ROTSSG :: Volume #23

#2264: The shackles break through 100%

Day of time, although is not short, but must cope with Tier 2 great Human race NPC of the same class, the difficulty is really one is also raised much.” Shi Feng is carefully examining ten great Human race Gladiator on Fighting Arena, perhaps half micro expert Dark Gold equipment of the same class do not want to pass.” “一天时间虽然不短,不过要对付同级别的二阶人族NPC,难度还真是一下提升不少。”石峰审视着斗技场上的十名巨人族角斗士,“恐怕半步入微高手没有一身同级别的暗金装备都别想通过。” NPC is not the monster may compare, not only has many Magic Skill, the fight level is also stronger than a section the monster of the same class. NPC可不是怪物可比,不仅拥有诸多的魔法技能,战斗水平也比同级别的怪物强出一截。 Moreover NPC, even if the same step also has the division of strong and weak. 而且NPC哪怕是同阶也有强弱之分。 That is NPC weapon equipment has the difference, after all Bronze Rank equipment and Dark Gold Equipment, differ enormously in the attribute. 那就是NPC的武器装备有差别,毕竟一身青铜级装备和一身暗金级装备,在属性上可是相差极大。 At present ten great Human race NPC, weakest wear Bronze Rank, what is strongest puts on an aurin level, in addition the great Human race talent different reported that even if player puts on Dark Gold Equipment, perhaps wants weak one section in the attribute, can only do is depends upon Skill to resist. 眼下十名巨人族NPC,最弱的穿着一身青铜级,最强的可是穿着一身金精级,加上巨人族的天赋异禀,就算是玩家穿着一身暗金级装备,在属性上恐怕都要弱一截,唯一能做的就是依靠技巧来对抗。 Tower of Four Gods here, the external object is unable to use, even Berserk Skill is unable to use, can only depend upon player own Strength, the limit to player can say that is big. 四神之塔这里,外物都无法使用,甚至爆发技能都无法使用,只能依靠玩家自身的力量,对玩家的限制可以说非常大。 Before feeling looks like, twice tests trains player, but this third test is to the examination of player. 给人的感觉就像是前两次考验就是训练玩家,而这第三次考验才是对玩家的检验。 Shi Feng does not want is too many, stepped onto Fighting Arena directly. 石峰没有想太多,直接走上了斗技场 First six days of exercises have made him arrive at a bottleneck, Secret Thunder Ray currently uses is 14 swords, the consumption of mental power falls throughout actually 1/4, before consumption not, is so big, wants is not the short time can accomplish in the promotion, naturally does not need to waste day, might as well directly enters second through the first test quickly. 前六天的锻炼已经让他到了一个瓶颈,秘技雷光目前使用始终是十四剑,精神力的消耗倒是降到了四分之一,消耗没有以前那么大,想要在提升已经不是短时间可以办到,自然也没有必要空耗一天的时间,还不如赶快通过第一层的考验直接进入第二层。 As Shi Feng gets on the stage, giant NPC also arrived at the center of arena, grasping the great axe is not saying anything further pounds to Shi Feng. 随着石峰走上台,一名巨人NPC也走到了擂台的中央,手持巨斧是二话不说就砸向石峰 Wielding of great axe rich earth Element, making the great axe heavy incomparably did not say, the place that Shi Feng is at felt very big gravity makes the action reduce greatly. 巨斧的挥动连带着浓郁的土元素,让着巨斧变得沉重无比不说,就连石峰所在的地方都感到了很大的重力让行动力大减。 Under strikes, not only has to be close to the same rank High Lord might, axe three just like a mountain to depress, makes one evade not to have radically to evade. 一击之下不仅拥有接近同级别大领主的威力,一斧化三犹如一座大山压下,根本让人避无可避。 Combat Technique!” 战技!” Shi Feng looks at this, in the vision lightens surprised. 石峰看着这一手,目光中闪出一丝惊讶。 Combat Technique this thing is not player is certainly in sole possession, but is in God's Domain continuously on the exist(ence) thing, which inheritance flagstone exist(ence) will otherwise not have. 战技这东西当然不是玩家独有,而是神域里一直就存在的东西,要不然也不会有哪些传承石板存在了。 However NPC in God's Domain studies Combat Technique to be possible be more difficult than player, generally NPC only then Tier 3 started to contact Combat Technique truly, but can use Combat Technique is still very few. 