ROTSSG :: Volume #29

#2821: Astonishing movement/mobile fort

As Steel Fortress in midair falls slowly, completely presents in everyone's front. 随着半空中的钢铁要塞缓缓落下,完全呈现在所有人的面前。 The audience are also a silence. 全场也是一片的寂静。 Sees only one to cover several thousand yards range, has over a hundred meters steel mountain range high, fell from the ground high more than ten meters place, seemed like an islands monster of deep sleep to be the same, the aura of steel headed on, even inspiring magic power, making surrounding over ten thousand yards surrounding areas magic power gather. 只见一座覆盖几千码范围,高有上百米的钢铁山脉,落在了距离地面高十多米的地方,就好像是一只沉睡的岛屿怪物一般,钢铁的气息是扑面而来,甚至引动的魔力,让周围上万码方圆的魔力都汇聚过来。 Even if is also distanced at this time several hundred yards distance, can feel that rich magic power flowing clearly. 哪怕此时还相距数百码的距离,都能清楚感受到那浓郁的魔力流动。 But the eye that the people on the scene, each and everyone look at soon stared, even has seen Flying Shadow of many big world silly at the scene, crossed in the impact that shocked from this to recover for a long time. 而在场的众人,一个个看的眼睛都快要瞪出来了,就算是见过不少大世面的飞影傻傻的愣在当场,过了好久才从这震撼的冲击中回过神来。 City In The Sky?” 天空之城?” „It is not right! This is a fort! Moreover can movement/mobile Sky Fortress!” “不对!这是要塞!而且还是能移动天空要塞!” Sky Fortress? I am certainly having a dream!” 天空要塞?我一定是在做梦!” ...... …… After short silence, the audience people also exploded, looks at the present steel islands, has excitedly, has incredible, to have crazy, particularly Crimson Emperor and War Spirit Uprise member, looks at Zero Wing's member, in the each and everyone vision envies awfully. 随着短暂的寂静之后,全场众人也是炸了,看着眼前的钢铁岛屿,有激动、有不可置信、有疯狂,尤其是赤帝战魂不落成员,看着零翼的成员,一个个目光中羡慕的要命。 Entire God's Domain just like a real world, even has become the important part in people life, in scenery that the real world many cannot see, many fantasies, can 11 see in God's Domain, moreover waits for them to go, to explore to the present God's Domain also many maps and unknown sceneries open, discovered. 整个神域宛如一个真实的世界,甚至已经成了众人生活中的重要部分,在现实世界诸多见不到的风景,还有诸多幻想,在神域里都可以一一见到,而且到现在神域还有诸多地图和未知的风景等待他们去开阔、去探索、去发现。 In the so happy world, people have oneself dream. 在如此美好的世界里,人们都有自己的梦想。 Perhaps and biggest dream, is hovers in the sky, was only Rare of flight mount this thing too in entire God's Domain, at all was not the thing that Common expert can obtain, even in major Super Organization, flight mount did not have many. 其中最大的梦想,恐怕就莫过于翱翔于天空,只是飞行坐骑这东西在整个神域里太稀有了,根本不是普通高手可以得到的东西,甚至就连各大超级势力中,飞行坐骑也没有多少只。 But at flight mount few present only, Zero Wing had Sky Fortress, how can this not make the people go wild and envy? 可是在飞行坐骑都没有几只的现在,零翼却有了天空要塞,这又怎么能不让众人抓狂和羡慕? Shi Feng looks to shock people, smiles to everyone said: Ok, the jurisdiction I have cleared, you go in completely, High Grade Magic division team with me together.” 石峰看着震撼不已的众人,也是笑了笑对所有人说道:“好了,权限我已经开通,你们都全部进去吧,高级魔法师团队跟我一起。” To be honest, he is also yearns to the movement/mobile fort for a long time. 说实话,他对移动要塞也是向往已久。 On former life he can only look distantly, these Super-Guild guarding in the movement/mobile fort of Level 150 above dangerous map, these movement/mobile fort non- openings to the outside world, the open movement/mobile fort, to the union, others do not want to enter even. 一世他只能遥遥望着,那些超级公会驻守在150级以上危险地图的移动要塞,这些移动要塞可不对外开放,就算是开放的移动要塞,也只是对同盟而已,其他人根本别想进入。 