ROTSSG :: Volume #27

#2642: Antiquity Lich drops

Chapter 2642 第2642章 Antiquity Lich drops 上古巫妖掉落 In the altar fell to the ground with antiquity Lich loudly, body also each and everyone of people on the scene emitted the golden light, experience bar was soaring that could not stop, Experience Point(s) the rich far ultra Common high-rank Legendary monster. 祭坛上随着上古巫妖轰然倒地,在场众人的身上也一个个冒出金光,经验条是止不住的飞涨,经验值之丰厚远超普通的上位传奇怪物。 Even Shi Feng's Level also fled directly the critical junction of Level 120. 甚至石峰的等级也是直接窜到了120级的大关。 However compares Experience Point(s) that the people rise crazily, endless magic power that in the altar condenses because also lost the management of antiquity Lich to explode loudly, the magic power impact of terrifying proliferated the entire altar, but these are still attacking Aqua Rose and Midsummer Allure trial monster crazily look like lose the soul to be the same, each and everyone fell to the ground suddenly, as if beforehand crazy was the fantasy is all ordinary. 不过相比众人狂涨的经验值,祭坛上凝聚的无尽魔力也因为失去了上古巫妖的主持轰然爆开,恐怖魔力冲击扩散整个祭坛,而那些还在疯狂攻击水色蔷薇半夏倾城的试炼怪物就像是失去了灵魂一般,一个个突然倒地,仿佛之前的疯狂全是幻想一般。 Won?” “赢了吗?” Aqua Rose looks trial monster that at present cannot fall to the ground completely, in the vision cannot say excited and rejoiced. 水色蔷薇看着眼前全部倒地不起的试炼怪物,目光中是说不出的激动和庆幸。 Although this time they HP has not reduced, however has reached the marginal value on Stamina and spirituality, perhaps only needs in 2-3 minutes, they will fall to the ground because of exhaustion of Stamina and spirituality. 此时的她们虽然生命值并没有怎么减少,但是在体力精神上都已经达到了临界值,恐怕只需要在过2-3分钟的时间,她们就会因为体力精神的耗尽而倒地。 However fortunately, was antiquity Lich first hangs finally. 不过还好,总算是上古巫妖先挂掉。 But in another side Shi Feng and the others because, although struck to kill antiquity Lich to be happy, because presented everyone's Stamina and spirituality has soon reached the limit, in addition antiquity Lich was killed, each and everyone could not bear lay down. 而在另一边的石峰等人虽然因为击杀了上古巫妖感到高兴,但因为在场所有人的体力精神都已经快要达到极限,加上上古巫妖又被干掉,一个个都忍不住的躺倒在地。 Hero Level trial! His unexpectedly really success, this, if made Illusion Myth know, perhaps for this reason will be demented.” Silent Scarlet Star looks to lie down Shi Feng, in the heart is the feeling exclaimed in surprise. 英雄级试炼!他竟然真的成功了,这要是让幻境神话知道了,恐怕都会为此癫狂吧。”沉默赤星看着躺倒在地的石峰,心中是即感慨又惊叹。 The Hero Level trial is Instructor Holding Thunder wanted to delay the time the bait, they have not thought can succeed, after all Illusion Myth united the top expert team that other Super Organization composed to defeat finally, moreover defeated in the Elite Level difficulty. 英雄级试炼原本就是托雷教练想要拖延时间的诱饵,她们根本就没有想过能成功,毕竟幻境神话联合其他超级势力组成的顶尖高手团队最终都败了,而且还是败在精英级的难度上。 Let alone Hero Level difficulty? 何况英雄级难度? Although when coping with antiquity Lich, she has also thought the possibility of having defeating, but makes her understand to the last minute, this is fantasizes. 虽然在对付上古巫妖时,她也想过有击败的可能,不过到最后一刻让她明白,这不过是幻想罢了。 Final antiquity Lich has started a second of person, gets rid of everyone does not take ten seconds, but less than ten seconds wants to cause three four 10 million to select damage, regarding the less than 20 people of teams on the scene, radically is the impossible matter. 最后的上古巫妖已经开始秒人,干掉所有人都不需要十秒的时间,而不到十秒的时间想要造成三四千万伤害,对于在场不到二十人的团队来说,根本是不可能的事情。 But finally no one has thought Shi Feng really achieved, to can also erupt that terrifying damage dealer/output finally, carried off antiquity Lich final that HP forcefully, miracle that completing this was impossible to complete. 但最终谁也没有想到石峰真的做到了,到了最后还能爆发出那种恐怖输出,硬生生带走了上古巫妖最后的那一点生命值,完成了这不可能完成的奇迹。 Guild Master are you all right?” Fire Dance arrives by complexion dark green white like snow Shi Feng, is worried to say very much. 