ROTSSG :: Volume #25

#2469: The wind and cloud rises from all directions

Chapter 2469 第2469章 The wind and cloud rises from all directions 风云四起 Shining Star Fort, Divine Will Tribe temporary station. 星辉要塞,神意部落临时驻地。 After the clean of Divine Will Tribe army, the station that is guarded by the Legendary monster is a Element monster did not have, instead in the station was filled with player, each and everyone Level is not very only high, equipment also quite excellent, absolutely is elite in Divine Will Tribe. 经过神意部落大军的清洗,原本由传奇怪物镇守的驻地中已经是一只元素怪物都没有,反而驻地内是挤满了玩家,一个个不仅等级很高,一身装备也都相当精良,绝对算是神意部落中的精锐。 However at this time these expert player filled curiously to Shining Star Fort, even in the vision also has the exciting color not being able to bear. 不过此时这些高手玩家星辉要塞是充满了好奇,甚至目光中还带着忍不住的兴奋之色。 Because present Shining Star Fort has become many influence player focuses. 因为现在的星辉要塞已经成为了诸多势力玩家关注的焦点。 As the life restricted area Stars Valley's fort, the function was really big, not only can let the time that player saved travels back and forth, but can also as a rest area, for player restore, become the Stars Valley this stretch of life restricted area trade city. 作为生命禁地星辰之谷的要塞,作用实在是太大了,不仅能让玩家节省来回跑路的时间,还能作为一个休息场所,供玩家恢复,同时也会成为星辰之谷这片生命禁地的贸易城。 Must know that Stars Valley is very big, moreover place that all around map cannot rest for player, in addition Stars Valley is resources treasure land, was doomed later player to come here level up to gain the resources, will trade in Shining Star Fort, the resources that in the future will hold are unable to estimate. 要知道星辰之谷很大,而且四周的地图也没有供玩家能休息的地方,加上星辰之谷又是资源宝地,注定了以后玩家来这里升级获取资源,都会在星辉要塞进行交易,未来占有的资源根本无法估量。 Moreover fort that preserved as the antiquity, but also had the rich magic power environment that other forts did not have, this regarding magic power relatively deficient West Continent, was the rare training ground. 而且作为上古留存下来的要塞,还拥有外界其他要塞所没有的浓郁魔力环境,这对于魔力相对匮乏的西大陆来说,可是难得的训练场所。 Regarding these exciting Divine Will Tribe member, Shi Feng also understood. 对于这些兴奋的神意部落成员,石峰也是非常理解。 Shining Star Fort as the fort that the antiquity preserves, after was occupied by player, Magic Array of entire fort not only can condense massive magic power, these magic power are temperate, even to magic power control very general player here, can promote much to the magic power control strength. 星辉要塞作为上古留存下来的要塞,在被玩家占据后,整个要塞的魔法阵不仅能凝聚大量的魔力,这些魔力还非常温和,就算是对魔力操控很一般的玩家在这里,都可以提升不少对魔力的操控力。 Although this feeling is only temporary, but if places for a long time in this place, can have a big promotion to the magic power control strength. 虽然这种感觉只是暂时的,但要是长期身处在这种地方,对魔力的操控力可是能有不小的提升。 Regarding paid great attention to the magic power control West Continent player, this is absolute geomancy treasure land. 对于原本就注重魔力操控的西大陆玩家,这可是绝对的风水宝地 Black Flame your excellency, Group Leader they had all arrived at the reception room, please come with me.” 黑炎阁下,团长他们已经全部到了会客室,请跟我来。” Before Shi Feng arrives at the front door has not stood a meeting, wore the Knight attire, Level achieves 106 levels of middle-aged men to walk, this middle-aged man seemed like very kind humble, power and influence that but the body sent out not compared with these Peak High Lord weak many, strength even possibly above that Scarlet Witch. 而在石峰来到大门前没有站一会,一位身着骑士装,等级达到106级的中年男子就走了过来,这位中年男子看上去很是和蔼谦卑,但是身上散发出来的威势一点不比那些高等大领主弱多少,实力之强甚至可能在那位赤红魔女之上。 Was troublesome.” Shi Feng looks at this amiable middle-aged man, in the heart is sobs. “麻烦了。”石峰看着这位谦和的中年男子,心中是唏嘘不已。 At present entire Zero Wing Control of Domain person, on him and Skywalk Overflow already. 目前整个零翼掌握域的人,也就他和衍天行两人已。 