RMJTIIW :: Volume #10

#941: Besieges and pursues to block off

Just lifted off in the Han Li two people shortly , below ruins ground spreads unceasingly rustle strange sound. 就在韩立二人刚刚升空没多久,下方的废墟地面内不断传出“沙沙”的怪异声音。 The Han Li two people in the midair, look following the sound downward, the complexion somewhat changes countenance. 韩立二人身在半空,循声往下望去,脸色都有些动容。 As the soil layer of that ruins surface shrugs unceasingly, arms stretch out, then is appearance strange head pop up. 随着那片废墟地表的土层不断耸动,一只只手臂从中伸出,接着便是一颗颗长相怪异的头颅冒了出来 Form one after another from underground crawled unceasingly, impressively is puppets. 一个接着一个的身影不断从地下爬了出来,赫然是一具具傀儡。 These puppet size are not really big, the almost/the same height about two zhang (3.33 m), the lower part presents the human form, the body puts on the bright water-blue armor, but the upper part and head shape have slight differences, is divided into three kinds. 这些傀儡体型并不甚大,差不多都高两丈左右,下半身呈现人形,身上穿着鲜亮水蓝铠甲,只是上半身和头颅形态略有差异,大致分为三类。 One type is the wolf first person, the body is slender, two arms grab a blue color long sword respectively, the sword blade presents the campylodromous. 一种是狼首人身,身躯修长,两只手臂各抓着一柄蓝色长剑,剑身呈现出弧状。 A puppet tiger first person, the both arms and body are quite sturdy, grabs the quarrying a mountain great blade that cold light sparkles single-handed. 还有一种傀儡虎首人身,双臂和身躯都颇为粗壮,单手抓着一柄寒光闪闪的开山巨刀。 Last a puppet is actually the snake first person, the body dressing armor, the body surface has not been growing the one/1st level/layer close scale, conducts the back to tie up a snake-shaped bow and arrow of blue light twinkle. 最后一种傀儡却是蛇首人身,身上没有穿戴铠甲,体表长着一层细密鳞片,背上缚着一副蓝光闪烁的蛇形弓箭。 These blades, the sword, bow and arrow wait/etc. weapon weapons send out faint trace power of stars to fluctuate unexpectedly. 这些刀,剑,弓箭等等武器武器竟然都散发出丝丝星辰之力波动。 The puppet number is extremely numerous, is not only nearby two people, the vision institute and place, the puppets from underground crawl in all directions unceasingly. 傀儡数量极多,不仅仅是二人附近,目光所及之处,四面八方都不断有一具具傀儡从地下爬出。 The Han Li vision four sweep, in the surface cannot bear the changes countenance. 韩立目光四下一扫,面上忍不住变色。 Although these puppets are seemingly not much, but the strength obviously is not low, the quantity arrives much make the blood boil, even if oneself have by enemy hundred strengths, once were pestered on is still a narrow escape. 这些傀儡虽然看似不怎么样,但实力明显都是不低,数量又是多到令人发指,即便自己有以一敌百的实力,一旦被纠缠上也是九死一生了。 In his heart the thought racing, the whole body profound aperture star light puts greatly, the both feet treads void continually, grazes toward the front full power. 他心中念头急转,全身玄窍星光大放,双脚虚空连踏,全力朝着前方飞掠。 But he, although and strength of Star Moon Boots can fly high the flight with the aid of «Soaring to Heaven Technique», the speed is limited, especially also brings Shi Chuankong, although he acts full power, was still no faster. 只不过他虽然借助《羽化飞升功》和星月靴之力可以凌空飞行,速度毕竟有限,尤其又带着石穿空,尽管他全力施为,仍旧快不到哪里去。 But these puppets drill the ground, immediately looks toward the Han Li two people that speeds away in the midair, immediately hatred ray that in the eye exudes the personification. 而这些傀儡一钻出地面,立刻朝着在半空疾驰的韩立二人望去,眼中立刻泛起拟人的仇恨光芒。 Roar!” “吼!” Exceptionally big Snake-headed Puppet raises head to send out wild animal roaring. 一头异常高大的蛇首傀儡仰头发出一声野兽般的咆哮。 Ground these Snake-headed Puppet arms move, bend the bow the nocking. 