ROTSSG :: Volume #23

#2260: Bumper crop

As Shi Feng leaves the treasure area, the crazy major influences at this time were crazier. 随着石峰离开宝物区,原本就疯狂的各大势力此时是更疯狂了。 Such short less than ten seconds, in the sea level the vanish light ball has two ten six pieces, must know that Storm King Snake altogether drops more than 300 Item(s), each influence can say insufficient minute/share, now is actually plundered more than ten by the Shi Feng one breath 1. 就这么短短不到十秒的时间,海面上消失的光球就有二十六件之多,要知道风暴王蛇总共才掉落了三百多件物品,每个势力一件都可以说不够分的,现在却被石峰一口气就掠夺了十几分之一。 What is most annoying is Shi Feng no pays radically, but major influence that do not have large number of vessels to be destroyed, even the Bronze Rank speed boat lost. 最可气的是石峰根本就没有什么付出,而各大势力那个没有大量船艇被毁,甚至就连青铜级快艇都损失了很多。 The intense imbalance makes the major influences hate to the marrow of the bones about Shi Feng. 强烈的不平衡让各大势力对石峰是恨之入骨。 Gets rid of him! Must get rid of him!” “干掉他!一定要干掉他!” At this time being jealous some Super Organization the place that no matter also the treasure area, came out to Shi Feng teleport directly prepared to use Magic Conduct Pulse Cannon. 此时一些眼红的超级势力也不管宝物区了,直接对石峰瞬移出来的地方准备使用魔导脉冲炮 But major Adventure Group also thought that this is chance, the treasure centralized is very easy to receive the protections of major Super Organization in a region, but if the treasure disperses in two places, even Super Organization still has a mind to be incapable, can make their these Adventure Group take advantage of loopholes. 而各大冒险团也觉得这是一个机会,宝物集中在一片区域很容易受到各大超级势力的保护,但要是宝物分散在两个地方,就算是超级势力也有心无力,可以让他们这些冒险团钻空子。 Time each and everyone Adventure Group put out own card in hand. 顿时间一个个冒险团都拿出了自己的底牌。 Tier 4 locks spatial Scroll! 四阶锁空卷轴 Tier 4 pursues soul Scroll! 四阶追魂卷轴 Tier 4 weather thunder clouds! 四阶天候雷云! Adventure Group that as long as can mix on Dragon Heart Island, background is not Common Adventure Group may compare, particularly Dragon Heart Island ten big Adventure Group, have Quasi Super Influence background weakly, perhaps cannot put out Basic Grade Magic Conduct Pulse Cannon like this major war weapon, but wants to put out in view of player Tier 4 magic scroll is not a difficult matter. 但凡能在龙心岛上混的冒险团,底蕴都不是普通冒险团可比,尤其是龙心岛的十大冒险团,最弱都拥有准超级势力底蕴,也许拿不出初级魔导脉冲炮这样的大规模战争武器,不过想要拿出针对玩家四阶魔法卷轴并非难事。 Locks spatial Scroll to block a region, letting player is unable to conduct any transmission, in other words is unable to use City Return Scroll to leave, pursues soul Scroll Scroll to lock player, within certain amount of time player wants to run cannot run away, the weather thunder clouds are powerful Magic Formation, letting the person is unable to leave from inside. 锁空卷轴可以封锁一片区域,让玩家无法进行任何传送,也就是说无法使用回城卷轴离开,追魂卷轴卷轴可以锁定玩家,在一定时间内玩家想跑都跑不掉,天候雷云更是强大的魔法结界,让人无法从里面离开。 Three volumes of magic scroll are Tier 4, regarding present player, wants to decode that radically is the impossible matter. 三卷魔法卷轴都是四阶,对于现在的玩家来说,想要破解那根本就是不可能的事情。 These people were really insane!” Dragon Roams the World looks that by Magic Barrier that the sky of complete blockade and forms, the complexion is pale, copes with us as for this?” “这些人真是疯了!”龙游天下看着被完全封锁的天空和形成的魔法屏障,脸色铁青,“对付我们至于这样吗?” But Tier 4 magic scroll precious incomparable, although each cannot be as good as Epic Level Item(s), but could also be as good as half, but now consecutively three Tier 4 magic scroll use. 