ROTSSG :: Volume #29

#2871: Tier 5 profession?

Died?” “死了?” Because in the hall Situ Qingtian and scarlet Yang Milky Way two people deaths, presented everyone to look to stay suddenly, each and everyone cannot believe that completely this was real. 大厅中因为司徒擎天和赤阳天河两人的死亡,一时间在场所有人都看呆了,一个个完全不敢相信这是真的。 Especially Cold Shadow and at the back of the Broadsword long hair young fellow on the scene, seemed like decided the body generally, motionless, but looks to fall on two people of ground. 尤其是在场的寒光诗影和背着大剑的长发小伙,就好像是被定身了一般,一动不动,只是看着倒在地上的两人。 This is how possible!” “这怎么可能!” „Does Instructor link unexpectedly strikes cannot block?” 教练竟然连一击都挡不住吗?” Compared to present others, Cold Shadow and at the back of the Broadsword long hair young fellow are very clear Situ Qingtian and scarlet Yang Milky Way two people strengths. 相比在场其他人,寒光诗影和背着大剑的长发小伙可是很清楚司徒擎天和赤阳天河两人的实力。 First did not say that is close to the fight level above territory boundary, completion of body of pure Basic Attribute(s) and magic power, can absolutely being a worthy opponent high-rank Legendary monster of the same class. 先不说那接近域境之上的战斗水平,单纯基础属性魔力之躯的完成度,绝对可以匹敌同级别的上位传奇怪物。 But is better than two people of monster, including a strength to hit back not to have in the Shi Feng hand unexpectedly, this matter who letter/believes? 可是强如怪物的两人,在石峰手中竟然连一丝还手之力都没有,这种事情谁信? But Yuan Tiexin and Purple Jade of not far away two people are also staring dumbfounded that looks, for a very long time cannot recover from this bringing shock. 而不远处的袁铁心紫琼两人也是看的瞠目结舌,久久不能从这一幕带来的震撼中回过神来。 This thinks that can be a earth-shaking war, even thought that Shi Feng makes some non- wisdom. 本以为会是一场惊天动地的大战,甚至都觉得石峰这么做都有些不智。 The character who after all two are equivalent to the high-rank Legendary monster makes a big row, ruining entire Zero Wing Residence is not the impossible matter, even if really can get rid of two people finally, must pay a big price. 毕竟两个相当于上位传奇怪物的人物大闹起来,毁掉整个零翼驻地也不是不可能的事情,就算最后真能干掉两人,也要付出不小的代价。 But now...... 可是现在…… But compares on the scene looks at the people of Situ Qingtian and scarlet Yang Milky Way, yama Rero actually looks stubbornly before the window serene Shi Feng, in the vision dreads with completely panic-stricken. 而相比在场看着司徒擎天和赤阳天河的众人,冥王雷洛斯却死死看向落地窗前风轻云淡石峰,目光中满是忌惮和惊恐。 Tier 5 Sword Saint?” 五阶剑圣吗?” Although is only the flash, but yama Rero can feel the unprecedented fear from Shi Feng's, that absolutely terrified trembling feeling, not came from the Shi Feng's fearful power and influence purely, more is came from the life instinct one fear. 虽然只是一瞬间而已,但冥王雷洛斯可以从石峰的身上感受到前所未有的恐惧,那种毛骨悚然的颤栗感,并非单纯只是来自石峰的可怕威势,更多是来自生命本能的一种恐惧。 As body of completion magic power quite high Tier 4 profession, facing player of same step, that obviously is the impossible matter. 作为魔力之躯完成度已经相当高的四阶职业来说,面对同阶的玩家,那明显是不可能的事情。 Only possibly is present Shi Feng, no longer is Tier 4 profession. 唯一的可能就是眼前的石峰,已经不再是一位四阶职业 But was promote rise to Tier 5 profession Sword Saint! 而是一位晋升到五阶职业剑圣 Although sat yama Rero from thinking aloud of instinct, but without conducting private chatting, even if the sound were small, regarding Tier 4 profession on the scene, was the purity that listened. 坐着的冥王雷洛斯虽然是发自本能的自言自语,但在没有进行私聊的情况下,哪怕声音再小,对于在场的四阶职业来说,也是听的一清二楚。 Tier 5 Sword Saint?” 