RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#489: The world after gate

Xue Ying hears the word of Gongshu Jiu, in the heart moves slightly, only felt that periphery has one/1st level/layer seems the invisible light screen that if no, their cage is one of them. 雪莺听闻公输久之言,心中微微一动,只感觉周围有一层似有若无的无形光幕,将他们两人笼在其中。 Palace Master Xiao he in recent years, cultivation base grew much, wants to conform with Northern Cold Immortal Territory all influences wholeheartedly, handled many things, therefore Immortal Territory in the past thousand years is not very peaceful. Since previous time encircles Baili Yan, Concealed Tower Sect and in the Dark Blue Stream Palace surface was seemingly honest, is in fact dormant to store up the strength. If Palace Master Xiao continues to act willfully, only feared that Northern Cold Immortal Territory must make trouble sooner or later, the younger generation is also has no other choice the line of this actions of overstepping one's authority......” Xue Ying grave expression said slowly. 萧宫主他近些年来,修为增长了不少,一心想要整合北寒仙域所有势力,明里暗里做了不少事情,所以仙域近千年来很不太平。自从上次围剿百里炎之后,伏凌宗苍流宫表面上看似老实了许多,实际上不过是蛰伏起来蓄积力量罢了。萧宫主要是继续这么一意孤行下去,只怕北寒仙域迟早要生变,晚辈也是不得已才行此僭越之举……”雪莺神色凝重的缓缓说道。 Does not need to make this to think, even if you do not contact with me, Heavenly Court still has noticed here some is not peaceful. In fact, in recent years the activity of Samsara Palace is getting more and more frequent, somewhat turbulent Immortal Territory may incessantly north cold. I previously then to handle another Immortal Territory matter, arrived late Northern Cold Immortal Territory. Finally reveals itself on Dark Cold Immortal Residence, here I came directly.” Gongshu Jiu beckons with the hand, said. “无需作此想,即便是你不与我联系,天庭也已经注意到这边有些不太平了。事实上,近些年来轮回殿的活动越来越频繁,有些动荡的仙域可不止北寒一处。我先前便是为了处理另一仙域的事情,才晚到了北寒仙域。结果恰逢冥寒仙府出世,我就直接来这边了。”公输久摆了摆手,说道。 This time is the younger generation is also lucky, can bump into Uncle Gongshu, otherwise has not known how long wants to be able break free, really made you be laughed.” Xue Ying is saying, held the fist in the other hand good a ritual. “此番也是晚辈幸运,能够碰到公输世伯,否则还不知道要多久才能脱困,真是让您见笑了。”雪莺说着,又抱拳行了一礼。 This is Black Tortoise Water Engine Array, only then enters from the outside world underwater, the destruction machine pivot shaft can break/solve. You have been stranded into, more will only be attracted is tighter, even if there is a Golden Immortal Late Stage strength, is still difficult to serve with the self-help.” Gongshu Jiu said with a smile. “这是一处玄武水机阵,只有从外界进入水下,破坏机枢方能破解。你们这些人都已经困入了阵中,只会被越吸越紧,即便有金仙后期实力,也难施以自救的。”公输久笑着说道。 I and others were also the say/way of Luo Qinghai that old fox.” In the Xue Ying eye flashes through haze, said with a sigh. “我等也是着了洛青海那老狐狸的道。”雪莺眼中闪过一丝阴霾,叹息道。 Xiao Jinhan now where?” Gongshu Jiu thread of conversation revolution of asking. 萧晋寒现在何方?”公输久话锋一转的问道。 „Before younger generation is also comes this, with him distinguishes, my leads you to look for him.” Xue Ying is startled slightly, is busy at saying. “晚辈也是来此之前,才与他分别的,我这就带您去找他。”雪莺微微一怔,忙说道。 Walks.” Gongshu Jiu nods, conveniently toward void one move. “走吧。”