ROTSSG :: Volume #29

#2879: Extreme wealth

System: Congratulates player to obtain Ancient Rock City City Lord Token, player whether must bind this/should City Lord Token, once binds this/should City Lord Token, player will become Ancient Rock City control, obtains Ancient Rock City all jurisdictions. 系统:恭喜玩家获得古岩城城主令,玩家是否要绑定该城主令,一旦绑定该城主令,玩家将成为古岩城的掌控者,获得古岩城所有权限。 Shi Feng regarding this not saying anything further choice binding. 石峰对此二话不说选择绑定。 System: Binds successfully, player will obtain Ancient Rock City all jurisdictions after four hours, in four hours player can not leave a Ancient Rock City radius thousand yards range, if player leaves or is struck to kill, binding cancels automatically, in day is unable to conduct binding. 系统:绑定成功,玩家将在四个小时后获得古岩城所有权限,四个小时内玩家不得离开古岩城半径千码范围,如果玩家离开又或者被击杀,绑定自动取消,一个自然日内无法在进行绑定。 Four hours?” Shi Feng also looks, is slightly surprised, has achieved the Guild main city?” “四个小时?”石峰也看,也是微微惊讶,“已经达到了公会主城吗?” Generally after the Guild city obtains City Lord Token, according to the rank of Guild city, the binding time will also be different, four hours, simply with the Guild main city not different. 一般公会城市获得城主令后,会根据公会城市的级别,绑定时间也会有所不同,四个小时的时间,简直公会主城无异。 Because the city of main city level, the binding time is about between four hours to six hours. 因为主城级的城市,绑定时间也不过四个小时到六个小时之间。 „Does Guild Master, have problems?” Fire Dance detected that Shi Feng strange, asked curiously. 会长,出了什么问题吗?”火舞察觉到石峰奇异,不由好奇问道。 It‘s nothing, but has not thought that this Ancient Rock City is very special.” Shi Feng shot a look at raged Beast Emperor, said with a smile lightly, „must wait in any case here for four hours, we went to that Evil God Secret Realm to look.” “没什么,只是没有想到这古岩城还挺特殊。”石峰瞥了一眼怒火万丈的兽皇,淡淡笑道,“反正还要在这里等四个小时,我们就去那邪神秘境看一看吧。” Black Flame you self-satisfied how long, even if you obtain Ancient Rock City is still useless, that Evil God Secret Realm at all is not the place that you can refer to dyeing, without my method, that Evil God Secret Realm you are wants such as to ascend to heaven difficultly, inside thing your do not want to obtain!” Beast Emperor looks at Shi Feng, in the vision sneers completely, on the contrary I entering the Evil God Secret Realm method give you all enemies, even outside these people in the world, how you visit them helplessly, takes the treasure in Evil God Secret Realm from your here completely!” 黑炎你得意不了多久,就算你得到古岩城也没用,那邪神秘境根本不是你能指染的地方,没有我的手段,那邪神秘境你就是想要进去都难如登天,里面的东西你一个都别想得到!”兽皇看着石峰,目光中满是冷笑,“相反我会把进入邪神秘境的方法交给你所有的敌人,甚至外世界的那些人,你就看着他们怎么眼睁睁,从你这里把邪神秘境中的宝物全部取走!” After obtaining Ancient Rock City, can indeed make Shi Feng resist many influences, but Beast Emperor is clearer a matter, that is outside the influence of the world has regarded eye-sore Zero Wing. 得到了古岩城后,的确可以让石峰抵挡不少势力,但兽皇更清楚一件事情,那就是外世界的势力已经把零翼当成眼中钉。 So long as outside the armies in the world arrive, not solely Star-Moon Kingdom, is Beastman Empire is unable to escape by luck, when the time comes outside the influence of the world will definitely rob Evil God Secret Realm from the Shi Feng hand, but Shi Feng including means not to have. 只要外世界的大军一到,不光是星月王国,就是兽人帝国这边也无法幸免,到时候外世界的势力肯定会从石峰手中抢走邪神秘境,而石峰连一点办法都没有。 However regarding the Beast Emperor words, Shi Feng disregarded directly, leading the Zero Wing people to move toward the station of hand of heart of the Buddha. 不过对于兽皇的话语,石峰是直接无视,带着零翼众人就走向了圣心之手的驻地。 Although entire Ancient Rock City changes into the ruins, the station of hand of heart of the Buddha turns into a stretch of flat land, but Guild Warehouse sets up on underground one and underground two, therefore Guild Warehouse of hand of heart of the Buddha is a matter does not have. 虽然整个古岩城化为废墟,圣心之手的驻地更是变成一片平地,但是公会仓库都设立在地下一层和地下二层,所以圣心之手的公会仓库是一点事情都没有。 