五阶剑圣?” Sees only people each and everyone on the scene unable to bear look to Shi Feng, because before Situ Qingtian and scarlet Yang Milky Way two people deaths really extremely shocked, therefore forgot to strike to kill two people exist(ence) Shi Feng, with the stagnation and fear of that flash beforehand Shi Feng brought. 只见在场众人一个个都忍不住看向石峰,之前因为司徒擎天和赤阳天河两人的死实在太过震撼,所以都忘了能击杀两人存在石峰,和之前石峰带来的那一瞬间的停滞和恐惧。 This is how possible! He really promoted Tier 5 unexpectedly!” “这怎么可能!他竟然真的晋升五阶了!” Cold Shadow and at the back of Broadsword long hair young fellow the complexion are gloomy like the water, in the heart full are incredible. 寒光诗影和背着大剑的长发小伙的脸色是阴沉如水,心中满是不可置信。 The hidden that at this time Shi Feng and has no, Tier 5 profession brings the disparity of pressure and life level, at all is not Tier 4 profession to compare. 此时石峰并没有任何的隐藏,五阶职业所带来的的威压和生命层次的差距,根本不是四阶职业可比。 It looks like in the night, Tier 4 profession just like fire of high-piled firewood general obvious, that Tier 5 profession looks like Sun to be generally dazzling, if not conduct suppression and hidden desirably, thinks that does not discover difficultly. 就像是在黑夜中,四阶职业宛如火堆一般的明显,那五阶职业就像是太阳一般耀眼,如果不进行刻意的压制和隐藏,想不发现都难。 „Is this he does not care about two big Super-Guild energy?” “这就是他不在乎两大超级公会的底气吗?” Yuan Tiexin looks to get rid of Situ Qingtian and scarlet Yang Milky Way, when Shi Feng that but also thinks little of slightly, shock in heart in the extreme, even Purple Jade does not know that suddenly said what was good, the look on face is not able to say complex. 袁铁心看着干掉司徒擎天和赤阳天河,还丝毫不以为意的石峰,心中的震撼时无以复加,甚至就连紫琼一时间都不知道说什么好了,脸上的神色是说不出的复杂。 This thinks that this coming, can look at her these days growth, can catch up with Shi Feng. 本以为这次过来,可以看一看她这段时间的成长,到底能不能追上石峰 Now let alone pursued, both even already not in a level. 现在别说追了,两者甚至都已经不在一个层次。 Tier 5 profession! 五阶职业 The time in this Spiritual God, Tier 5 profession is the God's Domain peak, can make Kingdom have possibility destruction exist(ence), at all is not the monster that present Tier 4 player can resist. 在这神灵不出的时代,五阶职业已经是神域的巅峰,可以让一个王国都有可能毁灭存在,根本不是现在的四阶玩家可以对抗的怪物。 Guild Master!” 会长!” In the hall Fire Dance and the others look at Shi Feng, in the vision is completely also wild with joy and shocks. 大厅中火舞等人看着石峰,目光中也满是狂喜和震撼。 Because this news was too astonishing! 因为这个消息实在太惊人了! If before Zero Wing, must be apprehensive to five big Super-Guild, then present Zero Wing really can not 如果说零翼以前还要对五大超级公会忌惮三分,那么现在的零翼就真的可以不 Cared, after all Tier 5 was too big with the Tier 4 disparity, even if in five big Super-Guild the monster are many, has exist(ence) above territory boundary, still absolutely is not the Tier 5 profession opponent, can mention many dead many. 在乎了,毕竟五阶四阶的差距太大了,就算五大超级公会中怪物很多,更是有域境之上的存在,也绝对不是五阶职业的对手,可以说来多少死多少。 Only if in five big Super-Guild can birth same Tier 5 profession, come many Tier 4 profession to be little significance otherwise. 除非五大超级公会中能诞生同样的五阶职业,要不然来多少四阶职业都没有太大意义。 Because Tier 5 profession can ruin exist(ence) of Guild city with ease, wants to resist Tier 5 profession Strength, can accomplish on the main city level city, if no countermove, how long was the city of main city level cannot insist. 因为五阶职业可是能轻松毁掉一座公会城市的存在,想要抵挡五阶职业力量,也就主城级城市可以办到,而且要是没有对抗手段,就是主城级的城市也坚持不了多久。 