But Zero Wing that now he, he founds, had an own movement/mobile fort finally. 而如今他,他所创建的零翼,也终于有了一座自己的移动要塞。 Sees only falls with the Shi Feng words, could not have repressed the people, each and everyone leapt forward the movement/mobile fort open steel front door, but after stepping into the movement/mobile fort, the people were also shocked again. 只见随着石峰话语落下,早就按捺不住众人,一个个都跃进了移动要塞开放的钢铁大门,而在踏入移动要塞之后,众人也是再一次被震撼到。 Because in the movement/mobile fort with outside, simply is two world is ordinary. 因为在移动要塞里面跟外面,简直就是两个世界一般。 First did not say that internal terrifying magic power rich, to the Magic Element insensitive person, felt at this time Magic Element to them compatible many, at all is not any Guild city can compare. 先不说内部的恐怖魔力浓郁度,就连对魔法元素并不敏感的人,此时感觉魔法元素对他们亲和了不少,根本不是任何一座公会城市可以比拟的。 The most important point was the body different energy dispels speed, simply too terrifying, one hour of effect endured compared with day of slow dissipation speed, so fort simply greatly promoted their practicing level speed, moreover spirituality restore obviously compared to various Big Guild cities to come quickly, almost promoted to have 2-3 times of effects. 最重要一点是身体异能量消解速度,简直恐怖了,一个小时的效果就堪比外界一天缓慢消散的速度,如此要塞简直大大提升了他们的练级速度,而且精神恢复明显比起各大公会城市都要来得快许多,差不多提升了有2-3倍效果。 „! I felt that here rests to train the Magic Skill effect, perhaps had Stone Forest City Battle Room over two times!” “靠!我感觉在这里休息训练魔法技能的效果,恐怕都有石林城战斗室的两倍以上了!” Continues, I felt that here will train the Combat Technique effect perhaps more astonishing, after all Combat Technique will test the control of player to magic power very much, here Magic Element will be so compatible, the control in demon perhaps will also raise big.” “不止,我感觉在这里训练战技的效果恐怕会更惊人,毕竟战技很考验玩家魔力的掌控力,这里魔法元素如此亲和,魔里的掌控力恐怕也提不小。” People after entering the movement/mobile fort, quick understands various potential benefits of movement/mobile fort, the each and everyone vision is flashing the golden light, wished one could to rest for a lifetime here. 众人在进入移动要塞后,很快就明白了移动要塞的各种潜在好处,一个个目光都闪着金光,恨不得一辈子就在这里休息了。 Must know in God's Domain, the rest is also player in the important part of God's Domain life, will occupy over 1/3, even if the battle maniac demon, the relaxation time will at least also occupy about 1/5, particularly in Level 120 above Neutral Map, time not in strange energy corrosion body, even if not want to rest, must rest, will otherwise die. 要知道在神域里面,休息也是玩家神域生活的重要一部分,甚至都会占据三分之一以上的时间,哪怕是战斗狂魔,休息时间至少也会占据五分之一左右,尤其是在120级以上的中立地图,时刻不在的奇异能量侵蚀身躯,就算再不想要休息,也必须休息,要不然就会死。 Therefore the place of player rest was very important, had the good rest area, no matter practiced level speed, was self- promotion speed, will be quicker, particularly their these Common expert, probably these top expert, will spend the high price to go to Empire Imperial Capital directly, or was the Royal City rest. 所以玩家休息的场所很重要,有了好的休息场所,不管是练级速度,还是自我的提升速度,都会快很多,尤其是他们这些普通高手,像是那些顶尖高手,都会花费大价钱直接去帝国帝都,又或者是王城休息。 Because in there, has the outside world absolutely not to have good food Chef, can speed up restore speed not to say sharply, but can also various Additional subt improvement effects, but money of expenditure at all is not Common expert can withstand. 因为在那里,拥有外界绝对没有美食料理,可以大幅加快恢复速度不说,还能附带各种潜移默化的提升效果,只是花费的金钱根本不是普通高手可以承受的。 