ROTSSG :: Volume #20

#1920: Zero Wing VS Death God

Fight before mysterious palace, as Chaotic World Mad Mage and the others the fighting spirit all loses, Eastern Crow Dynasty's member starts to be far away from Death God Studio's member, particularly big female Axe Chop in Death God Studio. 神秘宫殿前的战斗,随着乱世狂法等人斗志全失,东乌王朝的成员都不由开始远离死神工作室的成员,尤其是死神工作室中的高大女子斩斧 each and everyone was full of the fear. 一个个充满了恐惧。 This lopsided fight, how saw that has a dream probably. 这种一面倒的战斗,怎么看都像是做梦。 They are First-Rate Guild Eastern Crow Dynasty's expert, is facing Death God Studio's this group of people, felt that looks like the weak child, was slaughtered casually, player of this matter to Forest Capital City said that perhaps no one letter/believes. 他们都是一流公会东乌王朝的高手,可是面对死神工作室的这批人,感觉就像是无力的小孩,随便被屠戮,这种事情对森都玩家们说了,恐怕都没有人信。 Their these neutral race Class Change are the Tier 2 profession difficulty be more difficult than Human race wanting, naturally after becoming Tier 2 profession, the race talent will further also be strengthened, can say that comes compared with Common Tier 2 profession is fierce. 他们这些中立种族转职二阶职业的难度要比人族还要难一些,当然成为二阶职业后,种族天赋也会得到进一步加强,可以说比起普通二阶职业来的还要厉害。 But facing present Axe Chop, Strength that revolts against does not have, what is most fearful is Axe Chop this woman has not used any Skill from head to foot, but relies on own Skill to fight purely...... 可是面对眼前的斩斧,就连反抗的力量都没有,最可怕的是斩斧这个女人从头到脚都没有使用过任何技能,只是单纯凭借自身的技巧在战斗而已…… In Death God Studio's member lost the interest after Chaotic World Mad Mage and the others, has not conducted any chases down, shifts to the palace to walk directly, does not care about Chaotic World Mad Mage and the others exist(ence) to be the same completely. 而在死神工作室的成员乱世狂法等人失去兴趣后,并没有进行任何追杀,直接转向宫殿走去,完全不在意乱世狂法等人的存在一般。 Vice-Guild Master, then what to do?” Tier 2 Cleric looks at no longer the director their Death God Studio, asked quietly. 副会长,这下怎么办?”一名二阶牧师看着不再理事他们的死神工作室,不由悄声问道。 Without the means that we can only give up, these people are the fearful monsters, particularly that Axe Chop, Strength of person was a worthy opponent thousand people of regiments on the foot, this is not player of our level can cope, perhaps also ultra First-Rate Guild Setting Sun that was interested in Forest Capital City can cope with them.” The Chaotic World Mad Mage double fist grips tightly, pinches the bloodstain faintly, in the heart has to be unwilling also to have the fear. “没有办法了,我们只能放弃,这些人都是可怕怪物,尤其是那个斩斧,一个人的力量就足矣匹敌一个千人军团了,这已经不是我们这个层次的玩家能对付的,恐怕也就只有对森都感兴趣的超一流公会残阳才能对付他们。”乱世狂法双拳紧握,隐隐捏出血痕,心中既有不甘也有恐惧。 Although he strength is also very powerful, but also copes with dozens quite strong expert simultaneously, but facing the 100-Man expert group, he also can only detour, but a Axe Chop person crashes in five 100-Man expert teams to kill the four directions greatly, has such strength, perhaps only then thousand people of expert groups may cope with Axe Chop. 他虽然实力也很强大,但也就是同时对付数十名实力不错的高手,而面对百人高手团,他也只能绕道走,可是斩斧一个人就冲进五百人高手团队中大杀四方,有如此实力,恐怕只有千人高手团才有可能对付斩斧 Thousand people! 千人呀! Also a in other words Axe Chop person has is changing the result that several thousand people fight, if this met simply in in the wild is the nightmare. 就是说斩斧一个人就拥有着改变一场数千人战斗的结果,这要是在野外遇到了简直就是噩梦。 