地面那些蛇首傀儡手臂一动,弯弓搭箭。 Immediately blue long arrows fly to shoot, like the meteor, sends out scary howls vigorously sharply, from shoots at two people in all directions, like the rain, evades not to be possible crowded radically to evade. 随即一支支蓝色长箭飞射而出,疾如流星,更发出骇人的咻咻锐啸,从四面八方射向二人,密集如雨,根本避无可避。 Han Li shouted bad secretly, whole body profound aperture star light greatly hold, and under congealed, changed into the one/1st level/layer star light epitaxial, covered various body places. 韩立暗叫一声糟糕,全身玄窍星光大盛,并且一凝之下,化为一层星光晶膜,笼罩住身体各处。 Meanwhile, he is emptying the arm wields, the white sickle appears in the hand, changes into white blade shades, cuts to these blue long arrow. 与此同时,他空着的手臂一挥,白色弯刀出现在手中,化为一道道白色刀影,斩向那些袭来的蓝色长箭。 The Shi Chuankong body surface is also the crystal light flashes, displays True Extreme Membrane, simultaneously in the hand the long stick brandishes rapidly, changes into an illusory image, protects various whole body places. 石穿空体表也是晶光一闪,施展出真极之膜,同时手中长棍急速挥舞,化为道道幻影,护住全身各处。 Pī Li Pā Lā a series of bangs blast out! 噼里啪啦一连串的巨响炸开! In the Han Li hand the sickle melts the blade halo body to dance in the air, forms one crowded white blade curtains, twists all broken these blue long arrows. 韩立手中弯刀所化刀光环身飞舞,形成一片密集的白色刀幕,将那些蓝色长箭尽数绞碎。 Strength solid no small matter that however on this long arrow contains, his arm that shakes is also numb. 不过这长箭上蕴含的力量实在非同小可,震的他手臂也是一阵酥麻。 In the Shi Chuankong hand the purplish black long stick waves, keeps off all these long arrows, but his arm also shivers again and again. 石穿空手中紫黑长棍舞动,也将那些长箭尽数挡下,但其手臂也连连颤抖。 Under such crowded offensive, two people of rapidly body figure forward also for it. 在这样密集的攻势下,二人急速向前的身形也为之一顿。 At this moment, nearby dozens Wolf-headed Puppet and Tiger-headed Puppet the ejection, easily jumps immediately dozens zhang (3.33 m) high, the skill is agile, in the hand the sword changes into blue shades, cuts to two people of body various places. 就在此刻,附近数十头狼首傀儡虎首傀儡立刻弹射而起,轻易跃起数十丈高,身手敏捷之极,手中刀剑化为一道道蓝影,斩向二人身体各处。 Three the flawlessness of puppet each other coordination, as if have trained innumerable. 三种傀儡彼此配合的天衣无缝,似乎早已演练了无数遍。 Han Li and Shi Chuankong are also less to breathe the one breath, then has to make a move, keep off these attacks again. 韩立石穿空还不及喘上一口气,便不得不再次出手,挡下这些攻击。 After the loud sound that a series of gold/metal Tiejiao strikes, the big piece puppet remnant body drops from the clouds, swoops, but dozens puppets were almost dismembered all. 一连串金铁交击的巨响后,大片傀儡残躯从天而降,飞扑而出数十头傀儡几乎被尽数肢解。 Does not wait for the Han Li two people to make other actions again, sharp whistle transmits again, the innumerable blue flying arrows such as the rain raids again. 不等韩立二人再做出其他举动,咻咻的锐啸之声再次传来,无数蓝色飞箭再次如雨袭来。 A Han Li brow wrinkle, in the hand the sickle brandishes, the standard operates these arrow arrows, simultaneously the both feet treads continually, body figure dials again high, soars to the heavens to fly toward the upper air. 韩立眉头一皱,手中弯刀挥舞,格开那些箭矢,同时双脚连踏,身形再次拨高,朝着高空冲天而飞。 Sky at this moment also float thick yellow cloud, the appearing intermittently white light, two people were in the midair, at this moment continues upwardly, in an instant then arrived around these yellow clouds. 此刻的天空也悬浮着厚厚黄云,其中隐现白光,二人原本便身在半空,此刻继续向上,转眼间便到了那些黄云附近。 Although they raised the altitude, but had not actually gotten rid of the arrow arrow range that these puppets project. 