ROTSSG :: Volume #26

#2582: Light Shadow promotion, hard fierce ominous beast

Chapter 2582 第2582章 Light Shadow promotion, hard fierce ominous beast 光影提升,硬悍凶兽 As Shi Feng launches Miniature World, the world projection arrives in entire City of Poison, Croatia also as if seemed like stuck in the mud to be the same, no matter speed, response and attribute dropped one section. 随着石峰展开微型世界,世界投影降临整个毒厄之城中,克罗迪亚也仿佛就像是陷入了泥潭一般,不管是速度、反应、属性都下降了一截。 However Croatia eventually is the high-rank Legendary monster, is high regarding the Miniature World resistivity, even if Shi Feng is Intermediate Grade Magic Master, most suppresses 15% attributes, wants to be many some cannot accomplish. 不过克罗迪亚终究是上位传奇怪物,对于微型世界的抵抗力非常高,哪怕石峰已经是中级魔法大师,也最多压制15%的属性而已,想要在多一些都办不到。 But with expansion of Miniature World, the link of splendor is also follows close on after that. 而随着微型世界的展开,辉之环也是紧跟其后。 Saw only all long-distance Magic based Class on roof to obtain the obvious promotion in attribute, but also launched the crazy attack in Croatian peripheral more than 90 long-distance Magic based Class. 只见房顶上的所有远程法系职业都得到了属性上的明显提升,而在克罗迪亚周边的九十多名远程法系职业也展开了疯狂的攻击。 Tier 3 Magic shadow ignition! 三阶魔法暗影灼烧! The arrow of Tier 3 Skill this solitary one light! 三阶技能孤光之箭! The Tier 3 Magic land punctures continually! 三阶魔法大地连刺! ...... …… Suddenly the region that Croatia is completely covers by Magic and arrow arrow, a series of explosive sounds as if make entire City of Poison the earth shook and heavens spun shook, created damage is also generally over 20,000-30,000, lets HP of Croatia is the visible drop, trap damage that in addition supposes, damage indeed surpassed fight restore of Croatia. 一时间克罗迪亚所在的区域是完全被魔法和箭矢所笼罩,一连串的爆炸声仿佛让整个毒厄之城都天摇地动,造成的伤害也是普遍都在20,000-30,000以上,让克罗迪亚的生命值是肉眼可见的下降,加上设下的陷阱伤害,伤害的确是超过了克罗迪亚的战斗恢复 This excited that lets present everyone to look. 这一幕让在场所有人都看的激动不已。 Before they despaired regarding Croatia, because their damage dealer/output could not catch up with Croatian battle restore, discussed that what to strike killed Croatia, so long as now damage dealer/output surpasses fight restore, then following was simple, only needed to consume Croatia unceasingly on the line. 之前对于克罗迪亚他们只有绝望,因为他们的输出连克罗迪亚战斗恢复都赶不上,谈何击杀克罗迪亚,现在只要输出超过战斗恢复,那么接下来的就简单了,只需要不断消耗克罗迪亚就行了。 However wants to consume HP of Croatia is not a small matter, all around to increase damage dealer/output, Cola must attract the trap that Croatia goes to set up, the establishment of trap requires a lot of time, Duration is also limited, but the population in 200 yards range must maintain at 100-Man below, this regarding the assurance request of position and time of people are high. 不过想要消耗克罗迪亚的生命值也不是一件轻松的事情,为了增加输出,可乐必须要吸引克罗迪亚前往四周设下来的陷阱,陷阱的设置需要不少时间,持续时间也非常有限,而在两百码范围内的人数必须保持在一百人以下,这对于众人的站位和时间的把握要求非常高。 It can be said that wants wrong one time, then all efforts will be in vain before, because BOSS HP instantaneous restore to 5.4 billion of upper limit, fight restore raises rise to directly every second 10 million HP, even if there is a suppression of Miniature World, fight restore also has every second of near 10 million value, at all is not the value that hundred player can consume. 