ROTSSG :: Volume #25

#2463: Preliminary unlocking

Chapter 2463 第2463章 Preliminary unlocking 初步解锁 NPC Knight wields terrifying magic power that the sword blade brings to fluctuate, Shi Feng does not dare to be negligent, pulled out the double sword to meet the approaching enemy directly. NPC骑士挥动剑刃带来的恐怖魔力波动,石峰也不敢大意,直接抽出了双剑迎击。 If facing promotion shortly after Tier 3 NPC or were below hundred levels Tier 3 NPC also even, facing the body of magic power Tier 3 NPC of unlocking, his is not even careful still to hang. 如果是面对晋升没多久的三阶NPC或者是百级以下的三阶NPC也就算了,面对魔力之躯已经解锁的三阶NPC,就算是他一个不小心也会挂掉。 In God's Domain, Tier 2 and Tier 3 biggest difference is the body of magic power. 神域里面,二阶三阶最大的区别就是魔力之躯。 Having the body of magic power and does not have the body of magic power is completely two concepts, but the body of unlocking magic power and does not have the body of unlocking magic power similarly is two concepts. 拥有魔力之躯和没有魔力之躯完全就是两个概念,而解锁魔力之躯和没有解锁魔力之躯同样是两个概念。 Between both is similar to Common player and micro expert is ordinary, even compares this disparity to be big. 两者之间就如同普通玩家入微高手一般,甚至比这个差距还要大。 Why this is also Kingdom and some Empire cities inside Tier 3 NPC can become Magistrate, some Tier 3 NPC actually can only work as group Team Leader of cities, some even can only squat before the front door of royal palace, is disparity that because the unlocking of body of magic power has. 这也是为什么王国帝国城镇里面有些三阶NPC可以成为执政官,有些三阶NPC却只能当城镇的团队长,有的甚至只能蹲守在王宫的大门前,就是因为魔力之躯的解锁产生的差距。 But can body of unlocking magic power Tier 3 NPC, all be Elite of same step, cannot regard Common NPC to treat, can be called expert in NPC. 而能够解锁魔力之躯的三阶NPC,无一不是同阶的精英,已经不能当成普通的NPC来对待,可以称为NPC中的高手 This Tier 3 NPC expert can hang dozen of Common player like expert player, hangs to hit other Tier 3 NPC...... 这种三阶NPC高手可是能像高手玩家吊打普通玩家一样,吊打其他三阶NPC…… Sees only three NPC Knight to cut from three directions instantaneously to Shi Feng goes. 只见三名NPC骑士瞬间就从三个方向砍向石峰而去。 These three NPC Knight movements are uniform, coordinates more than ten years of partners to be the same probably, two people assist, a person captures the Shi Feng's dead angle, the might can rumble with ease flying High Lord of the same class, strikes to kill Tier 3 profession player is easy. 这三名NPC骑士的动作整齐划一,就好像是配合过十多年的伙伴一样,两人辅助,一人攻入石峰的死角,威力之强都可以轻松轰飞同级别的大领主,击杀三阶职业玩家更是轻而易举。 The perfect coordination of however three NPC Knight regarding already Control of Domain Shi Feng, does not have any secret, the purity that the attacking track looks. 不过三位NPC骑士的完美配合对于已经掌握域石峰来说,根本没有任何秘密,攻击轨迹都看的一清二楚。 Broken!” “破!” The Shi Feng sword blade wields, strikes cuts on the attack field of vision dead angle NPC Knight sword blade, deflected this NPC Knight attacking track forcefully, but this NPC Knight sword blade collides under the guidance to other two NPC Knight attacking tracks. 石峰剑刃一挥,一击就砍在攻击视野死角的NPC骑士剑刃上,强行偏转了这位NPC骑士的攻击轨迹,而这位NPC骑士的剑刃在引导下又碰撞到其他两名NPC骑士的攻击轨迹上。 pēng pēng pēng! 砰砰砰 As the collision sound of metal gets up, three NPC Knight also draw back at the scene, after this strikes, Shi Feng could not bear draw back half step, the arm trembled. 随着金属的碰撞声响起,三名NPC骑士也是当场退开,不过在这一击之后,石峰也是忍不住退了半步,手臂微颤。 „Is this test of gate of golden?” Shi Feng looks low cry that the sword blade expresses, in the heart is flabbergasted, somewhat is worried about Aqua Rose and the others. “这就是黄金之门的考验吗?”石峰看着剑刃发出的低鸣,心中是咋舌不已,不禁有些担心起水色蔷薇等人。 In this almost no magic power space, has the body of magic power even, a strength can display half to be good. 在这种几乎没有什么魔力的空间,就算拥有魔力之躯,一身实力能发挥出一半就不错了。 At present although he short contacted, but he can look, present three NPC have the Tower of Trial fifth floor level, the fight level is not high, but the rank of body of magic power achieved Silver Rank absolutely, but or his attribute, even if the Strength effect drops much, will be insufficient the shaken arm tingles with numbness. 眼下他虽然只是短短接触了一下,但是他可以看出来,眼前的三名NPC都拥有试炼之塔五层的水平,战斗水平并不高,可是魔力之躯的级别绝对达到了白银级,要不然以他的属性,哪怕力量效果下降不少,也不至于会被震的手臂发麻。 He so, if changes into others can be imagined. 他都如此了,要是换成其他人可想而知。 Moreover this is also only under the mountain, he has not started to climb mountains...... 而且这还只是山下,他还没有开始上山…… The test of gate of inheritance climbs mountains, more walks the opponent to be fiercer upward, is only worth rejoicing is the opponent who these present does not need to strike to kill, so long as can receive work from their hands, is supports for 30 minutes to pass through even. 传承之门的考验就是上山,越是往上走对手就越厉害,唯一值得庆幸的就是这些出现的对手不需要去击杀,只要能从他们手上活下来,也就是支撑三十分钟就算过关。 But fight rare between player can hit ten minutes, let alone fights for 30 minutes with NPC. 可是玩家之间的战斗很少有能打十分钟之久的,更别说和NPC战斗三十分钟。 However after this short fight, makes Shi Feng be clear that felt the utilization of these three NPC Knight magic power route and magic power. 不过经过这一下短暂的交手,也让石峰清楚感受到了这三位NPC骑士身上的魔力路线和自身魔力的运用。 This matter is very difficult to feel in the outside world, massive magic power that because all around floods, but has almost no magic power here, these NPC magic power become exceptionally conspicuous, even is not Magic based Class he can be clear about Perception. 这种事情在外界是很难感受到的,因为四周充斥的大量的魔力,可是在这里几乎没有什么魔力,这些NPC身上的魔力就变得异常显眼,就算不是法系职业的他都可以清楚感知到。 The body of magic power these three NPC Knight have is only Silver Rank, the magic power structure that inside involves wants simply compared with the body of his Epic Level magic power many, can use for reference quite limited. 只是这三名NPC骑士拥有的魔力之躯只是白银级,里面涉及的魔力构架比起他的史诗级魔力之躯要简单不少,能借鉴的相当有限。 Naturally, even so, still compared with before him the experience of body of unlocking Bronze Rank magic power was much better. 当然,就算如此,也比他以前解锁青铜级魔力之躯的经验好多了。 After Shi Feng strikes repels three NPC Knight, these three NPC Knight very much quick attacks, do not give the opportunity of Shi Feng respite. 而在石峰一击击退三名NPC骑士后,这三名NPC骑士又很快攻了上来,根本不给石峰喘息之机。 This attack changed into a Knight main attack directly, remains two Knight to wait for an opportunity to condense magic power from side, conducts Strength steamroll to Shi Feng, very intelligent has not played skill games with Shi Feng, meets the tough head-on with toughness, this makes Shi Feng also hit is very uncomfortable. 这一次攻击直接换成了一位骑士主攻,剩下来两个骑士从旁伺机凝聚魔力,对石峰进行力量型的辗轧,很聪明的没有跟石峰技术,就是硬碰硬,这让石峰也打的很难受。 In the attribute, he surpasses these Tier 3 Knight purely absolutely, but sword blade result magic power condenses the increase, the might at all is not he can resist, this makes him hit will draw back unceasingly in the future, means do not have, good magic power can only the might of increase sword blade, unable to bring the essence the damage effect. 