公输久点了点头,随手朝虚空一招。 That huge snow white Pixiu, has swallowed into that black grinding pan the abdomen, is opening mouth to hit the belch, suddenly the ray collects, the size rapid reduction, changed to a white jade, flew back to the hand of Gongshu Jiu. 那头巨大的雪白貔貅,已经将那块黑色磨盘吞入了腹中,正张嘴打着饱嗝,忽然光芒一敛,体型飞速缩小,重新化作了一个白玉把件儿,飞回了公输久的手中。 In his abdomen the position were many a black dot, the shape also maintains the appearance that is opening mouth to make a belch. 只是其腹中位置多了一个黑色小点,形态也还保持着张嘴打嗝的模样。 Then, two people bring these True Immortal, departs the lake range, grazes to go toward the distant place. 而后,两人带着那些真仙们,一齐飞出湖泊范围,朝着远处飞掠而去。 ...... …… They all do not know, under the ancient grave ruins of this lake, extends downward Blackstone passageway, above is mounting shape very irregular white fluorines, reflects bright as snow entire passageway. 他们皆不知晓,就在这片湖泊的古墓废墟之下,还有一条延伸向下的黑石甬道,上面镶嵌着一块块形状很不规则的白色荧石,将整个通道映得雪亮。 But in passageway, beautiful form, step by step, sluggish walks toward the passageway deep place. 而在通道之内,正有一个婀娜身影,正一步一步,慢吞吞的朝着甬道深处走去。 Under shine of fluorescence, her flesh wins the snow, has a beautiful face, the age roughly 20 appearances, are Lu Yuqing this female. 在荧光的映照下,她的肌肤胜雪,眉目如画,年纪约莫二十的样子,正是陆雨晴此女。 Although her both eyes of this time bright like star, in the surface does not have the expression, but is walking step by step, goes toward the underground. 只是此时的她双目虽明亮如星,面上却全无表情,只是一步一步走着,朝着地下而去。 ...... …… In mountain valley. 山谷之中。 The mountain peak and rivers that in that white stone wall engrave, shine the golden ray, the portray are resulting in the endless rivers and streams that the edges and corners distinct chan rock and nine curves layer upon layer wind, departs golden rune/symbol mark, goes directly to above the white light screen. 那面白色石壁上镌刻的山峰和河流,亮着金色光芒,刻画得棱角分明的层层巉岩和九曲蜿蜒的漫漫江河中,飞出一枚枚金色符纹,直达白色光幕之上。 The ray powder suddenly, will also then melt in the light screen. 其光芒忽的一散,随之便会融化进光幕之中。 The light screen that surged fiercely, was stirred into a lot of gold/metal juice to be common immediately probably, becomes very viscous, became stabilized. 原本剧烈激荡的光幕,顿时像是被搅入了大量金汁一般,变得十分粘稠起来,同时也重新变得稳定了起来。 Luo Qinghai sees that brow slightly pressed, both hands magical formula changes, in the mouth resounds low roar immediately. 洛青海见状,眉头微蹙,双手法诀一变,口中随即响起一声低喝 Gets up!” “起!” With this sound, lotus throne virtual image under its immediately brilliant rays erupted, becoming even more to congeal to be solid. 伴随着这一声响,其身下的莲台虚影顿时光芒大作,变得愈加凝实起来。 Meanwhile, lotus throne all around resounds the intermittent slight wind sound/rumor, a blue vortex condenses, transmits strength of the powerful incomparable attraction from inside. 与此同时,莲台四周响起阵阵轻微风声,一道蓝色漩涡凝聚而出,从内里传来一股股强大无比的吸引之力。 Han Li sees that the look suddenly changes, he only thought that immortal spirit strength in within the body, looks like the flood that opens the sluice gates general, falls in torrents to go toward that lotus throne vortex in crazily. 韩立见状,神色骤然一变,他只觉得体内的仙灵力,就像是开闸的洪水一般,疯狂地朝着那莲台漩涡之中倾泻而去。 His vision displacement, sweeps others , seeing only them is the surface has the unusual look, obviously is also like oneself, was absorbed massive immortal spirit strength. 