RMJTIIW :: Volume #9

#829: Does not need to follow

Han Li listened to Hu Jingjing saying that the vision while swept to all around, saw only above the broad bridge deck heavy traffic, was very lively. 韩立一边听胡菁菁说着,目光一边扫向四周,只见宽广的桥身之上车水马龙,好不热闹。 The side not far away, is the Large Connection Bridge outside column, looks downward by the white jade parapet, obviously in the river course, still has leader giant swimming unusual animals, or is shouldering or towing pattern fine decorative carving complicated large ships, shuttles back and forth methodically the line. 其身侧不远处,就是通济桥的外栏,透过白玉栏杆向下望去,可见河道之中,犹有一头头巨大的凫水异兽,或背负或牵引着一座座花纹精美雕饰繁复的楼船,有条不紊地穿梭而行。 In this Emperor River Market, a largest strength most abundant store named Heritage Customs Pavilion, its back is actually Your Highness First Imperial Prince, inside thing grade is extremely mostly high, naturally price also not poor. Next is a Vast Source House store, the strength is also then not as good, but the reputation is actually best......” Hu Jingjing continues to illustrate. “这帝江坊中,规模最大实力最为雄厚的一家商铺名为‘流风阁’,其背后其实是大皇子殿下,里面的东西大都品阶极高,当然价格也都不菲。其次便是广源斋的一家商铺,实力也只是稍逊一筹,但是口碑却是最好的……”胡菁菁继续解说着。 Vast Source House headquarters here?” In the Han Li heart moves, asks. 广源斋的总部可是在此处?”韩立心中一动,问道。 „The Vast Source House store in Emperor River Market is also only a branch, not always. Although the headquarters also in Mahāsattva District, but actually that side Exchange Connection Garden, is away from most Mahāsattva District with here.” Hu Jingjing answered. 帝江坊里的广源斋商铺还只是一处分支,并不是总部。其总部虽然也在摩诃区,但却是在通易园那边,与我们这里还隔着大半个摩诃区。”胡菁菁解释道。 During the speeches, the carriage has rolled by Large Connection Bridge, guarded demon race cultivator blocked. 说话间,马车已经驶过了通济桥,被驻守的魔族修士拦了下来。 They got down the carriage immediately, starts to walk. 他们两人随即下了马车,开始步行。 Then said.” Han Li said. “接着说。”韩立说道。 Yes. In Emperor River Market has the store that incessantly sells the Holy Clan magical treasure spirit material, sells the store of Immortal Territory utensil, in which Immortal Spirit Pavilion is one sells the store of Immortal World utensil specially. But must say that strangest, is that Regular Objects House, the thing that inside sells is strange. Some things once were born, then can cause an entire Night Sun City tumult, something make person some not know how to appraise.” Hu Jingjing sees Han Li to hear carefully, smiles , to continue to say with a smile. “是。帝江坊内不止有出售圣族法宝灵材的商铺,还有出售仙域器物的商铺,其中的‘仙灵阁’就是一家专门出售仙界器物的商铺。而要说最奇怪的,还是那家‘经物斋’,里面卖的东西最是稀奇古怪。有些东西一经出世,便能引起整个夜阳城一阵骚动,有些东西就让人有些不知道如何评价了。”胡菁菁韩立听得仔细,会心一笑,继续笑着说道。 This store is actually interesting, can the back have the influence on lean on?” Han Li nods, asked. “这家商铺倒是有意思,背后可有势力倚靠?”韩立点点头,又问道。 Has, this in our Night Sun City also anything secret, this Regular Objects House behind-the-scenes financial backer, is not Twelfth Imperial Prince Shi Jingkai.” Hu Jingjing nods. “有的,这个在咱们夜阳城也是不什么秘密,这家经物斋幕后金主,就是十二皇子石竞开。”胡菁菁点了点头。 Shi Jingkai......, but that Fifth Princess Shi Jingyan same female younger blood brother?” Han Li slightly hesitates, asks. 石竞开……可是那位五公主石竞妍的同母胞弟?”韩立略一沉吟,问道。 correct/good, is he. This Twelfth Imperial Prince is also an outstanding person, lives handsome uncommonly, but the character is actually unconventional, is never careful regarding the cultivation incident, was still True Immortal Realm cultivation base. Moreover its likes to enjoy the beauties of nature, inquired about everywhere the mystical places and some antiquity immortal family cave mansion ruins, in that Regular Objects House had many commodities, was it looks to come from each region, initially the name moved Night Sun City demon artifact Ten Thousand Tranquillity Pot, was he brings.” Hu Jingjing said with a smile. 不错,正是他。