After Fire Dance and the others short wild with joy, the Shi Feng's vision also shifted to Cold Shadow and at the back of the Broadsword young fellow on the scene, said lightly: I am only slightly punish to two people today, if your two Big Guild have the next time, do not blame me to visit your two Big Guild headquarters when the time comes personally!” 火舞等人短暂的狂喜之后,石峰的目光也转向了在场寒光诗影和背着大剑的小伙,平淡说道:“我今天对两人只是小惩一下,如果你们两大公会还有下一次,就别怪我到时候亲自去拜会一下你们两大公会的总部!” But regarding the Shi Feng's words, Cold Shadow and at the back of the thought that Broadsword young fellow and the others have not resisted, anything had not said, brought Guild Member(s) to leave the reception room directly, was only left over Underworld Empire and Underworld Empire liangs Big Guild member, calmly looks that two Big Guild people left, in the heart was also five senses mixed Chen. 而对于石峰的话语,寒光诗影和背着大剑的小伙等人也是没有丝毫对抗的念头,什么也没有说,直接带着公会成员离开了会客室,只剩下冥界帝国大公会成员,静静看着两大公会的人离开,心中也是五味杂陈。 If they can also regard Super Organization to treat Zero Wing before, then present Zero Wing, is called God's Domain first Guild is not overrated. 如果说之前他们还能把零翼当成超级势力来对待,那么现在的零翼,称为神域第一公会也不为过。 Not only there is a Tier 5 Sword Saint such God's Domain peak strength, Zero Wing City such God's Domain sacred land, is not five big Super-Guild can compared with on, so long as there is an enough time, becomes matter that God's Domain first Guild is settled. 不仅有五阶剑圣这样的神域巅峰战力,还有零翼城这样的神域圣地,根本不是五大超级公会能比的上的,只要有足够的时间,成为神域第一公会可是板上钉钉的事情。 At this time yama Rero stands suddenly, arrives in front of Shi Feng, said respectfully: Guild Master Black Flame, old man Rero, wants to cooperate with Zero Wing on behalf of Underworld Empire, our Underworld Empire needs are not many, only needs a Zero Wing City Guild temporary station, but our Underworld Empire can be Zero Wing provides various resources and channels in West Continent, will also achieve offensive and defensive alliance with Zero Wing, resists outside player of the world together, how doesn't know under the Guild Master Black Flame intent?” 此时冥王雷洛斯突然站起来,走到石峰面前,恭敬说道:“黑炎会长,老夫雷洛斯,代表冥界帝国想要跟零翼合作,我们冥界帝国所需要的的也不多,只需要零翼城一个公会临时驻地,而我们冥界帝国可以在西大陆零翼提供各种资源和渠道,还会跟零翼达成攻守同盟,一起抵御外世界的玩家,不知道黑炎会长意下如何?” Regarding the Rero such respectful action and sincere condition, on the scene follows the wearing a mask youth and Yuan Tiexin has not been surprised slight. 对于雷洛斯这样恭敬的举动和诚心的条件,在场跟着蒙面青年和袁铁心两人也是没有感到丝毫的意外。 Even if regarding Rero such expert, wants to promote Tier 5 is also an extremely Hard matter, because the promotion of Tier 5 profession are not related with the player fight level, looks at the magic power control degree completely, the understanding Magic Element revolution rule, can construct Tier 5 the body of magic power. 哪怕对于雷洛斯这样的高手,想要晋升五阶也是一件极为困难的事情,因为五阶职业的晋升跟玩家的战斗水平没有丝毫关系,完全看魔力的掌控程度,还有对魔法元素运转规则的了解,能够构建五阶魔力之躯。 Before becoming Tier 5 profession, dares nearby Tier 5 rampant, that courts death. 在没有成为五阶职业之前,敢在五阶跟前嚣张,那就是找死。 Regarding this Yuan Tiexin of not far away also refuses to admit being inferior, put out the corresponding cooperation condition on behalf of Heavenly Secret Pavilion directly, as for the goal also similarly is a Zero Wing's Guild temporary station, only what is different from Underworld Empire, Heavenly Secret Pavilion only meets Guard Zero Wing City and Stone Forest City, will not participate in other fights. 