But this also day, Divine Will Tribe emitted Control of Domain expert unexpectedly. 可是这也才一天的时间,神意部落竟然又冒出了一位掌握域高手 Has saying that Super Organization is Super Organization, in Guild is the crouching tiger , hidden dragon, Zero Wing wants to catch up, perhaps also requires not the short time. 不得不说超级势力就是超级势力,公会里面都是卧虎藏龙,零翼想要追上,恐怕还需要不短的时间。 As Shi Feng said, this as if aristocrat Knight common middle-aged man brings Shi Feng to move toward the Divine Will Tribe's temporary mansion. 随着石峰说完,这位仿佛贵族骑士一般的中年男子就带着石峰走向神意部落的临时公馆。 Is entering the Divine Will Tribe's temporary Gongguanhou, Shi Feng is almost also frightened. 在进入神意部落的临时公馆后,石峰也是差点被吓到。 Because in the entire temporary mansion had been renovated at this time completely, resplendent in gold and jade green did not say everywhere, flagstone of ground is made by the demon ore, even if the luxurious degree the Zero Wing's headquarters cannot achieve. 因为此时整个临时公馆里面已经全部被翻新了一遍,到处都金碧辉煌不说,地面的石板都是由魔矿石制成的,奢华程度就算是零翼的总部都达不到。 Must know demon ore type of thing, but Rare ore, although cannot compare Mana Crystal to be precious, because contains not weak magic power, after making some Item(s) , the beam energy spread sends out some magic power, making magic power rich obtain promotion to a certain extent, is the performance-to-price ratio is not worth it, even if these Super Organization rare spread out on the floor with the demon ore. 要知道魔矿石这种东西可是稀有矿石,虽然比不上魔水晶珍贵,但是因为蕴藏不弱的魔力,制成一些物品后都能散发出一些魔力,让魔力浓郁度得到一定程度上的提升,可是性价比非常划不来,就算是那些超级势力少有用魔矿石来铺地的。 But here is only a Divine Will Tribe's temporary mansion, uses the demon ore to spread out on the floor unexpectedly, this is not luxurious, simply is the ruined family. 而这里只是神意部落的一个临时公馆,竟然就用魔矿石铺地,这已经不是奢侈了,简直就是败家。 However from this point, can see that Divine Will Tribe attaches great importance to this temporary station. 不过从这一点上,也可以看出神意部落对于这个临时驻地是多么重视。 After all temporarily mansion, if changed players, these demon ores cannot carry off, was equal to that gives to others to be the same, therefore major influence rare are attentive to the temporary station. 毕竟临时公馆要是换人了,这些魔矿石可是带不走,等于送给别人一样,所以各大势力少有对临时驻地用心的。 Before long time, this male Knight brought Shi Feng to come to the most top layer reception room in temporary mansion. 不一会的时间,这位男骑士就带着石峰来到了临时公馆的最顶层会客室。 At this time in not the big reception room sits three people, besides McFreyr and Scarlet Witch that Shi Feng is familiar with, wears silver gray light armor, at the back of sending out intermittent Demon Qi engraved inscription Broadsword, scarlet eye golden hair, gorgeous threatening female Warrior. 此时并不大的会客室中坐着三人,除了石峰所熟悉的玛卡弗雷赤红魔女外,还有一位身穿银灰轻甲,背着一把散发阵阵魔气的铭文大剑,赤眼金发,艳丽逼人的女战士 Although this female Warrior is only calmly sits there, actually eliminated all around all colors to be the same probably, the whole world only remained her, other places were the iron grey. 这位女战士虽然只是静静坐在那里,却好像剥夺了四周所有的颜色一般,整个世界就只剩她一人,其他地方都是灰白色。 Magic Eye goddess? How can she here?” Shi Feng looks at present female Warrior, immediately stares. 魔眼神女?她怎么会在这里?”石峰看着眼前的这位女战士,顿时一愣。 Regarding the present female, he can say that must be more familiar than McFreyr and Scarlet Witch. 对于眼前的这位女子,他可以说比玛卡弗雷赤红魔女还要更熟悉。 Because this female initially in God's Domain rare Tier 6 God Level expert, was Legendary Level weapon forever the holder of rosy cloud of crime, the strength strong rarely had the rival in Tier 6 God Level expert, builds ultra First-Rate Guild Guild that oneself founded forcefully, becomes in God's Domain Legendary. 因为这位女子可是当初神域里面少有六阶神级高手,同时也是传说级武器永罪之霞的持有者,实力之强在六阶神级高手中都鲜有敌手,硬生生把自己创建的公会打造成了超一流公会,成为了神域里面的一段传奇 Because she obtained Magic Eye Hunter this Top Grade profession, therefore was called the Magic Eye goddess by the people. 