为理想的携带手段。 Does not know your trip......” “不知您此行……” Missed little, but this was in itself expected,” Ersluk unemotionally said, after all there was the domain of human, if could not keep off this point, whether I should suspect the Kabladabi really betrayal we.” “差了少许,不过这本身就在预料之中,”厄斯鲁克面无表情地说道,“毕竟那里是人类的地盘,如果连这一点都挡不下来,我就该怀疑卡布拉达比是否真的背叛我们了。” No, they keep off is not genuine you.” The guard loud say/way, breath pot has limited your strength, if in the Birth Tower range, these insects at all is not your match!” “不,他们挡下的并不是真正的您。”侍卫大声道,“呼吸罐限制了您的力量,如果是在诞生之塔的范围内,那些虫子根本不是您的对手!” Actuates magic power to accelerate the consumption of life ephemeral fly, to high rank Ascendant so, considered the ephemeral fly quantity that the round-trip needs, it is equal to wearing the shackles is fighting. 驱动魔力会加速生命蜉蝣的消耗,对高阶晋升者来说更是如此,考虑到往返所需要的蜉蝣量,它相当于戴着镣铐在战斗。 Therefore this time is only arrange/cloth Er, next I will select a fairer place,” Ersluk looks to the forest, „...... The tomb that suits died.” “所以这次只是布饵而已,下一回我会挑一个更公平的地方,”厄斯鲁克望向森林南边,“……一个适合长眠的墓地。” If Vault of Heaven Lord Monarch can support you more,” the guard slightly some indignation did not say, you do not need to select the method of this risk, Taqila's Birth Tower also......” “要是天穹之主大君能支持您更多一些,”侍卫略有些不忿道,“您本不必采用这种冒险的方式,塔其拉的诞生之塔也……” Risk?” Ersluk has interrupted the words of subordinate, I thought but actually very interesting, after all listens to the person to report, might as well experience personally.” It deducts the steel ball that a grain already distorted from the armor, attained has sized up the moment at present carefully, with was the awakened female does not progress, did not have the androgenesis of magic power actually the change, these human were not has no merit to speak of...... If can understand again their some were better.” “冒险?”厄斯鲁克打断了属下的话,“我倒觉得挺有意思的,毕竟听人汇报,远不如亲自体验一番。”它从盔甲上扣下一粒已然变形的钢珠,拿到眼前细细打量了片刻,“同为觉醒者的雌性毫无长进,倒是没有魔力的雄性发生了变化,那些人类也不是一无是处呢……如果能再多了解他们一些就更好了。” The guards had not answered, on the face actually appears the facial expression that wipes is not convinced. 侍卫没有回话,脸上却浮现出一抹不服气的神情。 Ersluk puts in the steel ball bosom with something else in mind, as for main Monarch...... I believe that it certain has made contribution, but the king thinks that has own worry and difficulty, does not have any very indignation. After all we to go to a higher domain, want to touch that sky to fight, not?” 厄斯鲁克不以为然地将钢珠放入怀中,“至于主君嘛……我相信它一定已经尽力过了,只是王想必有着自己的顾虑和难处,没什么好不忿的。毕竟我们都是为了前往更高的领域,想要触及那片天空而战斗,不是么?” You...... What instruction is.” The guards lowered the head. “您……教诲的是。”侍卫低下了头。 Taking " tombstone " retreats, returns to the Taqila's road is very long.” Ersluk flies slowly, changes the Holy City ruins direction, „the present bait under the arrange/cloth, only has then needed to wait for then.” “带上「墓碑」撤退吧,回塔其拉的路还很长。”厄斯鲁克缓缓飞起,转向圣城遗迹方向,“如今诱饵已经布下,接下来只需要等待即可。” Waited for that it contracts-- of that day tightens 等待它收缩勒紧的那一天—— We will say inevitably also goodbye. 我们必然还会再见的。
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