四阶魔法卷轴可是珍贵无比,每一张虽然抵不上一件史诗级物品,但也抵得上一半了,可是现在连续三张四阶魔法卷轴都用了出去。 Then they were unable to escape even with wings. 这下他们可是插翅难飞了。 It is not able to use City Return Scroll, the entire region was covered by Magic Formation, the soul aura was locked, escapes does not have the place to escape. 无法使用回城卷轴,整个区域又被魔法结界笼罩,灵魂气息被锁定,逃都没有地方逃。 This boy is really fierce, the one breath on the seizing next two ten six pieces treasures, our Thirteen Royal Courts still not necessarily can divide to so many even when the time comes.” Side Old Wu, the man who on the face covers the black fog sees this, not only the feeling, was a pity slightly this eventually is gambling of major Super Organization, where wanting the fingers/tiger mouth to seize to eat is so easy.” “这小子还真厉害,一口气就夺下二十六件宝物,就算我们十三王庭到时候也不见得能分到这么多。”在邬老身旁,脸上笼罩黑雾的男子看到这一幕,不仅微微感慨,“可惜这终究是各大超级势力的博弈,想要虎口夺食哪有那么容易。” At this time even if these Adventure Group do not do that their these Super Organization will still do that. 此时就算那些冒险团不这么做,他们这些超级势力也会这么做。 The joking one breath seized so many treasures, moreover treasure that Shi Feng choose, even if cannot snatch well from these treasures, the treasure that at least attains will not miss, after all these things can conduct by magic power roughly judge. 开玩笑一口气夺走了那么多宝物,而且还是石峰自己选择的宝物,就算从这些宝物中抢不到最好的,起码拿到的宝物也不会差,毕竟这些东西凭借魔力就可以进行大致的判断了。 It can be said that Shi Feng such, can take away over 1/10 of these treasure total values at least, how possibly to make Shi Feng and the others live departure? 可以说石峰这么一下,起码能拿走这些宝物总价值的十分之一以上,怎么可能让石峰等人活着离开? Did not have self-knowledge, but was courts death.” The female who in a profile covers the black fog full is desolate saying, then goes for wool and comes back shorn, if he were not obstinate argumentative at that time, the Tower of Four Gods quota succeeded in obtaining at least, but now his anything do not want to obtain, simply passed stupidly.” “没有自知之明,不过是找死而已。”一旁脸上笼罩黑雾的女子满是冷淡的说道,“这下偷鸡不成蚀把米,如果当时他不嘴硬,四神之塔的名额起码到手了,而现在他什么也别想得到,简直愚蠢透了。” Regarding the Shi Feng beforehand attitude, she is very discontented. 对于石峰之前的态度,她可是很不满。 Their Thirteen Royal Courts is true Super-Guild, the exist(ence) Virtual Game about hundred years, moreover is majestically located a East Continent side, does not know that many influences want to draw in the relations with their Thirteen Royal Courts, but Shi Feng is not tactful. 她们十三王庭可是真正的超级公会,存在虚拟游戏界近百年,而且雄踞东大陆的一方,不知道多少势力想要跟她们十三王庭拉上关系,而石峰却不识趣。 Now sees Shi Feng to fall into the hopeless situation, she is very comfortable. 现在看到石峰陷入绝境,她心里可是很舒服。 The Tier 4 weather thunder clouds same Tier 4 Legendary monster do not want to break even casually, faces the major influences in this narrow and small space the anger, even has several Invincible is not insufficient. 四阶的天候雷云就算是同样的四阶传奇怪物也别想随便打破,在这狭小的空间中面对各大势力的怒火,就算有几个无敌都不够用。 Guild Master Black Flame, what to do was not then good, had the blockade of weather thunder clouds, we are unable to leave this region, now becomes the living target completely.” Zither Melody looks at already Magic Array that launches completely, dignified say/way. 黑炎会长,这下不好怎么办了,有天候雷云的封锁,我们根本无法离开这片区域,现在完全成了活靶子。”琴音看着已经完全展开的魔法阵,神情凝重道。 Now was locked by several thousand vessels, even Anna cannot block absolutely, but has soul locking, even if they run into the into the sea|nautical mile is still useless. 