他们虽然提升了高度,但却仍没有摆脱那些傀儡射出的箭矢范围。 Han Li looked at top of the head yellow cloud one eyes, slightly one hesitates, body figure is just about to dial again high. 韩立看了头顶黄云一眼,微一迟疑,身形正要再次拨高。 Do not go to the upper air, these yellow cloud cannot touch, I block these attacks, Fellow Daoist Lì you hurry along by all means full power!” Shi Chuankong complexion one anxious, prevented the Han Li movement. “别去高空,那些黄云碰触不得,我来挡住这些攻击,厉道友你只管全力赶路!”石穿空面色一急,阻止了韩立的动作。 Finishes barely the words, in his hand the star aperture ray on purplish black long stick puts greatly, brandishes rapidly, the blue flying arrow that the long stick the purple black tornado, will raid immediately together is involved all, easily twists broken. 话音未落,他手中紫黑长棍上的星窍光芒大放,急速挥舞间,长棍顿时一道紫黑色的龙卷风,将袭来的蓝色飞箭尽数卷入其中,轻易绞碎。 In Han Li hears Yanxin has doubts, but sees with own eyes Shi Chuankong to look dignified, moreover full power defend, then had not inquired, above both legs profound aperture one bright, treads again and again void, shoots to the forward flight. 韩立闻言心中疑惑,但眼见石穿空神情凝重,而且全力御敌,便也没有询问,双腿之上玄窍一亮,连连虚空踏出,向前飞射。 The puppet in ground sees this, in the mouth exudes the sound of intermittent angry roaring, these wolf heads, Tiger-headed Puppet rises with a spring again, plunges two people, the puppets in other places also encircled to here in abundance. 地面上的傀儡见此,口中发出阵阵怒吼之声,那些狼首,虎首傀儡再次纷纷一跃而起,扑向两人,其他地方的傀儡也纷纷向这里围了过来。 Shi Chuankong shout loudly, in hand long stick anxious dance, the puppet clang that will approach opens again. 石穿空大喝出声,手中长棍急舞,将逼近的傀儡再次铛开。 However these wolf heads, Tiger-headed Puppet body figure is huge, hail of arrows is not good to deal with, although Shi Chuankong fended off their attack, complexion actually for it one white, in mouth stuffy snort/hum. 不过这些狼首,虎首傀儡身形庞大,不似箭雨好应付,石穿空虽然挡开了他们的攻击,面色却为之一白,口中闷哼了一声。 Has not waited for his breathing one breath, howls to raid sharply again, Shi Chuankong quickly deals with rapt attention. 没等他喘一口气,咻咻锐啸再次袭来,石穿空急忙凝神应对。 In Han Li fly, shot a look at Shi Chuankong pale face one, in the heart is one tight. 韩立飞遁之中,瞥了石穿空苍白的面孔一眼,心中便是一紧。 The wound that Shi Chuankong previously received has not been healed, how long perhaps could not insist. 石穿空先前所受的伤并未痊愈,恐怕坚持不了多久。 At this moment, the puppet under ground launches the attack, while is pursuing two people tightly, as if not cut to kill them at the scene, does not give up. 此刻,下方地面的傀儡一边发动攻击,一边紧追着二人,似乎不将他们斩杀当场,决不罢休。 The Han Li brow big wrinkle, has the standard keeps off, while marches forward. 韩立眉头大皱,只得一边格挡,一边继续向前。 In an instant, two people suffered the dozens waves of attacks of below puppet continuously, kept off all by Shi Chuankong, Han Li except for helps occasionally, above other energy place to hurry along. 转眼间,二人连续遭受了下方傀儡的数十波攻击,尽数被石穿空挡下,韩立除了偶尔帮忙,其余所有精力都放在赶路之上。 Still the puppets crawled in all directions unceasingly from the place bottom, and joins to besiege, the vision institute and place, is dense and numerous, is ordinary just like the sea that a piece of puppet composes. 只是四面八方仍不断有一具具傀儡从地底爬出,并加入围攻,目光所及之处,密密麻麻间,宛如一片傀儡组成的海洋一般。 With the sound of low roar, about hundred wolf first Tiger-headed Puppet jump again, in the hand the pointed weapons interwove network of the piece of death, captured under the hood toward two people. 