而因为她获得了魔眼猎手这个顶级职业,所以都被众人称为魔眼神女。 But now this Magic Eye goddess is wearing Divine Will Tribe's Guild Emblem unexpectedly, this with the situation that he knows is completely different. 但现在这位魔眼神女竟然佩戴着神意部落的公会徽记,这跟他所知道的情况可是完全不一样。 Guild Master Black Flame, did you know?” McFreyr detected that the change of Shi Feng look, asked curiously. 黑炎会长,你们认识?”玛卡弗雷察觉到石峰神色的变化,不由好奇问道。 No, we did not know, an acquaintance but who knows with me looks like very much.” Shi Feng restore a mentality, shaking the head of answered. “不,我们并不认识,只是跟我知道的一位熟人很像。”石峰恢复了一下心态,摇了摇头解释道。 I said that this was our Divine Will Tribe Divine Cry Regiment Group Leader Fethlya, was our Guild plan guards the Shining Star Fort's top official for a long time.” McFreyr does not have to care, immediately introduced. “那我介绍一下,这位是我们神意部落神鸣军团团长菲特哈丽雅,也是我们公会打算长期驻守星辉要塞的总负责人。”玛卡弗雷也没有太在意,随即介绍道。 Hello! I am Zero Wing's Guild Master Black Flame.” Shi Feng looks that Fethlya is also opens the mouth to introduce oneself. “你好!我是零翼的会长黑炎。”石峰看着菲特哈丽雅也是开口自我介绍道。 Hello, I before have listened to say your many things scarlet, but sees with one's own eyes now, discovered that you compare are fierce, can by own magic power not be affected under my imaginary demon Domain that said scarlet unexpectedly, the body of it seems like your magic power the unlocking has been in the considerable degree.” Fethlya nods, looks that the Shi Feng's vision was also full of the surprise. “你好,我在来之前就已经听赤红说了你不少事情,但是现在亲眼看到,发现你比赤红说的还要厉害,竟然能在我的幻魔领域下让自身的魔力不受丝毫影响,看来你的魔力之躯已经解锁到相当的程度了。”菲特哈丽雅点了点头,看着石峰的目光也是充满了诧异。 Top Grade profession Magic Eye Hunter that she obtains can become magic power Domain inborn, as the equivalent is higher is also stronger, after she achieves Tier 3, even if the body of magic power achieves golden Top Grade Scarlet Witch not to arrange in order outside, will come under her imaginary demon Domain influence, reduced to own magic power control ability greatly did not say, all around magic power had not been controlled by player. 她获得的顶级职业魔眼猎手天生就能自成魔力领域,而且随着等阶越高也就越强,在她达到三阶之后,就算是魔力之躯达到黄金顶级赤红魔女也不列外,都会受到她的幻魔领域影响,对自身的魔力操控能力大减不说,四周的魔力还不受玩家掌控。 But wants to resist her imaginary demon Domain, only has the body of unlocking magic power to be good to expert of certain extent. 而想要对抗她的幻魔领域,也就只有魔力之躯解锁到一定程度的高手才行。 „Has the body of your magic power started the unlocking?” Scarlet Witch one hear, cannot bear look that asked to Shi Feng. “你的魔力之躯已经开始解锁了吗?”赤红魔女一听,忍不住看向石峰问道。 Regarding the unlocking of body of magic power, she has been studying and tried to find out, but has no clue to the present, didn't expect Shi Feng unexpectedly unlocking body of some magic power Strength. 对于魔力之躯的解锁,她可是一直在研究和摸索,可是到现在都没有什么线索,没想到石峰竟然解锁了部分魔力之躯的力量 Unlocking part, from complete unlocking, but also falls far short.” Shi Feng has not concealed, tells the facts. “解锁了一部分,距离完全解锁,还差得远。”石峰也没有隐瞒,实话实说道。 Originally so, no wonder the attack might so will be strong before.” Scarlet Witch immediately some suddenly. “原本如此,难怪之前你的攻击威力会那么强。”赤红魔女顿时有些恍然。 Before she thought that Magic Skill strong exaggerating of Shi Feng use, looked like Tier 3 Magic Skill radically, now looked like completely because of the unlocking body of part magic power Strength, will make the Magic Skill might promote great length. 之前她就觉得石峰使用的魔法技能强的夸张,根本就像是三阶魔法技能,现在看来完全是因为解锁了魔力之躯部分的力量,才会让魔法技能的威力提升一大截 The time made her have one type to catch up with the Shi Feng's feeling. 顿时间让她有了一种可以追上石峰的感觉。 