ROTSSG :: Volume #20

#1929: Sea God's Fury

Blocked?” Fierce Desolate corner of the eye slightly wrinkle. “挡住了?”烈荒眼角微皱。 Has not waited for Fierce Desolate from shocking slow the god has come, Staff in Aqua Rose hand wields, the time water snake opens big mouth to tear and bite directly to Fierce Desolate. 还不等烈荒从震撼中缓过神来,水色蔷薇手中的法杖一挥,顿时间水蛇就张开大嘴直接撕咬向烈荒 However Fierce Desolate responded quickly, when the water snake bit, scratched the body of water snake to shoot, very easily came on dodge. 不过烈荒反应很快,在水蛇咬过来时,就擦着水蛇的身躯一跃而过,很轻易的就闪避开来。 The attack that the water snake huge build creates seems like the AoE method demon to be the same, plants the entering the sea surface directly, a radius 78 yards range sends in the into the sea|nautical mile by the water current, formed one a depth of more than ten meters fluent whirlpools, the huge might made God's Vestige Guild Member(s) on the scene swallow the saliva. 水蛇巨大的体型造成的攻击就好像是群攻法魔一般,直接栽入海面,半径七八码范围都被水流送入海里,形成了一个深达十多米的水流旋涡,巨大的威力让在场的神迹公会成员们都不由吞了吞口水。 If this were hit, must die without doubt. 这要是被击中了,肯定是必死无疑。 But Fierce Desolate after avoiding the attack of water snake, immediately launches the attack in the midair to Aqua Rose, the arrow arrow meets the arrow arrow to shoot together toward Aqua Rose. 烈荒在避开了水蛇的攻击之后,立刻就在半空中对水色蔷薇展开攻击,一道箭矢接一道箭矢朝着水色蔷薇射去。 Your this water snake coped with Close Combat to be good, wants to cope with me to be possible also to miss far!” “你这水蛇对付近战还行,想要对付我可还差远了!” As experiencing expert of old say/way, Fierce Desolate through short fight, understood the weakness of water snake, although the water snake is indeed powerful, however is slow on speed, needs to do was avoids water snake direct attack Aqua Rose oneself to be good. 作为经验老道的高手,烈荒通过短暂的交手,就明白了水蛇的弱点,虽然水蛇的确强大,但是在速度上却较慢,需要做的就是避开水蛇直接攻击水色蔷薇本人就行了。 Arrow arrows seem like the meteor to delimit generally, speed quick can only see flash. 一道道箭矢就好像是流星一般划过,速度之快只能看到一道闪光而已。 Suddenly looks at the innumerable say/way light blue glow light bombardment in the barrier of water, in the Aqua Rose whole body forms, exploded the intermittent water splash. 一时间就看无数道浅蓝色的芒光轰击在水色蔷薇周身形成的水之屏障上,炸起了阵阵水花。 However the next second sees enough dozens arrow arrow bombardments in the barrier of water, most drives out the first barrier, is unable to touch the second barrier, let alone wound to Aqua Rose. 但是下一秒就看到足足数十道箭矢轰击在水之屏障上,最多就是轰开第一层的屏障,根本无法触及到第二层屏障,更别说伤到水色蔷薇 She is really the monster, so many attacks of Boss are unable to break that barrier!” “她果然是怪物,就连老大的这么多攻击都无法打破那个屏障!” Even if Boss does not have magic damage to her, but she does not have magic damage to Group Leader, by the Group Leader movement and speed, that sluggish water snake is unable to bump into a finger of Group Leader.” “就算老大法伤到她,但是她也无法伤团长,以团长的身法和速度,那慢吞吞的水蛇根本无法碰到团长的一根手指。” The people in distant place look two people who not phase failure fights, suddenly by two people fights charming, because two people fights do not seem like the fight between player, is between two monsters is contesting the domain to be the same, frequents each other who not to injure anyone. 远处的众人看着不断相斗的两人,一时间都被两人的战斗给迷住了,因为两人的战斗根本不像是玩家之间的战斗,更是两只怪物之间在争夺地盘一般,你来我往谁也伤不到谁。 Insufficient?” “一条不够吗?” Aqua Rose shot a look at Fierce Desolate, immediately is single-handed to Fierce Desolate one finger/refers, immediately what remains on the control was a water snake attacked. 水色蔷薇瞥了一眼烈荒,随即单手对着烈荒一指,随即就操控剩下来的是一条水蛇攻了上去。 How can she control so many water snakes?” Fierce Desolate looks at to water snake, the facial expression is dignified. “她怎么能操控这么多水蛇?”烈荒看着冲上来的水蛇,神情不由凝重起来。 An attack of water snake slightly obviously frail, but 12 water snakes also attack, the level of attack had the qualitative change, Fierce Desolate can also seize the chance to launch the attack to Aqua Rose, because of sharp increase of water snake, can only dodge, simply not have chance to create the attack to Aqua Rose now. 