ROTSSG :: Volume #23

#2225: One the sword broken thousand strike

As the Shi Feng's sound falls, the audience people cannot bear stare to Shi Feng, in the vision full is panic-stricken. 随着石峰的声音落下,全场众人都忍不住盯向石峰,目光中满是惊骇。 This can Black Flame court death inadequately?” “这黑炎是要找死不成?” The Star Ring's strength is placed there, more than 700 micro expert let alone Zero Wing, perhaps even if changes into other Super Organization still to lower the head, lunatic who let alone Mad Beast Regiment and war mark Studio, this may most excel at the group war. 星环的实力可是摆在那里,七百多名入微高手别说零翼,就算是换成其他超级势力恐怕也要低头,何况还有狂兽军团和战痕工作室在,这可都是最擅长群战的疯子。 Only needs to lower the head obviously temporarily, can be happy. 明明只需要暂时低头,就可以皆大欢喜。 Now but actually must with a Star Ring war. 可是现在却要跟星环一战。 They suspected that Shi Feng was scared, will say these words. 他们都怀疑石峰是不是被吓傻了,才会说出这番话。 hahaha, Indestructible, it seems like your ally bone is very hard.” Blood Exquisite looked at Indestructible War Heart to say with a smile. 哈哈哈,不灭,看来你的这位盟友骨头很硬呀。”血玲珑笑着看了一眼不灭战心说道。 Why bother is his?” Indestructible War Heart has not paid attention to Blood Exquisite, shakes the head. “他这又是何苦呢?”不灭战心并没有理会血玲珑,不禁摇头。 But compares surprised and surprise of people, the Star Ring people in hall is actually the killing intent ebullition, each and everyone ice-cold looks to Shi Feng, the terrifying power and influence perhaps, even if Control of Domain expert will unable to bear the whole body tremble. 而相比众人的惊讶和诧异,在大厅中的星环众人却是杀意沸腾,一个个都冰冷的看向石峰,恐怖的威势就算是掌握域高手恐怕都会忍不住全身一颤。 Black Flame! Our Sir Guild Master gives you massively such chance, do not know the good and evil, if our Guild Master really lost one's temper, the consequence is not you can withstand, let alone your Zero Wing, was War Spirit Uprise that you supported behind must be finished!” Vice-Guild Master Morning Shine cold sound said. 黑炎!我们会长大人大量才给你这样的机会,别不识好歹,要是我们会长真的动怒了,后果不是你们能承受的,别说你们零翼,就是你们身后撑腰的战魂不落也要完蛋!”副会长晨辉冷声说道。 The Morning Shine sound is loud and clear, the people in entire hall are also hear clear. 晨辉的声音洪亮,整个大厅内的众人也都是听得一清二楚。 Regarding rampant words that Morning Shine said that the people on the scene did not have an opposition, even Indestructible War Heart was also speechless, because Morning Shine said not wrong, solely has been able to explain many issues by more than 700 micro expert that today's Star Ring sent. 对于晨辉说出来的嚣张话语,在场众人是没有一个反对,甚至连不灭战心也无话可说,因为晨辉说的一点都没有错,光是凭借今天星环派出来的七百多名入微高手就已经能说明很多问题了。 Must know that currently major Super Organization have the hidden, the strength that can take absolutely is few part, part of strengths that but Star Ring takes now have surpassed War Spirit Uprise. 要知道现在各大超级势力都有隐藏,能拿出来的实力绝对是很少的一部分,可是星环现在拿出来的一部分实力就已经超过了战魂不落 If Lu Xingluo is cruel-hearted, does not worry other things, exterminates the War Spirit Uprise also not impossible matter. 要是陆星罗狠心,不顾虑其他事情,剿灭战魂不落也并非不可能的事情。 In the people discuss spiritedly, Shi Feng disregarded opening the mouth Morning Shine, the vision looked directly to Lu Xingluo. 就在众人对此议论纷纷时,石峰无视了开口的晨辉,目光直接看向陆星罗 You can try although!” “那你们可以尽管试一试!” Shi Feng words, the full house is all startled immediately. 石峰话语一出,顿时满场皆惊。 This Black Flame's courage was also too big! He when really Star Ring doesn't dare to intend to extinguish them to be inadequate full power?” “这黑炎的胆子也太大了!