会长你没事吧?”火舞来到脸色苍白如雪的石峰旁,很是担心道。 Although this time Shi Feng HP is also left over much, however the aura of life actually exceptionally weak, in addition the pale complexion, obviously is not simple Stamina or spirituality achieves the result that the limit causes. 此时的石峰虽然生命值还剩下不少,但是生命的气息却异常的虚弱,再加上苍白的脸色,明显不是简单的体力或者精神达到极限导致的结果。 Fortunately, but broke through the spirituality limit forcefully, later perhaps needs the rest some time to recover consciousness.” Shi Feng said with a smile. “还好,只是强行突破了精神的极限,之后恐怕需要休息相当一段时间才能缓过来。”石峰笑着说道。 Although because he long-term usage Light Shadow causes exceptionally weakly, will be in this Weakened State a long time, good deed that the breakthrough of mental limit only happens by happy circumstance to him. 他虽然因为连续使用光影导致异常的虚弱,甚至很长一段时间都会处于这种虚弱状态,不过精神极限的突破对他来说可是可遇而不可求的好事。 Because this breakthrough can make his brain liveness obtain the further promotion. 因为这种突破可以让他的大脑活跃度得到进一步的提升。 However the breakthrough of this mental limit also needs to provide corresponding equipment and Nutrient Solution, will otherwise only create damage to the brain, will not bring any promotion. 不过这种精神极限的突破也需要配备相应的设备营养液,要不然只会给大脑造成伤害,并不会带来任何提升。 But in Shi Feng and Fire Dance are chatting, near the ear also resounded the System prompt sound. 而就在石峰火舞聊着时,耳边也响起了系统提示音。 System: Congratulates player through the Hero Level trial, completion appraises Level S, rewards 500 city of contribution value light casting, obtains the permanent residential jurisdiction. 系统:恭喜玩家通过英雄级试炼,完成度评价S级,奖励500点光铸之城贡献值,获得永久市民权限。 System made a sound continually three, regarding this Aqua Rose and Fire Dance on the scene and the others are perplexed, but Silent Scarlet Star and Desolate Fire Mad Battle two people actually look excitedly exceptionally. 系统一连响了三遍,对此在场的水色蔷薇火舞等人是不明所以,但沉默赤星荒火狂战两人却看得激动异常。 This reward is quite rich! We investigated the city of light casting before, wants to obtain 100 contribution values to need to make at least 78 Quest to collect, 500 contribution values, this can purchase three Tier 3 Magic crystal stones in the city directly, attempted to make completion of Tier 3 Magic Skill break through 100%.” Floats the light stupidly watches the System prompt sound, felt that seems like having a dream to be the same. “这奖励好丰厚!我们之前调查光铸之城,想要获得一百点贡献值都需要做至少七八个任务才能凑齐,五百点贡献值,这都可以直接在城市里面购买三块三阶魔法晶石,尝试让三阶魔法技能的完成度突破100%了吧。”浮光傻傻的看着系统提示音,感觉就像是在做梦一样。 Although the antiquity Secret Realm city of light casting their both Big Guild have not gone, but knows from the acquired information, wanted to gain the city contribution value to be difficult, generally can only gain through Quest, can only meet Quest one time, every day the Quest quantity of city of light casting was limited, therefore wanted to gain massive contribution values to be very difficult to be very difficult. 上古秘境中的光铸之城虽然他们两大公会都还没有进去过,但是从收集到的情报中知道,想要获取城市贡献值非常难,一般只能通过任务获取,一次只能接一个任务,每天光铸之城的任务数量都是有限的,所以想要获取大量的贡献值很难很难。 But the city contribution value is in the city of light casting the only currency, can exchange various Item(s) item or other things. 而城市贡献值就是光铸之城中唯一的货币,可以兑换各种物品道具或者其他的东西。 And light/only the city of casting most lets attracts their two Big Guild is the Magic crystal stone. 其中光铸之城最让吸引他们两大公会的就是魔法晶石。 Because this thing can make player obtain the Magic Skill breakthrough completion 100% direction, but the Tier 3 Magic crystal stone can direct Tier 3 Magic Skill, absolutely is the treasures in all expert player mind treasures. 因为这东西可以让玩家获得魔法技能突破完成度100%的指引,而三阶魔法晶石可以指引三阶魔法技能,绝对是所有高手玩家心目宝物中的宝物。 After all Magic Skill is own, grasped grasped, particularly Tier 3 Magic Skill, solely achieved over 90% to be difficult, can achieve 100% completions, that was can let a player combat capability improvement small level, if can break through 100%, could be imagined to the promotion of strength. 