这位十二皇子也是个妙人,生得英俊不凡,但性格却是放浪不羁,对于修行一事从来不上心,至今仍是真仙境修为。而且其喜好游山玩水,到处探寻秘境和一些上古仙家洞府遗址,那经物斋中有不少商品,都是其从各地淘换而来的,当初名动夜阳城的一件魔器万幽壶,就是他带回来的。”胡菁菁笑着说道。 True Immortal cultivation base dares so to brave hardships and dangers, that does Fifth Princess also worry for him?” Han Li also said with a smile. 真仙修为就敢如此涉险,想必那位五公主也是为他操心不已吧?”韩立也笑着说道。 Senior said right, it is said Fifth Princess side his younger brother, arranging three Supreme Unity Jade Immortal to follow for a long time, please hold Great Encompassing cultivator to look, where otherwise tolerated him so to act sloppily?” Hu Jingjing lowered several points of sound, grinning saying. 前辈说的没错,据说五公主在他的弟弟身旁,安排了三名太乙玉仙长期跟随,又请托一位大罗修士代为照看,否则哪能容他这般胡来?”胡菁菁压低了几分声音,笑嘻嘻的说道。 Two people arrive at the market entrance, sees that tall lithical decorative archway, Han Li settles down to say suddenly: 两人来到坊市门口,看到那座高大的石质牌楼,韩立忽然驻足说道: Ok, Miss Jingjing, you can go back.” “好了,菁菁姑娘,你可以回去了。” A moment ago also the demon race young girl of happy expression over the face, suddenly look one stiff, somewhat said puzzled: Senior......” 刚才还笑意满面的魔族少女,忽然神色一僵,有些不解道:“前辈……” As Integration Stage cultivator, matter some that you knew are too rather many. This Emperor River Market road you bring, the gone back road I also knew, you do not need to follow.” On the Han Li face the happy expression collects, said. “作为一个合体期修士,你知道的事情未免有些太多了。这帝江坊的路你已经带到了,回去的路我也认识,你就不必跟随了。”韩立脸上笑意一敛,说道。 On the Hu Jingjing face gradually did not have the happy expression, salutes to Han Li unemotionally, said: 胡菁菁脸上也逐渐没了笑意,面无表情地冲韩立施了一礼,说道: Servants are compliant.” “奴婢遵命。” Han Li has not paid attention, turns away was swinging waving the hand to her, walked toward the decorative archway. 韩立没有理会,背对着冲她摇了摇手,朝着牌楼之内走了进去。 The demon race young girl looks at Han Li gradually to disappear the back in crowd, on the face reveals wipes the indignant however look, stamps the feet layer on layer/heavily, turns around to walk toward Large Connection Bridge on. 魔族少女望着韩立逐渐消失在人群中的背影,脸上露出一抹忿然神色,重重一跺脚,转身朝着通济桥上走去。 Walked one, Han Li then looked at one, saw her also to calculate to know the limitation, without the choice continued to follow secretly, the corners of the mouth pulled, show a happy expression, started to size up the past toward the both sides stores. 走了一阵,韩立回头望了一眼,见她还算识相,没有选择继续偷偷跟随,嘴角一扯,露出一丝笑意,开始朝着两侧的商铺打量过去。 The Emperor River Market architectural style is inferior to that side the demon palace neat, various type styles mix up, seems somewhat disorderly, pedestrian who in addition above the streets and alleys comes and goes, seems like actually many somewhat secular smoke anger. 帝江坊的建筑风格不如魔宫那边规整,各式风格混在一起,显得有些杂乱,加之街巷之上来来往往的行人,看起来倒是多有几分世俗的烟火气。 In these pedestrians, most appearances with human race not different, but retained demon race characteristics slightly, some is a scale, some are an sharp corner/horn, some are the pupils that the color varies. 这些行人之中,大多数模样都与人族无异,只是都稍稍保留了一点魔族特征,有的是一枚鳞片,有的是一处尖角,有的则是颜色各异的瞳孔。 Naturally maintains the human race appearance completely, although the quantity are small, is not rare, therefore during Han Li lives together with different nationalities, pouring is not conspicuous. 当然完全维持人族模样的,数量虽少,却也并不少见,所以韩立杂处其间,倒也不算显眼。 Walked inward shortly, Han Li saw a three/3rd level garret, the magnificently decorated building, the eave corner/horn such as flew, the style was plain, some deviations in the Immortal World style, above is hanging the inscribed horizontal tablet Immortal Spirit Pavilion. 向内走了没多久,韩立就看到了一座三层阁楼,雕梁画栋,檐角如飞,样式古朴,有些偏向于仙界风格,其上挂着的匾额正是“仙灵阁”。 Outside the palace gate, the stream of people was obviously inferior some neighboring commodities are like that crowded, many seems somewhat lonely. 其殿门之外,人流明显不如相邻的一些商品那般密集,多少显得有些冷清。 The Han Li footsteps lift, walk out garret, walked. 韩立脚步一抬,跨过阁楼门槛,走了进去。 