ROTSSG :: Volume #24

#2310: Urho Tiya VS Anna

Chapter 2310 第2310章 Urho Tiya VS Anna 乌尔迪亚VS安娜 Regarding the System prompt, Shi Feng is the choice of not saying anything further accepts. 对于系统提示,石峰二话不说的选择接受。 Although this inheritance completion achieves 85% is what level he is not clear, but compared with initial 15%, without doubt was very high level. 虽然这个传承完成度达到85%是什么水平他也不清楚,但是比起最初的15%来说,无疑是很高的水平了。 After the Shi Feng choice accepts, innumerable divine symbol that before absorbed in changed into together streams light/only seal instantaneously to the Shi Feng's back of the hand, quick Shi Feng saw that on own back of the hand condensed purple-gold sword-shaped divine mark. 石峰选择接受之后,之前吸收的无数神文在瞬间就化为一道道流光印向石峰的手背,很快石峰就看到自己的手背上凝聚出了一道紫金色的剑形神纹 Instance that sword-shaped divine mark forms, crazy Urho Tiya is also thorough Berserk got up, the build big, the body sent out the light flame, making all around temperature follow to start to promote crazily, the ground of under foot turned into the gray-black scorched earth. 剑形神纹形成的瞬间,原本疯狂的乌尔迪亚也是彻底狂暴起来,体型足足大了一圈,身上散发出淡淡的火光,让四周的温度都跟着开始疯狂提升,脚下的地面都变成了灰黑色的焦土。 If not Shi Feng, because has Absolute Domain to be able immunity all damage, perhaps HP will drop crazily. 如果不是石峰因为有绝对领域可以免疫所有伤害,恐怕生命值都会疯狂下降。 Walks!” “走!” Shi Feng looks at Berserk Urho Tiya, the Absolute Domain time has also been not much left completely, Ring of the Seven Luminaries the illusion of Ring of Earth replace becoming common practice, launches Gale Domain to retreat directly rapidly. 石峰看着已经完全狂暴的乌尔迪亚,绝对领域的时间也所剩无几,直接把七曜之戒地之环替换成风之幻,展开疾风领域是飞速撤退。 Was covered by Magic Barrier in the internal area of this void islands, is unable to use to transmit Skill, but Skill of flight class does not forbid, is Shi Feng escapes the only hope, otherwise inheritance succeeds in obtaining, without abyss Phantom exist(ence), he is difficult in internal area, let alone followed Tier 3 title hero spirit. 在这虚空岛屿的内部区被魔法屏障笼罩,无法使用传送技能,不过飞行类的技能并不禁止,算是石峰逃命唯一的希望,要不然传承到手,没有深渊幻影存在,他在内部区根本寸步难行,更别说跟着一个三阶称号英灵了。 However in Shi Feng soars, but the line has not departed the tomb, Urho Tiya seems like shell general flying to shoot, changes into flame hit that soars to the heavens together to Shi Feng. 不过在石峰腾空而行还没有飞出墓地,乌尔迪亚就好像是炮弹一般的飞射过来,化为一道冲天的火光撞击向石峰 This flame speed is extremely quick, even if Black Dragon Phantom resists without enough time. 这道火光速度极快,就算是黑龙幻影都来不及抵挡。 Bang! 轰! The flame touches Shi Feng's to blast out instantaneously directly, is one ripples regarding golden divine symbol of Shi Feng whole body, before this is, faces Urho Tiya has not had matter. 火光碰触石峰的瞬间就直接炸开,围绕石峰周身的金色神文是一阵荡漾,这是之前面对乌尔迪亚从来都没有发生过的事情。 After strikes, flame Warblade on Urho Tiya hand is the One Blade blade falls, even Shi Feng facing this innumerable blade glow still felt incapable. 而在一击之后,乌尔迪亚手上的火焰战刀一刀刀落下,就算是石峰面对这无数的刀芒也感到一阵无力。 This each One Blade speed is not he can follow, this is not the Attack Speed issue, but is he responded radically does not come. 这每一刀速度已经不是他能跟上了,这并非是攻击速度的问题,而是他根本反应不过来了。 Even if he uses the dual eruptions, perhaps in front of Urho Tiya is also only the issues of 2-3 blades. 哪怕是他用出双重爆发,恐怕在乌尔迪亚面前也只是2-3刀的问题。 Saw that Absolute Domain Duration is also left over the final six seconds, but he is away from the Magic Barrier distance also to be about 1500 yards, Shi Feng does not make any entanglement, charges into Magic Barrier rapidly. 眼看绝对领域持续时间还剩下最后的六秒,而他距离魔法屏障的距离还有将近一千五百码,石峰根本不作任何纠缠,飞速冲向魔法屏障 Flight speed ran to compared with the land on quickly, but Urho Tiya also had the flying ability, has been in hot pursuit to Shi Feng, moreover each attack made the Tier 4 Legendary monster be injured sufficiently, had Absolute Domain exist(ence), Shi Feng is struck to kill several times. 