伴随着低吼之声,近百头狼首虎首傀儡再次跃起,手中兵刃交织成一片死亡之网,朝着二人兜头罩下。 Shi Chuankong looks pale like the paper at this moment, two brandish, in the hand the purplish black long stick changes into together the purplish black tornado violent again, sweeps to these puppets. 石穿空此刻面色苍白如纸,两手挥舞,手中紫黑长棍再次化为一道紫黑龙卷风暴,扫向这些傀儡。 Bang bang bang a series of bangs! “砰”“砰”“砰”一连串的巨响! The puppet who throws was shaken all flies, but Shi Chuankong, spouts a big blood. 扑来的傀儡尽数被震飞,不过石穿空也哇的一声,喷出一大口鲜血。 His body surface True Extreme Membrane flashes again and again, immediately became dim, in the hand the purplish black long stick almost then could not hold, fell. 他体表真极之膜连连闪动,立刻变得黯淡了许多,手中紫黑长棍几乎便抓不住,掉落了下去。 Fellow Daoist Shi, you are not this way good.” The Han Li complexion changes. 石道友,你这样下去可不行。”韩立面色微变。 Is only the injury recrudescence, but also cannot die.” Shi Chuankong said reluctantly. “只是伤势复发,还死不了。”石穿空勉强说道。 „” Sound writings suddenly! “咻咻”之声忽的大作! The new round hail of arrows electricity shoots, but , the quantity compared were more previously much. 新一轮的箭雨电射而至,数量比起先前更多了不少。 You first try to restore one or two/just a little, then gives me.” The Han Li left arm moves, clamps Shi Chuankong under the rib, said. “你先设法恢复一二,接下来交给我。”韩立左臂一动,将石穿空夹在肋下,说道。 During the speeches, his right arm brandishes, in the hand the sickle changes into the blade glow again, left, right, the blue flying arrow standard of first three direction opens all, leaves behind the arrow arrow that rear area shot not to pay attention only. 说话之间,他右臂挥舞间,手中弯刀再次化为道道刀芒,将左,右,前三个方向的蓝色飞箭尽数格开,唯独留下了后方射来的箭矢没有理会。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! The rear more than ten blue flying arrows shoot ruthlessly after Han Li conduct the back, kept off by his True Extreme Membrane. 后方的十几支蓝色飞箭狠狠射在韩立后背上,被他的真极之膜挡下。 True Extreme Membrane shivers fiercely, but quick then stabilizes, with the aid of the strength of this flying arrow, the Han Li speed increases suddenly, departs a boss distance toward the front. 真极之膜剧烈颤抖,但很快便稳定下来,借助这飞箭之力,韩立速度陡增,向着前方飞出老大一段距离。 Shi Chuankong sees with own eyes this scenery, admires the Han Li mettle magical powers secretly, takes out under a medicine pill clothing/taking, hurried close eyes controls one's breathing. 石穿空眼见此景,暗暗佩服韩立的胆略神通,取出一枚丹药服下,急忙闭目调息。 After hail of arrows, the under several hundred puppets leap again, sun-blocking plunged two people, in the hand sword simultaneous/uniform Zhan, suddenly blade light sword image, making person not regard the thing. 箭雨过后,下方数百具傀儡再次飞跃而起,遮天蔽日般扑向了二人,手中刀剑齐斩,一时间刀光剑影,令人目不视物。 Above the Han Li both legs the white light flashes, body figure throws forward, throws into the puppet group, in the hand the sickle cuts horizontally. 韩立双腿之上白光一闪,身形向前扑去,一头扎进傀儡群中,手中弯刀横斩。 The bright as snow blade light flash, the front dozens puppets had cut off together immediately all around the middle. 一道雪亮刀光闪过,前面的数十具傀儡顿时被尽数拦腰斩断。 Meanwhile, his flies high to fly to kick, transforms leg shades, the approaching puppet of left, right two direction will strike to fly. 与此同时,他脚下凌空飞踢,幻化出一道道腿影,将左,右两个方向的逼近傀儡击飞。 The sword in this moment rear puppet hand falls, chops to cut in Han Li conducts the back. 此刻后方的傀儡手中的刀剑落下,劈斩在韩立背上。 He follows a set pattern, has not moved sideways to avoid, to cover True Extreme Membrane of body surface to meet hardly. 他如法炮制,并未闪身躲开,以覆盖体表的真极之膜硬接。 