Others just walked into Immortal Spirit Pavilion, felt that immediately rich immortal spirit strength heads on, here unexpectedly impressively is independent revolution large-scale magical array, can come all around Heaven and Earth spiritual energy constrained. 他人刚一走入仙灵阁内,就立即感到一股浓郁的仙灵力扑面而来,此处竟赫然是一座独立运转的大型法阵,能够拘束来四周的天地灵气。 The young men who wears scholar gown walked from the hall, welcomed quickly to Han Li, on the ordinary face revealed wipes to know extremely well the happy expression, greeted: Honored guest is in front of the goal, has to lose welcomes......” 一位身着儒衫的青年男子从堂内走了出来,快步迎向韩立,平淡无奇的脸庞上露出一抹熟稔笑意,招呼道:“贵客临门,有失远迎……” Honored guest is not but actually, but somewhat curious your shop what kind of opening in this Demon Territory capital city?” Han Li optional asking. “贵客倒算不上,只是有些好奇贵店怎的开在了这魔域都城之中?”韩立随意的问道。 „It seems in Immortal World the people of many demon race to be the same, in Demon Territory also has human race cultivator, the honored guest aren't you so? Our small shop, mainly straddles zones the immortal to serve for you like this.” The young men said with a smile. “就好似仙界之中不乏魔族之人一样,魔域之内同样有人族修士,贵客您不就是如此么?咱这小小店铺,主要就是为您这样的跨界仙人服务的。”青年男子笑道。 Pours also indeed so.” Han Li nods, said. “倒也的确如此。”韩立点了点头,说道。 Does not know the honored guest to visit, can have what need?” The young men asked. “不知贵客登门,可有何需要?”青年男子问道。 Needs to purchase some materials, does not know that your shop does have.” Han Li is saying, pulled a stationery to hand over from the sleeve. “需要购买一些材料,不知贵店有没有。”韩立说着,从袖中扯出一张纸笺递了过去。 The men received the stationery to examine carefully, the brow actually gradually wrinkled. 男子接过纸笺仔细查看了一下,眉头却是逐渐皱了起来。 These things that you need, may be the top material, besides the uppermost this difference/two kinds, in our shop may not have. However if you need, can communicate one or two/just a little below with the chamber of commerce, has a look whether to come from elsewhere ingredient.” Young men slightly one hesitant, when looks to Han Li some vision slightly changes, said. “您需要的这些东西,可都是顶级材料,除了最上面这两样以外,我们这小店里可就都没有了。不过您若是需要,在下可以与商会里沟通一二,看看能否从别处调货过来。”青年男子略一犹豫,看向韩立时目光微微有些变化,说道。 If can the ingredient come, the nature is good, best to be able to collect these materials.” Han Li nods. “若是能够调货过来,自然甚好,最好是能够将这些材料全都凑齐。”韩立点了点头。 Honored guest chatted, these things are extremely really rare and precious, we can collect one less than half to be extraordinary, as for other only feared that you must elsewhere search.” The young men apology said. “贵客说笑了,这些东西实在太过珍稀,我们能够凑齐一小半就已经了不得了,至于其他的只怕您还得别处搜寻了。”青年男子略带歉意说道。 Might as well, can sufficiently collect many, wants many.” Han Li indifferent appearance. “无妨,能凑够多少,就要多少。”韩立无所谓的样子。 Has the incident, needs to inform the honored guest ahead of time, from the Immortal World ingredient hence, is different from when Immortal World, needs to consume many resources, if the honored guest is willing to wait, that is waiting for the next two ingredient, sends to you together. If your time is tight, with anxious, that side may the urgent ingredient, but melts the expense, naturally results in the premium to the material on.” The young men slightly hesitates, said. “另有一事,需要提前告知贵客,从仙界调货至此,不同于在仙界之时,需要耗费不少资源,若是贵客愿意等候,那就等着下一次两界调货之时,一起给您送来。若是您时间紧,用得急,那边可加急调货,只是所化费用,自然得溢价到材料身上。”青年男子略一迟疑,又说道。 Might as well, so long as and other time too long on the line.” Han Li said. “无妨,只要等的时间不要太久就行。”韩立说道。 Next ingredient time, roughly ten years later.” The young men replied. “下一次调货时间,约莫是在十年之后。”青年男子答道。 Does not know that adds on the ingredient expense, how many need premium?” After Han Li slightly hesitates, asked. “不知加上调货费用,需要溢价多少?”韩立略一沉吟之后,问道。 According to chamber of commerce custom, 1/10 of premium cargo price.” The young men replied quickly. “按商会规矩,溢价货物价格的十分之一。”青年男子很快答道。 