对此不远处的袁铁心也是不甘示弱,直接代表天机阁也拿出了相应的合作条件,至于目标也同样是零翼的一个公会临时驻地,唯一跟冥界帝国不同的是,天机阁只会守护零翼城石林城,不会参加其他战斗。 Ok, I can accept your conditions.” Shi Feng looks at two people conditions, immediately said, I have a condition.” “行,我可以答应你们的条件。”石峰看着两人的条件,随即说道,“不过我也有一个条件。” As soon as Rero listens, is somewhat excited saying: Guild Master Black Flame please say.” 雷洛斯一听,也是有些激动的说道:“黑炎会长请说。” He also thinks Shi Feng is not willing to comply, is thinking unshared Zero Wing City's resources, at present is willing to comply, is absolutely good. 原本他还以为石峰不愿意答应下来,想着独享零翼城的资源,眼下愿意答应,绝对是再好不过。 But Yuan Tiexin also nods. 袁铁心也点了点头。 Shi Feng looked at two people, said with a smile my condition is very simple, complete Guild Inheritance, so long as your two Guild provide Guild Inheritance that completes, the Zero Wing City's temporary station, I can give you now!” 石峰看了看两人,笑着说道“我的条件很简单,完整的公会传承,只要你们两家公会提供完成的公会传承,零翼城的临时驻地,我现在就可以给你们!” At present Zero Wing does not lack to other things temporarily, so long as there is Zero Wing City, the later resources are not the issue, but Zero Wing wants to develop, the pure resources are definitely insufficient, but also needs expert and talent. 目前零翼对其他东西都暂时不缺,只要有零翼城,之后的资源都不是问题,但零翼想要发展,单纯的资源是肯定不够的,还需要高手和人才。 Therefore complete Guild Inheritance is very important, this can Guild expert, grow Control of Domain. 所以完整的公会传承很重要,这样才能公会高手,一直成长到掌握域 Ok, I represented Underworld Empire to comply!” Rero does not have many to hesitate, complied directly. “行,我代表冥界帝国答应了!”雷洛斯也没有多少犹豫,直接答应了下来。 But Yuan Tiexin looked, is clenches teeth saying: Our Heavenly Secret Pavilion does not have the issue.” 袁铁心一看,也是咬了咬牙道:“我们天机阁也没有问题。” Shi Feng one hear, relaxes at heart, after all Guild Inheritance was too important regarding Guild, even if many Guild were extinguished, is willing to hand over Guild Inheritance, immediately nods saying: Good! After that wished our three Big Guild , the cooperation was happy!” 石峰一听,也是心里松了一口气,毕竟公会传承对于公会太重要了,很多公会哪怕被灭了,也愿意交出公会传承,随即点点头道:“好!那就祝我们三大公会之后合作愉快!” Before long Shi Feng signed cooperation Contract with Underworld Empire and Underworld Empire liangs Big Guild, was achieves the Zero Wing development trend to become God's Domain first Guild's an important step thoroughly. 不一会石峰就跟冥界帝国大公会签下了合作契约,算是彻底达成了零翼未来发展成为神域第一公会的重要一步。 But discussed that in Shi Feng and two Big Guild cooperates the shortly after time, related Shi Feng promotes the Tier 5 profession news, Situ Qingtian and scarlet Yang Tianhe in the Zero Wing got rid of news, spread over the God's Domain major influences. 而在石峰和两大公会谈下合作没多久的时间,有关石峰晋升五阶职业的消息,还有司徒擎天和赤阳天河在零翼被干掉的消息,就传遍了神域各大势力。 Suddenly, God's Domain vibrates! 一时间,神域震动! If to this book some character to divulge to an outsider, or in the God's Domain world other accidents is interested, can add the w public x th day to transport the old cat, can see the content and small painted eggshell that in some books is unable to show. 如果对本书一些人物外传,或者神域世界里其他事故感兴趣,可以加w公众x号天运老猫,就可以看到一些书中无法展现的内容和小彩蛋。 Chapter 18 第18章 Tier 5 profession?( P. 2 / 2) 五阶职业?(第2/2页)
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