In a series of bang bang in the loud sound, the Han Li whole person was struck to fly forward, but back True Extreme Membrane trembles fiercely, making its complexion slightly one white. 在一连串“砰”“砰”的巨响之中,韩立整个人被向前击飞了出去,但背部的真极之膜剧烈一颤,使其面色微微一白。 In Han Li mouth stuffy, silent transport/fortune «Heavenly Evil Prison-Guarding Technique», body figure non-stop slightly, such as the electricity grazes with the strength forward, hit to fly dozens puppets, ran out of the encirclement ring. 韩立口中一声闷哼,默运《天煞镇狱功》,身形丝毫不停,借力向前如电飞掠,一口气撞飞了数十具傀儡,算是冲出了包围圈。 But he departs the number hundred zhang (333 m) distance, along with one grating the sharp howl, innumerable hail of arrows fly to shoot again, but. 但他只是堪堪飞出数百丈距离,伴随着一阵刺耳的咻咻锐啸声,无数箭雨再次飞射而至。 His arm moves, the innumerable blade light appear again, volume to these flying arrows. 他手臂一动,无数刀光再次浮现,卷向那些飞箭。 In an instant, the small half day time passes by. 转眼间,小半日时间过去。 Han Li does not know that received below puppet many attacks, even by strength, still thinks at this moment gradually strenuously, in the surface shows a pale color, True Extreme Membrane of body surface dimly was also thinner. 韩立不知接下了下方傀儡多少次攻击,即便以的实力之强,此刻也渐觉吃力,面上透出一股苍白之色,体表的真极之膜也黯淡稀薄了许多。 The Shi Chuankong previous injury erupts, although takes medicine pill, restored some vitalities, still make a move can not, only be able to worry shortly. 石穿空先前伤势爆发,虽然服用丹药,恢复了一些元气,仍旧动手不得,只能眼看着干着急。 But big of below ruins area, is above his imagination seriously, until still did not have sign to the end at this moment, tens of thousands of puppets blot out the sky to raid toward two people. 而下方废墟面积之大,当真超乎他的想象,直到此刻仍然没有到头的迹象,数以万计的傀儡铺天盖地朝二人袭来。 At this time the puppet no longer is only that three types, but also presented Giant Ape Puppet that grasps the wolf fang big stick, although the quantity are small, but strength strange big, the movement is keen incomparable, nearly has the state of mind, is more formidabe than that three puppets. 此时傀儡已不再只是那三种,还出现了一种手持狼牙大棒的巨猿傀儡,虽然数量较少,但力气奇大,动作更是灵敏无比,近乎拥有神志,远比那三种傀儡难对付。 Xiū Xiū Xiū! 咻咻咻 The innumerable blue arrow arrow from, in hail of arrows is also mixing with black stones impressively, exudes the fearsome wailing sound, is these thing of Giant Ape Puppet throwing. 无数蓝色箭矢从下方袭来,箭雨之中赫然还夹杂着一块块黑色石块,发出可怖的尖啸声,正是那些巨猿傀儡投掷之物。 Han Li low roar, in the hand the sickle wields again anxiously, cuts broken these hail of arrows stones, simultaneously body figure moves aside again and again. 韩立低喝一声,手中弯刀再次急挥,将那些箭雨石块斩碎,同时身形连连躲闪。 His moment body surface True Extreme Membrane was feebler, does not dare to meet the attack of below puppet with it hardly, the rate of progression has also reduced greatly. 他此刻体表真极之膜衰弱了许多,已经不敢用其硬接下方傀儡的攻击,前进速度也早已大减。 At this moment, whiz, the huge blue shadow from under throws to together rapidly, is actually Giant Ape that wears the blue armor, compared with other puppets big enough one time, is that Giant Ape Puppet. 就在这时,“嗖”的一声,一道庞大蓝影从下方迅疾扑至,却是一头身穿蓝色铠甲的巨猿,比其他傀儡大了足足一倍,正是那巨猿傀儡 This Giant Ape Puppet actually does not attend to surrounding hail of arrows, when Han Li moves aside, the sturdy long arms wield, in the hand the wolf fang big stick changes into together the blue shadow, „”, pounded ruthlessly to the Han Li back of the body. 巨猿傀儡竟然丝毫不顾周围的箭雨,趁着韩立躲闪之际,粗壮猿臂一挥,手中狼牙大棒化为一道蓝影,“呜”的一声,狠狠砸向了韩立后心。
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