他目光偏移,扫向阵中其他人,只见他们皆是面有异色,显然也和自己一样,被吸取了大量的仙灵力 Not nervous, this stone wall restriction compared with wants on the strong several points that before estimates, needs to consume a strength.” At this time, Luo Qinghai opened the mouth unexpectedly, the sound passed from the midair. “诸位莫慌,这石壁禁制比之前预估的还要强上几分,需要耗费点力气。”这时,洛青海蓦地开口,声音从半空中传了出来。 Fellow Daoist Luo, broken bans with single-hearted devotion is. If wants to consume immortal spirit strength of others in this method, is extremely rather cheap, expects you also to disdain in this.” The Feng Tiandu voice is hoarse, says. 洛道友,专心破禁便是。若是想以此手段耗其他人的仙灵力,未免太过粗劣,料你也不屑于此。”封天都嗓音沙哑,开口说道。 Fellow Daoist Feng can so think, my then also relax/rest assured.” Luo Qinghai returns with a smile said. 封道友能如此想,我便也放心了。”洛青海笑着回道。 During the speeches, the lotus throne under its has changed into the essence thoroughly, seems like carves like the blue crystal, glittering and translucent carving, is reflecting a ray. 说话间,其身下的莲台已经彻底化为实质,看起来如同蓝水晶雕琢而出,晶莹剔透,折射着道道光芒。 Opens......” “开……” Luo Qinghai sees that the corners of the mouth bring back wipe the happy expression, in the mouth the violent shout. 洛青海见状,嘴角勾起一抹笑意,口中暴喝道。 That set the people boundless immortal spirit strength blue crystal lotus throne, flew to shoot from his under foot immediately, the ray in the midair flashes, all flower petals, circle in flight faded and fallen are breaking in the golden light screen, fell into various white stone wall places. 那集合了众人磅礴仙灵力的蓝晶莲台,立即从其脚下飞射而出,在半空中光芒一闪,所有花瓣飘零而下,飞旋着冲入金色光幕,落入了白色石壁各处。 In stone wall then the marvelous sight appears. 紧接着,石壁上便有一幕奇景浮现而出。 Sees only in stone wall the place of lotus petal falling, the blue light spout, middle has a quiet lotus to bloom unexpectedly, lived completely the entire bedstone wall. 只见石壁上莲瓣落下之处,蓝光喷涌,当中竟有朵朵幽莲绽放而出,生满了整座石壁。 Han Li sees that in the heart acclaimed, alerted. 韩立见状,心中既有赞叹,亦有警醒。 Luo Qinghai made under their together arrange/cloth this Nine Palaces Break Array Chart, and put forth Nine Spirits Absorbing True Technique, its function was being loaned out people immortal spirit strength, the true break/solve here restriction method, should be this blue crystal lotus is right. 洛青海令他们一起布下这九宫破阵图,并使出九灵摄真术,其功用不过是借调众人仙灵力而已,真正破解此处禁制的手段,应该是这蓝色晶莲才对。 In he somewhat worries about the coming up in great numbers and from all sides variable, the double palm of Luo Qinghai even push, the movement gently at will, has seemed like seems shoving open the door of courtyard general. 就在他有些担忧横生变数之时,洛青海的双掌已经平推而出,动作和缓随意,看起来就仿佛是在推开自家院落的门扉一般。 However, as before his double palm push back, separates toward the both sides, has proliferated the golden light screen that in white stone wall of lotus flower covers to disrupt immediately with a crash, center stone wall also separates together the gold thread, such as the door hit toward the both sides generally. 然而,随着他的双掌前推后,又朝着两侧分开,已经遍布莲花的白色石壁上笼罩的金色光幕顿时砰然碎裂,石壁正中也分开一道金线,如门扉一般朝着两侧打了开来。 