一条水蛇的攻击稍显单薄,但是十二条水蛇同时攻击,攻击的层次就发生了质变,原本烈荒还能趁机对水色蔷薇发动攻击,因为水蛇的暴增,现在只能一直闪避,根本没有机会水色蔷薇造成攻击。 Made Fierce Desolate fall into absolute leeward in a flash. 转瞬间就让烈荒落入了绝对的下风。 However makes Fierce Desolate feel what truly fear is the Aqua Rose control is more and more smooth, his evasion is more and more Hard, is fighting, by water snake Devour is only sooner or later issue. 不过让烈荒真正感到害怕的是水色蔷薇操控是越来越流畅,他的回避是越来越困难,在战斗下去,被水蛇吞噬只是迟早的问题。 Does not manage, starts the artillery of warship to get rid of her to me! Even if destroyed their vessel is still indifferent!” Fierce Desolate is staring at Aqua Rose stubbornly, looks own fewer and fewer HP, told repeatedly. “不管了,启动战船的火炮给我干掉她!就算是毁了她们的船艇也无所谓!”烈荒死死盯着水色蔷薇,看着自己越来越少的生命值,连声吩咐道。 As soon as the God's Vestige Guild's people listen, each and everyone goes into action immediately, mobilizes the Giant Alligator Warship's main artillery, the position that the direct pointing Aqua Rose was, starts to condense terrifying magic power. 神迹公会的众人一听,一个个都立刻行动起来,调动起巨鳄战船的主火炮,直接瞄准了水色蔷薇所在的位置,开始凝聚恐怖魔力 This strikes is the Giant Alligator Warship might most powerful strikes, one can make Peak High Lord fall into the short time the heavily damaged condition, an instantaneous destruction High Grade speed boat. 这一击是巨鳄战船威力最强大的一击,一下就能让高等大领主都陷入短时间的重创状态,瞬间毁灭一艘高级快艇。 It can be said that war weapon general exist(ence). 可以说是战争武器一般的存在 Aqua Rose facing this strikes is also earnest, opened Sea God inheritance Berserk Skill, immediately chanting has the incantation. 水色蔷薇面对这一击也认真起来,开启了海神传承爆发技能,随即吟唱起咒文。 The time people feel Gale to howl, in the sea level formed huge whirlpools, the quantity many had over a hundred fully, the curled up ocean waves made the trim sea area the vessel rock fiercely. 顿时间众人就感到狂风呼啸,海面上形成了一个又一个的巨大旋涡,数量之多足有上百,卷起的海浪让整片海域的船艇都剧烈晃动起来。 Attack!” Fierce Desolate saw that the situation is not right, shouts hastily. “攻击!”烈荒看到情况不对,连忙喊道。 As Fierce Desolate orders, the main artillery can finish sufficiently, projects the light beam that black and white interwove, making the space split faintly, direct Devour to Aqua Rose. 随着烈荒一声令下,主炮充能完毕,射出了一道黑白交织的光束,让空间都隐隐裂开,直接吞噬水色蔷薇 Goes!” “去!” Aqua Rose holds up Staff in hand suddenly, the vortex that in the sea level forms sticks out suddenly suddenly, changes into each and everyone to be formed the tornado that plunges to the demon to lead the light beam by the water current. 水色蔷薇猛然举起手中的法杖,海面上形成的旋涡骤然暴起,化为一个个由水流形成的龙卷风扑向冲过来的魔导光束。 This is also most Skill Sea God's Fury that Aqua Rose grasps at present! 这也是水色蔷薇目前掌握的最技能海神之怒 This move is Forbidden Spell that only then can use in the eruption condition. 这一招是只有在爆发状态下才能使用的禁咒 Tornado of hits time over a hundred sea in the demon leads on the light beam, the powerful impact made the central the sea level sink, but the demon led the light beam after contending for several seconds, because following magic power was insufficient, was crushed by the tornado directly at the scene, changes into the innumerable flowing light to dissipate...... 顿时间上百道海之龙卷风撞击在魔导光束上,强烈的冲击让中心的海面都凹了下去,而魔导光柱在抗衡了数秒之后因为后续魔力不足,直接被龙卷风给当场击碎,化为无数流光消散开去…… How is this possible?” Fierce Desolate looks the demon that the great alligator dissipates led the light beam, the whole person delay. “这怎么可能?”烈荒看着巨鳄消散的魔导光束,整个人都呆滞了。 Has not waited for Fierce Desolate to respond, Sea God's Fury Devour had fallen Fierce Desolate, has extended to Giant Alligator Warship of distant place. 还不等烈荒反应过来,海神之怒就已经吞噬掉了烈荒,一直延伸到远处的巨鳄战船 Until the Sea God's Fury dissipation completely, God's Vestige Guild's fleet except for the Giant Alligator Warship substandard, peripheral High Grade speed boat and Common speed boat by destruction...... 直到海神之怒消散殆尽,神迹公会的舰队除了巨鳄战船等外,周边的高级快艇和普通快艇都被毁灭一空…… mouth big that with Azure Phoenix and the others this lets still be fighting Water Ghost Regiment member that looks. 这让原本还在跟青凰等人战斗的水鬼军团成员们都看的嘴巴大张。 Strikes merely, destroyed dozens speed boats, this simply compared with terrifying that large Destruction Spell must come. 