Although she now has not started the body of unlocking magic power, but she has some trains of thought that so long as gives her again several days of time, she had confidence that body of part of Strength of unlocking magic power, when the time comes she may in not be easy to lose to Shi Feng. 她现在虽然还没有开始解锁魔力之躯,可是她已经有了一些思绪,只要再给她几天时间,她就有把握解锁魔力之躯一部分的力量,到时候她可就不会在那么容易输给石峰了。 Does not know, what matter your time asks me to come to have?” Shi Feng has not explained that asked to McFreyr and the others. “不知道,你们这次找我过来是有什么事情吗?”石峰并没有多做解释,不由问向玛卡弗雷等人。 Has the urgent matter.” The Fethlya facial expression somewhat becomes dignified saying suddenly, before I come Shining Star Fort, I obtained a news, this time comes Shining Star Fort's major Super Organization to be not only many, Underworld Empire five big Super-Guild are also interested, even also sent out the trump card regiment to come.” “是有急事。”菲特哈丽雅神情突然变得有些凝重的说道,“在我来星辉要塞前,我得到了一个消息,这次前来星辉要塞的各大超级势力不仅很多,就连五大超级公会之一的冥界帝国也非常感兴趣,甚至还派出了王牌军团过来。” Other Super Organization even if, is Underworld Empire is different, although their trump card regiments the person is few, but cannot be called the person, is the monster, first did not say that they are very possible to rob the fort control, solely they make in the fort, perhaps no one can control them, even if we have the control of fort, is still in name only, is unable to make the fort revolve.” “其他超级势力也就算了,可是冥界帝国不同,他们的王牌军团虽然人很少,但已经不能称为人了,全都是怪物,先不说他们很可能过来抢夺要塞控制权,光是他们在要塞里面闹起来,恐怕就无人能管制他们,就算我们拥有要塞的掌控权,也是徒有虚名,根本无法让要塞运转起来。” Therefore I want to look for Guild Master Black Flame you to come, hopes that you can sell part of fort stockholder's rights, but our Divine Will Tribe will socialize, in addition Guild Master Black Flame you have Scarlet Dragon Flying Ship to guard Shining Star Fort, wants to come Underworld Empire not to go too far.” “所以我才想找黑炎会长你过来,希望你能卖出一部分要塞股权,而我们神意部落会从中周旋,加上黑炎会长你们有赤龙飞空艇镇守星辉要塞,想来冥界帝国不会太过分。” Regarding the proposition of Fethlya, nearby McFreyr and Scarlet Witch are deep is also so. 对于菲特哈丽雅的提议,一旁的玛卡弗雷赤红魔女也是深以为然。 Because of West Continent here, no one does not know that the fearfulness of Underworld Empire, in five big Super-Guild, the Underworld Empire person may be one group of lunatics, will not speak what rule and truth, even Super Organization had therefore been exterminated by Underworld Empire thoroughly. 因为在西大陆这里,没有人不知道冥界帝国的可怕,在五大超级公会中,冥界帝国的人可都是一群疯子,根本不会去讲什么规则和道理,甚至因此已经有一个超级势力冥界帝国给彻底灭绝。 If direct to Underworld Empire, even if can defend Shining Star Fort, after Shining Star Fort, perhaps is unable to base in West Continent. 如果正面对上冥界帝国,就算能守住星辉要塞,星辉要塞以后恐怕也无法在西大陆立足。 The only means are to give away part of benefits, after all Shining Star Fort involved was too big, purely by their Divine Will Tribe basic anti-, if there is an assistance of Underworld Empire, that result may be completely different. 唯一的办法就是让出一部分利益,毕竟星辉要塞牵扯太大了,单纯凭借他们神意部落根本抗不住,要是有冥界帝国的协助,那结果可就完全不一样了。 „The Divine Will Tribe's difficulty I understand.” Shi Feng nods, said with a smile, as for the Shining Star Fort later matter, gave us Zero Wing to be good completely, if Underworld Empire wanted to disturb, they can try although, so long as they can accomplish, I did not mind that gave them Shining Star Fort, without other things, I first went back.” 神意部落的难处我明白。”石峰点了点头,笑着说道,“至于星辉要塞之后的事情,就全部交给我们零翼好了,如果冥界帝国想要捣乱,那他们可以尽管试一试,只要他们能办到,我不介意把星辉要塞送给他们,如果没有其他事情,那我就先回去了。” After saying, Shi Feng turned around to leave the reception room, suddenly the entire reception room was only left over not to respond the McFreyr three people that calmly stood at the scene...... 说完之后,石峰就转身离开了会客室,一时间整个会客室就只剩下还没有反应过来的玛卡弗雷三人,静静立在当场…… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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