单纯在属性上,他绝对超过这些三阶骑士,可是剑刃结果魔力凝聚增幅,威力根本不是他可以抵挡的,这让他是被打的不断往后退,一点办法都没有,还好魔力只能增幅剑刃的威力,并不能带来实质的伤害效果。 With the unceasing fight, Shi Feng is the war is also more excited. 随着不断的战斗,石峰也是越战越激动。 Because he discovered him, although is unable to borrow these NPC Knight body of magic power magic power skeletons, but to body's of magic power guidance and utilization magic power can actually use for reference and imitate, this to drawing up Magic Array is the same, but each NPC Knight Magic Array has some differences, but the overall difference is not big. 因为他发现他虽然无法借用这些NPC骑士魔力之躯的魔力构架,可是对魔力之躯本身的魔力引导和运用却可以借鉴和模仿,这就跟绘制魔法阵一样,只是每个NPC骑士魔法阵有一些区别,但总体区别不大。 Then should be similar.” “这下应该就差不多了。” Shi Feng looks at NPC Knight that and to/clashes, starts to guide itself to send out magic power that silently, making magic power past in Holy Sword Thunder Slaying, welcomed directly to Tier 3 NPC Knight filled the magic power sword blade. 石峰看着又冲上来的NPC骑士,开始默默引导自身散发出来的魔力,让魔力流转到手上的圣剑弑雷上,直接迎向了三阶NPC骑士充满魔力的剑刃。 Bang! 轰! Under a explosion sound reverberation mountain. 一声轰响回荡山下。 Sees only Tier 3 NPC Knight that the sword blade collides to draw back unexpectedly one step, but reviews Shi Feng is half has not drawn back, even the arm has not trembled. 只见剑刃碰撞的三阶NPC骑士竟然退了一步,而反观石峰是半步未退,甚至就连手臂都没有震颤。 Following, Shi Feng heard clear System prompt sounds. 随之而来,石峰就听到了一条条清脆的系统提示音。 System: Congratulates the player body of unlocking degree Epic Level magic power to achieve 5%. 系统:恭喜玩家史诗级魔力之躯解锁程度达到5%。 Mastered a method of body of unlocking magic power finally.” Shi Feng looks at Holy Sword Thunder Slaying on hand, in the vision is raising an excitement. “总算掌握了一丝解锁魔力之躯的方法。”石峰看着手上的圣剑弑雷,目光中掀起一丝激动。 He is the body of Epic Level magic power, the magic power structure is more complex than Silver Rank the body of magic power, wanting to utilize to grasp is impossible, therefore he starts to attempt to imitate the magic power guidances of these Tier 3 NPC and utilizes. 他自身是史诗级魔力之躯,魔力构架远比白银级魔力之躯复杂,想要一下运用掌握是不可能的,所以他开始尝试模仿这些三阶NPC的魔力引导和运用。 Naturally this magic power guidance and utilization cannot bring to use directly, because these things do not conform to the body of his own magic power, but also needs to conduct some modification. 当然这种魔力引导和运用并不能直接拿来用,因为这些东西并不符合他自己的魔力之躯,还需要进行一些改动。 Then in struck the unlocking to a moment ago 5%. 这才在刚才一击解锁到5%。 On no wonder former life so many expert want to enter the gate of golden, stronger compared with the training in this inside a half hour of simply for half a month.” Shi Feng looked at one to three Tier 3 NPC Knight that he eyes covetously, somewhat exclaimed in surprise the raining effect of gate of golden is strong. “难怪上一世那么多高手都想要进入黄金之门,在这里面半个小时简直比外界训练半个月都要强。”石峰看了一眼对他虎视眈眈的三名三阶NPC骑士,不禁有些惊叹黄金之门的训练效果就是强。 If changes into these Silver Rank body of expert magic power to come at this time, perhaps these gets down, almost can the body of unlocking magic power, after all body of guidance and utilization such natural Silver Rank magic power puts at present, this absolutely does not have in the outside world, is only to body of effect his such Epic Level magic power is small, but such Shi Feng also calculated to satisfy, after all body of more difficult unlocking a stronger magic power, he not to be able a time unlocking. 