可以说只要错一次,那么之前所有的努力都会白费,因为BOSS的生命值瞬间恢复到上限的54亿,战斗恢复直接提升到每秒一千万点生命值,哪怕有微型世界的压制,战斗恢复也有每秒近千万的数值,根本不是百名玩家可以消耗的数值。 Fortunately fight on the scene is expert in expert, weakly is Realm of Flowing Water expert, under the Shi Feng's explicit direction, no one will make such mistake radically, this also makes Shi Feng sob. 还好在场战斗的都是高手中的高手,最弱都是流水之境高手,在石峰的明确指挥下,根本没有一人会犯这样的错误,这也让石峰唏嘘不已。 Has saying that Guild had such team too to be really happy. 不得不说一个公会有这样的团队真的太幸福了。 Even if on weapon equipment at all not on, but everyone can be just right, even very accurate completes respective Quest, without doubt made the guide/raid difficulty drop. 哪怕武器装备上根本不上,但是每个人都能恰到好处的,甚至非常精准的完成各自的任务,无疑让攻略难度下降了许多。 Time 1 0.1 drops of passing, sees only HP of Croatia also to drop slowly. 时间一点一滴的流逝,只见克罗迪亚的生命值也是缓缓下降。 95%...... 75%...... 50%...... 95%……75%……50%…… Shortly when to 50%, the movement of Croatia suddenly changes, a foot collapses suddenly, all around ground caves in instantaneously, seems like the meteorite crater to spread to all around generally unceasingly, rich Death Qi makes all around all starts decayed, covers the range to be the radius 45 yards fully. 眼看到50%时,克罗迪亚的动作突然一变,一脚猛然塌地,四周的地面是瞬间塌陷下去,就好像是陨石坑一般不断向四周扩散,浓郁的死气让四周的一切都变得开始腐朽,笼罩范围足有半径四十五码。 This, presents besides opens life-saving skill to be able promptly Cola merely is also living, more than ten Tier 3 expert within range are the instantaneous evaporations. 仅仅这一下,在场除了及时开启保命技能的可乐还活着,范围内的十多名三阶高手是瞬间蒸发。 But after this move, Croatia is also exudes one to angrily roar, all around rich Death Qi also as if looked like receives the summon to be the same, condensed crazily to Croatia. 而随着这一招之后,克罗迪亚也是发出一声怒吼,四周浓郁的死气也仿佛就像是受到了召唤一般,疯狂凝聚向克罗迪亚。 Sees only that quiet black Death Qi to change into a build to have more than 50 meters big deep dragon phantom unexpectedly fully, float is flashing in the midair just like the black fog common wing, calmly is overlooking the people in tunnel. 只见那幽黑的死气竟然化为一只体型足有五十多米高大的冥龙虚影,悬浮在半空中闪动着宛如黑雾一般的翅膀,静静俯视着巷道里的众人。 The shadow of deep dragon, ominous beast, Legendary, Level Level 120, HP 6 billion. 冥龙之影,凶兽,传奇,等级120级,生命值600000万。 „Is this good?” The people look that the shadow of deep dragon cannot bear curse to say. “这都行吗?”众人看着冥龙之影都忍不住大骂道。 Hits BOSS result BOSS also to summon BOSS...... 打个BOSS结果BOSS还能召唤BOSS…… The ominous beast compared with the wild animal and magic beast, that is not similar to disaster general exist(ence), stands even compares to Great Dragon to be fierce in the most apex ominous beast, perhaps the shadow of present deep dragon does not have true Great Dragon is so powerful, but also made everyone desperate sufficiently. 凶兽可不比野兽和魔兽,那可是如同天灾一般的存在,站在最顶点的凶兽甚至比起巨龙都要厉害,眼前的冥龙之影也许没有真正的巨龙那么强大,但也足以让所有人绝望了。 Must know that a Croatia makes everyone guts War Heart startled sufficiently, now 100-Man must cope with two BOSS, simply cracks a joke. 