Regarding this Shi Feng and the others were only cleaned up simply Tier 3 NPC and Tier 4 NPC that defended the warehouse, opened Guild Warehouse of hand of heart of the Buddha. 对此石峰等人只是简单的清理了一下守备仓库的三阶NPC和一名四阶NPC,就打开了圣心之手的公会仓库 But after opening Guild Warehouse of hand of heart of the Buddha, the Zero Wing people were also the saliva that looked at soon flow. 而在打开圣心之手的公会仓库后,零翼众人也是看的口水都快要流下来了。 In Guild Warehouse of two stadium sizes chocked up various Item(s) fully, is gold coins spreads out on the floor completely, Mana Crystal is ordinary with the hill, in heaps, solely calculates sketchily, gold coins has more than 300 ten thousand gold, Mana Crystal achieves 4 million, deep of accumulation, is not worse than Zero Wing many. 足有两个体育场大小的公会仓库中是摆满了各种物品,完全是金币铺地,魔水晶就跟小山一般,成堆成堆,光是粗略计算一下,金币就有三百多万金,魔水晶更是达到四百万颗,积累之深厚,并不比零翼差多少。 Got rich! Guild Master we got rich!” Fire Dance looks at the entire warehouse, cannot bear the exciting say/way, I also worried Guild expands suddenly, the constructions of various Big Guild cities need various level up transformations, gold coins and Mana Crystal somewhat are intense, now had these gold coins and Mana Crystal, then did not need to be worried completely.” “发财了!会长我们发财了!”火舞看着整个仓库,忍不住兴奋道,“原本我还担心公会突然扩张,各大公会城市的建筑都需要各种升级改造,金币魔水晶都有些紧张,现在有了这些金币魔水晶,这下完全不用担心了。” Zero Wing City opening indeed was Zero Wing brought many income, but compared the Zero Wing's expenditure, was somewhat insufficient, this was also the matter that Fire Dance managed some Zero Wing continuously headaches. 零翼城开放的确为零翼带来了很多收入,但相比零翼的花费,还是有些不够,这也是火舞管理零翼一直有些头疼的事情。 Because Zero Wing City's opens, solely Zero Wing City to keep the peace, has to recruit lots of NPC guards, makes 30,000 arrange as far as possible full up. 因为零翼城的开放,光是零翼城为了维持治安,就不得不招收大量NPC卫兵,尽量让三万名额满编。 Zero Wing City is the main city, various aspect treatments can be lower, but recruits Level 150 above Tier 3 NPC, that expenditure is not low, solely maintains daily expenses this point, day of almost one Tier 3 NPC takes five gold coins. 零翼城是主城,各方面待遇可以低一些,但招收一位150级以上的三阶NPC,那花费可是不低,光是维持日常开销这一点,一天差不多一名三阶NPC就要五枚金币 Arranges 30,000 Tier 3 NPC completely, that is 150,000 gold coins. 满编三万名三阶NPC,那就是十五万枚金币 Right, one day is 150,000 gold coins expenses! 没错,一天就是十五万枚金币的开销! At this time also not these NPC weapon equipment, does not add these Tier 4 NPC expenses, is only pure Tier 3 NPC. 此时还不加那些NPC的武器装备,也不加那些四阶NPC的费用,只是单纯的三阶NPC而已。 Therefore after Zero Wing City opens, the Zero Wing's expense is to soar, gold coins that before kept in stock was not much left radically. 所以说在零翼城开启后,零翼的花销是直线上升,之前库存的金币根本所剩无几。 However is now good, one were many more than 300 ten thousand gold, the Zero Wing's warehouse had to enrich much. 不过现在好了,一下多了三百多万金,零翼的仓库有充实了不少。 Looks at happy Fire Dance, Shi Feng also bears had not told a Fire Dance matter, after that is, constructs Ancient Rock City, perhaps these money must spend to go out completely, even may add...... 看着高兴的火舞,石峰也忍住了没有告诉火舞一件事情,那就是之后建造古岩城,恐怕这些钱还是要全部花出去,甚至可能还要添更多…… Guild Master, you quick, this is Seven Luminaries Crystal Stone!” Blackie opens one one person to come high huge treasure chest, two eyes shining saying, this quantity had 50,000 units fully above, simply were more than our Zero Wing's stock.” 会长,你快来看,这是七曜晶石!”黑子打开一个一人来高的巨大宝箱,不由双眼发亮的说道,“这数量足有五万单位以上了,简直比我们零翼的库存都要多。” Before Shi Feng leaves, Blackie received Quest that collects Seven Luminaries Crystal Stone massively, therefore to Seven Luminaries Crystal Stone is specially careful, to the Seven Luminaries Crystal Stone quantity of present Zero Wing stock also 30,000 units, this is because monopolizes polar ice Grand Canyon, otherwise gets so far as not so many Seven Luminaries Crystal Stone radically. 