难道他真当星环不敢全力出手灭了他们不成?” Courage is big, but Zero Wing then also really ended.” “胆子是大,不过零翼这下也是真完了。” „A person, entire Guild must be buried along with the dead insanely even, Zero Wing's these people are really pitiful!” “一个人疯也就算了,连带整个公会都要陪葬,零翼的这些人真是可怜呀!” The Morning Shine words have said clearly understood very much, today admits defeat fortunately, if not admit defeat, this solely is an issue of competition, but was Star Ring really must extinguish Zero Wing full power, no longer to the opportunity of Zero Wing respite. 晨辉的话语可是已经说得很清楚明白了,今天认输还好,如果不认输,这单单是一场比试的问题,而是星环真的要全力灭了零翼,不再给零翼喘息之机。 Moreover regarded the entire Dark Night Empire major influences in the surface saying that had explained the Star Ring's determination. 而且还是当成整个暗夜帝国各大势力的面上如此说,已经说明了星环的决心。 But Shi Feng also dares with it opposing, simply to be insane! 可是石峰还敢与之作对,简直就是疯了! But in Shi Feng is standing behind Aqua Rose and Gentle Snow and the others looks that the people look like give up on the person to visit them generally, in what vision has a sympathy, Aqua Rose and Gentle Snow and the others smiles bitterly. 而在石峰身后站着的水色蔷薇白轻雪等人看着众人就像是看死人一般看着她们,什么目光中都带着一丝同情,水色蔷薇白轻雪等人都不禁苦笑。 In the 2nd floor dress-circle, stands in Li Hen behind Yi Yun is a face is anxious. 二楼的特等包厢中,站在离恨身后的怡芸是一脸焦急。 Guild Master, do no means prevent? By the Zero Wing present strength, to land clearing fort help, but is big, if has a falling out with Star Ring here, will definitely affect fort land clearing.” Yi Yun said. 会长,就没有什么办法阻止?以零翼现在的实力,对开荒要塞的帮助可是不小,要是在这里跟星环闹翻,肯定会影响到要塞开荒。”怡芸说道。 I do not have the means that Star Ring has the cooperation with us equally, moreover is very big to our help, this Black Flame really some non- wisdom.” Li Hen in theater box looked at Shi Feng, shakes the head, I think his some methods and skills, can further cooperate in the future, now seemed like I misreads.” “我也没有办法,星环一样跟我们有合作,而且对我们的帮助很大,这黑炎实在有些不智。”包厢中的离恨看了一眼石峰,也不禁摇头,“原本我以为他有些手段和本事,未来可以进一步合作,现在看来是我看错了。” As Leader of a Guild, the Guild's development is all. 身为一会之长,公会的发展才是一切。 The strength that although he before showed to Shi Feng was surprised, had some favorable impressions, for individual face made entire Guild fall into the abyss, was really stupid. 他之前虽然对石峰展现出来的实力感到惊讶,生出了一些好感,但是为了个人面子就让整个公会陷入深渊,实属愚蠢。 Regarding the Shi Feng's performance, he only has two characters. 对于石峰的表现,他只有两个字。 Disappointed! 失望! When the people to Shi Feng discusses spiritedly, Lu Xingluo that in the hall has not spoken also opens the mouth finally. 众人对石峰议论纷纷时,大厅中没怎么说话的陆星罗也终于开了口。 Good! You are good! We hope when the time comes your mouth can also and present is equally hard!” Lu Xingluo at this time complexion ice-cold, coming out that even if the anger in spoken language the Common people look. “好!你非常好!希望到时候你的嘴还能跟现在一样硬!”陆星罗此时脸色冰冷,言语中的怒火就算是普通人都看的出来。 If player in God and Demon Arena is unable to begin at this time, the people did not suspect that Lu Xingluo begins immediately, making the Zero Wing's person unable to go out of the God and Demon Arena front door. 如果此时不是在神魔竞技场玩家无法动手,众人都不怀疑陆星罗会立刻动手,让零翼的人根本走不出神魔竞技场的大门。 Immediately Lu Xingluo led the person to walk to enter in arena, is not speaking a few words. 随即陆星罗就带着人走进入了赛场里面,不在说一句话。 