要知道一个克罗迪亚就足以让所有人胆战心惊,现在百人要对付两个BOSS,简直就是开玩笑。 Because even if summoned the movie queen of deep dragon, Death Qi of Croatian whole body weakened, but was still not they can cope casually. 哪怕因为召唤冥龙之影后,克罗迪亚周身的死气削弱了许多,但依然不是他们可以随便对付的。 Sees only the shadow of deep dragon to fall, a claw pats the broken house instantaneously, the entire space changes into one group of black holes, Tier 3 Elementalist on roof even used Blink to conduct dodge unable to accomplish directly patting...... 只见冥龙之影落下,一爪子就瞬间拍碎一座房子,整个空间化为一团黑洞,在房顶上的三阶元素师甚至使用闪烁进行闪避都办不到就直接给拍死了…… „It is not good! The attack of this BOSS brings Space Imprisonment!” Infernal Mad Howl of distant place sees this, the complexion sinks. “不好!这BOSS的攻击自带空间禁锢!”远处的地狱狂啸看到这一幕,脸色微沉。 Space Imprisonment this move transmits Magic Skill player regarding Magic System or the use, simply is fatal, so long as the space were imprisoned, player can only depend upon itself to go to the dodge attack, but Magic based Class is weaker than melee Class in Agility and speed aspect. 空间禁锢这一招对于法系或者使用传送魔法技能玩家,简直就是致命的,空间只要被禁锢,玩家就只能依靠自身去闪避攻击,可是法系职业敏捷速度方面可是远比近战职业弱。 It can be said that Space Imprisonment First Skill leaves, even if the Common Tier 4 Legendary monster can make Tier 3 Magic System player flicker, let alone Tier 4 Legendary ominous beast. 可以说空间禁锢技能一出,哪怕是普通四阶传奇怪物都可以让三阶法系玩家瞬死,更别说四阶传奇凶兽。 When the shadow of deep dragon starts shortly to Tier 3 Magic System player on another roof begins, together azure Thunder Ray suddenly has delimited, shelled directly on the dragon claw. 眼看冥龙之影开始对另一个房顶上的三阶法系玩家动手时,一道青色的雷光突然划过,直接轰击在了龙爪上。 Bang! 轰! With an explosive, saw only dragon claw the attack to be deflected directly falls on the one side of roof, nearby street pounding a big hole. 随着一声爆响,只见龙爪的攻击直接被偏转落在了房顶的一旁,把旁边的街道给砸出一个大坑。 But this strikes is also lets the shadow of deep dragon for it Wrath, as if looked like receives the provocation of ants to be the same, scarlet two eyes stared stubbornly to sending out that arrives at the Thunder Ray form, a pair of wings leaf, took away as many things as possible toward that form just like the tornado general Death Qi vortex together. 而这一击也是让冥龙之影为之暴怒,仿佛就像是受到了蝼蚁的挑衅一般,赤红的双眼是死死盯向发出那到雷光的身影,双翼一扇,一道宛如龙卷风一般的死气旋涡就朝着那个身影席卷而去。 This Death Qi vortex attack range is extremely broad, makes one evade not to have radically to evade, but the place visited space is the direct disruption. 这道死气旋涡攻击范围极广,根本让人避无可避,而所过之处的空间更是直接碎裂。 Saw that this Death Qi vortex raids, that form also held up the jet black long sword in hand to wield to the midair directly. 眼看这道死气旋涡袭来,那个身影也是直接举起了手中的漆黑长剑对着半空一挥。 Whish! 哗! Saw only in the sky to present great sword Phantom at this moment, gave to delimit two halves the sky directly, but the Death Qi vortex was the direct dissipation, does not seem to appeared generally. 只见这一刻天空中出现了一道巨剑幻影,直接把天空都给划成了两半,而死气旋涡是直接消散,仿佛从来都没有出现过一般。 Guild Master?” Aqua Rose of distant place looks to send out that together Thunder Ray form, in the heart is shock that cannot bear. 