Thinks later entire Forest Capital City develops under the Death God Studio's shadow, but their major First-Rate Guild do not have means that looked to hit Death God Studio with great difficulty, actually discovered that their Strength were not worth mentioning in front of Death God Studio...... 一想到以后整个森都死神工作室的阴影下发展,而他们各大一流公会却没有一点办法,好不容易找打了死神工作室,却发现他们的力量死神工作室面前不值一提…… But in the palace woods, Zither Melody and the others looks at the finished fight, the each and everyone complexion is gloomy. 而在宫殿旁的树林中,琴音等人看着已经结束的战斗,一个个脸色阴沉。 How will Death God Studio have such expert?” Zither Melody is looking at Axe Chop, some cannot believe that this is real. 死神工作室怎么会有这样的高手?”琴音望着斩斧,有些不敢相信这是真的。 Death God Studio member that before they met, although said that the strength was very strong, but to the situation, a person had not so felt absolutely can cope with a five 100-Man expert group. 之前她们遇到的死神工作室成员,虽然说实力很强,但是绝对没有强到如此地步,一个人感觉就能对付一个五百人高手团了。 Must know that Eastern Crow Dynasty's these Guild expert may Free player say these expert were more powerful, generally must achieve Tower of Trial initial phase fifth floor to be called expert, but in Guild must achieve the fifth floor segmentum posterius to be expert in Guild, even if so still killed being off their feet. 要知道东乌王朝的这些公会高手可要比自由玩家说中的那些高手强大多了,一般要达到试炼之塔五层初段就能称为高手,而公会里面必须达到第五层后段才能算是公会里的高手,可就算如此依然被杀的人仰马翻。 Her bringing population more than 200 Guild expert, are unable to compare with five 100-Man expert groups that Chaotic World Mad Mage leads, moreover Chaotic World Mad Mage strength is not under her...... 她这次带来的人数也不过两百多名公会高手,根本无法跟乱世狂法带领的五百人高手团相比,而且乱世狂法本身的实力不在她之下…… „Are the Death God Studio's people?” Fire Dance asked to Zither Melody. “他们就是死神工作室的人吗?”火舞不由问向琴音 Un, they are Death God Studio's member.” Zither Melody nods. “嗯,他们就是死神工作室的成员。”琴音点点头。 It seems like has not run a fruitless errand.” Fire Dance looks to moving toward Death God Studio member of palace, immediately said to the whole staff, ok, our also this/should operation!” “看来没有白跑一趟。”火舞看向走向宫殿的死神工作室成员,随即对全员说道,“好了,我们也该开工了!” Was saying Fire Dance went out of the woods, walks toward the Death God Studio's people directly. 说着火舞就走出了树林,直接朝着死神工作室的众人走去。 Operation?” “开工了吗?” Cola licked the corner of the lips, immediately with, but other Zero Wing's member also follow close on Fire Dance behind. 可乐舔了舔嘴角,随即跟了上去,而零翼的其他成员们也紧跟在火舞身后。 What do you want to make?” Zither Melody looks soon goes out of woods Fire Dance and the others, saying that worries, you also see this Death God Studio's strength strongly, we must cope with Death God Studio, now best or goes back to organize the manpower is quite good, our present manpower radically insufficiently their stopper gap between teeth, needs further consideration.” “你们要做什么?”琴音看着快要走出树林的火舞等人,不由着急的说道,“你们也看到这次死神工作室的实力有多强,我们要对付死神工作室,现在最好还是回去重新组织一下人手比较好,我们现在的人手根本不够他们塞牙缝的,还是从长计议吧。” In Death God Studio, strength strongest is Group Leader, before she thought that these Group Leader are even strong, will still not compare other member to be strong many, but looks like her idea to be completely mistaken now, but in Death God Studio member of this action has two Group Leader level characters. 死神工作室里面,实力最强的就是团长,以前她觉得这些团长就算强,也应该不会比其他成员强出多少,但是现在看来她的想法大错特错,而这次行动的死神工作室成员里面可是有两个团长级人物在。 