如今被几千艘船艇锁定,就算是安娜也绝对挡不住,而有灵魂锁定,就算她们逃进海里也没有用。 These influence preparations is really comprehensive.” Shi Feng swept all around Magic Barrier, shakes the head to laugh in spite of trying not. “这些势力准备的还真全面。”石峰扫了一眼四周的魔法屏障,摇头失笑。 Big brother Black Flame , did you have the mood to smile at this time?” Green Bamboo looks at be with smile on the face Shi Feng, somewhat worries to say. 黑炎大哥,都这个时候了,你还有心情笑?”青竹看着面带笑容的石峰,有些着急道。 Treasure that snatches with great difficulty, now the treasure has not covered hot, this must be killed, this time they owed send greatly. 好不容易才抢到的宝物,现在宝物还没有捂热乎,这就要被干掉,这次她们可是亏大发了。 This thing you take.” Shi Feng took out two Token that is made immediately by Seven Luminaries Crystal Stone from inventory, gave Gentle Thoughtful Rain and Zither Melody directly two people. “这东西你们拿着。”石峰随即就从背包里取出了两块由七曜晶石制成的令牌,直接给了思雨轻轩琴音两人。 Seven Luminaries Crystal Stone!” Zither Melody looks at Token, the eye soon stares. 七曜晶石!”琴音看着令牌,眼睛都快要瞪出来了。 Perhaps precious of Seven Luminaries Crystal Stone, in entire God's Domain no one does not know, because this involves player personal Spiritual Space, even if not play God's Domain, can still bring the enormous help to the real world. 七曜晶石的珍贵,恐怕整个神域里面没有人不知道,因为这可是涉及到玩家的私人精神空间,就算不玩神域,也可以对现实世界带来极大的帮助。 Even if usually their these Big Guild obtained Seven Luminaries Crystal Stone with great difficulty, is still Seven Luminaries Crystal Stone of 2-3 units, but is all made by Seven Luminaries Crystal Stone compared with Token of palm of the hand size at present. 平常她们这些大公会就算好不容易得到了七曜晶石,也就是2-3个单位的七曜晶石,可是眼下一个比巴掌大小的令牌全由七曜晶石制成。 The rough estimate has above 40 units, selling absolutely is the sky-high price, even trades 2-3 Epic Level Item(s) is not impossible. 粗略估计都有四十个单位以上,卖出去绝对是天价,甚至换2-3件史诗级物品也不是不可能。 However Zither Melody soon discovered, this Token is not simple, but in taking, all around magic power starts to condense toward her side, she is Half-Elf, surpasses Human great length regarding the magic power sensitive degree. 不过琴音很快就发现,这块令牌不简单,只是拿到手里,四周的魔力就开始往她身边凝聚,她可是半精灵,对于魔力的敏感程度超过人类大截 This time, magic power rich of her whole body promoted over 20% at least, absolutely is the extraordinary treasure. 只是这点时间而已,她周身的魔力浓郁度起码就提升了两成以上,绝对是了不得的宝物。 Do not be in a daze, this is the Tower of Four Gods transmission stone, Zither Melody you brings Longyou, Gentle you bring Green Bamboo, we transmit quickly leave here!” Shi Feng looks at some stare blankly Zither Melody, said repeatedly. “别发愣了,这是四神之塔的传送石,琴音你带着龙游,轻轩你带着青竹,我们赶快传送离开这里!”石峰看着有些愣神琴音,连声说道。 Although is only blind picking drops, but through the retrieval of magic power, he obtained many good things, the solely Tower of Four Gods transmission stone got so far as enough five. 虽然只是盲目的捡掉落,不过通过魔力的检索,他可是得到了不少好东西,光是四神之塔的传送石就弄到了足足五块之多。 The Tower of Four Gods transmission stone is precious, even if Legendary Level King-rank sea beast, even if first kill, can drops transmission stone not over 30, but he attained five, was gains absolutely in a big way. 四神之塔的传送石珍贵无比,就算是传奇级王级海兽,哪怕是首杀,能掉落的传送石也不会超过三十块,而他一口气就拿到了五块,绝对是赚大了。 If makes the Thirteen Royal Courts' person know, perhaps will be jealous of the envy dead. 要是让十三王庭的人知道,恐怕都会眼红嫉妒死。 