会长?”远处的水色蔷薇看着发出那一道雷光的身影,心中是忍不住的震撼。 That said that the might of Death Qi vortex absolutely above Common Tier 4 Magic, is the present by a sword annihilation, simply is been unexpectedly inconceivable. 那道死气旋涡的威力绝对在普通四阶魔法之上,可是现在竟然被一剑湮灭,简直不可思议。 At this time let alone Aqua Rose, is staring dumbfounded that distant place Infernal Mad Howl, Azure Rainbow and the others in are also looks. 此时别说水色蔷薇,就是远处的地狱狂啸青虹等人也是看的瞠目结舌。 This is the full power of Tier 4 ominous beast strikes, even if Cola such MT if not open life-saving skill to be able by instant kill, but this will strike is given a sword annihilation by Shi Feng unexpectedly, this Strength strong? 这可是四阶凶兽的全力一击,哪怕是可乐那样的MT如果不开保命技能都会被瞬杀,可是这一击竟然被石峰给一剑湮灭,这力量到底有多强? Everyone do not fluster, you then cope with Croatia, this deep dragon is diverted by me.” Shi Feng looked at one on the scene also to fall into shocks everyone, said slowly. “所有人都别慌,你们接着对付克罗迪亚,这个冥龙由我来牵制。”石峰看了一眼在场还陷入震撼中的所有人,缓缓说道。 Actually is also very surprised regarding the might of this sword. 其实对于这一剑的威力也挺惊讶。 This thinks that can block this to strike was good, is under tactical rules Light Shadow, unexpectedly to direct annihilation. 本以为能挡住这一击就不错了,可是在战法光影之下,竟然给直接湮灭了。 Has to say new Abyssal Blade very compatibility Light Shadow this move. 不得不说新的深渊者非常契合光影这一招。 But as on the field the Shi Feng opens the mouth, the somewhat desperate people also ignited the confidence again, each and everyone goes into action again. 而场上随着石峰开口,原本有些绝望的众人也是再次燃起信心,一个个都再次行动起来。 The beforehand personnel were killed, but the personnel of this loss can be supplemented quickly, after all is also standing several hundred Tier 3 expert outside, did not worry that the personnel cannot obtain to supplement. 之前的人员是被干掉了一些,不过这损失的人员可以很快得到补充,毕竟在外面还站着数百名三阶高手,不愁人员得不到补充。 Now had Shi Feng to divert the shadow of deep dragon, the later matter may easy many. 现在有了石峰牵制冥龙之影,之后的事情可就容易了不少。 Suddenly looked dragon person of pitch-dark that hits in the midair, as if the sky was torn general, does not seem like the fight of player completely, is more like duels between two monsters, but another side actually still conducts the kiting strategy to Croatia, steadily reduces HP of Croatia. 一时间就看一龙一人在半空中打的昏天黑地,仿佛天空都被撕裂一般,完全不像是玩家的战斗,更像是两个怪物之间的决斗,而另一边却是依然对克罗迪亚进行放风筝战略,不断减少克罗迪亚的生命值 However the people do not dare to be careless. 不过众人也不敢马虎。 Because Shi Feng is only player, even if there is Heal(er) to return to the blood, but Stamina and mental power are actually not able effective restore, how long unable to continue in the fight of this limit, especially in the use tactical rules Light Shadow situation, how long could not continue. 因为石峰只是玩家,哪怕有治疗可以回血,但是体力精神力却无法有效的恢复,在这种极限的战斗中根本持续不了多久,尤其在使用战法光影的情况下,更是持续不了多长时间。 It can be said that everyone of group are running against the time. 可以说全团的所有人都是在跟时间赛跑。 