The stone wall opens inward slowly, not the least bit sound resounds, in the valley is also silent one piece, everyone's vision, centralized after gate in that dazzling white light, the look is also exceptionally intense. 石壁朝内缓缓打开,并无半点声音响起,谷中也是寂静一片,所有人的目光,都集中在了门后那片炫目白光上,神色也都是异常紧张。 But after, two prochlorite walls open completely, after the gate, still only then a piece, brightly to making one is unable to regard the white light, no foreign matter flies to shoot, has no intense fluctuation to spread. 可是,当两扇石壁完全打开之后,门后仍旧只有一片,明亮到令人无法视物的白光,当中既无任何异物飞射而出,也无任何强烈波动传出。 Han Li turns the hand to take out after a medicine pill clothing/taking that restores immortal spirit strength next, the hand grasps immortal essence stone to derive the spirit strength, while investigates to go toward the white light by the spirit eye magical powers. 韩立翻手取出一枚恢复仙灵力丹药服下后,一边手握仙元石汲取灵力,一边以灵目神通朝着白光之内探查而去。 But quick, he discovered that not many functions, the place of seeing was still white one piece, divine sense was the least bit is unable to permeate. 但很快,他就发现并无多少作用,入目之处仍是白茫茫一片,就连神识也是半点无法渗入其中。 „, restriction had opened, but also please press previously agreed the good population to enter, otherwise some also has to withdraw the method, closes restriction, at the appointed time will have anything, only then god knows.” Luo Qinghai looks the happy expression, moderate has an unquestionable tone to say. “诸位,禁制已经打开了,还请按先前约定好的人数进入其中,否则洛某也只好撤去手段,重新关闭禁制,届时会发生什么,也就只有天知道了。”洛青海面露笑意,语气温和却带着一种不容置疑的口吻说道。 Feng Tiandu hears word, but nods to Qi Tianxiao, two people work as first step, flies into the white light, the form disappears does not immediately see, other Concealed Tower Sect people really remain same place, no one follows. 封天都闻言,只是冲着齐天霄点了点头,两个人当先一步,飞入白光之中,身影随即消失不见,伏凌宗其他人果然留在原地,没有一人跟随。 Southern Dark Race two cultivator, carried was flying into the white light. 紧接着,南黎族的两名修士,也相携着飞入了白光中。 After Daoist Hu Yan and Yun Ni whispered several, nods to Han Li, two people also grazed, entered in the white light. 呼言道人云霓低语几句后,冲韩立点了点头,两个人也飞掠而起,进入了白光之中。 Enters instance, the both eyes stabbing pain of Han Li only sleep/felt, closed the eyes subconsciously. 进入其中的瞬间,韩立只觉的双目一阵刺痛,下意识地闭上了双眼。 next moment, when his eyes open, then discovered oneself have been at another strange world. 下一刻,当他双眼重新睁开时,便发现自己已经处在了另一个奇异世界。 All around sees only encircles white one piece, performing is the uncertain white mist, seems like not thick, is slightly nearer the place, the eyesight can also distinguish the mist and void, but counts outside the hundred zhang (333 m), both have merged into one organic whole completely. 只见四周围白茫茫一片,尽是渺渺茫茫的白色雾气,看起来并不浓稠,稍近一些地方,目力还能分辨雾气与虚空,但数百丈外,两者就已经完全融为一体了。 Slightly after an investigation, Han Li discovered here, not only visual is blocked, divine sense is unable to look similarly too. 略一探查后,韩立就发现此处非但目视受阻,就连神识也同样无法看得太远。 He discovered, previously entered here several people, stands dangerous in the boundless white fog, spread out some, is grave expression is all sizing up. 他发现,先前进入此处的几人,也都悬立在茫茫白雾之中,彼此之间都拉开了些许距离,皆是神色凝重地四下打量着。 Obviously, after entering here, everyone's mind is intense, no one dares to break in the thick fog rashly. 很显然,进入此处后,所有人的心神都紧张,没有谁敢贸然冲入浓雾之中。 