Because so many Super Organization struggle drops, even if Thirteen Royal Courts, can get so far as 34 is very good, perhaps Common Super Organization still attains the same place. 因为如此多的超级势力掉落,就算是十三王庭,能弄到三四块就已经很不错了,普通超级势力恐怕也就是拿到一块而已。 But the place of Spiritual God but Tower of Four Gods the ancient people created, can pass in any place by the transmission stone, even if were in Thunder God Secret Realm does not arrange in order outside. 四神之塔可是古代众人创造的神灵之地,凭借传送石可是能在任何地方都可以过去,哪怕是雷神秘境中也不列外。 The present is only trivial Tier 4 magic scroll do not want to prevent to transmit. 眼下只是区区四阶魔法卷轴根本别想阻止传送。 Zither Melody and Dragon Roams the World one hear understands immediately, casts the vision that thanked to Shi Feng. 琴音龙游天下一听顿时明白过来,不由对石峰投去感谢的目光。 The Tower of Four Gods quota is precious, this point can look from crazy of major Super Organization, because this is a player big opportunity, innumerable expert want to ask the matter that cannot strive, Gentle Thoughtful Rain and Green Bamboo even, after all are Zero Wing Guild member, at this time Shi Feng is willing to give them the quota unexpectedly such bystander. 四神之塔的名额何等珍贵,这一点从各大超级势力的疯狂就可以看出来,因为这可是玩家的一次大机遇,无数高手可是想求都求不到的事情,思雨轻轩青竹就算了,毕竟是零翼公会成员,此时石峰竟然愿意把名额给她们这样的外人。 Perhaps such matter, Super Organization Guild Master does not give up. 这样的事情,恐怕超级势力会长都舍不得。 Ok, walked quickly, did not walk without enough time!” Shi Feng looks the vessel that under has prepared to open fire, says immediately. “好了,赶快走,再不走就来不及了!”石峰看着下方已经准备开炮的船艇,立刻说道。 Zither Melody and Dragon Roams the World nod, no longer hesitant direct use transmission stone, but Gentle Thoughtful Rain also starts to use. 琴音龙游天下点点头,不再犹豫直接使用传送石,而思雨轻轩也开始使用。 Sees only three large Magic Array to cover to Shi Feng and the others, the fire bombardments of major influences on Magic Array, but these three Magic Array have not damaged slightly, inside Shi Feng and the others are safe and sound. 只见三个大型魔法阵笼罩向石峰等人,各大势力的炮火轰击在魔法阵上,可是这三个魔法阵是丝毫未损,里面的石峰等人更是安然无恙。 What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” Defensive Magic Array?” 防御魔法阵?” The people look at Shi Feng that and the others return safe and sound, stares. 众人看着毫发未损的石峰等人,都不由一愣。 This is several thousand bombing, Tier 4 attack of Magic Conduct Pulse Cannon, even if Defensive Magic Array of city were made an opening, but Shi Feng and the others Magic Array matters do not have...... 这可是数千炮击,还有魔导脉冲炮四阶攻击,就算是城市的防御魔法阵都被打出一个口子了,可是石峰等人身上的魔法阵却一点事都没有…… But when the people are in a daze, Shi Feng and the others also presented the Space-Time crevice, the instantaneous five people change into the flowing light to submerge in the Space-Time crevice completely together, vanish in everyone at present. 而就在众人发愣时,石峰等人也出现了时空裂隙,瞬间五人全部化为一道流光没入时空裂隙中,消失在了所有人的眼前。 Walked?” “走了?” „Is this possible? Doesn't have the blockade of Tier 4 magic scroll?” “这怎么可能?不是有四阶魔法卷轴的封锁吗?” The people fall into vacant, does not understand how Shi Feng and the others accomplish, but major Super Organization high-level this time is the complexion is pale. 众人都陷入一片茫然,不明白石峰等人是怎么办到的,不过各大超级势力的高层此时却是脸色铁青。 Because they thought of the Tower of Four Gods transmission stone, only then the Tower of Four Gods transmission stone has such Strength. 因为他们想到了四神之塔的传送石,也只有四神之塔的传送石才有这样的力量 But Shi Feng and the others actually used three! 石峰等人却一口气用了三块!
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