如果此时换成那些白银级魔力之躯高手过来,恐怕这一趟下来,就差不多能解锁魔力之躯了,毕竟这样天然的白银级魔力之躯引导和运用摆在眼前,这在外界可是绝对没有的,只是对他这样的史诗级魔力之躯效果甚微,但这样石峰也算满意了,毕竟越强的魔力之躯越难解锁,他根本就没有想过能一次解锁。 Immediately Shi Feng then climbs mountains challenge next wave of NPC Knight, wants to be familiar with and adapt to this feeling as soon as possible. 随即石峰就接着上山挑战下一波NPC骑士,想要尽快熟悉和适应这种感觉。 But second wave of NPC Knight is six, the guidance and utilization of body of magic power with beforehand three is also completely different, and has no promotion as for the strength, became Shi Feng to further optimize the novice mouse of body of utilization law magic power completely. 而第二波NPC骑士是六位,魔力之躯的引导和运用跟之前的三位也是完全不一样,至于实力并没有什么提升,完全成了石峰进一步优化魔力之躯运用法的小白鼠。 But with Shi Feng unceasing overcoming an obstacle, the NPC Knight quantity is not only increasing, the rank of body of magic power has also promoted, raises rise to Intermediate Grade from Basic Grade, later raises rise to High Grade, this lets the optimization of body of Shi Feng magic power is also better and better. 而随着石峰不断的闯关,NPC骑士不仅数量在增加,就连魔力之躯的级别也有所提升,从初级升到中级,之后提升到高级,这让石峰魔力之躯的优化也是越来越好。 System: Congratulates the player body of unlocking degree Epic Level magic power to achieve 10%. 系统:恭喜玩家史诗级魔力之躯解锁程度达到10%。 System: Congratulates the player body of unlocking degree Epic Level magic power to achieve 15%. 系统:恭喜玩家史诗级魔力之躯解锁程度达到15%。 System: Congratulates the player body of unlocking degree Epic Level magic power to achieve 20%. 系统:恭喜玩家史诗级魔力之躯解锁程度达到20%。 In spending for seven hours, after challenging the bodies of six magic power achieve Top Grade Silver Rank Tier 3 Knight, Shi Feng also finally achieved first of golden Holy Mountain. 在花费了七个多小时,挑战完六位魔力之躯达到顶级白银级三阶骑士后,石峰也终于达到了黄金圣山的第一层。 Sees only in the first central main hall in golden Holy Mountain to stand hand-held Broadsword, puts on the female of dark blue armor calmly to stand there, like statue generally sacred great. 只见黄金圣山的第一层的中央大殿中站着一位手持大剑,穿着深蓝色铠甲的女子静静站在那里,如同雕像一般神圣伟岸。 But this female is not others, is gate of inheritance creator Alyd, terrifying power and influence Tier 5 profession that the body sends out definitely is unable to compare even. 而这位女子不是别人,正是传承之门的创造者艾蕾亞蒂,身上散发出来的恐怖威势就算是五阶职业也完全无法相比。 Trial you do is very good, can come here unexpectedly in nine hours, now I give you two choices, one is you can support three moves in me, when the time comes you not only can enter first through the test, but can also obtain inheritance to instruct time, another is to challenge here original guarding, won entered first normally, does not have any reward.” Alyd sees Shi Feng to enter, the vision also transferred to Shi Feng's, asked very much lightly, you had three minutes of consideration time, made the decision well!” 试练者你做的很不错,竟然能在九个小时内来到这里,现在吾给你两个选择,一个是你能在我手下支撑三招,到时候你不仅能通过考验进入第一层,还能得到一次传承指导,另一个是挑战这里原本的镇守者,赢了正常进入第一层,没有任何奖励。”艾蕾亞蒂看到石峰进入,目光也是移到了石峰的身上,很是平淡问道,“你有三分钟的考虑时间,好好做决定吧!” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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