Thinks that Group Leader strength named Ice Rain possibly is not under Axe Chop, if hits, they must cope with two such monsters simultaneously, solely think to let her scalp tingles. 一想到那个叫冰雨团长实力可能不在斩斧之下,要是打起来,她们可是要同时对付两个这样的怪物,光是想一想就让她头皮发麻。 Although Zither Melody goes all out to console, but Fire Dance seems like has not heard general, went out of the woods in hidden directly. 虽然琴音拼命劝解,但是火舞就好像是没有听到一般,直接走出了隐藏的树林。 Guild Master we what to do?” Red Heart very anxious asking. 会长我们怎么办?”绯心非常紧张的问道。 Without the means that we can only follow, cannot say that the Zero Wing's person acted, we still look in the one side when the time comes passes to that side Zero Wing Guild to be possible is not good.” Zither Melody sighed, immediately is leading the people together with. “没办法了,我们只能跟着去了,总不能说零翼的人出手了,我们还在一旁看着,到时候传到零翼公会那边可就不好了。”琴音叹了口气,随即带领着众人一起跟了上去。 Before the palace, was a stretch of shelterless flat land, Fire Dance and the others the appearances causes Eastern Crow Dynasty and the others instantaneously the attention, each and everyone turned the head to look. 宫殿前是一片毫无遮掩的平地,火舞等人的出现是瞬间就引起了东乌王朝等人的注意,一个个都不由转头望去。 „Who are they?” “他们是什么人?” Un, they do not seem like Orc and Half-Elf, they are Human race!” “嗯,他们好像不是半兽人半精灵,他们是人族!” What their does Human race come to here to make?” “他们人族来这里做什么?” The Eastern Crow Dynasty's people look at Fire Dance that and the others are walking step by step to discuss quietly, after all in Fairy Kingdom here Human race player besides merchant players, very few saw, at this time appears here, quantity enough 20 people, how can also not make them feel strange. 东乌王朝的众人望着一步一步走来的火舞等人不由悄声议论起来,毕竟在妖精国度这里人族玩家除了商人玩家以外,很少见到,此时出现在这里,数量足足二十人之多,又怎么能不让他们感到奇怪。 After Fire Dance and the others walked, the Ninth Paradise's people also walked, regarding Ninth Paradise's member, local Eastern Crow Dynasty can be said as very familiar, particularly Team Leader Zither Melody. 而在火舞等人走出来后,第九天堂的众人也走了出来,对于第九天堂的成员,本地的东乌王朝可以说是非常熟悉,尤其是领队琴音 Suddenly caused calling out in alarm of Eastern Crow Dynasty people. 一时间引起了东乌王朝众人的惊呼。 How Ninth Paradise's did Guild Master come?” 第九天堂的会长怎么都来了?” Is because Ninth Paradise was attacked by Death God Studio a short time ago, does she come to cope with Death God Studio personally?” “难道是因为前不久第九天堂死神工作室袭击,她过来亲自对付死神工作室吗?” no way, she had not noticed that we did fight a moment ago? We many are not the opponents, perhaps they more than 200 people , an insufficient that Axe Chop person kill.” 不会吧,她难道没有看到我们刚才的战斗?我们多不是对手,她们才两百多人,恐怕还不够那个斩斧一个人杀得。” Should not see, otherwise so to be how silly?” “应该是没有看到吧,要不然怎么会那么傻?” Looks from the Death God Studio more and more near Ninth Paradise people, surprised that the Eastern Crow Dynasty's people look, does not understand how completely Zither Melody thinks. 看着距离死神工作室越来越近的第九天堂众人,东乌王朝的众人都看的惊愕不已,完全不明白琴音是怎么想的。 But nearby Chaotic World Mad Mage also looked to Zither Melody looked, thinks does not understand this woman sent what insanity, even if has not seen their beforehand fights, but a ground piece of skeleton can always see. 而一旁的乱世狂法也对琴音看了又看,想不明白这个女人发什么疯,就算没有看到他们之前的战斗,但是地上一片的尸骸总能看到吧。 