石峰离开之前,黑子就接过了大量收集七曜晶石任务,所以对七曜晶石是特别上心,到现在零翼库存的七曜晶石数量也不过才三万单位而已,这还是因为独占极冰大峡谷,要不然根本弄到不如此多的七曜晶石 But in the warehouse of hand of heart of the Buddha, Seven Luminaries Crystal Stone of 50,000 units, got rich absolutely. 可是圣心之手的仓库中,一下就有五万单位的七曜晶石,绝对是发大财了。 That is anything, Blackie you look at me, me will make you know that anything is the wealth!” Before Cola of distant place referred , the pile becomes several hills treasure chest, in my here treasure chest may all be the Epic Level above material, the rough estimate has over 300,000, the Lesser Legendary Level material is achieves more than 20,000, Legendary Level material more than 3000.” “那算什么,黑子你过来看我这边,我这边才会让你知道什么是财富!”远处的可乐指了指身前堆成几座小山的宝箱,“我这边的宝箱里可全都是史诗级以上的材料,粗略估计都有三十万件以上,亚传说级材料更是达到两万多件,传说级材料三千多件。” As soon as the people listen, even Shi Feng on the scene gawked. 众人一听,就算是在场的石峰都愣了一下。 Kingdom treasure house perhaps also no more than so! 王国宝库恐怕也不过如此了吧! Even can say that Common Kingdom cannot reach this level, at least is also Advanced Kingdom can have so many Rare Material. 甚至可以说普通王国都达不到这个水平,至少也是高等王国才能有如此多的稀有材料 But Beast Emperor that tied up together is the complexion is pale, two eyes blood red. 而一起被绑来的兽皇却是脸色铁青,双眼血红。 These materials are he model the army to occupy each and everyone Kingdom through the Saint, ruins many NPC cities, thing that accumulates with great difficulty little, now unexpectedly completely cheap Zero Wing...... 这些材料都是他通过圣塑大军占下一个个王国,毁掉诸多NPC城市,才好不容易一点点攒下来的东西,现在竟然全部便宜零翼了…… Afterward Shi Feng the crabbing warehouse gives Blackie, prepares to transport to the Zero Wing City's warehouse these things, but Shi Feng led Fire Dance and the others to come to an underground two secret room. 随后石峰就把仓库的整理工作交给黑子,准备把这些东西全部运往零翼城的仓库,而石峰则是带着火舞等人来到了地下二层的一间密室。 Although this secret room is not big, only then a basketball court size, but the secret room central jet black gate makes Fire Dance on the scene and the others feel an unprecedented constriction, even if body of completion Fire Dance such magic power achieves over 110% expert, after entering the secret room felt that every time walks one difficultly step incomparable, after stepping onto 34 steps, can say that even the foot stepped, Common Tier 4 profession came in motionless, perhaps wanted each and everyone to dig up on the ground, is unable to go forward one step...... 这间密室虽然不大,只有一个篮球场大小,但是密室中央的漆黑之门却让在场的火舞等人感到一股前所未有的压迫感,就算是火舞这样魔力之躯完成度达到110%以上的高手,在进入密室后都感到每走一步都艰难无比,走上三四步后,可以说连脚都迈不动了一下,普通四阶职业进来,恐怕都要一个个扒在地上,根本无法前进一步…… hahaha, I have said that depends on your these people, do not want to refer to dyeing Evil God Secret Realm.” Beast Emperor looks at action Hard Fire Dance and the others, immediately looked laughs to say to Shi Feng, „, even if Black Flame you are Tier 5 are still the same, does not have the special method, entering do not want to go in!” 哈哈哈,我早就说过,就凭你们这些人,根本别想指染邪神秘境。”兽皇看着行动困难火舞等人,随即看向石峰不由大笑道,“就算黑炎你是五阶也一样,没有特殊手段,你们连进都别想进去!” Regarding Evil God Secret Realm this thing, let alone peak Tier 4 expert, Evil God follower who even if actually he receives the divine protection like this, reaching the Tier 4 peak is still very difficult to enter. 对于邪神秘境这东西,别说巅峰四阶高手,其实就算是他这样受到加护的邪神信徒,达到四阶巅峰也很难进入。 Why this is he is also assured Shi Feng, even if knows reason that Evil God Secret Realm, does not have the means with Evil God Secret Realm. 这也是他为什么笃定石峰就算知道了邪神秘境,也拿邪神秘境没有办法的原因。 Right?” “是吗?” Shi Feng looks at Beast Emperor that laughed, treadonned into the secret room. 石峰看了看大笑的兽皇,不由一只脚踏入了密室中。 If to this book some character to divulge to an outsider, or in the God's Domain world other accidents is interested, can add the w public x th day to transport the old cat, can see the content and small painted eggshell that in some books is unable to show. 如果对本书一些人物外传,或者神域世界里其他事故感兴趣,可以加w公众x号天运老猫,就可以看到一些书中无法展现的内容和小彩蛋。
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