不过在神域里面NPC学习战技可要比玩家难,一般NPC只有到了三阶才开始真正接触到战技,不过能使用战技的依然是少之又少。 Present Tier 2 giant NPC can actually use Combat Technique, how can also not be surprising? 眼下的二阶巨人NPC却可以使用战技,又怎么能不让人惊讶? Must know, even if only Common Combat Technique, can make the NPC strength increase, the talent different reported that adds on itself to have the fight level of Tower of Trial initial phase fifth floor, present giant NPC can hang to hit these half micro expert absolutely. 要知道哪怕只是普通战技,都可以让NPC的战力大增,天赋异禀加上本身有试炼之塔五层初段的战斗水平,眼下的巨人NPC绝对可以吊打那些半步入微高手 To Shi Feng, such attack is very immature. 只是对石峰来说,这样的攻击还是非常稚嫩。 Shi Feng wielded begins Twilight Blade to block this axe with ease, another Holy Sword Thunder Slaying has delimited the giant NPC body, did not give the giant NPC any chance. 石峰只是挥动手中的黄昏之刃就轻松挡住了这一斧,另一把圣剑弑雷就划过了巨人NPC的身躯,根本不给巨人NPC任何机会 Sword-Light Phantom! 剑光虚影 Ten sword light just like the stars to surround generally, 22 collide in together, changes into the instantaneous radiance. 十道剑光犹如星辰一般环绕,两两碰撞在一起,化为瞬间的璀璨。 System: Sword-Light Phantom completion 101%, Skill EXP + 10, creates 170% Skill effects. 系统:剑光虚影完成度101%,技能熟练度,造成170%的技能效果。 Sees only giant NPC to depart instantaneously, the head emits a series of 200,000 point damage, falls into directly shortly condition that cannot move. 只见巨人NPC是瞬间飞出,头上冒出一连串二十万的点的伤害,直接陷入短暂的不能动弹的状态。 powerful effect!” Shi Feng is also being flabbergasted that slightly looks. 好强的效果!”石峰也是看的微微咋舌。 In six days of exercises, compares the progress of Secret Thunder Ray, Sword-Light Phantom this move of progress is biggest. 在六天的锻炼中,相比秘技雷光的进步,剑光虚影这一招的进步才是最大的。 Before after the unceasing training, he has been able to stabilize in 100%, didn't expect breaks through 100% shackles now suddenly, but Sword-Light Phantom also produced the new results, that is the short severely wounded paralysis effect, keeping the goal in one second from moving. 之前经过不断的训练,他已经能稳定在100%,没想到现在就突然突破了100%的枷锁,而剑光虚影也产生了新的效果,那就是短暂的重伤麻痹效果,让目标在一秒之内无法动弹。 Naturally wish makes Skill break through 100% shackles to be difficult, not to mention achieves 101%, but after a use, has made him touch the Sword-Light Phantom essence slightly, even if at this time he left Tower of Four Gods, outside runs, he still has the confidence to make Skill Completion achieve 100%. 当然想要让技能突破100%的枷锁非常难,更不用说达到101%,不过经过一次的使用,已经让他略微触及到了剑光虚影的精髓,此时就算他离开了四神之塔,跑到外面去,他也有信心让技能完成度达到100%。 In the arena has not waited for the giant to recover consciousness from the paralysis, before Shi Feng has stood the body of giant, wields Holy Sword Thunder Slaying again. 擂台上还不等巨人从麻痹中缓过来,石峰就已经站到了巨人的身前,再一次挥出圣剑弑雷 Secret Thunder Ray! 秘技雷光 14 sword light turned into a sword net, passed through giant NPC suddenly, makes giant NPC HP drop to the security value directly, immediately makes up Purgatory 5-Layer Chop with Twilight Blade, carried off giant NPC all HP directly, the entire process is less than three seconds. 十四道剑光变成了一道剑网,瞬息间穿过了巨人NPC,直接让巨人NPC的生命值下降到警戒值,随即又用黄昏之刃补上炼狱五重斩,直接带走了巨人NPC所有的生命值,整个过程不到三秒。 This lets look in other giant NPC that the one side observes looks dignified. 这让在一旁观战的其他巨人NPC都看的神情凝重。 Ok, next!” Shi Feng not cares a whoop, looks to all around giant NPC, but also somewhat has not given full expression. “好了,下一个!”石峰对此是丝毫不在意,看向四周的巨人NPC,还有些意犹未尽。 Copes with such giant NPC to fear the difficulty to be big regarding Dragon Roams the World and the others. 对付这样的巨人NPC对于龙游天下等人来说恐怕难度不小。 But how he said that has to surpass same rank Tier 3 profession Basic Attribute(s), the physique and reaction speed are also poorer than Tier 3 profession, if strikes to kill these Tier 2 great Human race also to take time ruthlessly, he did not need to live. 