Yo, isn't this Ninth Paradise's person?” Axe Chop looks at Zither Melody and the others, recognize immediately, cracks into a smile, how? Wanted to be revenged by these waste that we struck to kill for before? Ok, bring it on, happen to I complete the warming-up exercise!” “呦,这不是第九天堂的人吗?”斩斧看着走过来的琴音等人,立刻认了出来,咧嘴一笑,“怎么?想要为之前被我们击杀的那些废物过来报仇吗?行呀,放马过来,正好我才做完热身运动!” Guild Master Zither Melody you leave haggle over the words that Axe Chop spoke, she was saying plays, does not need too earnestly.” Nearby Ice Rain held on Axe Chop, looks that Zither Melody said with a smile, „, so long as your Ninth Paradise is willing to hand over that thing, our Death God Studio will not be aiming at your Ninth Paradise, hopes that you can consider.” 琴音会长你别太计较斩斧说的话,她只是说着玩而已,没必要太认真。”一旁的冰雨拉住了斩斧,看着琴音笑着说道,“只要你们第九天堂愿意交出那件东西,我们死神工作室就不会在针对你们第九天堂,希望你们能好好考虑一下。” You did not need to think, that thing I will not give you.” Zither Melody looks in the Ice Rain vision full is the anger, you lose heart!” “你们不用想了,那件东西我是不会交给你们的。”琴音看着冰雨的目光中满是怒火,“你们还是死了这条心吧!” It seems like Guild Master Zither Melody is insufficient to our understanding, happen to you also, make Guild Master Zither Melody you understand now personally.” Ice Rain wear a look of Smile looks at same side dozens Death God Studio's member, goes, besides this Guild Master Zither Melody, others delivers them to leave!” “看来琴音会长对我们的了解还不够,正好你人也在,现在就让琴音会长你亲自了解一下好了。”冰雨面带微笑的看着一样身旁的数十名死神工作室的成员,“去吧,除了这位琴音会长外,其他人都送他们离开吧!” Hears the instruction of Ice Rain, dozens Death God Studio's member seemed like order ferocious beast is been ordinary, plunged Zither Melody and the others directly, regarding present more than 200 expert, regards the prey that treated butchers completely. 听到冰雨的吩咐,数十名死神工作室的成员就好像是得到了命令的猛兽一般,直接扑向琴音等人,对于眼前的两百多名高手,完全当成了待宰的猎物。 Everyone accepts a challenge, 10 million independent combat!” Zither Melody looks at to 40-50 people, the complexion sinks, told repeatedly. “所有人应战,千万不要单打独斗!”琴音看着冲上来的40-50人,脸色一沉,连声吩咐道。 Although these Death God Studio's member cannot compare Axe Chop such monster, but the strength of everyone is also unusual, at all is not Common expert may compare, this point has been able to look from the beforehand fight. 这些死神工作室的成员虽然比不上斩斧这样的怪物,但是每个人的实力也非同一般,根本不是普通高手可比的,这一点从之前的战斗就已经能看出来了。 In these Death God Studio's member must rush to the Ninth Paradise's people front, a shadow suddenly appears in Death God Studio to front of most front Tier 2 Guardian Knight, passes through from this 57 levels of Tier 2 Guardian Knight directly. 就在这些死神工作室的成员要冲到第九天堂的众人面前时,一道黑影突然出现在一位死神工作室冲在最前排的二阶守护骑士面前,直接从这位57级的二阶守护骑士面前穿过。 Immediately this Death God Studio's Tier 2 Guardian Knight launches in salvos the pitiful yell chance not to have, fell down directly, HP has fallen to zero point, dying cannot die again. 随即这位死神工作室的二阶守护骑士就连发出惨叫的机会都没有,直接倒在了地上,生命值一直降到零点,死的不能再死。 This made the charge Death God Studio member stop, looked to this sudden form. 这让冲锋的死神工作室成员们都不由停了下来,看向这个突然出现的身影。 „Who are you?” Death God Studio's member dread sees this form, asked. “你是什么人?”死神工作室的成员们忌惮的看着这个身影,不禁质问道。 Zero Wing Guild, Fire Dance!” Fire Dance received Thousand Transformation in hand, swept one to present all Death God Studio member, said very much faintly, participated in funeral ceremony your people.” 零翼公会,火舞!”火舞收起了手中的千变,扫了一眼在场所有的死神工作室成员,很是淡漠地说道,“过来送葬你们的人。”
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