毕竟魔法技能是自己的,掌握了就是掌握了,尤其是三阶魔法技能,光是达到90%以上就非常难了,能达到100%的完成度,那可是能让玩家的战力提升一个小层次,要是能突破100%,对战力的提升可想而知。 The present Quest Reward contribution value can exchange three Tier 3 Magic crystal stones, how can not be thrilling? 眼下的任务奖励贡献值足足可以兑换三块三阶魔法晶石,怎么能不让人激动? At this time let alone is Silent Scarlet Star and the others, is Shi Feng also feels a surprise. 此时别说是沉默赤星等人,就是石峰也是感到一阵诧异。 „Everyone 500 contribution values, these really did not have came in vain.” Shi Feng looks at the System reward, in the heart is also joyful incomparable. “每人五百点贡献值,这一趟还真没有白来。”石峰看着系统奖励,心中也是欣喜无比。 Regarding others possibly does not know that the 500 contribution values of city of antiquity mean anything, but he is different. 对于别人来说可能不知道上古之城的五百点贡献值意味着什么,但是他不同。 In God's Domain, if player had 500 contribution values in the city of antiquity, that was can make the player strength jump a small level. 神域里面如果玩家在上古之城里有五百点贡献值,那可是能让玩家的战力跃升一个小层次。 Did not say Magic crystal stone that the people know, is exchanges most basic demon Potion to make player progressive. 不说众人所知的魔法晶石,就是兑换最基本的魔化药剂都可以让玩家进步飞速。 Because demon Potion can help player stay the whole body magic power very rich condition, Duration can be for six hours, fights with the powerful monster or expert player with these days, to the promotion of player is very big. 因为魔化药剂可以帮助玩家保持周身魔力非常浓郁的状态,持续时间可以达到六个小时,用这段时间跟强大的怪物或者高手玩家交手,对玩家的提升可是非常大。 On former life because of Sword of Violet Potion these two types of things by the Magic crystal stone and demon, making the gathering in Sword of Violet expert player very many, once made the Sword of Violet influence be close to five big Super-Guild. 一世就是因为紫罗兰之剑凭借魔法晶石和魔化药剂这两种东西,让汇聚于紫罗兰之剑高手玩家非常多,一度让紫罗兰之剑的势力接近五大超级公会 When Shi Feng and other rewards of artificial System feel the pleasant surprise, antiquity Lich that in the altar drops down also exploded suddenly changes into the innumerable star light, the position that antiquity Lich was at dropped bright light balls, varied, over a hundred, each is sending out rich magic power. 而在石峰等人为系统的奖励感到惊喜时,祭坛上倒下的上古巫妖也突然爆炸化为无数的星光,紧接着上古巫妖所在的位置就落下了一道道晶亮的光球,有大有小,足足有上百个,每一个都散发着浓郁的魔力 „Was this antiquity Lich drops?” “这就是上古巫妖掉落吗?” The people look at over a hundred light balls, suddenly mouth must unable to close up. 众人看着上百个光球,一时间嘴巴都要合不拢了。 Although the people have long known that antiquity Lich drops was not definitely simple, but has not actually thought that so will be rich. 虽然众人早就知道上古巫妖掉落肯定不简单,但是却没有想到会这么丰厚。 Token of estimate possible drops more than 20 aristocrat jurisdictions, falls more than 60 now, Lesser Legendary Level material drops more than 20, the Legendary Level material is drops enough six pieces, other Item(s) more than ten. 原本预计可能掉落二十多块贵族权限的令牌,现在足足掉了六十多块,亚传说级的材料掉落了二十多件,传说级的材料更是掉落了足足六件,其他物品十多件。 But besides these drops, Dark Gold Level equipment enough 14, Epic Equipment was drops four. 而除了那些掉落外,暗金级装备足足有十四件,史诗级装备更是掉落了四件。 In the present Dark Gold Equipment extremely deficient time, over hundred levels Epic Equipment are have several in major Super Organization, now drops four Epic Equipment, Epic Weapon, can be imagined to attraction of people. 在如今暗金级装备都极度缺乏的时代,百级以上的史诗级装备在各大超级势力中都是有数的,现在一下掉落四件史诗级装备,其中一件还是史诗级武器,对众人的吸引力可想而知。 Regarding this Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce people were also the saliva that looked at almost flow. 对此碧蓝商会的众人也是看的口水差点流出来了。 First did not say four Epic Weapon equipment, is the Legendary Level material can let being jealous that major Super Organization look, because the Legendary Level material can manufacture Epic Weapon equipment, the success ratio is higher, the most important point can manufacture appropriate player Epic Weapon equipment. 