However the people on the scene have understood, competition after on the scene, storm will sweep across entire Dark Night Empire. 不过在场的众人都已经明白,在场比试之后,一场风暴将会席卷整个暗夜帝国 This Lu Xingluo really got angry, then your War Spirit Uprise must be careful, Star Ring likely before destroying completely Zero Wing, first eliminates from Dark Night Empire your War Spirit Uprise, to guarantee Dark Night Empire absolute stable.” Blood Exquisite looks at vanish Lu Xingluo, said to the Indestructible War Heart reminder. “这陆星罗是真的怒了,接下来你们战魂不落要小心了,星环很可能在灭掉零翼前,先把你们战魂不落暗夜帝国清除,以保证暗夜帝国的绝对稳固。”血玲珑看着消失陆星罗,向不灭战心提醒道。 It seems like really must fight.” Indestructible War Heart also earnest nod. “看来真要一战了。”不灭战心也认真的点点头。 He very clear present Star Ring no longer is initial Star Ring, deep of background, even went to that side West Continent to go on an expedition, in this matter major Super Organization still few can accomplish even. 他很清楚现在的星环已经不再是当初的星环了,底蕴之深厚,甚至都去了西大陆那边征战,这种事情就算是各大超级势力中也没有几个可以办到。 Must know that the thing two God's Domain mainland were separated by far, are unable to use the transmission extremely in the past, ran not to think to the road, can only adopt some special measures. 要知道东西两个神域大陆可是相隔极远,根本无法使用传送过去的,向路跑过去更是别想,只能通过一些特殊办法。 Can shuttle back and forth in two mainland, because the region is different, various aspects are completely also different, this is can bring very big benefit for Guild, but Star Ring the contact for a long time, background was unable to imagine in secret deeply. 能在两个大陆穿梭,因为地域不同,各方面也都完全不一样,这可是能为公会带来非常大的利益,而星环早就暗中往来已久,底蕴之深厚已经无法想象。 In the hall also enters the battlefield with the Zero Wing people, the major influences and expert on the scene also watch earnestly, major Super Organization high levels that particularly arrive. 大厅中随着零翼众人也进入战场,在场的各大势力和高手也都认真观看起来,尤其是到场的各大超级势力的高层。 They anticipated regarding this competition very much. 他们对于这场比试可是很期待。 Unusual that Star Ring until now hidden is deep, stands star navigation big financial group major Super Organization extremely to be few with Star Ring opposes, most is also the small scale, cannot see the depth. 星环一直以来都隐藏的非常深,身后站着星航大财团各大超级势力都极少和星环作对,最多也就是小打小闹,根本看不出深浅。 Now Star Ring must tidy up Zero Wing full power, even if Zero Wing cannot compare major Super Organization of present, but about hundred micro expert, can see the Star Ring expert strength, after all expert strength not solely will look at own level, weapon equipment, Combat Technique and Magic Skill, Special Item wait/etc will affect a player strength. 现在星环要全力收拾零翼,哪怕零翼比不上现在的各大超级势力,但是近百名入微高手,还是可以看出星环高手的实力,毕竟一个高手的实力可不光是看自身的水平,武器装备战技魔法技能特殊物品等等都会影响到一个玩家的战力。 The lots do not fight directly, cannot look. 很多东西不直接交手,根本看不出来。 But ten thousand people of battlefields are in God and Demon Arena most can see a Guild all-round strength the place. 而万人战场是神魔竞技场中最能看出一个公会综合实力的地方。 Because ten thousand people of battlefields most are close to in the wild Guild Wars. 因为万人战场最接近野外公会战 Ten thousand people of battlefields is a piece of in the wild map, the map size have half of normal map fully, the victory and defeat is very simple, all extinguishes the opposite party. 万人战场是一片野外地图,地图大小足有外界正常地图的一半,胜负很简单,就是全灭对方。 Sees only both sides to appear on a wilderness, has thick woods, can help the player hidden attack, keeping ten thousand people of armies from launching. 