Whether to settle accounts by immortal essence stone?” Han Li asked. “可否以仙元石结算?”韩立问道。 From may all.” The young men said with a smile. “自无不可。”青年男子笑道。 I on and others ten years then.” After Han Li hesitates long time, said. “那我等上十年便是了。”韩立沉吟良久之后,还是如此说道。 Good, that also asked you to step the reception room to wait a bit, I took that difference/two kinds spirit material to come to you to inspect.” The young men eyeground flashes through a happy expression, said. “好,那还请您移步客室稍待,我去取那两样灵材过来给您查验。”青年男子眼底闪过一丝喜色,说道。 ...... …… In Imperial City, an arrangement is exquisite, in demon Qi rich courtyard. 皇城之内,一片布置精巧,魔气浓郁的院落中。 An appearance pretty demon race young girl, the step lobby crosses the institute in a hurry, before arriving a innermost fine gorgeous white apex constructed, stopped the footsteps. 一名模样娇俏的魔族少女,步履匆匆地穿堂过院,来到了最里面的一座精致华美的白色尖顶建筑前,停下了脚步。 Before this female, by Hu Jingjing that Han Li expels, is only this moment cultivation base, had turned into Golden Immortal Early Stage impressively. 此女正是之前被韩立赶走的胡菁菁,只是她此刻身上的修为,已经赫然变成了金仙初期 When it just about to starts talking, the house front door hit suddenly inward. 其刚要开口说话之际,房屋大门忽然自行朝内打了开来。 Young girls slightly one hesitant, walked quickly. 少女略一犹豫,还是快步走了进去。 In the house is quite spacious, a silver-haired man who wears the black vigor to install, the forehand holds the paint brush to smudge the color above a giant drawing board gently. 房屋之内颇为空旷,一名身着黑色劲装的银发男子,正手执画笔在一架巨大的画板之上轻轻涂抹着颜色。 In the picture, is a big precipitous black butte, above the peak is standing a fuzzy person's shadow, welcomed the violent storm to stand, above the top of the head is having the snow white electric light to go through vertically together , the most picture will tear. 画面之中,是一座高大险峻的黑色孤峰,峰顶之上站着一个模糊人影,迎着狂风暴雨而立,头顶上方正有一道雪白电光纵贯而下,将大半个画面撕裂开来。 Jingjing, how, was this expelled by others?” 菁菁,怎么,这就被人家赶走了?” The silver-haired man puts down the paint brush, turns around, in the delicate and pretty appearance, reveals wipes the temperate happy expression. 银发男子放下画笔,转过身来,俊美的容颜上,露出一抹温和笑意。 It is not others, is the Shi Chuankong Third Brother, Shi Pokong. 其不是别人,正是石穿空的三哥,石破空 Reply Your highness, that person......” the demon race young girl salutes respectfully, starts to tell slowly. Waits outside the mansion front door from her, to the Emperor River Market decorative archway under with the Han Li distinction, this all the way experience, each few words that as well as Han Li spoke, each manner changed, she told all affairs big or small to Shi Pokong. “回禀殿下,那人……”魔族少女恭敬施了一礼,开始缓缓讲述起来。从她在府邸大门之外等候,到帝江坊牌楼下与韩立分别,这一路上所见所闻,以及韩立所说的每一句话,每一个神态变化,她都事无巨细地讲述给了石破空 Shi Pokong both hands have held the arm, calmly is listening, has not broken Hu Jingjing told, was only end, asked one: 石破空一直双手抱臂,静静听着,没有打断胡菁菁的诉说,只是末了,才问了一句: „After he drives away you, don't you have to follow secretly?” “他赶走你之后,你没有偷偷跟随吧?” Your highness had previously greeted, the servants do not dare to add something superfluous and ruin the effect.” Hu Jingjing said hastily. “先前殿下已经打过招呼了,奴婢不敢画蛇添足。”胡菁菁连忙说道。 Un, you do is very good.” Shi Pokong nods with a smile. “嗯,你做的很好。”石破空笑着点了点头。 Hu Jingjing hears word, the eyeground flashes through color of the hesitation, somewhat starts to speak but hesitates. 胡菁菁闻言,眼底闪过一丝迟疑之色,有些欲言又止。 Had the words to say.” Shi Pokong said with a smile. “有话就说。”石破空笑着说道。 Reply Your highness, although that person is very amiable, when it spoken language said on point of departure, I cannot help but felt that after some...... some, keels sent coldly, reason that does not dare to follow rashly, somewhat dreaded does not dare.” Hu Jingjing does not dare to conceal, said truthfully. “回禀殿下,那人虽然一路都很随和,但其临别之际的言语说出来时,我却不由得感到有些……有些后脊发寒,之所以没敢贸然跟随,也是有些畏惧不敢。”胡菁菁没敢隐瞒,如实说道。
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