Before long, Ouyang Kuishan flashes with another Torch Dragon Dao Golden Immortal also body figure, appearing during the white fog was void, two people looked at Daoist Hu Yan here one, actually pulled closer some distances with it, has not gathered together. 不一会儿,欧阳奎山与另一名烛龙道金仙身形一闪,出现在了白雾虚空之中,两人望了呼言道人这边一眼,却只是与之拉近了些距离,并未聚在一起。 Quick, Luo Qinghai also brings disciple Nan Kemeng, entered here. 很快,洛青海也带着弟子南柯梦,进入了此处。 Well, how fellow daoist also keeps here, is it possible that is waiting for some? That may fold the ghost.” On his face the happy expression is genial, asks, the eye is actually unrestrained/no trace of politeness all around entire will size up. “咦,怎么诸位道友还留在此处,莫非是在等候洛某吗?那可就折煞在下了。”他脸上笑意和煦,开口问着,眼睛却是毫不客气的将四周整个打量了一遍。 The people on the scene all do not have accordingly, to inquire about the direction in the respective use magical powers. 在场众人全都没有应声,都在各自动用神通探寻着方向。 Han Li looks at all around mist, on the face appears to wipe the hesitant color, his spirit eye magical powers do not have the least bit use here, if using Eye of Truth, perhaps can also some harvests. 韩立看着四周雾气,脸上浮现出一抹犹豫之色,他的灵目神通在这里没有半点用处,若是动用真实之眼的话,或许还能有些收获。 But such a , will expose own cultivation time cultivation technique incident prematurely, this regarding the aspect that then could cope with, absolutely is not the good deed. 可这么一来,又会过早暴露自己的修炼时间功法一事,这对于接下来可能要应对的局面,绝对不是什么好事。 When he is indecisive, the corner of the eye split vision actually glimpses suddenly, with Luo Qinghai stands, that appearance elegant to somewhat supple man, in the eyeground as if there is white mist to ascend, is looking at distant place void, is lost. 就在他犹豫不决的时候,眼角余光却忽然瞥见,与洛青海站在一起的,那名容貌秀美到有些阴柔的男子,眼底之中似乎有白色雾气升腾,正望着远处一片虚空,怔怔出神。 But Luo Qinghai side him, seemingly searches for various places aimless, the attention actually continuously on his disciple. 洛青海在他身旁,看似漫无目的地搜寻各处,注意力却一直都在他的这个弟子身上。 A Han Li vision revolution, looks calmly to that side, but the institute and the place eye, were still the boundless white fog, anything could not detect. 韩立目光一转,也不动声色地望向那边,但目之所及处,仍是只有茫茫白雾,什么都察觉不到。 Does that person have the strength of what special spirit eye? 难道那人有什么特殊的灵瞳之力? In the Han Li heart has doubts, then the attention will be divided part, kept his body. 韩立心中疑惑,便将注意力分了一部分,留在了他的身上。 Waits is not being the means that might as well chooses a direction respectively, investigates.” A moment later, the Luo Qinghai sudden clear and resonant voice said. “这么干等着也不是办法,诸位不妨各自挑选一个方向,亲身探查一下。”片刻之后,洛青海突然朗声说道。 Snort, this white fog can isolate divine sense, who knows that what strangeness is hiding? Flies into at will, isn't that courts death?” Southern Dark Race that white-haired old woman is leaning on golden staff, cold sound said. “哼,这白雾能够隔绝神识,谁知道里面藏着什么古怪?随意飞入其中,那不是找死么?”南黎族那位鹤发老妪手拄着金杖,冷声道。 Since is not willing to take risk, some first walked one step.” Luo Qinghai said with a smile. “既然诸位不肯冒险,那洛某就先走一步了。”洛青海笑着说道。 Then, he then pulls the disciple arm, having his direct impact upper air that direction to go. 说罢,他便一挽自己徒儿的手臂,带着他直冲高空那个方向而去。
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