只见双方出现在一片原野上,身后都有一片浓密树林,可以帮助玩家隐藏袭击,让万人大军无法展开。 „The Zero Wing only means can only fall back on the woods, were trying to find the solution with the Star Ring big guerrilla warfare.” 零翼唯一的办法就只能退到树林里了,在想办法跟星环大游击战了。” Yes! direct games court death radically, engages in guerrilla warfare in the woods is also a problem very much, Star Ring that more than 700 micro expert in the woods are very terrifying.” “是呀!正面根本就是找死,不过在树林里面打游击也很成问题,星环那七百多名入微高手在树林里面可是很恐怖。” The high levels of people many big influence on the scene, have experienced the fight in in the wild a lot, particularly the woods war, after their too clear micro expert enters the woods, is how fearful. 在场众人不乏大势力的高层,在野外可是没有少经历过战斗,尤其是树林战,他们太清楚入微高手进入树林后是多么可怕。 Although Zero Wing about hundred micro expert, are Star Ring are more. 零翼虽然有近百名入微高手,可是星环更多。 But discusses spiritedly when the people, how discussion Zero Wing should cope with the Star Ring's offensive, sees only Zero Wing side unexpectedly not saying anything further on the army pressure on Star Ring. 而就在众人对此议论纷纷,讨论零翼该怎么对付星环的攻势时,只见零翼一方竟然二话不说就大军压向星环 This is Zero Wing the plan wrestles at risk of life?” The people looked dull. “这零翼是打算拼死一搏吗?”众人都看呆了。 Fights on the plain tests a level of aggregation of team, but Star Ring ends to explode Zero Wing. 在平原上战斗可是考验一个团队的综合水平,而星环可是完爆零翼 Courts death!” Lu Xingluo looks to lead three 100-Man to forefront Shi Feng, immediately ordered, hit the firepower, first got rid of them!” “找死!”陆星罗看着带领三百人冲在最前边的石峰,随即下令道,“击中火力,先干掉了他们!” As Lu Xingluo orders, Star Ring long-distance profession also begins in abundance. 随着陆星罗一声令下,星环这边的远程职业也都纷纷动手。 The time enough several thousand Magic arrow arrows graze to Shi Feng and the others, the attack fiercely, even if top expert looked at scalp tingles. 顿时间足足数千道魔法箭矢就飞掠向石峰等人,攻击之猛就算是顶尖高手都看了头皮发麻。 Generally speaking copes with such offensive, should have MT to compose the Defense offensive little advancement, but Shi Feng and the others probably were the same insane initiated the charge. 一般来说对付这样的攻势,都应该有MT组成防御攻势一点点推进,可是石峰等人却像是疯了一样发起冲锋。 The Star Ring people on the scene may be elite, at all is not Common expert may compare, attack accurate and sharp, the most important point is in the coordination, the attack of micro expert also alternates, specifically attacks in view of the flaw that player leaks, the attack that even if top MT expert facing moves mountains like this, can still by instant kill. 在场的星环众人可都是精锐,根本不是普通高手可比,攻击的精准度和犀利度,最重要一点是配合上,入微高手的攻击也穿插其中,专门针对玩家漏出来的破绽进行攻击,就算是顶尖MT高手面对这样排山倒海的攻击,也会被瞬杀 Shortly innumerable Magic and arrow arrow fell to Shi Feng and the others, Shi Feng extracted Holy Sword Thunder Slaying suddenly, wielded a sword directly. 眼看无数魔法和箭矢落向石峰等人,石峰猛然抽出了圣剑弑雷,直接挥出一剑。 Thousand Blade Streaming Light! 千刃流光 The edges of innumerable flowing light fly to shoot suddenly, sword light to become river, hits in Magic and arrow that Yakami flew, after these Magic and arrow arrow touches sword light, is defeated and dispersed rapidly, the time Star Ring people all attacks of flow off the dissipation in this Dao River invisible, is only left over a 50-yard mulde that in the ground leaves behind...... 骤然无数流光之刃飞射而出,剑光成河,撞击在了飞过来的魔法和箭矢上,这些魔法和箭矢碰触到剑光之后都迅速溃散,顿时间星环众人所有的攻击都在这道河流下消散无形,只剩下地面上留下的一道长达50码的凹地……
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