飞行的速度比起陆地上跑要快多了,不过乌尔迪亚同样拥有飞行能力,一直对石峰紧追不放,而且每一次的攻击都足以让四阶传奇怪物受伤,要不是有绝对领域存在,石峰早已经被击杀好几次了。 Five seconds! 五秒! Three seconds! 三秒! One second! 一秒! Although flight speed is quick, is 1500 yards distance is not eventually near, shortly from Magic Barrier also has less than 500 yards distance, Absolute Domain eventually is the time, blasts open instantaneously in the Shi Feng whole body, changes into the innumerable star light. 飞行速度虽快,可是一千五百码的距离终究不近,眼看距离魔法屏障还有不到五百码的距离时,绝对领域终究是到时间了,瞬间在石峰周身炸裂开来,化为无数星光。 But after Absolute Domain vanish, Shi Feng feels scalding hot, HP is 100 million flies to fall downward. 而在绝对领域消失之后,石峰就感到一阵灼热,生命值更是一万一万的往下飞降。 Urho Tiya saw Absolute Domain vanish, the facial expression on face reveals one to sneer, was almost one flickers the body to appear before the Shi Feng's body, the flame Warblade overhead on hand cut. 乌尔迪亚看到绝对领域消失,脸上的神情流露出了一丝冷笑,几乎是一个瞬身就出现在了石峰的身前,手上的火焰战刀当头砍下。 The sword light octupole octopole cuts! 剑光八极斩! Before this eight blade Munby get up time, uses must come quickly is stronger, each One Blade has is as good as Tier 4 Legendary strikes. 这一次的八道刀芒比起之前使用的都要来的更快更强,每一刀都有不亚于四阶传奇的一击。 Even if this move Black Dragon Phantom cannot block, Shi Feng main body not to mention, but Shi Feng is still prepared early. 这一招就算是黑龙幻影都挡不住,石峰本尊就更不用说了,不过石峰也是早有准备。 In the Absolute Domain vanish instance, was the earliest possible time uses Defensive Blade. 绝对领域消失的瞬间,也是第一时间用出了御剑回天 pēng pēng pēng...... 砰砰砰…… A series of impact noises are the reverberation entire forests. 一连串的撞击声是回荡整个森林。 The time of putting in an appearance, the Defensive Blade resisting number of times was used most probably, not to wait for Shi Feng to depart 50 yards distance, Defensive Blade is broken by Urho Tiya. 只是一照面的时间,御剑回天的抵挡次数就被用了大半,还不等石峰飞出五十码的距离,御剑回天就被乌尔迪亚打破。 Saw that Urho Tiya prepares to attack again, Shi Feng these uses Abyssal Bind time. 眼看乌尔迪亚准备再次攻击,石峰这一次用出深渊束缚 Saw only void emitted more than 20 jet black chains, locked in Urho Tiya in midair instantaneously, making Urho Tiya's movement stop directly. 只见虚空中冒出了二十多条漆黑的锁链,瞬间锁住了半空中的乌尔迪亚,让乌尔迪亚的动作直接停了下来。 level up later Abyssal Blade enables the Abyssal Bind fetter time to be for five seconds, does not arrange in order as Tier 3 Skill High Lord of the same class even outside, this is also the Shi Feng final card in hand. 升级之后的深渊者深渊束缚的束缚时间可以达到五秒,作为三阶技能就算是同级别的大领主也不列外,这也是石峰最后的底牌。 Bang! 砰! Shi Feng had not looked with enough time, hears the chains to hear together the clear break sound. 石峰还没有来得及看,就听到锁链传来一道清脆的断裂声。 Urho Tiya simply that Berserk gets up compared with terrifying that the Tier 4 Legendary monster must come, fetter on a break chains, other chains seems like general that the plastic makes instantaneously, follows breaks. 狂暴起来的乌尔迪亚简直四阶传奇怪物都要来的恐怖,束缚的瞬间就断裂一条锁链,紧接着其他锁链就好像是塑料做的一般,也跟着一条条断裂。 Dares to blaspheme the grave of Saint! Death!” Urho Tiya the arm has been able to move at this time, direct great distance Shi Feng 50 yards away wields One Blade. “敢亵渎圣者之墓!死!”乌尔迪亚此时手臂已经能动弹,直接相隔50码外的石峰就是挥出一刀 One Blade wields, the flame of burning hot also follows to spew out, changes into the meteor presented in together in a flash Shi Feng's behind. 一刀挥出,炙热的火焰也跟着喷涌而出,化为一道流星转瞬间就出现在了的石峰的身后。 Saw that the flame raids, Shi Feng is also one turns around, the double sword on hand moves forward to meet somebody directly. 眼看火焰袭来,石峰也是一个转身,手上的双剑直接迎了上去。 Protects the shield void! 虚空护盾! Bang! 