仅仅一击而已,就毁了数十艘快艇,这简直比起大型毁灭魔法都要来的恐怖 I do not hit, that female radically is King-rank sea beast!” “我不打了,那女的根本就是王级海兽!” I do not bring death in vain, we escape together!” “我可不要白白去送死,我们一起逃吧!” Right! We escape together! Like this above will not blame us.” “对!我们大家一起逃吧!这样上面也不会怪我们。” In silent a moment later, the God's Vestige Guild's people cannot be bearing the pressure that Aqua Rose creates, each and everyone drive the vessel tone to run away, the God's Vestige Guild's vessel starts to escape in a flash, let is thoroughly silly in Water Ghost Regiment member that the frontline fought with all might. 在寂静了片刻之后,神迹公会的众人也在承受不住水色蔷薇带来的压力,一个个都驾驶着船艇调头逃窜,转瞬间神迹公会的船艇都开始逃跑,让在前线拼杀的水鬼军团成员们是彻底傻了。 How without the vessel did they leave here? 没有了船艇他们怎么离开这里? Plunges into only to become the living target, moreover consumes Stamina in the marine swimming. 跳入海里只会成为活靶子,而且在海上游泳非常消耗体力 Does not have the means that can only put together!” “没办法,只能拼一下了!” Water Ghost Regiment member sees that part of member choose the infiltrate into the sea|nautical mile, although in the sea has Sea Beast to be dangerous, but does not need to wait for death at least. 水鬼军团成员见状,一部分成员选择潜入海里,虽然海里面有海兽非常危险,但是起码不用等死。 Another part of Water Ghost member choice goes all out to use teleport Scroll to return to the Bronze Rank speed boat and Mysterious-Iron Rank speed boat, is about teacher these speed boats to leave, but Aqua Rose does not give them chance. 另一部分水鬼成员选择拼命使用瞬移卷轴回到青铜级快艇和玄铁级快艇上,准备教师这些快艇离开,但是水色蔷薇根本不给他们这些人机会 Turned into true Tier 3 profession, in addition opened the burst mode, copes to only have Tier 2 Water Ghost member, radically is unilateral slaughtering, move. 原本就变成了真正的三阶职业,加上开启了爆发模式,对付只有一二阶水鬼成员,根本就是单方面的杀戮,一招一个。 Less than time of meeting, enough 200-300 Water Ghost member flutter in the sea level, dying cannot die again. 不到一会的时间,足足200-300名水鬼成员就飘在海面上,死的不能再死。 But in these days of Aqua Rose fight, the distant place God's Vestige Guild's people is also vanish, even blocked also relieves. 而在水色蔷薇战斗的这段时间,远处神迹公会的众人也是消失一空,连封锁也解除了。 The tactical situation sudden reversal also lets the dumbfoundedness that Azure Phoenix and the others looked. 战况突然的逆转也让青凰等人看的目瞪口呆。 Strength of merely one person can reverse marine occupies, routs Water Ghost Regiment with ease, this simply respawn Dragon Phoenix Pavilion people regarding the understanding of naval battle. 仅仅一个人的力量就能扭转海上的占据,轻松击溃水鬼军团,这简直刷新龙凤阁众人对于海战的理解。 Also only then Shi Feng feels very normal ; first, is very ordinary because of the current vessel, coping with low rank player is good, but Tier 3 above player, the effect was weak, even can say that instead was restrained seriously ; second, because Aqua Rose obtained Sea God inheritance, this is one of the sea most powerful inheritance , because this inheritance makes Freedom Alliance marine Overlord, otherwise by Freedom Alliance strength, by major Super Organization swallowing down. 也就只有石峰感到挺正常,其一是因为目前的船艇还很一般,对付低阶玩家还行,但是三阶以上的玩家,效果就非常弱了,甚至可以说反而被严重克制,其二是因为水色蔷薇得到了海神传承,这可是海上最为强大的传承之一,就是因为这个传承才让自由联盟成为了海上霸主,要不然凭借自由联盟本身的实力,早就被各大超级势力给吞下去了。 Afterward Shi Feng starts to reorganize this fight harvest, the people also start to dress ranks, prepare to enter Barbarian God Island. 随后石峰就开始整理这次的战斗收获,众人也开始重新整队,准备进入蛮神岛 But in a dark canyon in Barbarian God Island, the God's Vestige Guild's thousand people of regiments is searching Thousand Rain Phoenix and the others full power, at this time directed the search Boundless Distance to receive an information suddenly, was the Water Ghost Regiment member round. 而在蛮神岛中的一个幽暗的峡谷中,神迹公会的千人军团正在全力搜索凤千雨等人,这时指挥搜索的千里无涯突然收到了一条信息,正是水鬼军团成员发过来了。 How to defeat?” “怎么会败了?” Boundless Distance looks at the information that sends, the complexion changes suddenly, cannot believe that completely this is real. 千里无涯看着发过来的信息,脸色骤变,完全不敢相信这是真的。
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