但他怎么说都拥有超过同级别三阶职业基础属性,体质和反应速度也就比三阶职业差一点而已,要是击杀这些二阶人族还狠费事,他也就不用活了。 But has saying that after striking killed this giant NPC, given Experience Point(s) is rich, are many compared with High Lord of the same class, one made his experience bar rise much, was only a pity did not have drop item. 但不得不说击杀了这个巨人NPC之后,给与的经验值非常丰厚,比起同级别的大领主都要多,一下就让他的经验条涨了不少,唯一可惜的是没有掉落物品 Quickly in less than five minutes, ten NPC giants were handled completely. 很快在不到五分钟的时间,十名NPC巨人就全部被搞定。 With the deaths of ten NPC giants, Shi Feng was also in a flash, appears in temple at present directly. 随着十名NPC巨人的死亡,石峰也是眼前一晃,直接出现在了一处神殿中。 Appears in the temple instance, Shi Feng felt that here Eternal Energy obvious and rich many, first is unable to compare with here completely. 出现在神殿的瞬间,石峰感觉这里的永恒之气明显又浓郁了不少,第一层完全跟这里无法相比。 But is lingering a lot of ophidia monsters in temple all around, these snakes not only the build is very huge, each has a 2nd floor small building size, but also each has six heads. 而在神殿的四周徘徊着大量的蛇类怪物,这些蛇不仅体型很庞大,每一只都有一座二楼小楼大小,而且每一只都有六个头。 Six-headed Infernal Snake, bloodlines living creature, Lord Rank, Level 94 levels, HP 42 million. 六头地狱蛇,血脉生物,领主级,等级94级,生命值4200万。 Bloodlines living creature?” Shi Feng looks at full temple Six-headed Infernal Snake, becomes silent. “血脉生物?”石峰看着满神殿六头地狱蛇,不禁哑然 His didn't expect second difficulty one is raised is so big, but bloodlines living creature same equivalent Elite general exist(ence), and has the inheritance ability, the strength is extraordinary, can say that beforehand Tier 2 great Human race NPC may not exceed present Six-headed Infernal Snake. 没想到第二层的难度一下提升这么大,血脉生物可是同等阶精英一般的存在,而且拥有传承能力,战力非凡,可以说之前二阶人族NPC都不一定能胜过眼前的六头地狱蛇 However after short surprised, on the Shi Feng's face also revealed a joy. 不过随着短暂的惊讶之后,石峰的脸上也露出了一丝喜悦。 Bloodlines living creature is scarce, even if are not many, before he who he knows also wanted Thunder Sound Temple to strike to kill these half snake people to make the strength of bloodlines, now is actually convenient. 血脉生物可是非常稀少,哪怕是他所知的也不多,之前他还想要去雷鸣殿击杀那些半蛇人来弄血脉之力,现在倒是省事了。 System: Congratulates player to complete the first test to arrive at Tower of Four Gods second, player can choose to rest here for day, can then start the second test now. 系统:恭喜玩家完成第一层的考验来到四神之塔第二层,玩家可以在这里选择休息一天,也可以接着现在就开始第二层的考验。 These days I have exercised in God's Domain, even if the spirituality condition has been very good, but some body many also influences in reality, first log out rests.” Shi Feng thinks, the direct selection rests for day, like this he can feel at ease log out, does not need to be worried that anything troubles. “这段时间我一直在神域里面锻炼,哪怕精神状态一直都很好,但现实里的身体多少也会有些影响,还是先下线休息一下吧。”石峰想了想,直接选择休息一天,这样他就可以安心下线,不用担心出什么麻烦。 With Shi Feng log out, walks from Virtual Reality Capsule, the sunlight has illuminated enters in the room, the time is noon. 随着石峰下线,从虚拟实境仓里面走出来,阳光早已经照进房间里,时间已经是中午了。 But Shi Feng just coming out from Virtual Reality Capsule moved a body, suddenly felt that the whole body is one feels weak weakly . Moreover the sense of hunger is unprecedented high, as if each cell of whole body was crying out, the extreme deficient energy, the brain is absent-minded, making him have a drowsy feeling. 石峰刚从虚拟实境仓里面出来活动了一下身体,突然感觉到全身是一阵虚弱乏力,而且饥饿感是前所未有的高,仿佛全身的每一个细胞都在呐喊,极度的缺乏能量,大脑更是一片恍惚,让他有一种昏昏欲睡的感觉。 How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” Shi Feng one startled, if not he is supporting, perhaps he has fainted now. 石峰不由一惊,如果不是他强撑着,恐怕他现在已经昏过去了。
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