轰! As an explosion resounds, Shi Feng felt that the whole body bone must break to pieces. 随着一声爆炸响起,石峰就感到全身都骨头都要碎了。 Has the HP upper limit ten times of protecting shields almost to blast open fully, Shi Feng because of the impact of terrifying, was also rumbled to depart beyond more than 30 yards. 足有生命值上限十倍的护盾是差点炸裂,石峰也因为恐怖的冲击,被轰飞出三十多码外。 Good terrifying One Blade!” Shi Feng looks fully is the protecting shield of fissure, in the heart is one rejoiced. “好恐怖一刀!”石峰看着满是裂痕的护盾,心中是一阵庆幸。 If not protects the shield void, as soon as perhaps he struck is killed. 如果不是虚空护盾,恐怕他一击就被干掉了。 Urho Tiya's strength he imagined stronger is too more, if his head one challenged the biggest tomb initially hotly, perhaps Absolute Domain vanish instantaneously was also the time that he died. 乌尔迪亚的实力比他想象中的要强出太多了,如果当初他脑袋一热去挑战最大的墓地,恐怕绝对领域消失的瞬间也就是他死亡的时刻。 But Urho Tiya's One Blade made both sides spread out hundred yards instantaneously, Abyssal Bind, although cannot fetter the Urho Tiya five seconds, but fettered for two seconds is nothing issue. 而乌尔迪亚的这一刀瞬间就让双方拉开了百码距离,深渊束缚虽然不能束缚乌尔迪亚五秒,但是束缚两秒是没有任何问题。 Without can movement/mobile, want to attack to the goal hundred yards away, this regarding having Tier 3 hero spirit, without doubt is the impossible matter. 在不能移动的情况下,想要攻击到百码之外的目标,这对于只有三阶英灵来说,无疑是不可能的事情。 Two seconds, makes this distance also further increase regarding Shi Feng in flight to more than 300 yards. 两秒的时间,对于飞行中的石峰来说让这个距离也是进一步增大到三百多码。 Although Urho Tiya's speed is quicker compared with Shi Feng, but pursues in the situation of escaping, even if the distance is reducing rapidly, but Shi Feng from Magic Barrier is also more and more near. 虽然乌尔迪亚的速度比起石峰快很多,不过一追一逃的情况下,哪怕距离在飞速缩减,可是石峰距离魔法屏障也是越来越近。 150 yards...... 100 yards...... 50 yards...... 一百五十码……一百码……五十码…… Saw that Urho Tiya is away from Shi Feng already less than 80 yards distance, when prepares to wield One Blade again, Shi Feng also finally broke through Magic Barrier. 眼看乌尔迪亚距离石峰已经不到八十码的距离,准备再一次挥出一刀时,石峰也终于突破了魔法屏障 Sees only Warblade to wield, the scalding hot flame raids again, Shi Feng these took out Summon Scroll from inventory time, directly Anna summoning. 只见战刀一挥,灼热的火光再一次袭来,石峰这一次从背包里取出了召唤卷轴,直接把安娜给召唤了出来。 The appearance of Anna, making Shi Feng relax. 安娜的出现,让石峰是松了一口气。 Tier 3 title hero spirit, perhaps Tier 3 he is not an opponent, but Anna was different, as Epic Level Personal Guard, the potential value reaches as high as 113 points, perhaps is unable to compare favorably with Hero in NPC, perhaps also differs are not many, will want anti- to live in one absolutely is nothing issue. 三阶称号英灵,恐怕三阶的他也不是对手,但是安娜就不一样了,作为史诗级直属护卫,潜力值高达113点,也许无法媲美NPC中的英雄,恐怕也相差不多了,想要抗住一会绝对是没有任何问题。 Facing Tier 3 title hero spirit Urho Tiya's crazy fierce One Blade, Anna is tranquil wields begins the scepter. 面对三阶称号英灵乌尔迪亚的狂猛一刀,安娜是平静的挥动手中的权杖。 Black and white bi-color dual Magic Barrier appeared before the body of Anna together. 一道黑白双色的双重魔法屏障就出现在了安娜的身前。 The flame touched Magic Barrier to seem like the fire to bump into Yanshan to be common, to crazy ignition, is unable to create to Magic Barrier destroys slightly, can say that relaxed got down Urho Tiya on keeping off struck. 火焰碰触到魔法屏障就好像是火碰到了岩山一般,任凭疯狂的灼烧,也无法对魔法屏障造成丝毫破坏,可以说轻松就挡下了乌尔迪亚的一击。 Became! We walk!” “成了!我们走!” Shi Feng looks Urho Tiya who has not given up, Tier 2 community teleport Scroll also chanting that took out from inventory finished early, brings Anna on direct vanish in the surrounding of internal area. 石峰看着还不放弃的乌尔迪亚,早从背包里取出的二阶群体瞬移卷轴吟唱完毕,带着安娜就直接消失在了内部区的外围。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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