先不说四件史诗级武器装备,就是传说级材料都可以让各大超级势力看的眼红,因为传说级材料是可以制作史诗级武器装备,成功率还更高,最重要一点是可以制作出合适玩家史诗级武器装备 The six pieces Legendary Level material, that is six pieces suits player Epic Weapon equipment! 六件传说级材料,那就是六件适合玩家史诗级武器装备 Guild Master Black Flame, according to the agreement, you have first chooses a Item(s) right, please first elect.” Silent Scarlet Star also received the god, looked that said to Shi Feng. 黑炎会长,按照约定,你拥有优先选择一件物品的权利,请你先选吧。”沉默赤星也是收了收神,看向石峰说道。 Such being the case, which page remnant volume I choose.” Shi Feng looked, aims in drops magic power rich to be next to a Epic Level battle axe worn-out remnant volume to say. “既然如此,那我就选哪页残卷吧。”石峰看了看,指向掉落魔力浓郁度仅次于史诗级战斧的一张破旧的残卷说道。 Guild Master Black Flame do you determine?” Some Silent Scarlet Star surprise looks at Shi Feng. 黑炎会长你确定吗?”沉默赤星有些诧异的看着石峰 In her opinion in these drops Item(s) best is Epic Weapon, moreover is not general Epic Level Item(s), that is Legendary Level weapon replica, placing in Epic Weapon is also peak one batch, lets the present top expert combat capability improvement sufficiently over 30%, is the help is also enormous to their these Control of Domain expert. 在她看来这些掉落物品中最好的就是史诗级武器,而且还不是一般的史诗级物品,那是传说级武器仿制品,放在史诗级武器中也是最顶尖的一批,足以让现在的顶尖高手战力提升三成以上,对她们这些掌握域高手来说也是帮助极大。 But that curls her to use to observe Skill remnantly to look, although magic power is powerful, is very special, but is actually breakage Epic Level Scroll, perhaps solely wants to restore must spend a big price, as for Scroll is the consumables, where has the actual benefit that Epic Weapon comes. 而那张残卷她已经使用观察技能看过,虽然魔力强大,也很特殊,但却是一件破损的史诗级卷轴,光是想要修复恐怕就要花费不小的代价,至于卷轴又是消耗品,哪有史诗级武器来的实惠。 Un, it.” Shi Feng nods very true channel. “嗯,就它了。”石峰点了点头非常确信道。 Perhaps regarding Scroll of that breakage, entire God's Domain does not know at present that is anything, but he actually knows, before this is also him, why must agree first chooses a Item(s) reason. 对于那张破损的卷轴,目前整个神域恐怕都不知道那是什么东西,不过他却知道,这也是他之前为什么要约定优先选择一件物品的原因。 Because that Scroll has First Clear to meet drops Item(s). 因为那张卷轴是只有首通才会掉落物品 inheritance Scroll! 传承卷轴 This is player does not need to spend lots of time to seek for Class Change Quest, can the direct transmission to place of inheritance magic scroll, the most special point be a failure of time this inheritance Scroll can counter-balance player, can come directly again one time. 这是玩家不需要花费大量时间去寻找转职任务,可以直接传送到传承之地的魔法卷轴,最特殊的一点是这个传承卷轴可以抵消一次玩家的失败,可以直接再来一次。 Must know that in God's Domain inside Tier 4 Class Change Quest respectively different, player each challenge can go to the places of different inheritance, therefore is strange regarding the place of inheritance, if can have chance that comes one time again, this wants on a big way regarding the Class Change success ratio many. 要知道在神域里面的四阶转职任务可是各不一样,玩家每一次的挑战都会前往不同的传承之地,所以对于传承之地都非常陌生,要是能有一次重来的机会,这对于转职的成功率可是要大上很多。 former life of this inheritance Scroll on with him knows somewhat different. 只是这个传承卷轴跟他上一世所知道的有些不一样。 On former life inheritance Scroll is Dark Gold Level Item(s), this time inheritance Scroll unexpectedly is Epic Level. 一世传承卷轴都是暗金级物品,此时的传承卷轴竟然是史诗级 However Shi Feng does not want is too many, received inheritance Scroll, Item(s) that in remained after the Sword of Violet equal division, Shi Feng and the others left the trial space directly, has not waited for the people to resurrect, first entered the city of light casting under the leadership of Silent Scarlet Star. 不过石峰也没有想太多,直接收起了传承卷轴,在跟紫罗兰之剑平分剩下来的物品后,石峰等人就直接离开了试炼空间,并没有等众人复活,就在沉默赤星的带领下先进入了光铸之城。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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