Because good Croatia summoned the deep dragon the shadow reason, Death Qi of whole body reduced greatly also makes the demon against drop much, making damage of people also follow to promote much, but the attack of Croatia also with was at the same time fierce, a sword got down a house to break down, Tier 3 member without enough time dodge on some roofs by the second, the personnel losses scope are the big promotion. 还好克罗迪亚因为召唤冥龙之影的缘故,周身的死气大减也让魔防下降了不少,让众人的伤害也跟着提升了不少,但与此同时克罗迪亚的攻击也跟猛了,一剑下去一座房子就垮了,一些房顶上的三阶成员来不及闪避就被秒了,减员幅度是大大提升。 As member steadily reduces, HP of Croatia is also passing bit by bit. 而随着成员不断减少,克罗迪亚的生命值也是一点一点的流逝。 40%...... 20%...... 10%...... 40%……20%……10%…… Finally in Croatian HP remaining 1%, the shadow of deep dragon exudes one to roar suddenly, turns into more than ten groups of Death Qi to graze directly to Croatia. 终于在克罗迪亚生命值剩下1%时,冥龙之影突然发出一声咆哮,化成十多团死气直接飞掠向克罗迪亚。 Wants the blood not to have the gate!” “想要回血没门!” Shi Feng saw that this is not surprised, because this was the Signature Skill death of Croatia is born, each group of Death Qi restore 3% HP, moreover after restore ended, will summon the shadow of deep dragon again, regarding this major Super Organization teams died under this move a lot. 石峰看到这一幕也不感到意外,因为这是克罗迪亚的招牌技能死亡降生,每一团死气恢复自身3%的生命值,而且恢复完之后还会再次召唤冥龙之影,对此各大超级势力的团队是没有少死在这一招之下。 After all put together the present both sides saying that the oil completely lamp is dry, this restore HP sufficiently became last straw that ran over the camel. 毕竟拼到现在双方可以说都已经油尽灯枯,这恢复生命值足以成为压死骆驼的最后一根稻草。 Saw only Shi Feng to launch dark(ness) Domain, 36 said that Power of Darkness directly in 100 yards formed Sword Path in the radius, kept off these Death Qi groups in Domain completely, did not make these Death Qi groups enter the body of Croatia completely. 只见石峰展开了黑暗领域,三十六黑暗之力直接在半径一百码内形成了剑之轨迹,把这些死气团全部挡在了领域之内,完全不让这些死气团进入克罗迪亚的身体。 Quickly! Full power damage dealer/output! How long me could not insist!” Shi Feng looks at quicker and quicker Death Qi group, shouts. “快!全力输出!我这边坚持不了多久!”石峰看着越来越快的死气团,不由喊道。 These Death Qi groups will not annihilate, can only resist, does not make these Death Qi groups be close to BOSS as far as possible, the time of however resisting is longer, the quantities and speed of these Death Qi groups will also be more are quicker. 这些死气团是不会湮灭的,只能抵挡,尽量不让这些死气团接近BOSS,但是抵挡的时间越久,这些死气团的数量和速度也就会越多越快。 Spelled!” “拼了!” At this time Zhao Yueru and the others MP do not have remaining many, Ultimate Skill used up long time ago, can do unexpectedly possibly controls magic power to increase the Magic might and accurate. 此时赵月茹等人的魔法值也没有剩下多少,大招更是早早就用完了,能做的就是竟可能操控魔力来增加魔法的威力和精准度而已。 0.5%...... 0.3%...... 0.1%...... 0.5%……0.3%……0.1%…… Bang! 轰! Became?” “成了吗?” With a explosion sound, Croatia changes into innumerable Death Qi suddenly, dissipated directly in the tunnel. 随着一声轰响,克罗迪亚突然化为无数的死气,直接消散在了巷道中。 But with the death of Croatia, rich Death Qi filled entire City of Poison directly, presented in everyone's mind to transmit a prompt sound. 而随着克罗迪亚的死亡,浓郁的死气是直接弥漫整个毒厄之城,紧接着在场所有人的脑海里就传来一阵提示音。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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