But Shi Feng after entering the movement/mobile fort, brings the High Grade Magic division team immediately, arrived at core City Lord Mansion of movement/mobile fort directly. 石峰在进入移动要塞后,也是立刻带着高级魔法师团队,直接来到了移动要塞的核心城主府 Shi Feng looks at more than 1000 High Grade Magic masters on the scene, said slowly: „The magic power actuation has all revolved, you must do is every three 100-Man one classes, the value defends in turn here, maintains the normal operation of Magic Array, without issue?” 石峰看着在场一千多名高级魔法师,缓缓说道:“魔力驱动已经全部运转,你们要做的就是每三百人一班,轮流值守在这里,维持魔法阵的正常运转,没有问题吧?” The movement/mobile fort is mainly constituted by Mana Crystal, the revolutions in various aspects also depend upon magic power. 移动要塞主要由魔水晶构成,各方面的运转也都是依靠魔力 Therefore the daily operation also needs many manpower, three 100-Man almost can support the full play of Magic Array, compares Magic Array of Guild city, but must trouble are too many. 所以日常的运行也需要不少人力,三百人差不多可以支撑魔法阵的全力运转,相比公会城市的魔法阵,可是要麻烦太多了。 Mana Crystal that even spends are also much more than Guild city, under the condition of solely normal operation, a day takes 50,000 Mana Crystal, if opens various kinds to attack Defensive Magic Array, this consumption will also turn several times. 甚至就连花费的魔水晶也比公会城市多得多,光是正常运转的状态下,一天就要五万颗魔水晶,要是开启各类攻击防御魔法阵,这个消耗也会翻数倍。 It can be said that Shi Feng now is filthy rich, except constructing various kind of expenses of movement/mobile fort, condenses the Magic Crystal Stone expenditure Mana Crystal, the body also has 5.8 million Mana Crystal, there are from antiquity God's Domain earns massive Mana Crystal chance. 可以说,要不是石峰现在财大气粗,除去建造移动要塞的各类费用,凝聚魔晶石花费的魔水晶,身上还剩下五百八十万颗魔水晶,又有从上古神域赚取大量魔水晶机会 Even if he now made the movement/mobile fort, does not dare to use the movement/mobile fort, because of this consumption too terrifying, Super Organization still can only maintain even reluctantly, after all in God's Domain needs to use the Mana Crystal place is too many. 他现在哪怕造出了移动要塞,也不敢用移动要塞,因为这个消耗实在太恐怖了,就算是超级势力也只能勉强维持而已,毕竟神域里面需要用魔水晶的地方太多了。 Guild Master Black Flame felt relieved, we definitely meet Quest Completed and ensure cannot make these Magic Array have an accident.” Over a thousand High Grade Magic masters on the scene nod to say. 黑炎会长放心,我们肯定会完成任务,保证不会让这些魔法阵出事。”在场上千名高级魔法师都点头道。 Although assigned work that maintains Magic Array, however here advantage is also the naked eye obvious. 虽说分配了维护魔法阵的工作,但是这里的好处也是肉眼可见。 Because magic power rich here also wanted not to say compared with the fort in high, magic power compatible obvious and high planned, this to them, was the excellent rest promotion place, perhaps particularly to their these Magic masters, there is such a improvement environment, the outside world snatches not to snatch. 因为在这里的魔力浓郁度比起要塞内还要高不说,魔力的亲和度明显又高了一筹,这对他们来说,可是绝佳的休息提升场所,尤其是对他们这些魔法师来说,有这样的提升环境,外界恐怕抢都抢不到。 But in the movement/mobile fort does not appear for a half hour, the news of movement/mobile fort seems like winged general, quick spread to the ears of major influences, even appeared at the Twin Towers Kingdom official forum. 而在移动要塞出现没有半个小时的时间,移动要塞的消息就像是长了翅膀一般,很快就传入了各大势力的耳中,甚至在双塔王国的官方论坛上都出现了。 secret tower approximately appears Sky Fortress! 秘约之塔惊现天空要塞 Suddenly entire Twin Towers Kingdom player blasted open! 一时间整个双塔王国玩家都炸裂了!
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